Novaletti Factor

By HaleyDea

27.9K 911 144

*Mature*18+ I could see that Micah Novaletti was no ordinary man and because of that everyone-or every woman... More

Novaletti Factor
Chapter 1~
Chapter 2~
House Rules~
Chapter 3~
Chapter 4~
Chapter 5~
Chapter 6~
Chapter 7~
Chapter 8~
Chapter 9~
Chapter 10~
Chapter 11~
Chapter 13~
Chapter 14~
Chapter 15~
Chapter 16~

Chapter 12~

795 38 8
By HaleyDea



I yawned, as I came awake the next morning, rolling over. It was no surprise to bump into something, big, warm and snoring. My guy. My boyfriend. My Sir. Whatever tittle fit the occasion. In his sleep, Micah sighed deeply and grabbed my arm to pull over him. I relished in the moment of being so close; inhaled his scent, leaned in the last few inches to kiss between his shoulder blades. I half expected to be pulled back in when I took my arm back and quietly got up from the bed. 

It was still the early hours of morning and at this time I was usually still asleep...but I had to make up one of the sessions I had missed yesterday. That, plus the regular scheduled sessions in my appointment book had to be done. And don't forget about your parents, Elise. I groaned inwardly at having to fit them into my day. Not that they were an inconvenience but the day had barely begun and I already felt the tingling start of a headache at my temples. 

"You've got this girl..." I assured myself quietly as I peeled off the soft cotton of my night clothes I had changed into the night before after getting out of my soaked outfit from the rain. The ceramic tiles were chilled as I stepped into the large glass shower and turned the metal dial. A million warm drops hit my skin, sending bumps arising that quickly went away as the water became hot. Nearly scolding. 

If Micah were to wake right now and join me he would hiss and twist at the temperature. You damned devil woman, is what he had said not too long ago as he'd found me in this same shower. But no more fuss had been heard from him as he'd become distracted in my plight to soap his tanned, naked flesh. 

I dabbed a healthy amount of shampoo into my palm before I went to lathering and rinsing, then the same ritual was done with conditioner. Before too long, the entire bathroom was fogged up, smelling of flowers and I frowned, scrubbing a soapy sponge over my body. I'd been surprised when one night I had come to shower weeks ago after a long day at work and had found the feminine soaps waiting for use. Another of Micah's doing. 

I enjoyed the male. His attention and affection and everything in between. I may even be falling in love. But, I was afraid of what 'moving to fast' would do. I'd seen it before-in Sebastian's marriage. My brother had been representing Audrey's grandfather, some years ago. Go figured, she fallen into his arms, tangled in his sheets and had gotten pregnant within a few months of their affairs. Just like Camille was pregnant now. Then Sebastian had thought it was right to marry Audrey. And now, after a couple of kids, she was his doormat. 

It would not be me, even though the circumstances with Micah Novaletti would be different. Much. I want your time...your body...your obedience. At which I had responded, You want to control me?  "Give it a rest, Elise," I muttered to myself as I shut the water off and stepped out of the shower. Was I really comparing Micah to Sebastian? Surely not. My brothers definition of control was a universe's difference to Micah's. "You're just a chicken..." I grumbled. 

But it was too late to turn back now. I was in deep with Novaletti, no way to dig myself out. The temperature dropped several degrees as I left the hot bathroom and crossed the bedroom to the closet, glancing to the bed. He was still asleep. Just like in the bathroom, where toiletries had been added to accommodate me into another's life, the closet had slowly became home to feminine clothing to keep Micah's suits company. 

I had a section, I had drawers, a place to store all of the expensive heels the man wouldn't stop buying. I don't think I had been present when half of the things had been bought and added to his closet. Like the short sundress I pulled down now and draped over the chaise. All that was left to do was insist I move in and marry him. 

Yea. Right. 


Curves than never seemed to quick...even in the sundress. Curves that nature had gifted upon her shapely figure.  Although the skirt was flowing, I knew every inch of what hid beneath. Of course I noticed the tighter part of the top but my only interest this morning was what would be revealed when I lifted the dress. I leaned against the pantry door and watched her for a moment, body swaying with the whisking of eggs. 

I would have stayed quiet and watched her prepare the entire meal but my eyes dropped to the pair of six hundred dollar Jimmy Choo's that were just where I had found them the night before. For once, I was glad that Ms. Mark's hadn't taken it upon herself to clean up. I folded my arms over my bare chest and cleared my throat loudly. 

Elise let out a quiet squeal and spun around. "God. You...frightened me." As quickly as she had tensed, she relaxed and smiled. 

"Mmm, good morning. Where is Ms. Marks?" Elise usually didn't help herself to the kitchen unless the older woman was away. 

"Hm. She said something about dusting the study a little bit ago. I practically had to beg to make breakfast." Something between a puff and a chuckle left her lips before she turned back to the stove and poured the whisked eggs into a pan bubbling with butter. 

That I believed. Ms. Marks didn't like people using her things-and every utensil, pan and pot in the kitchen was hers. I left the kitchen then, passed the staircase, foyer and went though the living room to the study. Indeed, the woman was on a step stool, wiping down the large mirror that hung over the gas fireplace. "Oh...Good morning, Mr. Novaletti." She greeted, spotting me through the reflection. 

"Good morning. Would you mind finishing breakfast? I need to steal Elise away from the task." Before I finished, she was descending the stool, looking more than pleased to oblige. Ms. Marks never questioned me. Knew her duties. Never crossed her boundaries. I couldn't say the same for the woman in the kitchen. 

For weeks now, I had just went with the flow of things, enjoyed out time as a couple, locked away my stringent need to dominate. So far this had been all fun and games...but it all ran a lot deeper than being called 'Sir' or asking for release. Today would be different. Today Elise would learn that every single house rule needed to be followed. 

I went around the desk and grabbed a black sharpie from the drawer. Elise knew the rules...she didn't have to read them every day. She didn't forget them. Then why break one? She was testing me. Everything I had been teaching her, up until now, had been verbal. What better day than today to give her first real, physical lesson? Something more than a belt spanking or a session with my wand. 

After the sharpie was slid into my pocket, I went back the way I had came until I was in the kitchen again. "....really, it's fine, Ms. Marks. I can finish." The two women were standing at the stove and Elise was not giving up that spatula without a fight. 

"Of course you can but Mr. Novaletti-" Ms. Marks was arguing in the most polite way possible; her hands intertwined in front of her, a calm look on her face. The eggs were burning. 

"Elise...let her finish." By the look she gave me, I was sure she was going to further the argument but the urge fell away from her face and she bit her lip. If her mouth would have opened in the moment she let out a sigh and handed the utensil to it's rightful owner, I was sure 'Fine' would have let her lips. "Come with me." I said and walked across the room to the hallway. 

My destination was my sanctuary. The place Elise had found all of those weeks ago. A room that was only in our late night conversations. Ms. Marks had been it's only occupants for awhile now and clearly nothing too fun was happening. It was just to clean; to dust my whips and wipe down my furniture. Just walking into the room and turning on the light caused a stir deep in my loins. 

What would I do to her? I thought as I took the three steps down into my comfort space.  An entire wall was devout to equipment that was used just for punishment. Various instruments of pain and pleasure lined the built-in shelves just waiting for me to use them on her. I had dreamed of it so much. It was my fantasies. I'd waited and waited to find a good enough reason to bring her here. The room held a bench, recliner, a swing...So what would it be? What neglected piece of furniture would I twist her up in? 

I went straight to the dresser that sat against one wall. A dresser filled with all kinds of shiny, fun gadgets and pulled open a drawer. Rope, leather cuffs...hand cuffs, bare and feathered. I wanted her to feel the metal against her wrists, know what it was like when she pulling against them. The metal of two pairs clank together as I grabbed them out and turned around. 

Elise was on the last step, curiosity and hesitation in her expression as she took in the room. Had she looked that way when she had found the room months ago? Surely. She was here. "I want a life with you, Elise. I want to be nice. I want to buy you things and make you happy. I want to see you smile. I want to treat you like the Goddess you are..." Those rich, golden brown eyes followed me as I moved to the lounge. 

It was one of my favorite assets to the room-the Liberator Esse. All the ways I could bend her to my will on just the one piece of furniture. I attached one end of the cuffs to a metal ring that was drilled into the side of the lounge and looked up at her. Elise's curious expression had turned into one of confusion as she watched me. "You know that. But I only ask one thing in follow the rules." 

Elise shifted on her bare feet as I went to the other side and did the same. "This is about my shoes in the kitchen?" 

"Yes. Putting them where they belong should have been the first thing you did this morning. You don't see Ms. Marks or myself leaving our things lying around the house, do you? I would think you'd take better care of the things I buy you, Elise." I stuck my hands into the pockets of my night pants, felt the sharpie there, just as she crossed her arms. 

"So, what, you're going to cuff me to that...whatever type of couch that is and...this is a little silly, Micah." Curiosity, confusion and now humor. She actually laughed. 

"Silly? I agree, this is having to punish you for breaking such a simple rule. I'm sure next time, you'll find one that is worth breaking. Come here." 


I didn't want to 'come here'. It was moments like this that made me question what the hell I was doing with this man. I wasn't judging him, I just felt as if I was somewhere I wasn't supposed to be. I stood on the last step in the room and just stared at Micah, who was very serious. 

l was pretty sure we had used those cuffs once or twice up in the bedroom but down seemed so much more sinister. "Come on...we are running out of time this morning. I don't want you to be late for work all because you left your shoes in the middle of my kitchen floor." He urged. If he had been wearing his watch, I was sure he would have looked down at it for effect. 

My stomach grew heavy then and I was descending the last step before I gave my body permission to do so. When I reached him, he pulled me against him, one hand rested on the small of my back and the other reached up to take my jaw. It was all so gentle. 

Then he was tilting my head as his lips ran along the curve of my throat. I loved them there. He had lips that knew what they wanted. "Rule number two. What is it?" His deep voice asked against my ear, the warmth of his breath made me shudder. 

"Never forget to clean up after yourself." I didn't even have to think for a second about my answer. No, no I was very focused on his smooth skin under my hands and his teeth scraping down the column of my neck. Then his teeth bit down harshly over my racing pulse. 

I screamed, he growled as my nails dug crescent shapes into his abdomen where my hands had been exploring. His teeth had barely released me before he turned me around and shoved me against the highest point of the...chaise? Strange that an erection lie against my ass when I was sure a minute ago, there had been no strain against his cotton pants. "In this room, you do not mark me. Not with your mouth or your hands. Do you understand that?" 

Lovely...there were rules for this room that weren't written on a piece of paper. I swallowed, hard. "Yes Sir." The fabric of the chaise beneath my hands was soft. Micah moved from behind me and grabbed my wrist. I had no other options but to bend at the waist when he pulled me down. The cuffing of my left wrist was swift, tight, and the metal was cold against my skin. 

I caught a glimpse of the marks my nails had made on him. They had broken skin, like his teeth had done to my neck. I could feel it. Throbbing, percolating with droplets of blood. All of my black hair fell around my face as my other wrist was captured. I hadn't felt so venerable when we had used these cuffs up in the bedroom. No, that had been fun. 

"Let's make sure you never break that rule again..." My breast easily spilled from the top of my sundress when he pulled at the material. The softness of the chaise against my nipples was like a gentle caress. "Tell me again...Rule number two." His body that draped over mine was like a huge, heavy blanket as he whispered the words against my ear. 

My heart was beating wildly and I was thinking hard about what was about to happen. His hand in my hair, jerking my my head up pulled me out of a fantasy and I bit my lip, muffling my pained moan as the cuffs dug into my wrists. "You're really in no position to hesitate, Elise. I'm sure I can find something in here to get you talking." 

"Never forget to clean up after yourself!" I said in a rush and was released promptly, blessed once again with the soft cushion of the chaise against my bare breast. Shit, it was nice...and I was turned-on...

"Again." There was nothing erotic about the way he shoved my dress over my hips and pulled my panties down. I couldn't forget, we were running on time this morning, as he had reminded me just minutes ago. 

"Never forget-" I flinched but not from pain as I felt the cool tip of something sliding over the skin of my exposed bottom. "Never forget to clean up after yourself." It took me a moment to realize he was writing on me. 

"Keep saying it. You're going to say that every time my paddle lands on your ass. You're going to say that until we leave this room." 

Twenty times. 'Never forget to clean up after yourself.'  I hadn't counted...Micah had. I'd just whimpered and wiggled in those cuffs until I was panting and my ass was on fire. It still hurt even now, halfway through the day, as I sat behind my desk at the studio. I even had a pretty little "Rule No.2" written in Micah's handwriting on me. Every time I thought of it my face grew warm. 

The worst thing about it...I'd really wanted him to screw my brains out when he was done. Didn't happen. So frustrating he was. He'd proved his point. Every little infraction to the rules would always be dealt with. Again, I was so lost in my thoughts, that when the bell sounded in the lobby, I jumped. All of my sexual frustrations and thoughts of how I would properly apologize to Micah went out the window when I looked up. 

Sebastian and my mother were making their way fast into my office and I stood up, surprised. "Mom?" The Mrs. Connolly was a small woman with the same eyes as my brother and I and her hair was just as dark, cut into a pixie style. "What are you doing here?" I asked as she came to me and pulled me into a hug. 

Sebastian looked bored as he stopped just inside of the doorway. "She wouldn't let up until I brought her here." 

"But we were supposed to have dinner tonight..." 

Once she pulled away, our mother waved her hand through the air. "I just wanted to see how my princess was doing." 

I'm fine, mom. I'm working. I promised dinner, I promised to come see your new house. But I'm working. That would have been my response hadn't the bell rang again. I'd wanted the introductions to be proper. But as I looked past my brother, into the lobby, I thought now was as good as any time for Micah Novaletti to meet my mother. 


Hello, My Loves! 

Sorry it has been so long. I planned this chapter out for a long time last night and originally there was supposed to be a lot more in it but it all exceeded the chapter length I set for myself. 

No worries, that just means more readable content for you to come! I missed this story so much. And OMG...have I ever said how much I LOVE Micah. Totally giving off Sol Specter vibes. Ugh. 

Until next time, 


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