Contract Agreement With My Be...

By reader_010

5K 299 23

My life used to be simple. I got normal problems like everyone else. I got everything planned out. After grad... More

Chapter 1: Not so bad coming back home
Chapter 2: My stolen first kiss
Chapter 3: Contract?
Chapter 4: College Party
Chapter 5: Making it Official
Chapter 6: Back to School?
Chapter 7: Can I really do it?
Chapter 8: Festival
Chapter 9: Spin the bottle
Chapter 10: Miss being Me
Chapter 11: Weekend with Tyler
Chapter 12: Birthday
Chapter: 13 Preparing the Party
Chapter 14: Lacey's Party
Chapter 15: Back to LA
Chapter 16: Burnt Turkey
Chapter 17: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 18: The Deal
Chapter 19: New Year
Chapter 20: Four of us
Chapter 21: Date with Tori
Chapter 22: Paint
Chapter 23: Masquerade Ball
Chapter 24: Weekend with Sarah
Chapter 25: Amusement Park
Chapter 26: Make A Wish
Chapter 27: No Luck
Chapter 29: Hate The Rain
Chapter 30: What About Now?
Chapter 31: Hot Spring
Chapter 32: Little Miss Temptress
Chapter 33: Summer Break
Chapter 34: This is Peaceful
Chapter 35: Not Worth It
Chapter 36: Hotel Party
Chapter 37: Favor
Chapter 38: Lunch
Chapter 39: Dance
Chapter 40: Celebrity Crush
Chapter 41: It Was Us
Chapter 42: Mr. Wilter
Chapter 43: Thailand
Chapter 44: Nothing Happen
Chapter 45: Miss You
Chapter 46: I Can't
Chapter 47: It's Just A Kiss
Chapter 48: Take Me Now
Chapter 49: Still Want Her
Chapter 50: Ivan Greyson
Chapter 51: It's A Date
Chapter 52: Tyler's Birthday
Chapter 53: Photos
Chapter 54: All Ever Wanted
Chapter 55: Breakfast
Chapter 56: Not A Dream?
Chapter 57: As Friends
Chapter 58: In The Past
Chapter 59: Promise Me
Chapter 60: That Simple
Chapter 61: Sister I Wish I Had
Chapter 62: Wedding
Marriage Contract

Chapter 28: Wade

63 1 0
By reader_010

Another month passed by just like that.

Nothing interesting happen.

It's already spring and I never got a good news after that audition.

I stop having small roles on documentary shows.

In the morning, I'm working on a bakeshop and in the evening, on a convenient store.

Sarah got busy with her studies so we barely spoke on the phone anymore.

She still calls me everyday to check up on me but we keep the conversation short.

I'm beginning to miss her a lot.

I've been stalking her on Facebook and Instagram but lately she hasn't post anything on any of her social media accounts.

She's usually active but it's been over a month since she last posted something.

I wonder what she's been up to.

Right now, I'm currently working at the convenient store.

Tyler came to buy his favorite yogart drink.

"Hey!" He greeted.

"You're buying yogart drink again?" I asked.

He casually nodded.

"You should stock some at home so you wouldn't have to buy here everyday." I suggest.

"I barely see you cause you work day and night. What is your plan anyway?" He asked curiously.

"Well, you know money is tight right now. I'm lucky I even got the job." I said while punching his drink on the scanner.

"Do you still plan to go to that acting academy?" He asked curiously.

"Maybe.. I don't know yet." I said honestly.

"It's gonna be spring break soon. I was thinking we could plan a trip together." He said quite sadly.

"Why did you have to start another job? Argh!" He was a bit annoyed.

"You still have Gerard. At least you wouldn't be alone on this trip." I said casually.

"We just fought this morning. I hate him now. He is so full of himself. I guess rich people are always gonna  be jerks. They feel so entitled. It makes me want to gag." He said while holding his yogart drink tightly.

I move away from the counter and took the mop.

"This is terrible time to chat. There's cctv around. I don't want my boss to think that I'm slacking off." I said while mopping the floor.

"Seriously?" He was beyond pissed.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sure you and Gerard will find ways to fix it." I said while tapping his back.

"No! It's over." He said while storming out of the store.

He always say that but they always end up making up.


A week after

After my shift in the bake shop, I went straight to the convenient store.

The store owner was there to introduce me to my new co-worker. He will start today and I have to train him.

"Hey there she is." I heard the store owner say while looking at me.

"Wade, this is Olivia. She will be working with you for most nights."

I smiled politely.

He extended his right hand to give me a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Olivia. I'm Wade. I'm new here and I hope we can get along." He said smiling.

I can't help but to admire his dimples.

He is kinda cute actually.

I think we're about the same age.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too." I replied while shaking his hands.

The store owner left us after a few exhange.

"Can you please open this box and start stocking the items on the rack. The inventory sheet is on the counter." I said.

He nodded and start doing what I instruct him to do.

I guess it will not be hard to get along with him.

"How old are you?" I asked curiously.

"I'm 20. How about you?" He replied asking the same question.

"19.. so you're older." I replied.

"Just a year apart.. that's cool. Do you go to school?" He asked.

"Not really. I had one semester in college but I already stop." I replied.

"Ooh, I thought that's why you don't have day shift." He replied.

"I have another day time job at the bake shop." I replied casually.

"You're hard working." He complimented me.

"How about you?" I asked.

"Planning to go to college next year." He replied while putting away the box

"That's good." I replied smiling.

"Do you know any place I could stay? Somewhere around the neighborhood? I'm planning to move out of my parent's house but I am yet to find a place with good rental fees." He asked nicely.

"Yeah, I could ask my friend if there is still available room on his place." I replied.

"Awesome. Thanks.."

He started sweeping the floor.

"How long have you been working here?" He asked curiously.

"About two weeks.. I've work longer at the bake shop." I replied.

"There aren't many customers here." He said while scanning the store.

"Yeah, not at this hour. Customers mostly come late evening." I replied.

"I see.." He said nodding.

"Come over here. I'll teach you how to use the system." I said while moving the monitor.

He walk and stop beside me.

I though him the basic accounting system installed in the computer.

"You're very smart." He complimented me.

"No, this is just basic. Don't worry if you're still having some difficulty in using our system. It's normal. After a few days, you'll get use to it too."

"Yeah thanks. I'm glad to be working with you." He said showing his set of deep cute dimples.

"Me too.. it's actually nice to have someone around. Working alone can be really tough and lonely. Hehe" I replied.

"I agree.." He said casually.

We get along very well.

My job became much easier now that he's here.

When we were about to close the store. It started pouring heavy rain fall.

"Darn! I forgot my umbrella." I mutter quite loudly.

"I got one.." He said while he was locking the store.

I was standing outside under the shed.

"We can share.." He offered.

He took out his umbrella.

"It's fine. I'm sure it will stop rainning soon." I decline politely.

"I insist.. it's big enough for the two us. Your place is just a few blocks away right?" He replied.

He open his umbrella and gladly shared it to me.

"Let's go?" He spoke.

Well I guess I just have to take his offer.

The rain is getting worst.

"Okay." I replied as we start to walk together.

"Don't worry, I'm harmless." He joked.

"And so am I.." I joked with him.

It took a few minutes to reach my home.

"Thanks for walking me here and sharing your umbrella." I said thanking him.

"Yeah no problem. I'll see you tomorrow at work." He replied.

He waited for me to get inside the house.

"Good night Olivia." He said as he wave goodbye.

"Yeah, good night Wade. Get home safe. Thanks again." I replied back.

The next day, I introduce Wade to Tyler.

"So this is my new co-worker I was telling you about this morning. He needs a place to stay. Do you think he can have a room in your building?" I started.

"Oh my gosh! He's such a cutie. What is your name again." He said quite flirtatiously.

"Hey! Stop it Ty,  you're gonna scare him away." I said while slapping his arms away.

Wade just giggle and find him amusing.

"It's fine Olivia. I'm Wade." He said while extending his arm for a handshake.

Tyler gladly took it.

"I've already talk to my landlord. You can check the second floor. The rooms are a bit small though. If it's okay with you." Tyler replied.

We help him out check some rooms.

Tyler casually walk next to me.

"He's very cute. Do you think he's single?" He asked.

"I don't know.." I said walking past him.

"What do you think of this place Wade?" I asked curiously.

"It's great. I'll just get the money ready so I can finally move out of my parents house." He said smiling.

"Yeah, you should also start packing your things." Tyler mention.

"Already done." Wade replied while turning his attention to me.

"Why don't we all have lunch together later?" Tyler offer.

"Sure, that would be great." He replied.

I lean in towards Tyler.

"Are you planning to get a new boyfriend?" I asked suspiciously.

"Oh please.. He's very handsome but even I could tell, he's not gay." He said dismissively.

"And how would you know?" I asked curiously.

" I bet he's interested in you." There he goes again with his assumptions.

"You always think people are interested in me." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"I'm mostly right though. Can't you see the way he looks at you?" He asked as a matter of factly.

"We just met yesterday. Stop giving meaning to every simple thing." I replied.

He just chuckle and say no more.

After helping Wade, we all went back to our work and met again 12noon.

"So Wade.. can I ask you something?" Tyler started without a warning.

I have a feeling he would say something stupid so I glare at him.

"What do you think of Olivia?" He asked.

I'm feeling embarrass for myself.

"She's very nice.. smart and helpful." He said nicely.

"No I mean as a girl? Are you single? Cause she's single and I think you guys would be amazin-- Ouch! The hec--" I kick his leg hard below the table.

"Don't listen to him. He forgot to take his meds. He's being all extra.." I said while making hand gesture and making circles beside my temple.

It's Tyler's turn to give me a death glare.

"Haha.. he's kinda funny." He replied.

He turn his attention to me.

"But I'm actually single." He mention.

"So I guess we're both single." He said while staring at me with that good adorable black eyes that are so expressive and soulful.

"Yeah.." I replied shortly.

Tyler cleared his throat.

"Oh isn't that nice. I'm single too." He said inserting himself back to the topic.

Wade acknowledge his answer but then he turn again to look at me.

Tyler playfully bump shoulders with me.

He gave me a look like he's telling me see I told you so

Tyler's phone started ringing.

He kept on ignoring his phone.

I took it from the table.

"Heyyy!" He was irritable.

"It's Gerard. Why don't you answer?" I asked curiously.

He snatch it from my hand.

"I told you. Gerard and I are already over so I don't have any reason to talk to him." He said while folding his arms with an attitude.

"Maybe he has something important to say." I said.

He turned off his phone.

"I don't think so. Can we please talk about anything aside from him." He said quite annoyed.

"You should just block his number then if you really don't plan to talk to him at all." I pointed


"She does have a point. Sounds like you're playing hard to get." Wade said agreeing with me.

He lift his one hand giving me a good hi-five.

"No I'm not!" He said defensively.

We laugh at his reaction.

Wade stood up to grab more drinks.

Tyler smiled while eyeing him.

"Do you believe me now?" He asked giggling.


"He has a crush on you for sure.. Don't you think he's handsome?"

"Yeah, he's very cute but stop assuming please. You're just making things awkward for us." I while taking a bite.

He smiled at me.

"So you agree with me about him being cute?" He asked again.

What's the big deal?

"I'm not blind Ty.." I answered.

Wade came back on our table with a tray of drinks.

We just chat about silly stuff like about our hobbies, weather, work and movies.


I've grown closer to Wade for the past few days we've been working together.

He's been walking me home after work.

I feel much safer around him.

You see,

Five days ago, I had a big terrifying incident in the streets while I was on my way home.

Two big guys cornered me.

They took my bag and held a knife under my throat.

I thought I was going to die.

Wade found me.

He saved me that night.

Today, I agree to see a movie with him.

In return for saving my life, he asked me if I could go see a movie with him and I said yes.

I was sweeping the floor when he sneaked behind me.

I was startled at first.

"Ahh!" I moved away jumping backwards.

"Oh crap, sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you. " he said apologetically.

He open his palm and showed the movie tickets.

"I just can't wait to watch the movie later with you. I already bought the tickets." He said estatically.

"How much did it cost? I'll pay for it since this is suppose to be my treat." I replied while looking at the tickets.

He shook his head.

"No, it was my idea to see this movie so I'll be paying okay?" He said forming a huge smile on his face.

I frowned

"Next time is on you." He added giving me a quick fist bump.

Next time?

I shrug it off.

"Fine.." I replied smiling warmly.

We went straight to the cinema after work.

We watch a comedy adventure movie.

It was very funny and we both kept laughing the whole time.

I'm glad I went to see this movie.

It was a good break from all of my stress and frustrations.

After the movie ended.

Wade walk me home again like usual.

He lives with Tyler now. He took the second floor which we showed him the other week.

While on my way home,

The night was cold.

Wade notice how uncomfortably cold I was.

He offered me his jacket. He immediately place it on my shoulder and wrap it in my body.

I tried to decline but there is no use.

Wade can get stubborn sometimes.

We were just walking next to each other.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" He asked starting a conversation.

"Yes, I didn't think I would love it but it turn out great. I enjoyed it." I replied sincerely.

"I'm glad to hear that." He said smiling.

"We should invite Ty with us next time." I said.

He nodded.

"Sure.." He replied shortly.

He start to rub his hands together.


It was like he was thinking of something to say to me.

I wasn't sure if he was just thinking of a topic to talk about while we were walking on the street.

I decided to talk instead.

"How are you adjusting to your new place? Do you miss your parents?" I asked.

I didn't really know what to talk about. I just blurt out the first thing that came to my mind.

"It's good. I visit my parents mostly on weekends so I don't miss them that much. How about you?" He replied.

"I wish I could do that regularly. I don't get to visit my mom as much." I replied.

"Maybe your mom can visit you instead." He said cheerfully.

"To be honest, she doesn't know my situation here." I replied.

I already told him about how I got scam and that I'm almost broke.

"Wouldn't it be better if she knows?" He asked curiously.

"I would like to fix it on my own. Telling my mom would only burden her." I replied.

"I understand." He replied.

A few more seconds, we reached my home.

I took off his jacket and gave it back to him.

"Thanks for tonight." I said sincerely.

"Olivia.. actually, I should be the one thanking you." He said looking away for a second.

I don't know if he's nervous or what but he is definitely acting a bit different from usual.

"Is there something bothering you Wade?" I asked curiously.

He stare at me deeply.

He suddenly took my one hand and press it gently.

I glance at our hands together.

"I..." He was gazing at me intently.

Was Tyler right all along?

"I really like you a lot Olivia.." He finished.


"Wade.." I call his name.

I wasn't sure what to say.

"Can you give me a chance to be your boyfriend?" He asked gently.

He place his other hand on my face. He caress my cheek slowly.

I was still in shock when we heard a sound move on my front porch.

It was Sarah.

"Ahmm.." I think she fell asleep waiting for me in the bench.

She began to stretch her hands.

I blink a few times.

I didn't even know she was coming to LA.

"Sarah you're here" I said.

She stood up and walk towards us.

She lower her gaze and I immediately remove my hand from Wade.

"Who is he?" She asked curiously.

"Um.. his name is Wade. My co-worker." I said awkwardly.

He smiled politely.

"Hi.." he greeted her.

"Sarah's my best friend from my hometown. I told you about her remember?" I said introducing her to Wade.

"Nice to meet you." He added.

Sarah didn't say a word. She just carefully examine him from foot to head.

"Co-worker you say?" She asked again.

Her full attention on me.

I nodded.

"Thanks for walking me home Wade. I'll see you at work tomorrow." I said saying goodbye to him.

"Yeah, sure.. Good night." He replied hugging me quick.

I can feel Sarah's intense stare on us.

I quickly pull away and pat his back nicely.

"Yeah good night." I replied.

He glance at Sarah and wave goodbye to both of us.

When he was gone, I notice Sarah glaring.

"Why are you late?" She asked.

"Oh that.. we just watch a movie together." I replied casually while I continue to walk.

"Like a date?" She asked more so with a tone of accusing me.

My eyes got bigger and shook my head a couple of times.

"N-no..ehm" my throat was dry and I sound like I'm eating my words.

"Then why are you guys so cozy and touchy when I saw you?" She asked irritably.

She place both of her hands on her waist.

I tried to laugh it off.

"That was nothing. Why don't we go inside. It's cold here." I said while I took her hand and pull her with me inside.

She yanked her hands away.

Why is she so upset?

"I didn't know you were coming here. Why didn't you text me?" I asked while sitting on my sofa.

She was still standing.

"It's spring break. We haven't talk much on the phone. Besides, I wanted to surprise you." She answered.

I tap the side of the sofa and asked her to sit down.

"Well, I'm surprise." I said smiling.

She frowned at me.

"What's wrong? Are you upset or something?" I asked getting worried for her.

"You never mention that guy to me." She said getting more annoyed.

"Who? Wade? What's the big deal? He's my friend." I replied casually.

"Just a friend? Seriously? I've never seen you that close to any guy before. You even let him hug you." She said.

She look so serious right now.

I avoided her eyes.

"Um, I have okay. I let Tyler hug me." I defended.

"That's different. Tyler is gay. That guy is clearly interested in you. You have to be blind not to see it." She argued.

"So what if he's interested in me?" I asked raising one eyebrow.

Okay, maybe I was provoking her

"So you're cheating on Tori?!" She said in a high pitch voice almost yelling.

I totally lost it.

I looked above and stare at my ceiling.

Grunting in frustration as I sighed.

"There's something I need to tell you." I said seriously.

I should have told her the truth.

She was waiting for me to explain.

I smiled at her.

"I'll explain everything later. Let's bring your stuff first in my room. I also need to freshen up." I said.

She agree with me.

I help her with her things.

"Next time, text me when you're coming to visit. I don't like that you waited outside of my place. It's very dangerous." I said.

"I didn't think you will be home late." She replied.

"But still, if you text me then I would have cancelled the movie and come early to pick you up." I said.

She nodded.

I let her get comfortable in my room while I took a quick bath.

I was already wearing my panjamas when I got out. She was sitting on my bed.

"So you said you will explain everything to me?" She brought up.


I sat next to her.

"I'm not cheating on anyone." I started.

She was just listening to me.

"Tori and I.. we're not really together. We're not dating. We're just friends." I explained to her.

It doesn't look like she believes me though.

"Are you joking?" She asked annoyed.

"I'm serious. Tori and I are really just friends. We never dated. It was all fake. I was just not ready to tell you about what happen with Stella. You and I were still not talking to each other. You were very angry at me. I didn't know what else to do so we pretended to be a couple." I said honestly.

She blink a few times.

"You fake your relationship with Tori just like what we did?" She asked again.

"Yes.. something like that." I replied.

She slap my forehead.


"Tori agreed with you?? How can you expect me to believe any of these?" She said irritably.

"But it's the truth. Tori was just trying to help me. I know I should have told you sooner.." I replied.

"Then why didn't you? Why are you just telling me this now?" She asked again.

I scratch the back of my neck.

"I don't know. We just never talked about it." I replied casually.

She sighed frustratingly.

I guess she was disappointed at me.

"What about Wade?" She asked again.

Again, why does she keep asking me about him?

"He's a friend and a co-worker. I already answered that." I replied.

"You're not gay." She looked down on her feet.

Is she talking to herself?

She only mumble the words as low as possible.

I still heard her though.

"Um... well.. Sar actually I-" she cut me off.

Not even letting me finished.

She suddenly hug me.

"I understand now. Let's go to sleep." She said as she moved from the bed and lay down comfortably.

I turn off the lights and lie down next to her.

"You're not mad?" I asked unsure.

She breathe out and was staring at the ceiling.

"No.. I'm just.. It's nothing. You were good at it." She replied as she close her eyes.

"Good? What do you mean?" I asked

I have no idea what she's talking about.

"Acting.. You're very good at it." She said.

"Well I want to be an actress remember." I replied laughing.

She open her eyes and move to face me.

I glance at her once but my focus was still on the ceiling.

"You've been very busy aren't you? You barely respond to my call." She mentioned.

"I have a lot of work these days. Besides, you're also busy with school." I replied.

"Look at me." Sarah whisper softly.

This is one of the times I wish I had a larger bed.

I close my eyes and place my one arm above my forehead ignoring what she had said.

"I'm sleepy now Sar. Just tell me what you want to say."

She gently place her hand on my cheek and pull me to face her.

My eyes automatically shut open as soon as she pull my face.

We are just an inch apart.

"Hic!.. hiccc!" I can feel my face burning as I hiccup involuntarily.

She giggle softly.

I tried to move as far as I could and almost fell when I reach the edge of my bed.

She was just staring at me.

I'm getting more nervous each passing second.

"Wh-what? Hic!" I asked.

"Are you happy here?" She asked.

Her tone was gentle but serious.

Do I look miserable?

"Y-yeah, why do you-- hic ask?" I replied asking.

Geez, I hate this hiccup.

"You should drink some water.." she suddenly mention.

"What?" I was confused.

"Your hiccup.." she said giggling

If she only knew she was the cause of it.

I was about to stand when she grab my hand.

"I'll get it." She said.

She jump off the bed and rush outside.

I sighed.

I felt more relax now that I'm alone.

Why does she still have this effect on me?

I just want to be normal around her.

She came back in my room with a glass of water.

She handed it to me.

"Thanks" I replied while avoiding her gaze.

I sat up from the bed and drink it.

I almost forgot to take my pill.

I'm taking sleeping pills now.

I took one and drank water.

"What is that for?" She asked curiously.

"Just sleeping pills." I replied.

She took the glass after I finished. She place it on my desk and we lay back in bed.

"Do you take that regularly? Is that even safe?" She was concerned.

I nodded.

"It helps me sleep at night. It's very effective. Stop worrying so much. Let's just go to sleep." I said while closing my eyes.

She place one of her hand on my abdomen and hug me closer.

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