Into the Unknown | The Witche...

By shortfilipino

640K 24.6K 4.6K

{Based on The Netflix Series} Destiny has a funny way in getting what it wants. And unfortunately for Jamie M... More

Bonus Chapter: Vampire's Touch
Bonus Chapter: Vampire's Touch Pt. 2
Bonus Chapter: Jaskier and the Selkiemore
Bonus Chapter: She's Gone
one. geralt's p.o.v.
two. geralt's p.o.v.
three. geralt's p.o.v.
four. geralt's p.o.v.
five. geralt's p.o.v.
the vampire's touch. geralt's p.o.v.
six. geralt's p.o.v.
seven. geralt's p.o.v.
jaskier and the selkiemore. geralt's p.o.v.
eight. geralt's p.o.v.
ten. geralt's p.o.v.
eleven. geralt's p.o.v.
twelve. geralt's p.o.v.
thirteen. geralt's p.o.v.
fourteen. geralt's p.o.v.
fifteen. geralt's p.o.v .
sixteen. geralt's p.o.v.

nine. geralt's p.o.v.

5.6K 230 64
By shortfilipino

"I want to go back."

Geralt halted in his steps and looked up at her face now, seeing just how uncomfortable she was becoming. In truth, Geralt wasn't uncomfortable himself but agitated. Those were close enough a feeling.

"Go back?" Jaskier gasps loudly, stopping along with the two of them. "Absolutely not, look at you. No need to feel insecure, you're going to catch the eyes of many me tonight."

Geralt actually felt himself involuntarily tense up at Jaskier words, his scowl turning menacing now.

"I don't want to catch any eyes." Jamie whispers harshly, only made Geralt almost nod his head in agreement, "I'm serious, I-"

Geralt released a deep sigh, he didn't see them getting out of this situation at all. So he walked around Jamie, that way he was standing directly in front of her. He took her shoulders in his hands gently, but the feeling of her bare skin against his fingertips made his hands warm up. He had to calm himself, "You are not going back. Especially not alone."

"Why not?"

Jaskier watched Geralt, and the witcher could feel the look that the bard was giving him, "I think what Mister Broody-Eyes is trying to say is that you look quite marvelous. And marvelous looking women get taken advantage of when walking alone. And no one wants you to be taken advantage of tonight."

Geralt's eyes connected with Jamie's and her entire face flushed red as the words hit her, "I... It's stupid but I'm nervous."

"Don't be nervous." Jaskier took Jamie from Geralt, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and not noticing Geralt's jaw tense, "If anything were to happen tonight I-" He finally noticed Geralt's expression, "Ah- Geralt will come to your rescue."

"This whole thing is stupid-" Jamie barked harshly over at Jaskier as he kept them moving into the banquet hall, "If you knew some level of self-restraint and kept your fucking penis in your damn trousers then there wouldn't be a problem. In all honesty, you need more protection than I do. You're more likely to get penetrated by another man and not in the fun way."

Geralt had the same reaction as Jaskier, but he didn't physically show it like the bard did. "I do not know how to feel about that."

"How unfortunate." The second Jamie walked into the hall, she turned around but walked right into Geralt.

He held her for a moment and whispered, "Stop worrying."

Jamie's eyes connected with his as her mouth slightly dropped open, "You say that like it's easy."

"Don't catch anyone's attention-"

"Do you see the other women?" Geralt finally looked away from Jamie, just noticing how he didn't even look at any of the other women in the room until she said to. "Jaskier, why did you make my dress so revealing?"

"I thought you'd look good in it."

"Meaning you just wanted to see me in what you wanted." Jamie gave him a harsh shove, which he returned with one as well.

"You're going to make a scene." Jaskier hissed her way, "Isn't that the total opposite of what you wanted?"

Geralt had been the calm one in this all, he expected Jamie to think rationally about what she was doing but her nerves were getting the best of her. He sighed slightly and surveyed the room, no one had noticed her yet. Or if they have, they were not currently looking at her.

"Alright..." Jaskier says slowly as he gets the two of them to look at him, "So stick close to me, look mean and pretend your mute. Can't have anyone finding out who you actually are. And... Jamie, just look pretty."

"That's so damn sexist, plus, Geralt has white hair. It's obvious he-"

A voice that Geralt hadn't heard in a long time called out to him, holding up a jug of ale, "Geralt of Rivia, the mighty Witcher!"

"Oh, shit."

Geralt let out another sigh, he never wanted to be here and now there stood Mousesack. A man he didn't think he'd ever see again, but something else he noticed was that Jamie stepped closer to him. As if to hide, but all he could feel was how warm she was.

"I have seen you since the plague."

"Good times, Mousesack."

Jamie choked from beside him, "Mouse-what?"

Geralt felt himself get irritated when Mousesack looked back at Jamie, seeing the eyes of desire appear on Mousesack, "Ah, how did a man with such a sour complexion procure such a ravishing young woman?" His hand took hers, and his lips brushed her knuckles with a kiss, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Never before had Geralt seen Jamie get flustered like this, not even with him. And to say he didn't enjoy it was saying it lightly. "Uh... N-Nice to meet you. I'm Jamie."

"Jamie-" Mousesack flirted effortlessly, giving her a dashing smile, "A lovely name for an even lovelier woman. I was afraid this would be a dull affair but now the White Wolf and his Golden Girl is here, perhaps all is not lost." Mousesack finally stopped giving all of his attention to Jamie and looked at Geralt, "Why is it she's dressed like royalty and you like a sad silk trader?"

Geralt, of course, turned around and gave the dirtiest look to Jaskier for choosing his attire. But more so for the attire he chose for Jamie, because despite the fact that he highly enjoyed her in it, he did not like the other men enjoying it.


Mousesack looked back at the bard and then to the two, "Walk with me."

"So Mousesack!" Some man yelled out while cheering his ale in the air, making a group of men follow his lead.


Mousesack laughed heartily as he drank from his own cup of ale, "I've been advising the Skelligen crown for years. A tad rough around the edges, but they're of the earth." His eyes fell on Jamie, "Like me."

Geralt smirked as he threw a quick comeback his way, "Old and crusty."

Which prompted Jamie to smile, which made Geralt realize that Mousesack didn't exactly have anything over her. And the fact that she had covered her mouth to cover it only made his smirk deepen.

"How long before this horse trading is done? I find royalty best taken in... small doses."

Mousesack looked between the pair, noticing the eagerness they had to get an answer, "I wouldn't count on leaving before dawn."

"Dawn?" Jamie actually groaned, which was common for Geralt to hear but not for Mousesack. Geralt didn't enjoy the reaction that Mousesack had either because her lack of manners only made her seem more amused.

"These suitors will vie all night for Princess Pavetta's hand. Marrying into this monarchy is a mighty prize. Who wouldn't want to be king of the most powerful force in the land?"

"I don't think the man's opinion should be important in the matter." Jamie spoke up, making Mousesack's eyes fall to her, "Princess Pavetta isn't some prize to be won in the first place, she should be earned. Or have much more of a say in the matter."

"Wise words that will fall upon deaf ears." Mousesack tells her calmly, "I can tell you now that Princess Pavetta most likely agrees with you."

"It's just stupid and sexist." Her movement caused her breasts to reveal more, which made Geralt take it all in.

Geralt then noticed that he wasn't the only one that saw, his instincts took over and he grabbed Jamie's arms, making them fall down to her sides. "So, which one of these little shits is your coin on?" He knew that his actions only made Jamie confused but he didn't care.

"Come with me, there's much for you to see." Mousesack waved them to move a little further down the room, "It's not a fair bet. The red-headed scanderlout over there, Crach an Craite, will marry Pavetta. The Lioness has already arranged it with the boy's uncle, Eist Tuirseach. No one would dare make a move on an alliance that powerful."

Geralt eyed the man, "Handy with a blade. Handy with women, too."

"All an act. Queen Calanthe refused his proposal three times after King Roegnar died, despite the two of them gliding around each other..." Mousesack was definitely in a good mood but his sentence made him glide over the two, "-like courting swans. No, no, no. She was not for living in her husband's shadow again."

"Uh-" Jamie tugged at Geralt, "Geralt..."

"Hm." Geralt looked over at Jamie, then over to Jaskier, who was being dragged by some man. He took off to deal with the situation, but noticed that Mousesack somehow got Jamie to stay with him. He would listen to their conversation but he now had to deal with Jaskier.

Of course, it had to be Jaskier. The oaf doesn't seem to take care of himself at all, but honestly, Geralt was getting attached. Just as he got attached with Jamie, very attached with Jamie. And despite the fact that he was currently speaking to whatever man was prepared to cut off Jaskier's balls, his mind was on Jamie. Jamie, and the fact that she was left alone with Mousesack. A man that made it very clear that he found Jamie highly attractive.

"Thank you, Geralt, but-"


"Geralt!" Jaskier gasps as he walked away, "I was talking to you-"

"You're teasing me..."

Geralt wasn't close to them yet, but he could hear them clear.

"Not at all, though, I would love to test a theory."

"What are you talking about?" Geralt watched as Mousesack slowly graced her cheek, his scowl was deep now. Geralt had the urge to break Mousesack's hand, and Mousesack saw him. Saw Geralt just as Jamie backed away into him. "S-I'm sorry."

Geralt grunted as a response, holding onto Jamie's arms while keeping a firm glare on Mousesack. His grunt could have been mistaken as a growl with how furious he looked.

"Is there a problem, Geralt? You seem to be a little more broody than usual." His smile was knowing as he kissed Jamie's cheek as a goodbye, "I would love to stay and chat, but I do need to run off."

Jamie wasted no time to wipe her cheek, "Test what fucking theory?" She turned to go after Mousesack, but Geralt hadn't let her go, "What?"


Horns blew loudly, drawing their attention elsewhere, "All rise for Her Majesty, the Lioness, Queen Calanthe of Cintra!"

Queen Calanthe walked in, full armor on with blood and dirt covering her, she tossed her helmet back to one of her servents, "Beer!" She cried out making the people cheer, "Apologies, noble sirs. A few upstart townships in the south needed reminding who was Queen. I find it's good for one's blood and humors. Ready your suitor's tales of glory, good lords. My daughter is eager to have this over with. As am I. Bard!" She called out, looking to where Jaskier and the other musicians were, "Music!" Jasker bowed to the Queen, starting his song only to be interrupted by her once more, "No, no, no! A jig! You can save your bloody maudlin nonsense for my funeral."

"She's lovely..." Geralt saw that men were looking at Jamie now, because Mousesack kept pointing over at her. He pulled her along with him, eliciting a yelp from her, "Hey-"

"Enough conversation." Geralt grumbles and presses her to the wall, shoving a cup of ale in her hands and then leaning at her side. If he could, he'd shield her with his body but then she'd start asking questions."

"I've spoken to one singular person here-" She sighed holding the large mug in her hands, tapping her finger along the metal, "Who, I assumed, was an old acquaintance of yours."

"An old acquaintance of mine-" Geralt pressed as he swung back some of the alcohol, "Not of yours. So do not be so formal with a man you barely know."

Jamie squinted, "I wasn't the one who kissed him on the cheek, he did that to me."

"Most likely with the idea that you would not disapprove-"

"Are you trying to say that I come off as a common whore?"

Geralt stopped as he heard the anger in her voice, but he just couldn't stop himself. He was feeling... jealous. "No."

"Sure sounded like it." She chugged down some of the alcohol and pulled her hair down, which made Geralt look to her collar bones, "You could have just said that I look and act like a prostitute rather than beating around the bush."

"I did not say that. You're making the assumption-"

An argument from a couple of the suitors broke their own argument, "You lie, you little shite! You've never faced so much as a bad meal in your life, never mind a manticore."

"I've had manticores thrice as fat and ugly as you perish under my steel!"

"Under your bullshit, more like. How many stings has it got, then?"


"Ha! Go away and shite! It's five, I know. I've actually killed one."

Geralt heard Jamie whisper under her breath in the midst of their arguing, "There's one, like a scorpion..."

"Enough!" Queen Calanthe interrupts, "We have a renowned guest here tonight." When all the eyes fell back on Geralt, Jamie shifted a little bit and glanced at him, "Perhaps he can declare which esteemed lord is telling the truth."

"Neither." Was Geralt's original answer until they degraded him, and he didn't want to have to deal with this. Especially not after having to deal with Jamie, "Perhaps the lords encountered rare subspecies of manticore."

Queen Calanthe could see through Geralt's lie and laughed, "Perhaps our esteemed guest would like to entertain us with how he slayed the elves at the edge of the world?" The crowd cheered and laughed.

Geralt only shook his head, not caring of Jaskier's opinion anymore, "There was no slaying. I had my arse kicked by a ragged band of elves. I was about to have my throat cut when Filavandrel let me go."

"But the song!"

Jaskier spoke with a forced smile, "Yeah... the song."

"At least when Filavandrel's blade kissed my throat, I didn't shit myself." His snarky comment had the man grow silent, "Which is all I can hope for you, good lords. At your final breath-" He cheered his cup, -"A shitless death. But I doubt it." Geralt then drank his ale, watching as everyone grew silent at his remark, he didn't exactly care.

Eist laughed along with some other before facing the Queen, "It would have been your blade at Filavandrel's throat had you been there, Your Majesty." A cheer of agreement came from everyone but a few, "Not that any elven bastard would crawl from their lair to meet you on the field."

Calanthe smirked at his remark, "Any man willing to paint himself in the shadow of his failures will make for far more interesting conversation this night. Come, Witcher. Take a seat by my side while I change."

"Hm." Geralt saw the eyes of the guests and realized that it would be less of a fuss if he'd just do as the Queen commanded of him. But before he walked off, he grabbed onto Jamie's wrist, "Do not leave from this spot."

"What? Do you expect me to react like a dog and stay seated for it's owner?" Geralt pushed her back against the wall lightly, his entire body tensed a little at her words. "I'm not Roach, you can't just tie me somewhere and walk away."

The thought of tying her- "Do not give me any ideas."

"Why are you upset?" She demanded, she tried to get him to let her go but his hold only grew tighter, "Did Jaskier do something earlier to irritate you?"

Geralt kept his eyes down on her, his golden stare drifting further down before he stepped away. He could see this situation going another way if he wasn't careful. He looked at her chest as she breathed before he dropped his coat onto Jamie, "Don't get cold." He walked away from them, Eist approaching and escorting him over to the main table. He didn't hear Eist though, he could hear Jaskier and Jamie talking.

"What was with the lover's quarrel-esque scene? Does Geralt want the ladies of the court to believe he's unavailable so they do not swarm him?"

"We didn't have a lover's quarrel. Just go away."

"I'm just really curious, I mean, that whole scene. Don't get cold. Come on! He doesn't want other men looking at you in that dress." Geralt had to hand it to Jaskier, the man wasn't as dumb as he looked.

"Or he thinks I'm going to get cold because there is literally no fabric above my chest and arms."

"How could someone so brilliant be so obviously dense?"

"For the last fucking time, Geralt doesn't see me in that way."

"Ah-ha!" Even without Geralt's witcher hearing he could hear him, "You only referred to Geralt. So you've adopted feelings for the big brooding brute."

"Alliteration, funny."

"Avoiding the topic... Goodness, just watching you two sometimes is so pitiful."

Geralt jerked a bit when Eist nudged him, "Hm."

Guess who is going on antidepressants? Yeah, so apparently I have been so messed up about everything that my doctor's think I might try and kill myself again. Do not worry, I haven't tried since I was in middle school. But yeah, it has gotten bad. Motivation has been crap. Everything just has not been fun. I am trying to just shove my head into my writing. Which, did I mention that I have another account specifically for books that are my own? Like I have been trying to write novels and stuff. Nothing is currently up but I have a few things in my drafts on that account. If you go on my page, I have it in my bio. It would be awesome if I could get support on those since it's my own story line and stuff. But yeah, Geralt, he's the jealous type. Also, Jamie, poor poor oblivious Jamie can't even tell that his protectiveness isn't him being her friend, it is him being in love with her. 

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