INTOXICATED | tsukasa x rea...

Par candytar

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So much was felt behind the scenes. Anger and resentment boiled hot under her skin but.. she still felt those... Plus

Chapter One
Chapter Two

Chapter Three

3K 124 129
Par candytar

IMPORTANT!! Tsukasa has already met Amane on the rooftop. So all previous chapters happened someplace after the rooftop meeting.
Ah ha ha, I'm just gonna write on the whim since I suck at plots

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There (Y/n) was... being a fucking idiot.

Sakura observed her interact with Tsukasa, watching how her eyes literally glowed at the sight of him.

Her skin was a tinsy bit flushed, her body language— it was just so obvious, and her lips were like a permanent smile, almost never relaxing unless a serious topic came up.

Sakura has observed this exact scene plenty of times and no matter how much she tried to understand where (Y/n) was coming from, she still couldn't fathom what she even saw in him.

Of course Tsukasa was sweet at times(she seriously doubted it was genuine though), but it wasn't worth the.. other side of his behavior.

He was just unstable.

But at least he was adorable, she'll give him that.

But regardless of her disagreement with her choice of a crush, it wasn't any of her business. She had no say on something like that, and neither did she plan to try and sabotage it. Maybe asking a few questions about why isn't a bad idea but.. still none of her business.

"You thinking the same thing?" Natsuhiko muttered, popping out of nowhere, almost startling Sakura out of her thoughts.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She replied nonchalantly, shifting her attention onto her book.  Natsuhiko snorted, lifting his lips into a lopsy smile,

"Sure," Natsuhiko let out a yawn, grabbing a chair and sitting beside Sakura, "then, what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?"

"None of your business."

"Aww, is it me?? I wouldn't blame you, Sakura-chan~!"

Sakura didn't bother to give him a reaction, already having grown used to his behavior. It was ridiculous how this kid didn't give up.

"Am I too much to handle~♡?" Natsuhiko continued, his face leaning closer to hers, "no need to think that! I am nowhere as near as worthy as you, My Lady—"

Thank goodness a book was enough to knock him off his seat..


"Boringg.. Right, (Y/n)-chan!?" Tsukasa was floating on his back, waving his arms around randomly, "nothing! nuh-thing interesting!"

"I know," (Y/n) replied sighing, "Nothing fun to do when you're dead... But Natsuhiko bothering Sakura is kind of entertaining at least."

Tsukasa laughed and hummed in agreement, floating off his back and instead moving to float criss-cross-apple sauce across from (Y/n).

"You find everything boring, right??" Tsukasa suddenly asked, putting his index finger on his cheek. And (Y/n) had no shame saying it was so adorable.

"I mean, we're not doing anything right now," (Y/n) shot him a wide smile, "but maybe something interesting will happen soon!"

Tsukasa only hummed in response, looking up at the ceiling as if in thought.

"..What things excite you, (Y/n)-chan??" Tsukasa asked curiously, suddenly floating close enough to invade her personal space.

This made her immediately warm up in embarrassment.

"board games? Going to the park?? Oh! Oh! Maybe art!? Or something else?"

"..Huh?" (Y/n) laughed nervously because— can't he back up a little??

They were almost touching at that point, and (Y/n) prayed that he would at least move the tiniest bit back— but at the same time she prayed he got closer. Something about his presence felt comforting in some way.


Just.. woah.

Shut up, (Y/n).

"No, maybe some gaming apps but I don't own a phone anymore.."

Tsukasa gave her a stare for about a few seconds, not failing to make her divert her eyes in embarrassment. Then, he just giggles,

"That's bo-ringg!!" Tsukasa backed up a bit, kind of to (Y/n)'s relief, "there's so much you can do! Like— like— breaking rules or somethin'!"

(Y/n) gave him a blank look, before shrugging,

"Sure, if you say so..?" (Y/n) didn't really know what to say to that, "if that's your cup of tea."

"Mmm, it's yours too. I think?" Tsukasa sang, not bothering to hear her frantic reply because he turned his attention to his koku-joudai, that had immediately appeared at his side.

(Y/n) just sighed, quietly observing how his koku-joudai were communicating something to him. She kind of wished she was able to understand them— hell even have her own koku-joudai. It looked like a cool way to have information passed on. But those wishes were short lived when Tsukasa's whole demeanor changed.

Sakura and Natsuhiko were quick to turn to look in their direction, already feeling the sudden menacing aura Tsukasa was radiating. And oh boy, did it set off their nerves,

"Ohh." Tsukasa drawled, speaking with a monotone voice, no longer floating in his criss-cross position.

"What happened?" Sakura asked, quickly getting up from her spot and placing her book onto her seat, "is there anything we have to—"

"(Y/n)," Tsukasa cut her off, only giving Sakura a stare in her direction that she seemed to immediately understand, before turning to look at the person right across from him, "you said you were bored right?"

(Y/n) could only stare back and nod her head, a bit caught off guard. She really didn't know what the hell was going on, but seeing how fast Tsukasa's demeanor changed.. it just killed her mood immediately.

"Great!!" Tsukasa sprang up excitedly, and roughly grabbed and pulled her arm, "I have an old friend I have to meet!"

(Y/n) couldn't even yelp at the harsh contact with how sudden her surroundings changed. She's never been pulled out of a room so fast, and it only made her nauseous at the speed Tsukasa was going.

"Who's your.. friend?" (Y/n) asked after a few seconds, only staring at Tsukasa because he was the only thing that wasn't blurring right past her,

"Mitsuba. He's a fun boy!!" Tsukasa quickly turned to give her a smile, "you won't be bored anymore, I promise!"

The smile didn't reassure her at all, and instead made her apprehensive about who this Mitsuba person was, and what Tsukasa was planning to do. But all she knew was that it wasn't going to be fun.

Never trust Tsukasa's word.

They abruptly stopped at a door for a good five seconds before Tsukasa pulled her right through it along with him.

The first thing her eyes fell on was onto two boys who were standing on the school balcony.

One of them had spikey blonde hair, wearing the school uniform— which consisted of a teal collar shirt and cream colored pants. What stood out from the boy was the red omamori earring.

(Y/n) didn't mean to judge.. but why. Out of all things, why as an earring..

She then shifted her eyes onto the next boy and..


That's all what the boy besides the blonde was screaming. His pink hair was put up into a ponytail and he had some bobby pins randomly placed on the back of his head which.. was sorta cute actually. He wore a yellow scarf with a pink long sleeved sweater and cream colored pants.

And that's all she could see because their backs were turned to her.


Tsukasa abruptly spoke, making the boys halt in their conversation. And just as soon as Tsukasa's voice filled the air, Mitsuba's body immediately tensed up.

"It bothers me when you do these things."

Both boys quickly turned to look at Tsukasa, barely sparing (Y/n) a glance. Tsukasa took a step forward and then hovered his way towards Mitsuba, being in front of him in a flash.

God, the aura that was surrounding Tsukasa was so negative and nasty. And she couldn't blame Mitsuba for having that look of fear on his face. Because she did too.

"Trying to move on.. without a word to me.."

Tsukasa had his lips curved into a smile, gently placing his hand onto Mitsuba's shoulder. And no matter how non-threatening Tsukasa tried to appear, it did anything but make Mitsuba feel calm.

If anything, it immediately set Mitsuba into a panic.

Feelings of fear and despair immediately flooded his system, paralyzing him in an instant. And all he could do was stare at the very person who caused it.


Mitsuba couldn't talk— couldn't take a step— hell, couldn't even move a finger.


The panic only got worse when he realized he wasn't able to respond in any of the ways he wanted to. And he desperately tried again.


His attempts were futile, and all he wanted to do was cry out in frustration and anger— why.. why wouldn't his body listen. Damn it! This isn't the time to fuck around!


The voice in his head was blaring at him— screeching at him to move before—

"We can't have that."

And before he knew it, the disturbing sound of something crunching filled the room. It was just so sudden— so unexpected that he could only stare down at the hole in his chest, making no noise as he felt himself lose control of his body.

Tsukasa pulled out his hand out from the gaping hole in Mitsuba's chest and watched as he fell helplessly onto the floor.

Just like Kou, (Y/n) stood there in complete horror.

She didn't know what Tsukasa was going to do, but she wasn't expecting to see him end a supernatural. Usually, he would let them know in advance whether or not he was going to eliminate one, but these were one of those time he didn't. She was completely unprepared.

But that's her fault.

She should know how unpredictable Tsukasa is by now.


Kou couldn't speak.


The words kept getting stuck in his throat, hating how pathetic he sounded. But seeing what had just happened in front of him.. he could feel the unpleasant emotions of fear and rage start to course throughout his body, and it was enough to make him jump into action,

"What the hell are you doing!!?"

He wasn't even thinking. His emotions and adrenaline were at such a high that his body moved on its own. He was jumping into the air, aiming to punch the back of Tsukasa's head with all of his force.

Which was why he was in complete shock when Tsukasa moved his body, grabbing the closest arm to him, and slammed him head first into the wall.

Kou felt his skin split at the force, immediately making him curl his body forward as he grasped his head in pain, feeling the warmth of blood flowing down his face.

"Remember, Mitsuba?" Tsukasa was smiling, walking towards the helpless boy without sparing Kou a glance, "you asked me to grant your wish!"

Mitsuba couldn't get up—hell  he couldn't even move at all. He could only move his eyes to the shoes stopping in front of him.

"You said 'I want to stay in everyone's memories.'"

Tsukasa crouched down, grabbing a handful of Mitsuba's hair. Mitsuba's eyes immediately teared up in terror, the uneven grip on his hair making him wince and further build up those tears.

"Now you have just one person, and you're happy with that?" Tsukasa tilted Mitsuba's head to look up at him, and Mitsuba could only stare at the endless abysses in his perpetrators eyes, "No you're not."

Tears began to brim over and start rolling down his cheeks. He couldn't say a thing— he couldn't move or do anything to defend himself. He's never felt so scared and vulnerable than in this moment.

(Y/n) was too afraid to speak up, feeling sick to her stomach as she stood there and watched the whole thing happen. She couldn't tell him to stop, and intervening would only give Tsukasa another person to hurt and prey on.

With her dread, the familiar feeling of rage began to boil at the pit of her stomach. She couldn't count how many times she's felt this way towards Tsukasa— so enraged at the shit he does.

..But what can she do?

Tsukasa felt a hand slap down onto his shoulder, the owners fingers digging into his skin,

"Wait.." Kou was seething at this point, distraught that someone can be so.. "Who do you think you are..? Don't you dare touch Mitsuba.."

"Don't you lay a hand on my friend..!"

(Y/n) felt a spike of fury come from Tsukasa, watching as his head slowly turned to look at Kou,


And that was all that was said before his koke-joudai sent Kou flying across the room.

The room echoed of Kou's body slamming into the school wall, along with a groan of pain when he crashed down onto hard wooded floor.

"I am a supernatural."

Tsukasa was looking down at Kou, now holding holding Mitsuba up by his waist, "For the right price, I will grant the wish of whoever summons me."

"..Amane grants the wishes of the living on the near shore, and I grant the wishes of the dead on the far shore." Tsukasa looked down at Mitsuba, who had passed out, "He made a wish and I answered. And now I'm going to make his wish come true."

Kou and (Y/n) watched as a radio appeared out of nowhere besides Tsukasa,

"Now I'm going to do it my way."

Kou stared in complete confusion while (Y/n) realized exactly what was about to go down.

"Okay, Mitsuba.." Tsukasa leaned close to Mitsuba's ear, speaking in a low excited tone, "It's time to grant your wish!"

He quickly turned away from Mitsuba,

"Sakura! We're all ready!"

And (Y/n) now had another thing to add on to her anger.

"Got it."

Because once again, she was left out and uninformed. Having a heads up about what was about to go down could have helped a lot. Because what she witnessed was anything but enjoyable. It was so heartbreaking to see those two boys struggle— and if she was aware of the reason why Tsukasa wanted to see Mitsuba, she would have at least been a bit less shocked. Of course, this wasn't her first time being in a situation she was completely unaware of.

But she couldn't get too worked up— she wasn't really apart of the broadcasting club. She was just a tagalong but if Tsukasa was going to drag her into these types of situations, she has the right to know.

God, I wish I stayed away from the club today.

Now she had to stand there and watch while Tsukasa successfully manipulates and toys with innocent supernaturals, who were just unfortunate enough to come to him.

Tsukasa is an awful kid, isn't he..


Updates are definitely gonna take forever. Please remember that I'm not a writer, so writing a story is difficult for me

PS: I don't have a crush/romantic feelings for Tsukasa, I just love him as a character. So writing a romance novel on him is difficult.. so I apologize if I fail to satisfy you with the romance parts of this story!

Thank you for your patience..!<3

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