Accepting New Love

By MalevolentDarkness

76.7K 1.8K 1.6K

This story is inspired after watching the episode Miracle Queen, this is my take on what I think and want to... More

Moving On
New Love?
Ladybug the Guardian
Jealousy Is Brewing
Second Chance
What Just Happened?
Making the First Move
Let The Flirting Begin
Adrien's Revelation
First Date
And Then There Were Four
Things Are Spicing Up!
He's Up To Something
Getting It Together
One More to the Team!
Stirring the Pot
My Little Blue Bird
Then There Were Three
First Kiss????
The Project
Fancy Her!?
The Serenade

Love Advice

2.2K 61 36
By MalevolentDarkness

Adrien's POV

After seeing Marinette. After seeing her on a date with Luka. After seeing her dressed up so beautifully. After hearing those words that were said about me coming out from her light pink lips. After experiencing everything I've seen today there was no way I could sleep tonight. No way I can't stop thinking about how Marinette has changed my life since the first day I met her and how stupid I was to not realize how I really felt about her. And seeing how happy she has been these past few days with Luka makes my stomach turn and feels like my heart is being clenched in someones hand, tightening its grip on my now bleeding heart over the girl that is way more than my friend at this point. Is it possible that my feelings for her are stronger than my feelings for My Lady?

"Just a friend." I lightly chuckle as I dwell about the stupid choice of words I've used for years now.

"Who? Marinette?" I hear Plagg from somwhere behind me as he rumages through my things looking for cheese. Staring at the bracelet Mari gave while we were training for the video game challenge, I can't help but remember how nervous I got when our hamds touched that one time when we both reached for the controller. Now it all makes sense why I was nervous and always felt happier when she was around.

"What are you going on about? Ever since you spied on those bluenetts you've been in a daze. Have you finally accepted that the baker girl is more than a friend? 'Cuz if you have thank God. I was afraid you were never gonna figure it out." Plagg's voice gets closer to my ear drawing my attention away from my lucky charm, from that special girl.

"Look it took me awhile-" before I can even continue Plagg starts laughing hysterically.

"Awhile!? Kid I realized it maybe a little after you became Chat Noir and making friends with her. You're not good with girls at all. Now you have to decide. Ladybug. Kagami. Or Marinette. Let's face it Ladybug has the hots for someone else. Kagami is.....uh well a very intense person. And Marinette. I like her." Plagg continues to babble about all three girls as I throw myself on my bed and groan.

Chat Noir would know what to do right now. Marinette talks to him after all.

Getting off the bed I undo the covers, grabbing th extra pillows I have in a drawer under my bed, and place them carefully across my bed to form a body before throwing the blankets over it. Satisfied with the results I start to streach before getting ready to become my super hero alter-ego. "Wait. What are you doing? No. Come on we just got home!" Plagg tries to fly towards the restroom but it was too late, his body starts to get sucked up into my ring.

Chat Noir's POV

"Okay. So you're outside near Marinette's balcony.....watching her her as see looks out to the city. That isn't creepy at all man." I start talking to myseflf as I do exactly that watch Marinette from the building across from her home.

"CHAT!?" I can hear Marinette's voice break through my rambling in my head. Is her voice in my head? Am I imagining it?

"Chat what are doing out so late!?" Again her voice comes to mind. Looking over to find her staring right at me from her balcony. Oh shoot she saw me! Act cool.

"Well, hello there princess. Fancy meeting you here." I leap off the building and swiftly land next to her on her balcony, causing her to smile just a bit.

"So what's a pretty girl like you still up so late?" Why is it that I can flirt with ease when I'm Chat but not as Adrien....this is annoying.

"This girl was just enjoying the stars before bed. What are you doing here? Is there an akuma attack? Are you helping Ladybug!?" Marinette covers her mouth with a gasp as she looks around her building and down the street. The little crease between her eyebrows soften as I chuckle at her reaction

"No. Everything is fine. Don't worry princess, I won't let anything happen to you." I smoothly wrap one arm around her waist pressing our sides together in a side hug.

She let's out a sigh and giggles as she gets out of my grasp. I will admit, now that kind of stung a bit. Now that I know how she feels about me....well Adrien. "I just came here to hang out a bit and get out my house. And to see you...."

Marinette's head snaps towards me at my words and her eyebrows crease again. "Me? Why me?" How do I answer her question?

"Well, you're one of my close friends....I mean in my eyes anyways. You're one of the only people I really talk to about certain things. I love our late night conversations." Maybe I should talk to her about everything, without mentioning names that would reveal my identity to her. Maybe she could give me some advice on the whole situation from a girls point of view. I take a quick peak at Marinette as I look over her balcony, she is staring at me with those bright blue-bell eyes, they seem to glisten ever so sightly in the moonlight. 

"Of course we're friends, silly kitty." Her laugh is like a soft chime, it's so cute it made me smile. She sounds just like Mi'lady when she says 'silly kitty', I wonder if that's why my heart melts a little whenever she says it. "So tell me what on your feline mind? Talk to Dr. Marinette." Mari waves her arms at me to sit in the lawn chairs that are set up on her balcony. 

"Well, I've actually been having some problems in the love department to be honest." I look down from Marinette suddenly embarrassed for even bringing it up in the first place. "Oh. Hehe, are-are you talking about Ladybug?" Marinette's voice softens a bit and looks everywhere else, a little nervous. So should I tell her some of it and not say names or bite the bullet and tell her everything, maybe even tell her that I'm Chat Noir? I know she wouldn't tell anyone my secret, she's an amazin girl I would never hurt anyone. Taking a deep breath, I hold in trying to decided what I should say exactly. Letting my breath go, causing her to look back at me from the city, catching the glimmer of lights in her ocean blue eyes.

"Ha well, the thing is. It's kinda about her and someone else....well more that just someone else...." Oh god, I sound like a sleeze ball saying it like that, I need to choose my words carefully. I don't even want to look at her reaction after saying that. "Wait, that sounds way worse then it really is. So you know my feelings for Ladybug, I'm pretty sure everyone knows at this pont." I'm babbling, how funny is that I sound just like Marinette, finally looking at her I see a confused look on her face as she waits for me to continue. "Okay let me start over. After being turned down by Ladybug multiple times, I started to feel like she wound never love me. And then at one point a friend of mine, a girl, made it clear that she had feelings for me, like feelings like I have for M'Lady. It through me off and I didn't know how to response to it, but I was happy that someone actually cared for me like that. So we started spending more time together and I started to realize that I might like her more than a friend but those feelings are no where near the same or can compare to my feelings for Ladybug...." I take a minute to gather my thoughts and pick my next words carefully without giving away that I am about to talk about her. "So there's that, now to add another one to the mix, then a very close and dear friend of mine, well she got hurt really badly and I think it was my fault.....and I tried to be there for her but....another guy came to her side and helped her through it...." Thinking about Luka holding Marinette close to his chest after she was almost akumatized made my blood boil just a bit. Shaking the image clear, I get back on track with my explaination. "After that whole thing she started getting closer to him and he's been making her smile a lot more then she has for awhile.....seeing that made me feel weird....I didn't like her spending so much time with him, and the fact that she hadn't been talking to me as's like I don't matter to her anymore. I talked to my best friend, he said that its jealousy that I'm feeling....but I never thought of yo-" I stop short, realizing I was about to expose myself to her. "'s just so much. I never thought of her than more than a friend....but my eyes have been open......and now with the other girl.....she's awesome and I don't want to hurt her feelings but I don't think I feel the same way about her....and then there's my amazing partner, Ladybug is perfect but she doesn't love me." There. That was good enough right?

I couldn't look at her, what if she thtought I was an idiot too? After a long silence, I finally look over at Marinette to see her pouting, resting her index finger under her chin. She's just staring at the floor with her eyebrows creased. "Mari-" Before I can finish saying her name she moves her finger away from her and presses it agaisnt my lips, shushing me. She leaves her finger in place as she continues to stare at the floor, focused on her thoughts. "Okay so I really appreciate you coming to me to talk to about this Kitty, but I'm not sure how much help I can be. I don't exactly have a lot of experience of the romance department. I have my own things I have to deal with. But from what I've learned in my situations from the past, it's better to be honest with yourself and to let the others know how you truly feel. If those girls truly care about you they would understand and not hold it against you. what you do with Ladybug, you take your chance by telling her your feelings for her. Good or bad. So do the same for the one that confessed to you and the girl you are close friends with." That seems easier said than done.

"But one of them have been akumatized's happened more than was always something to do with heart break....I don't know if I can do this...." I really wish Ladybug could use a Lucky Charm to help me out with this.

"Chat Noir. I believe in you. I know you can do this." Marinette pulls me out of my thoughts by gently placing her hand on my cheek drawing me to face her beautiful face. Her words made me feel so strong, how could I not clear things up for myself. So first I need to talk to Kagami and tell her I only see her as a friend, nothing more. This is going to be one of the hardest things I have ever done, as Adrien, anyways.

"For what its worth....whoever you choose, that girl will be one of the luckiest. Who knows maybe she'll be your lucky charm." Marinette giggles as she leans foward on the balacny to stare at the lights again. Her words are so sencery, maybe I can be with Marinette this way.....I am more confident being Chat Noir, would she still think the girl would be lucky if she knew she was one of the girls I'm struggling with? "Marinette?" I place my hands over hers to keep it on my cheek, drawing her face closer to mine. Her sparkling blue eyes widen at my advance as I place my other hand on her waist. "Marinette, how would you feel if I told you, that you are my lucky-" Marinette's eyes widen even more as she realizes what I am slowly confessing to her, only to be interupted by a noise down in her bedroom.

Marinette's POV

"Chat Noir. I believe in you. I know you can do this." without thinking a casually brush my hand across his face and leave it on his cheek. I can tell my words really cheered him up. My poor kitty. I didn't know he was struggling so much. And here I thought he only had eyes for Ladybug....I guess all the rejections finally got to him. Now he's stuck in a confusing situation, kind of the same one I am in. "For what its worth....whoever you choose, that girl will be one of the luckiest. Who knows maybe she'll be your lucky charm." I can't help but giggle at my little pun. My silly kitty deserves someone amazing in his life and hopefully she will be there for him. it allowed to date? Being a super-hero and all. Wouldn't it be hard to date and keep the job a secret? It's easy for Alya and Nino because they know each others identities but as for Chat and myself?

"Marinette?" I notice Chat Noit place his hands over mine keeping them in place making out faces closer. I continue to look into his eyes as I wait for him to speak, smoothly I feel his hand clasp around my waist. "Marinette, how would you feel if I told you, that you are my lucky-" I feel my eyes widen at his words....he couldn't finish because Alya's voice ruptured the mood that was forming between us. Was he about to call me his lucky charm?

"You have to go! If Alya knows I talk to you, who knows what she'll think or try and do to get you on The Lady Blog!" Pulling away I run towards the entrance to my bedroom to see Alya pulling herself up the ladder. Quickly I glance back sigh in relief when I notice him gone.

"Alya? W-what are y-you doing here?" I jump down from the balcony to greet my best friend who made herself comfortable on my lounge chair. Happily I sit in front of her waiting for her to answer.

"Girl! You won't believe what I just found out! I couldn't wait to tell you in person. I was afraid your parents weren't gonna let me in given how late it is." Alya begins to ramble on about what her day consisted of before she got to the point why she came over. "You will never BE-LIEVE who I saw today!!" Alya screams but in a frustrating tone.

"Whoa Alya. Calmn down who did you see?" I wave my hands over her face to cool her down.

"Felix! He's back!" Alya throws her hands up in the air, leaving me speechless.

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