Find a Way to My Heart [ Narr...

By AmeliaUnicorn

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Author's Note


527 16 4
By AmeliaUnicorn

C H A P T E R 1


I groan, stretching my arms above my head. I peek one eye open but close it quickly, the sunlight too bright for my eyes. I rub my face with my palms and reach out for the horrendous sounding alarm from my phone on the bedside table.

I shut the stupid alarm off, taking a peek at the time and see that I have about 45 minutes to get ready before I need to get to work. I scoff at Rufus, his adorable yet so ugly face scrunching up as he yawns, before curling at the bottom of the bed. I watch him look up at me, his ears perking upwards.

"Good morning, Ruff," I mumble, stretching down towards Rufus and petting his head gently before sitting up completely. He purrs at my lost contact with and I chuckle lightly before getting out of the comfortable and warm bed.

"Yeah, I would like to stay here as well." I watch as Rufus stretches before getting more comfortable in the middle of the bed now that I am not in it anymore. I guess that's my cue to get ready, thanks Ruff for the invitation back to bed.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

"I'm going to work now, Ruff. Don't break anything." I say as I close the front door to my apartment, getting out my keys to lock up the apartment.

"Morning, dear." I turn my head over to Mrs White and a smile breaks out on my face.

"Goodmorning, Mrs White. You look lovely today." I smile a cheeky smile towards the elderly woman, her brown eyes shining with happiness.

Mrs White is a 78 year old lady who lives in the apartment next to me. Her husband died four years ago, so she moves into this apartment next to mine. She is a precious old lady who has the biggest heart. I try to at least once a week help her out. I help her go to the grocery store and clean. It's not much, but it makes her smile and that's enough for me to feel happy.

"Now, darling. What have I told you," Mrs White playfully scolds me and I let out a laugh. "Saying Mrs White makes me feel old. Call me Mary." Mrs White tells me, patting my shoulder. I smile, bending down slightly to press a small kiss to her cheek.

"Won't happen again, Mary." I wink before glancing at my watch. I tell Mrs White I need to go and that I will bring back freshly baked bread from the coffee shop later on. Mrs White only smiles at me as usual, her eyes shining brightly.

I make my way outside, the cold crisp spring air hitting my face and I pull down my beanie to cover my ears. The sun is shining, no cloud in sight and I sigh blissfully.

It is approximately a ten minute walk to the coffee shop, so I plug in my headphones and start walking. I could have asked Louis if I could take our shared car but I know he needs the car way more than I do. I smile happily to myself, enjoying how my ears are blessed by Lewis Capaldi's Bruises.

I'm nearly at the coffee shop, walking casually past the university like I usually do every morning like this. I stumble backwards, almost tripping over my own feet as the person who ran straight into me stumbles slightly as well. The lad doesn't stop though, he only keeps on running towards the big entrance of the university.

"Sorry, mate!" Can be heard from the curly headed lad and I scoff, raising my eyebrows before I start walking again. Some people. I walk over the street and around the corner of a building, finally seeing the coffee shop's entrance. I start to slightly run, feeling how cold my cheeks and nose are.

I open the wooden glass door and as usual, the bell rings out which makes Louis shout a "Just a second!". I laugh, taking off my beanie and make my way behind the counter, checking the register of what the time is. Just in time.

"Morning, Lou," I say, greeting my best mate in the backroom. He raises his head, grinning widely.

"Morning, sunshine." He teases and I roll my eyes, taking off my jacket and hanging it besides Louis'.

"You know I despise that nickname, Louis." I groan, putting on our staff uniform. Or rather, the staff jumper. Louis' isn't a fan of professional staff uniforms, he rather likes it when it's a bit more personal. That's why our "staff uniform" is based on black jeans, a grey jumper that has the logo of the coffee shops name, as well as our name embroidered on the side. We have casual black aprons, with a name tag as well on them.

"That my friend is why I love calling you that." Louis smirks, giving my bum a slight pat before taking out the freshly baked bread, putting it on a cooling rack. I roll my eyes and wash my hands before making my way out to the register, ready to clean our equipment and make the counter look appealing.

Let me tell you a little story.

Louis and I have been best mates since high school. My mum and I moved from Ireland and came here to England, to start off with a clean slate. That's when I met Louis, he was living just across the street from our new house. We hit it off straight away.

We did everything together, we walked to school together, we had classes together, we ate lunch together, we had footie practice together. We were inseparable. Some even thought we were a couple, which Louis and I only took the piss off.

We would laugh so hard when he would kiss my cheek and people looked at us with wide eyes. He would even go so far as kissing me, yes kissing me on the lips. I would fake gag and push the idiot away, laughing loudly afterwards while wiping my lips. We had so much fun, but then it would be all over.

High school was coming to an end and we were so sad, thinking that we would end up in two different places. I didn't know what I wanted to do, I just knew that university wasn't my future. Not because I didn't enjoy learning new things or feel like educating myself further.

But because it just didn't feel right for me. I liked to work, I liked to work during the mornings and then not having to be anxious over exams, presentations and homework. I wanted to be in an environment that made me learn new things, but at the same time get to know people of different eras. I wanted to see the world in another perspective, without having to learn it through a textbook of what Rosa Park did. I didn't want to read about someone like her. I wanted to meet someone like her.

That is when I told Louis I won't be going to university, and let me tell you. I was freaking out, I thought the lad would chop my head off for not wanting to educate myself further and wouldn't want to talk to me again. Fortunately for me, Louis started to cry and tell me that he never wanted to continue going to school either. That night, I knew that Louis was my soulmate.

Before you jump into conclusion, I knew he was my friend soulmate, almost like my brother I guess you could say. I know that two gay dudes that are best friends, sounds nothing like a friendship but more like a relationship. It just never was right for us. I mean, when Louis would kiss me I would pretend to be sick because it was that disgusting to feel his lips on mine.

So, after we two graduated, we packed our belongings and started to travel the world. We started here in Europe, going to different countries and it lasted about 2,5 months here in Europe. Then, we took a small break to visit our parents, before hitting it off to the road once again.

This time, we went to South America. It was such a learning experience. We would meet so many different people in every city that we visited but one thing was common there. Their welcoming arms, to two European 19 year old boys that didn't know anything about their country, religion or life in general. Our South America stop lasted about 4 months.

"Louis, do you remember our trip to South America?" I smile fondly at that time. We were so young, at the same time so happy just living our life out to the fullest.

"Yeah, it really was amazing. I still dream of going back there someday. It holds a special place in your heart, doesn't it?" Louis asks and I nod, watching him as he glances around in the coffee shop, a fond but sad smile on his face.

"Do you ever feel like travelling the world was a mistake, given the circumstances?" I ask, glancing at him. He sighs, placing the perfectly done muffins on the cake stand.

"Do you remember how I climbed into your bed that night? We hadn't done that in years, climbing into each other's beds in the middle of the night because we were sad. But when I did, I felt so secure, somewhat already knowing what was coming my way." Louis explains and I put my elbows onto the countertop, listening closely.

"I just knew that no matter what, I couldn't save her." He whispers, looking at me and I just know. I open my arms, welcoming him into a warm hug. He smiles, taking a step closer to me as he wraps his arms around my neck.

"When she told us to keep going, I wanted to protest so badly Ni. I wanted to drop every single thing we had planned out for the next continent we were visiting. I know you wanted to continue, even though you told me that we are going home no matter what. But mum, she just.. her only wish was for us two to continue our journey. To tell her everything about it, when we were finished with experiencing every ounce of this adventure. She was so precious, not wanting to put our life on hold because of her." Louis' voice cracks once or twice, making me hold him in a stronger grip.

When we finished our South America stop, the states was next. The day before our plane took off to New York, Louis' mum was diagnosed with leukaemia. I was ready to pack up everything together with Louis, we were already planning to put an abrupt stop to this incredible journey, cancelling hotels and flights around the world.

Louis came into my bed that night, crying silently beside me as I held him. It was devastating, seeing your best friend cry with so much pain because he knew his mum wasn't going to live that much longer. She wasn't going to see him grow up, she wasn't going to be beside him at his wedding, she wasn't going to see her grandchildren.

"You know without you Ni, I probably wouldn't have survived that." Louis chuckles, leaning against the countertop like me. I smile, the memory of Louis when his mum officially passed away still fresh in my mind even though it happened two years ago now. It took me months to get my Louis back.

"And you know I will always be there when you need me." I tell him truthfully. He looks at me, straight into my eyes and I crack a small smile to him. He doesn't need to tell me the same, I already know.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

"Sunshine, would you throw this out in the back?" I glare at Louis' smirking face, flipping him the finger and take the cardboard boxes out of his hands. "Thanks, lovely dove." I only shake my head at Louis ridiculous pet name for me. I bring the trash towards the back room, opening up the backdoor where we have different containers for possible trash. Got to think of the planet earth, ey?

I make my way back inside, making sure the back door is closed shut and dust of my apron. I take a quick look at my phone, it's 10:35 in the morning. We are currently preparing for rush hour, which should start about an hour when all the students start piling in, needing the coffee.

I pass the mirror, cringing slightly at how my brown hair is standing up in different places and try to make it better by running my hand through it. Surprise surprise, it only looks worse now.

"Hiya mate! What could I get for you?" Louis' cheery voice rings through my ear and I start walking back to the front where Louis is taking the order from a customer. Just as I take a step out of the doorway from the back room, I glance upwards towards the cash register.

And oh my goodness am I happy that I did that.

There, standing in front of Louis is the most handsome guy I have ever seen. He has got the most amazing green eyes that are so mesmerising. His eyes remind me of deep green leaves. Leaves don't have just one straight colour, just like this mans eyes. His eyelashes and eyebrows the most perfect ones I have ever laid eye on.

The man has got a strong facial structure, his cheekbones breathtaking together with the sharpest jaw I have ever seen. His nose and chin are well defined, together with the smoothest most flawless skin. I just want to place my hand on his jaw and trace it with my thumb, needing to know what it feels like.

Thick chocolate brown curls are pushed into a messy but somewhat stylish quiff. You can tell that he hasn't cut his hair in a while, but somehow I think that this man could become even more beautiful with long hair. Although, I don't think there is a smile in this world as pretty as his. His pink lips are stretched into a half smile, half smirk kind of smile. You know that one smile that completely takes you breath away? That one smile that makes you feel happy? That smile, is right in front of my own eyes, placed beautifully on this handsome man.

"Hello, earth to Niall? You in there bud?" I snap my eyes away from the walking God in front of me, towards boring old fart Louis. I gulp, blinking rapidly before giving out a small but quick nod. I glance up again at the man, his smile never falling once.

"Yeah, just peachy... you know there is this muffin batch, yeah batch you know, I need that to get ready... so bye!" I quickly explain as my cheeks flush in embarrassment of being caught staring. I don't think twice as I turn around, ready to head into the back room. Fortunately for me, I only embarrass myself even further.

Just as I turn, the broom that is laying against the doorway falls as my hand brushes it. It falls to the floor the second I start walking forward. I almost, almost fucking fall face first onto the floor. I guess I have some luck in saving myself from humiliation completely as I only stumble over the broom's shaft, saving my fall with the help of my hand on the doorway. I blush even more, hearing Louis laughing way too hard at me. I can hear the man let out a snicker as well, which I don't even dare turn around to look at.

I can hear Louis apologise for my awkwardness, he makes it difficult to believe he is being sincere though when he cracks out a loud laugh once again. I only groan, hearing the beautiful man (that has equally as beautiful voice) tell Louis his order once again.

I wait for a minute, making sure that the guy has stepped out of the coffee shop before peeking my head through the doorway, spotting a smirking Louis by the counter. He looks at me, biting his lip as if he is pondering about what he should say next.

He doesn't speak though, he only looks at me before laughing loudly. He's laughing so hard that he has to bend over to hold his stomach tightly. I growl, running straight towards him to make him pay for what he did just five minutes ago. Louis squeals and runs away but doesn't let the laughing fit stop.

"Oh god, you should have seen yourself! You were fucking all over the place." Louis screams and I growl even louder, wanting to rip the boy in pieces.

"Come here Tommo, I am going to give you an agonizing death." I grumble, almost catching him. Louis only laughs louder.

And if we had pushed chairs left to right and had almost killed each other by the end, nobody has to know.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

"Bye, twat. See you tomorrow!" I yell to Louis as I close the coffee shop door, making my way down the street towards my apartment. It's currently 5:30 in the afternoon and I just finished my shift. Louis is the who closes the coffee shop on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I close the coffee shop remaining days of the week, the only exception is Sunday when we are closed.

The day went well, we had a lot of costumers after my awkward encounter with the handsome man. It was that busy that I hadn't thought of him at all. Until right now. Walking down the street, different thoughts begin to swirl inside my head.

What is his name? It has to be something that just falls beautifully from your tongue. How old is he? He looked like he was around my age, which I am only hoping for. I have never seen him before and never once in the coffee shop, I would have remembered a man with looks like that. Is he gay? I mean a guy can only keep on dreaming I guess?

I sigh wanting nothing else to know more about the stranger straight away. I open the apartment complex's main front door and make my way up the stairs to the fourth floor. I grin, clutching the paper bag closer to me as I knock on Mrs White's door.

"Oh hello my dear," Mrs White opens her door widely for me, ushering me inside her apartment. I take a small step inside, taking my shoes off. "I didn't think I would be seeing you until later." The wonderful lady tells me, giving my arm a soft squeeze.

"You know I can come a bit earlier on Mondays, love." I said and before Mrs White could protest, I show her the freshly baked bread and head towards the kitchen. I see there are a few things that I can help to clean up, so I get straight to it. I empty the dishwasher and load it up, not becoming the slightest full.

"Dear, you didn't have to do that." Mrs White says softly, pulling out a chair to sit on. She's getting more tired for every month that passes and I want to help as much as I can.

"I know, but I want to." I smile towards her and her eyes shine brightly at my gesture. She's such a kind human being and I feel bad for her that she didn't get the chance to conceive children. I am only doing small things that don't even take up one full hour of my day, so I will manage so she doesn't feel too lonely.

I fill up her kettle with water and make her a sandwich, knowing she won't be eating any dinner but this. Once the sandwich and tea are done, I place it in front of her before cleaning up the small mess I made. As I am cleaning up, my thoughts wander off about that handsome man. I can't seem to get him out of my head and it bothers me so much that I don't know his name.

"Who are you thinking about, hun?" I hear Mrs White ask me in a soft tone. I blush, leaning against the countertop as I dry my hands with the tea towel.

"No one, just thinking of what song I should perform on Friday." I clear my throat, trying to change the subject quickly.

"Oh really? Why are you blushing then." Mrs White teases as she takes a small sip of the tea.

"I'm dead serious, Mrs W. I am thinking of no one." I laugh slightly, a small smile on my lips while I look down on my feet. Why is it tingling in my whole body as soon as I think of him?

"You don't think I am going to believe that, are you dear?" She smiles slightly at me and I chuckle, taking out a chair next to her and sit down.

"And why is it that you think that I am thinking of someone special?" I tease her, looking into her brown hazel eyes.

"Because I had that smile once upon a time," She says, taking my hand in hers.

"And that day, I met this special man. Turns out I spent 58 years with him in the end." She tells me, winking at me playfully.

- - - - - - - - - -

This was the first chapter of Find a Way to My Heart.

I hope you enjoyed it, these first chapters are meant to be kind of filler chapters.

I want to introduce everyone that has a major roll in this story in the best way possible and feel like this is the way to do it.

Hope you enjoyed it and that you look forward to the next chapter.

Love - Amelia

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