My Brother's Lips(18+) Comple...

By Natsfreewill

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Meet Angela, she's had a nice only child life with her mother and step dad until one dreadful night call... More

My Brother's Lips(18+ only)
Sneak Peek
In Which She Learns the Truth
In Which She Has no Choice
In Which She Finds some Peace... Not
In Which She Looses Control
In Which She Takes A Step Back
In Which She Fights and Surrender
In Which She Melts and Dissapear
In Which He Shows a Hidden Side
In Which She Accepts and Let Go
In Which She Accepts and Let Go

In Which She Hates the Desired

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By Natsfreewill

In which she hates the Desired


A week had gone by and I tell you, I couldn't accept the fact that I'm starting to loose my temper around the bastard.

Ignoring him was getting harder and I couldn't help the fact that Mitchell, as hard as he tried, could not break the wall that was built around his son, he wanted to mend things but William made it hard, that hot headed prick. He even had a grudge against my mother, the insolent imbecile.

I sigh softly, snuggling more into the couch I was resting in, Wednesday noon and the relaxing heat of the sun was making my concentration better. Reading was one of my hobbies, specially if it was a book that is both fun and assigned for a project.

The challenge was good since the project is to hand in this Friday, my reading was quick enough, only a few pages for me to reach the ending of the book.

I lick one of my fingers to pass the page of the book I was absorbed in. A small smirk appears in my lips as the next line of the page was unexpected.

Jazmine had a nick of a problem, she had to choose between telling her dad she was pregnant or telling the boy the same and run away with him..., I have a feeling she'll find her easy way out...

The book in my hands disappear, being lifted up from my fingers and the bold chuckle of the jerk made my agape mouth snap close.

"Boo!" William tried and he did surprise me, but I roll my eyes annoyed, turning and using the arm rest of the couch I was leaning against to raise my body toward him, reaching with my right hand to grab my book from his hand.

"Give me back my book, you thing!" I shout, getting frustrated since he changes the book from one hand to the other in the air. My books are precious! And this guy didn't understood the value of them, like come on!

He didn't even gave a crap about College at all. Flaunting his good looks here and there as if he was a goddamned...

Ok no, An, keep your head in the book!

I struggle and lean in more into him, that slight darn mistake made me slip forward, barreling into the devil's chest and landing on the floor, He grunts by the floor's impact, and I saw my chance, wiggling into him and reaching for my book as quick as lighting but he topples me over, pinning me to the ground. The brush of his thigh against my core froze me in place but his smug smirk got on my nerves.

"Bastard!" I sneer in between my teeth as I regain my breath, his eyes glimmer in glee, I wanted to hit that darn smirk from his face with a brick now.

"Studying is for the boring people, an you, little sister can't be more boring than this!" He comments, his firm, strong hand was holding both of my wrists, pinning me on the floor.

As one of his legs pressed against my thigh, the brush of his semi friend in his jeans there made my determination falter.

My cheeks flush and my imagination get the best of me, if mom and Mitchell found us like this they would think something fishy was going on.

"Stop being such an attention whore and give me back my book, we have an assignment to finish!..." I try to talk my way out of the situation but him leaning into me was agony, his other leg was supporting his weight but my free leg ticked, oh an idea...

"Anne, girl, let me tell you this position is very comfortable, in fact let me fix it..."

William let's go of my book, leaving it not so far from where we were in the floor and reaches at my cheek, placing his warm hand there, making my heart summersault.

The creep! He was so into leaning closer to me he didn't realize my free leg until it connected with something.

His Stomach.

That sudden scream of agony was my chance of victory and I roll over, picking my book off the floor triumphantly. A small smile playing on my lips.

Standing up and glaring down at him, I wanted to kick him one last time but no such luck, mom appeared right on cue.

"What's going on?" She asks, looking at our predicament and I just huff, fixing my hair and looking down at William again, wuss.

"We just had a small conversation, no biggie..." I say casually, but mom doesn't buy it, she have seen me react to William these past days and let me tell you, she was jolly since she imagined we did bond and were acting like the typical brother/sister relationship but man she was wrong, and I had the feeling she knew it but wanted more proof.

He brings the worst out of me and darn the guy succeeded. William raises his head, still groaning in the floor and gave my mother a charming smile, oh now you act civil.

"It's ok, Miss. Heathers..." He tried to explain, his voice strangle by the pain, he wheezed and my mom giggles.

She giggles, not you too mom! He could be your son for pete's sake!

"Please William, dear, call me Janielle..."

She pipes in cheerfully, since it was the first interaction he allowed himself to have with my mother, I snort, his detached tone didn't match his serene expression. Hah the urges to kick this guy where the sun doesn't shine.

I took a quick breath and walked toward the hallway only to be stopped by my mother.

"Baby girl, I'm going out to finish a shooting for a sports health magazine spread, I'll be back soon, Mitchell is out as well so why don't both of you work your little quarrel and work on that project you told me, together?"

Very very clever mother, you are love and life combined. I smile, masking my small lit fire as her words play again and again in my head like a broken record. From my peripheral vision I saw William stand up, with difficulty but straight on and quip, good, that shows not to mess with me anymore.

I look at mom again, her pointed look said everything, expecting me to give her an answer, I open my mouth to reply but the jerk beat me to it.

"Don't worry, little sis and I will work it out, Miss H." He answers for me, turning slightly as he as well gave me a look. Stopping my smile and avert my eyes to my book, scowling at it, I look up again and grin broadly.

"Sure mom, see ya later..."

I walk toward her, hugging and kissing her cheek as she caress my back in the process, as well as lean closer.

"You need to learn patience, Angela, darling, it's not easy but not impossible..., you'll understand once you let him in. Try to hold back your impulses..."

Mom whispers, I did held back the urge to answer with a nasty comeback this time. Moms know what they are talking about and I sure hoped that if it was in the future, that we could live cordially.

"Ok, mom..." I whisper back, as we lean away from our embrace. William walk toward us and gave a quick smile to my mother as he stood besides me, his hand resting on my shoulder casually. Mom smiles up at William and said her good byes, walking out the hallway and out the house. The small tension in the air was uncomfortable, I had to do something and fast because that hand in my shoulder was brushing down my arm as sweetly as a caress.

Jerk, get your hand off me.

"So, where were we?"

He asks, his voice with a playful hint. That made my cheeks aflame and I took action right away, elbowing him on his ribcage and moving my arm abruptly away from his hand. I gave him a quick glare and escape out, walking upstairs, he began to follow as his footsteps were heard as he as well walks upstairs.

"Stop! You should listen to what your mother said, little sis!" He patronized, I really couldn't believe what he said.

I snort, a senile smile appear on my lips as I turn around, I gasp and stop then and there, his eyes were determined and cool, those green gray orbs holding my gaze.

I couldn't let him see how much that simple action affected me so I throw my head back and laugh sarcastically, raising the book in my hand and waving it for him to see.

"I got better things to do than to waste my precious time with you..." I tell him, turning around once more to walk to my bedroom.

"I do need help..." He says, taking some steps toward me and stopping me. His hand grabbing my wrist as gently as possible.

He could do gentle?

The look of surprise in my face couldn't be masked but I close my eyes and count to five, I had a feeling he was hesitating on his own but I wasn't going to be fooled. Flushed and all I look up to him, determined and serious.

"You better be talking seriously because again I don't like wasting my time... This is for friday and if you haven't read a thing then start doing so..."

I smack my book into his chest, a light thud was heard and he grunts, taken aback, his hand quickly grabbing my book. I then walk past him, my hand freeing itself from his hold as he must be standing there looking at me lost.

I glance back, seeing him standing there still. I snort and roll my eyes not amused.

"I'm going to help you, slow brain, now move before I change my mind..."

I say, walking toward his bedroom and entering, there was no time to admire his own personal haven as I sit down in front of a large coffee table set over the soft rugged floor, the jerk sets his notebook and appointments out.

I reach for his notebook absentmindedly not looking at him of course but his warm hand lands on mine at the same time. I grab the book and swiftly pull away, opening his notebook in a random page, burying my face on its content, hiding the massive blush my cheeks were sporting.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and began to search for the right page. William suggested to turn on the music and I only nod, not trusting my voice, and we did work, miraculously though, he was asking more questions than giving more answers but as I wrote down his questions, I couldn't help but realize that another point of view could be helpful. I look up at him as he was reading, the pose in front of me was a bit funny but picture worthy.

He is leaning on the wall behind him, a knee raise up to support the arm that he was using to hold up the book, his other hand supporting his weight at the side, as his eyes were trained and focused on the words, the rim of reading glasses were placed in the bridge of his nose, he was bitting at his lower pink coral lip in concentration, his unruly but well kept mat of auburn raven hair stood out as the sunset rays shine down on him.

Just that and it made me forget for a slight second he was a pompous jerk with the tendency to flaunt himself around. I could have been fooled if he did the same at College, if I never meet him before and if he was in the library, surrounded like this and working on his assignment, that was sight to behold and man I might have fallen for him in a heart beat.

Oh God what are you thinking, Angela?!

The slamming of my knee on the coffee table made me back track my thoughts. I flinch from the pain and suck in a breath, the jerk's eyes land on mine, a mix of a glare and a startled glance my way. I cover my mouth to not laugh and whimper at the same time but I scramble my way out, ignoring the pain in my knee.

Standing up and limping away, I mused about turning back and apologizing but I close the door of the bedroom. Taking quick deep breaths to calm my traitor of a heart.

I hate you, you bastard...

I cursed at him in my head. Not willing to understand why I was reacting like this... I let myself calm down some seconds later, entering the room again as if nothing happened. The smirk in the imbecile's lips said it all but I ignored it, working for my own appointments and from time to time asking him questions about the book.

The opening and closing of the front door was my cue, fixing my things and reaching for my book, I glance at the digital clock on his night table. Oh, we worked until 7:30 pm, it means I can type in some of my work.

"We're home! And we brought Chinese food!" Mom called out, they must have had arrived at the same time. My stomach grumble in hunger at those words.

"You shouldn't go out with your knee like that."

William says, his eyes trained on me as he grabs my leg under the table. I suck in a breath as goosebumps raise by his touch, if it wasn't because of my injured knee, I would have kicked him.

"I am fine..." I move away somehow but his hand is still grabbing my leg.

"Don't be stubborn and let me help you, it's the least I can do..."

His tone lowered as his hand travel up to my injured knee, his fingertips brushing softly, but I move my leg away, flinching at the pain but ignoring it as well.

"Stop touching me...and I am hungry..."

I glare at him as I grab my things and stand up.

"When I am hungry, you don't mess with me..."

I threaten and walk out, limping a bit and heading toward my bedroom, breathing a quick breath of relief as I set my things in my desktop, the shinning of my phone alerted me of a phone call since it was on vibrate mode, I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Yeah?, Hello..." I answer walking around my room to set my clothes for tomorrow.

"Angela, girl! Did you heard? Your boyfriend got my number and is crazy trying to contact you..."

I groan and sigh softly.

"I really don't want to talk about him, Lin..." I say, walking out my room and downstairs.

"He was telling me something about your the hunk you call brother and that he needed to you to explain things to him... But the asshole shouldn't even be calling me! Who does he think he is..." And on she blabbered about Jared. I walk into the living room, to divert the attention of my parents from my conversation.

"I'm not sorry about him at all, but I am sorry that he is bothering you so much..., I'll make it up to you, why don't we go and hang out at our favorite coffee shop?"

Celine's mood changed and began to throttle me with questions about the jerk but I only laugh.

"I'll answer you, when you come and pick me up, now I'm going to eat, see ya in a few, Lin."

I hung up and went to the kitchen, mom fixing the plates with food as Mitchell kisses her cheek, winking at me and helping set up the dinning table. Since William came around we've been eating at the dinning table instead of kitchen island. Mom loved the idea and Mitchell enjoyed our little "family" time. I was glad for them and made me happy that they were happy.

So I help put the plates with out any say and William walks in. My pain long forgotten as we sat down and ate in silence.

"So how was the study section today?"

Mom asked, breaking the comfortable silence as the jerk and I look at each other as if we were in sync.

"We worked all right..." I answer her quickly, not wanting to loose the bliss of eating my food.

"She slammed her knee on the table by accident..." The bastard implies, holding back his laughter, the one who laughed anyway was dad. I glare at both of them and stand up abruptly, not wanting to be the center of their mocking.

"Haha, funny, now I'll be out so you guys can laugh more..." William then started laughing as well, I walk toward mom and kiss her cheek.

"Mom, Celine is here... I'll come back like at 10." I say since my phone was vibrating on the back pocket of my jeans. I reach and answer, walking upstairs and grabbing my wallet and keys.

"Hey Lin, I'm heading out in a whiff, just getting something out-"

Walking out, I bumped into a solid chest, I reach for my bruised nose. I move my hand away from my ear as Celine squealed and was trying to get me to talk.

"What the..."

I take a step back and look up, those green gray eyes scrutinizing my every breath.

"Where are you going?" He asks, reaching for my shoulder but I side step him.

"I'm going away for a while, no need to give you explanation. Big Brother."

Those eyes followed me, as I walk down stairs and out, waving at Celine from inside, I walk at the grand mansion's gates and type the code to the small gate and walk out, kissing the airs of freedom.

"Come on girl!!" She waved inside the car as the window of the passenger door was open, I laugh at her silliness and close the gate, quick walking toward her car and getting in, hugging each other fiercely.

"You need to tell me everything at the cafe!" She says like a care in the world, I roll my eyes playfully and close the door of the car as she starts the car and we head off.

My time with Celine at the coffee shop was relaxing, I tell her about what happened earlier at home leaving out the part of me seeing the jerk in another environment in my head and explain the situation where I haven't talked to Jared in a week as well as what happened the day when I picked William at the airport.

"So Jared, the asshole reacted to just seeing you with your "brother", the sexy jerk..."

Celine wiggle her eyebrows as the waitress set our coffees in our table we thank her and she walks off to attend the other customers, I smack Celine's shoulder out of instincts.

"Celine darn it, don't talk about him like that!..."

She giggles and reaches for her drink, looking at me pointedly. I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose to calm myself. I reach for my drink and look at it.

"Ok ok, it is not my fault that the moment we bumped into each other in the airport, I almost fell head over heels for him... almost." I return her pointed look as she puts down her drink, daring her to say something out of of pure coincidence, and she dod anyway...

"You really can't be so dense, you had the picture of him as a child when you literally head-butted into him..."

She grins mischievously and I spit out the small amount of coffee I sipped, I reach for a napkin quickly as Celine laughs her brains out. I was about to retort at her words but she cuts me in.

"I should have taken a picture, damn Angela, girl, loosen up..., Sometimes people act like that because of something that happened..."

Celine implies, I look away and out the window. Celine might be right, but he is older than me..., ugh I forgot that men mature later than women..., I roll my eyes absentmindedly, sighing.

"Yeah, I mean getting kicked out of your own house is hard..., but that doesn't give him the rights to treat his father and my mom as if they were the bad guys..."

I stopped the conversation and we changed topic, talking about our assignments and our favorite Creative Design concentration, Jared's name appeared on my phone as a new text shine in the screen. We both look at my phone and Celine reaches for my phone.

"Passcode Please..."

She musses, and I scowl, grabbing my phone and typing the code quickly handing it back to her as she read the text, her face on a blank mask as she skimmed the text once again.

"This boyfriend of yours need a reality check..., he has been bothering me as well with texts and I don't even know how did he got a hold of my number!"

Celine groans and I read the text, he was desperately trying to make amends and for me to explain things, I of course was giving him the cold shoulder, in fact this is the first time a week and a half passes that I don't talk to him nor even bother to look at his texts, just tonight.

"He is not my boyfriend anymore..."

I explain to Celine but she raises an eyebrow, finishing her coffee, I did the same as she stood up, grabbing her purse and looking straight at me.

"Well that is something that he hasn't realized. Make that clear for him and you'll see..."

She implies but man I wish it was that easy. Easier said than done..., I finish my coffee and stood up as well, leaving a tip for the waitress and we head out. We didn't talked until we reach at my house, the sound of classic music in the background of my ears in the car was good, I loved that Celine knew the amount of personal space she could give instead of the jerk with a cocky attitude, can't keep his hands off.

"Hey, Angs..." Celine speaks as we come to a stop at my house. I look at her, taking a deep breath. She smiles at me.

"Take your time, don't beat yourself too much..."

I smile back at her and we hug, letting go of the breath that I was holding, thanking the heavens for a friend like her. Years separate us but our friendship never disappeared.

"Thanks Celine..., and I will, don't worry about it."

I assure her, getting out of her car and waving goodbye to her. I head inside, the grand gates opening slightly for me. Celine honks her departure and I walk inside my house, I enter into the living room to close the front curtains of the mansion. The surprise in my features couldn't be held back, someone was off in the couch.

William was asleep, a book on his chest as he uses an arm behind his head for support. A small smile escaped my lips as I walk toward the downstairs closet, grabbing a blanket and walking back, setting the blanket on the jerk, tucking him in.

"Seriously, stubborn enough..." I whisper softly as I grab my book from his firm hands. Things like these made my heart squeeze with an emotion that I would not put a name on. Why should I?


Angela's pic on the media, ;), Thanks for reading! Xoxo, Nat!

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