By Royal Decree

By BlewNeko

45 4 0

Princess Ariana of Glenfowl is being prepared as the bride to Lord Adrian, a nobleman close to the Golden Cro... More

By Order Of The Lord

By Royal Decree

13 1 0
By BlewNeko

I will be shipped off from my home in two days time, likely never to see my family or friends again. Father has promised me a good life of wealth and a life without want, but I don't care about that. All I want right now is to stay with him and mother. To stay here in Glenfowl and to rule as Queen when my time comes.

"The King has requested you come see him." Yenela tells me. She is one of the servants of the castle, the once brilliant blonde hair dulled with the years. I have known her since my birth. "He wishes to talk about Lord Adrian's arrival tonight."

Of course he does. He's scared that we will offend the Lord and he will leave without taking his prize or his contract.

"Ariana, my darling." Father greeted gently as I came into the great hall. For anyone else he would be upon the ancient throne and wait for them to bow while feeling the well worn wood, but for me he comes across to meet. There is a somber smile over his lips and an absence of excitement in his tone. "My beautiful daughter."

For as much as I love him, the man that brought me to where I stand, I can not meet his eyes right now. "You wanted to discuss Lord Adrian, Father?" He's woody beard, now tinted a stress ridden gray, moves as his lips turn towards a frown.

"I know you do not want to do this." He says as he pulls me into a firm embrace. "I understand your hesitation and pain, I feel it as well. This will help our kingdom thrive and grow."

Yes, our kingdom. Glenfowl is the last of the old age, all others in its line being destroyed over centuries, whether due to politics or by war. For the past hundred years, the world has been dominated by the Golden Crown and her allies. Father doesn't want Glenfowl to follow in its brother's footsteps. He wishes us to join the Crown.

"Lord Adrian Fennec is a close personal friend of the Crown, his people live within her borders and are defended by her armies. She will keep you safe and well, and through you, all of Glenfowl." My King describes, squeezing me against him, desperate to have me understand.

And yet, I can't find it in my heart to understand. He doesn't want me to go, and yet he pushes me away and gives me as a gift to the Lord of another land away from my home. He sends me off to be a wife with no word, a woman to be seen and not heard. I can't bare to let go and to understand.

"Can you tell me how we will greet Lord Adrian?" Father asks, adjusting to look me in the eyes, his hands gripping my shoulders.

The scowl cast over my face gave him my thoughts on this particular part of the matter, but I have to go through it anyways.

"I am to get onto my knees." I began, demonstrating and being sure to move my vision down to the floor. "And I address him as My Lord. I will speak only when spoken to directly as to not offend him."

"I know this feels degrading... I have cast my own pride aside as well just in setting up this deal." Father tells me, struggling to cross his legs as he goes to the floor. "But as the eldest kingdom and the last of the old age, it is our responsibility to survive and thrive no matter."

I know. I know we have to. But I don't want to.

And I'm scared.

• • •

The doors of the great hall opened, Father holding his place on the ancient wooden throne. I am the only one he would ever stand for during a greeting.

A small party of ambassadors and dignitaries enter, lead forward by a man in blue and gold. He is young for a noble, handsome and strong. For any other girl in the kingdom he would be a brilliant husband. For any other, they would gladly take his hand.

The group took the knee, all lowering their gaze other than a speaker and the noble himself. "Lord Adrian Fennec of Silvendow."

"Your Majesty." Adrian greeted, a shining yet respectful smile over his face. "I am delighted to have been invited to the eldest of our neighbors."

"I am pleased that you have accepted my invitation, Lord Fennec." Father replied, standing to his feet and allow the others to do the same. "I do hope you enjoy your stay with us over the days to come. I would relish in the opportunity to share the history and culture of our lands with you."

His eyes look honest enough, but as he turns towards me and smiles, the hate and fear fed into my lung, drowning out any words as I looked towards the floor. I slipped easily to my knees, carefully not to stumble downwards.

"My Lord." I hate that my voice comes as little as a whisper, but I can not take time to correct myself. The best course is to hold firm to every action.

I can hear a shuffling as he comes to his knee and I can't help but raise my eyes.

"My Lady." He replies, looking downward in respect before smiling back up towards me. "It's wonderful to meet you, Ariana. I've heard so many wonderful things about you."

The shock and wonder on Father's face tells me that he was not prepared for the Lord to be as kind as he was towards me. It was not a part of the culture of our old kingdoms.

While a surprise, it was a welcome one. Adrian held one hand out as he stood to his feet, offered towards me. The moment of hesitation was one I was not expecting. But I took his outstretched arm and he raised me to my feet.

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