I Wish I Was Dumb

By theyloveAres

46 9 7

London, a sixteen year old prodigy. very intelligent and top of all her classes , but is that really a good t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

15 2 5
By theyloveAres


I am London, a sixteen year old prodigy who is always talked of, and always top of her class. my intelligence was so unreal, unreal to the point of rumors. people believed those rumors leading to me getting made fun of all the time and being despised.

"Miss Hill ?" I look up confused but slowly remembering i was in calculus , now you know why i was day dreaming. This class is the most dreaded class in history, and don't get me started on the teacher. Mrs. Gotcher , she had grey hair but looked neither young or old, almost ageless. "yes ma'am" i replied in a goody-two-shoes tone. "please read aloud what the answer is to the third question."

the problem looked very confusing, but I answered with ease. "The answer is 9.1 over 7.1"
Mrs. Gotcher stood over me , intimidatingly , and looked at me with her icy cold blue eyes. As in reaction i looked away quickly, you could practically see me shaking in my desk. She tilted her head and slightly open her mouth, as if she was going to speak. i was preparing myself for the worst, i just knew she was going to call me out, but i was so sure that i had gotten the question right. As i started thinking about what possessed me to take this class , she simply replied with "good job miss Hill." i sighed in relief until the awful words uttered out of her mouth. "class , why don't you study as hard as London? She got the answer almost immediately!"

I felt stares on me. it wasn't normal stares though, it was like everyone was glaring at me. Maybe i was overthinking it and they weren't looking at me at all, but i didn't want to look up and find out.

you might be wondering why I, a 16 year old is taking college classes. well as i said before , everyone thought highly of me so i was allowed to skip 2 grades. I am actually supposed to be a sophomore in high school.

The dismissal bell rang and I walked out of the class still shaking. walking down the halls , i hear murmurs about me. I try and pretend that i'm just over thinking but it can't be helped.
"she such a dick rider, always trying to be the top in all her classes, and she's only 16 , such a fucking suck up" "i heard she sent nudes to Mr. M so she could get top of class" i rushed out of the hall before the tears could form in my eyes. "why" i whisper to myself.

I get to my broken down apartment and open the door. "dad?" i call aloud, but of course there's no response. "he isn't here london , he's probably drunk with some lady at a club or something right now" i turn around to find that my little sister talking to me. i laugh in response and kiss her forehead, "Jada you scared me , where's lil peanut at?" "the basketball court" she responds. i walk over to my room and i put my curly ass hair into a high bun, i put on some sweatpants and a tank-top. i look into the mirror and start to cry. I don't know what came over me to allow me to start crying. i'm not sure if it was because of the fact that dad is never home or the way i am talked about in the hallway but i just let it all out. i walk over to the freezer in need of cookies and cream ice cream but of course there is none, there is no food in fact. "Jada imma head out to the gas station to get something to eat" i yelled out . we live on solely cup o noodles, snacks and vienna sausages from the gas station.

i walk out the house with my guard up and my dads glock. you can never trust anybody out in these streets. I only had $50 on me so i only really focused on actual food. i walked in and sean greeted me right away, as you can tell i was a regular customer. "what's good London" "what's good Sean" i replied back. Sean is literally the only person who actually isnt mean to me, well besides my siblings. I had bought some lunchables, cup o noodles, vienna sausages, crackers and ice cream. knowing i still had money left i bought some chips, a pack of oreos , a few arizonas, and a hot dog and gummy worms for my brother and sister.

I bought everything and still had $3 remaining to give to my little siblings for cleaning the house while i was gone. I ran home before anyone tried to approach me. I made it home just before the sun was about to set and gave my siblings their snacks and made them dinner. i boiled some water on the stove and used it to shower myself. we aren't allowed to use hot water from the shower or the bill would go up and our dad would be angry, my siblings and I struggle to live our day to day lives. I get out of the shower and think about dark thoughts as i put on cocoa butter, but quickly steer away from the thoughts for the sake of my siblings. i would never want them to be abandoned... again.

I head over to lil peanut and give him a goodnight kiss. "London?" "Yes lil peanut?" i reply. "man i'm grown don't call me that, call me DeAndré" "ok fine DeAndré" i said playfully. André looks at me with a straight face and says "is Ej ever gonna come back?" i pause, and forget how to breathe for a second. Ej is our older brother. He is 19 as of now but he ran away when momma took off. he was real close to her and loved her so much. He took it the hardest when he found out she left. Ej abandoned us without warning, he didn't even say goodbye or i love you before he left. tears started to form in my eyes. i choked on my words " i don't know DeAndré" i kissed him on the forehead and left to sleep.

"come be with me London, i know you want to, come on London...be with me forever.." I open my eyes and i couldn't move. all i saw was a dark figure at the side of my bed, his voice sounded familiar. when i found out who's voice it was my heart stopped beating.... it was Ej. he handed something to me, taking the shape of a noose. "London come be with me, and we can wait for momma to come home together." I closed my eyes and start to pray, and i slowly feel myself breaking from the paralysis. I woke up in a cold sweat, heart racing, eyes frantic and tears streaming down my face.

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