
By Inconvenient_Ideal

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For as long as she could remember, Liruliniel had one goal, one hope, one thing she wanted to aspire to be an... More

Author's Note.


559 37 10
By Inconvenient_Ideal

The dragon's trail was lost quite quickly, the wake it left was quite obvious though; busted and bent trees from it either flying too low, or the beats of its wings inflicting a harsh wind to be flown downwards, the foliage did not stand a chance. It didn't matter if they lost sight of it though, because they all knew where it was heading, it was going to the one place which Thranduil had thought he'd never return to. It wasn't like he was expecting to be greeted with open arms if he ever returned. Far from it, he'd expect the gates to be shut and him barred entrance.

It didn't matter now, Thranduil had had experience with drakes, he knew what to expect with them and what they could do. Yes, he did not fight the one which had dealt him damage on the battlefield, but he knew full well what power such creatures could harbour. Such power that could be unleashed so easily and readily that a second thought wasn't even cast. They weren't mindless creatures acting on impulse, there was intelligence behind their actions and if anything, this dragon heading towards the Mountain was proving that perhaps it was acting on both sides. As an impulse it was being pulled and called to the dwarven realm, the gold would be too great a treasure to ignore and shun, or at least leave unchecked and hoarded by the dwarves. A race that would surely be looked down upon grimly by such a massive beast in more ways than one. But also, what intelligence led it to this, or was behind such an invasion was something Thranduil was struggling to piece together. He didn't see what intelligence there could be, other than turfing the dwarves out of their home and taking what was theirs, for its own.

The marching boots around him echoed out amongst the trees and forestry scape around him. His own focus and eyes were on the path ahead, the twists and turns they took, missing Esgaroth completely to get to the outcropping and overlooking hills that were beside Erebor. Even before they broke the cover of the forest, they could all see black smoke trailing upwards into the otherwise blue sky. They were too late to do anything, not that Thranduil was going to fight a dragon, but they were all very aware that they would be walking into an inferno. And that was putting it incredibly lightly, Esgaroth was untouched, the distance between it and the Mountain proved uneventfully boring to the dragon it seemed.

Dale however, didn't have that luck. What was once a beautiful, peaceful city of Men was now a wreck and a twisted nightmarish parody of what it once was. The light brickwork of the buildings were scorched a horrible black, charcoal grey colour. Roofs were destroyed, some just barely intact but not by much. The majority of the buildings looked like they had caved in already, what happened to the people in within was uncertain, but it was clear the outcome wasn't good. How anyone could escape this, Thranduil did not know. But even as he slightly tilted his head, he could hear frantic screams and running feet, people were alive by some miracle from above from the higher powers of the world. How they would ever recover from this, he didn't know, they would no doubt relocate to Esgaroth, and Thranduil doubted they'd be wholly welcome there.

The city was on fire, the blackened smoke mingling upwards into the clouds and covering the area in a hazy smog. The smell of the smoke, plus burning building materials and unfortunately those caught in the flames was unbearable almost. The smell sickening and as unpleasant as the city itself. But the trail of fire led straight towards Erebor and its heavily guarded stone gates. These no longer remained, what seemed to take a few to struggle to open had been so easily smashed aside as if they were made out of sand. The broken dark stone laid cracked and segmented around the doorway itself, small figures could be seen running out of the remnants, so it seemed some had survived here too.

The dragon wasn't interested in those who were managing to slip its grasp apparently, and why would it be concerned? It was moving into a treasure horde that had already been built up by a mad king, who by looks of things from Thranduil's position on the hill, had survived too. He remained stoic and watching with his army around him, they were all equally looking blank faced, readying to hear a command and move into action. No order came, Thranduil was not going to make a move and risk unnecessary deaths of his people. Why would he? The dwarves bought this upon themselves, if Thrór had listened; if he hadn't been so blinded, pigheaded and ignorant to the kind warning which came to him, then this wouldn't have happened. They'd still have their home, they wouldn't be running from a dragon, they wouldn't be watching as others around them were burned and killed by fire.

Thranduil turned away, much to the clear aggravation on Thorin's face as he looked upwards to him. He didn't have the time to dwell on the petty feelings and the anger which was no doubt raging through the dwarf-Prince, Thranduil was taking his army home. Even a blind man could see there was nothing he could do here, there was nothing anyone could do. Once a dragon had a horde and settled on it, it would not move for anything, or anyone. The dragon had moved into Erebor, and in Erebor it would stay for the foreseeable for all Thranduil could see and tell.

Of course, the return home unscathed and all intact had sceptical looks sent their ways. Not that Thranduil was about to explain his actions, or reasons. He dismounted and left someone to take care of his steed while moving out of the stable area and back up into the palace. He had to be the bearer of bad news to Liruliniel, although she already knew the outcome, she didn't need to be physically told anything. Thranduil couldn't help but feel his stomach twist a little, the thought of confronting her after their last conversation had him feeling increasingly uncertain. They had both said things they did not mean, but to face each other after this cataclysmic event...Thranduil didn't know how that was going to go down.

With steady steps, he made his way upwards and toward their room. He mutely pushed the door open, and shut it behind himself without looking away from the room before him. Much like in her own, Liruliniel had taken to placing her armour on that rickety mannequin in the corner of the main living space, this was now back in place. All the plates buckled on and knives in their places. However Thranduil did note that the two-handed sword was missing in action, so she was still armed and clearly not present. He turned and moved to the bedroom, he swept the light coloured trail of his robe out of his way as he did so. Empty, the bed was made and Liruliniel was not in here. Not that he expected her to be, now that he knew she had a sword on her person.

It made sense, he supposed, that after their last conversation that she'd wish to blow off some steam by training. Though, Thranduil was not expecting to come upon an empty training room. He was the lone figure walking across the vast ground, he looked out at the area where archery took place, nothing. Looking upwards and around at himself, Thranduil turned and rushed somewhat out of the room. That was two places down where she would possibly be. Something inside him was turning cold though, the invisible link between them was pulling at him, his heart precisely felt like it was in a vice. He didn't feel right. He couldn't describe it but even before he got to the garden, he knew she wasn't going to be there. Thranduil could feel it, she wasn't here.

He felt winded, though physically he didn't appear affected as he stared long and hard at the small cluster of white blooming flowers. He could almost hear Thalion reprimanding him on fighting pointlessly with his sister, again. "What have you said to her now?" He'd no doubt ask with a bored expression, waiting to hear this times reasons for falling out. Thranduil wouldn't tell him honestly of the indirect name calling, Thalion would see that as petty and unnecessary. Not only that, he knew his friend would be ashamed of him, stooping to that level especially seems in hindsight, Liruliniel's task was done with good intentions.

Thranduil felt like he was chasing a ghost down the winding corridors of the palace, each corridor led to somewhere Liruliniel wasn't. Each room he peered into, was every other elf but her. Thranduil was starting to grow ever more concerned, if she wasn't here, where was she? Thranduil turned on his heels and marched down the corridor, his feet quickly sped down the stairs as he walked onwards, perhaps someone knew where she was? After all, he and the army had been gone for a fair few hours, Liruliniel would've surely socialised while he was gone?

Thranduil watched the younger elf before him jump, he didn't mean to startle Anameleth, but he had sort of crept up on her while she sat quietly reading in one of the many open spaces near a balcony. "No, sorry, I haven't seen her. Why, what's the matter?" Anameleth replied curtly and politely to his question if she'd seen the missing elf.

"I just wished to speak with her, if you see her tell her I'm looking for her." Thranduil said with an air of indifference, yet inside something plummeted even more. He sought out others who may know where she was, Tauriel seemed clueless Liruliniel wasn't in the palace and Caladhiel hadn't seen her for a few days. There was perhaps one other who'd know where she possibly was, and Thranduil went off to find his son. He stood and waited near the gates when a guard told him that Legolas had gone out on a patrol. Thranduil's blue eyes flickered over the small number in the company, Liruliniel not being one of them.

Legolas, as intuitive as ever, sensed something was amiss with his father. He tried not to look too concerned in front of the others, not wanting to alert them that their king wasn't right, but his eyes still looked worriedly at his father. Legolas tilted his head and walked alongside Thranduil when he merely turned on his heels when his son got close. "What happened with the dragon? Did anyone get hurt?" Legolas questioned, thinking it was this that had caused his father to look so unsettled.

And he did, Legolas had not, and could not perhaps remember the last time Thranduil had looked like he did now. It wasn't just worry, there was something disheartening about someone so strong looking suddenly so vulnerable. It was a look which his father rarely had, or shared. Legolas supposed the last time he did, his mother passed away. But Thranduil did truly look unsettled, something was causing him to feel discord, and Legolas didn't know what he could do to help, or what to say to ease him. His father wasn't known for freely accepting help, verbal or otherwise.

Thranduil merely shook his head, his straight hair waving slightly as he did so. "Do not concern yourself there, nothing happened. The dragon took the Mountain, and the only ones who were hurt were those who did not heed our warnings." Thranduil said coldly, Legolas frowned. He sounded more disjointed in his tone than usual, Thranduil was often aloof, but this was something new.

"Something is bothering you, what is it?" Legolas stopped and turned to look upwards at his father when his eyes went downcast and he stopped walking too.

Tilting his head, Thranduil's eyes flicked sidelong down at his son. He hadn't turned to face him fully, so all Legolas got was somewhat icy eyes looking at him within an expressionless face. "Have you seen Liruliniel?" There was something more lingering in his tone, Legolas could see he was trying to be nonchalant on the matter. But there was a hint of something in his voice, he was bothered by not being able to find his other half, Legolas could see it plainly.

It pained Legolas, but he shook his head. He couldn't put his father's unease to rest, "I haven't, I'm sorry. When was the last time you saw her?"

Thranduil looked onwards down the corridor, the elves around them paid no mind to them chatting away to one side. Inhaling deeply, Thranduil shook his head, he couldn't simply reply to Legolas's question because Thranduil did not wholly remember the room exactly, just that it was the first empty one he came across. "It does not matter, I am sure she will come out from where she's hiding eventually." Thranduil shrugged and commenced walking again, his words didn't deduct from the unsettled feeling building within him even more, nearly all consuming him with this almost nauseous worry.

"Did you have a fight?" Legolas asked quietly, he was uncertain how his father would react to his question. Thranduil paused in the middle of a step and glanced over his shoulder before facing forwards again and walking off. He didn't even answer him, which was something he was used to at times. But his eyes said enough, his father looked hesitant, fearful even that something had clearly been said that couldn't be taken back. He looked around and frowned, if his father couldn't find her, then he wouldn't have any better of a chance. Yet he turned and made his way down the opposite corridor, he would try anyway.

Thranduil however was evidently exuding an aura not to approach, question or even look his way because those he passed awkwardly diverted their gazes. He was unsure what his outward appearance was like, he mused whether without him knowing his expression mirrored his feelings. But, in fact, his expression was stony, although his eyes fiercely glared onwards at nothing in particular. He was stumped, as awful as that was to say, he was stumped.

Hearing passing elves comment that they could even spy the smoke on the horizon from the balconies had Thranduil pausing. He turned and looked at their retreating forms before his eyes snapped onwards as his head sharply turned and he walked off with a sudden realisation.

He couldn't believe he didn't think this before. Where was a better outlook to the scenery than the balconies within their realm? The outlook where she had first seen the image of the burning city in her mind. Thranduil went on foot, swiftly and quietly he ran as soon as his form entered the tree line. The last thing he needed was someone spotting him and raising an alarm that he's gone walking off without a guard. Thranduil ducked past low boughs and jumped over prickly, thorny bushes before slowing when he heard the rushing river which ran throughout their home.

Turning and looking to the side, he slowed his pace and stepped lightly as ever onwards. Thranduil felt relief wash over him, like someone had just literally dumped water from the river over him. That cold relief sunk within him contently, because there she was. Liruliniel was standing there near the drop off of the waterfall, even from where he was standing Thranduil could see her shoulders shaking loosely. Silmacil was hanging off her sword belt, instead of it being strapped across her back, from what he could see she hadn't had to use it, thankfully.

Any and all thoughts and feelings of apprehension about their last confrontation, Thranduil pushed it all aside, because he could not stand here and watch her cry anymore. He had always hated seeing her upset, he always had done ever since they were children. If she was sad, he wished to know why, and if he could help. Without knowing it, he cheered her up without even trying at times. Thranduil continued on silently, she may have been fast, able to outrun and dodge out of the way of him, but he had the silence. Making his way closer without her knowing was easy, really very easy.

Even when he was behind her, she seemed none the wiser. Thranduil looked over her, the height difference making it easy to do so. He could see the smoke rising on the horizon, shaking his head he reached up and paused for a moment. Sneaking up on her wasn't going to end well, her instincts would surely kick in first. "I told you to stay, to spare you having to see this sight up close." He spoke first before finishing his previous action, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her back against his chest. The warmth of her was comforting and Thranduil's eyes slid to a shut as he buried his head against her hair, which she had all unbraided. Having her within reach and in his arms was an indescribable feeling. He had been scared that she had left.

He felt her moving, he lifted his head away as she looked up at him. Thranduil lifted up a hand and brushed his thumb under one eye and then the other, she looked distraught. "Did any survive?" Her voice was hoarse, broken even at the thought of everyone perishing.

Thranduil nodded slowly, "There are survivors."

"Where will they all go?" Liruliniel's eyes trailed from his and stared longingly at the trees around them.

"The Iron Hills and Esgaroth no doubt." Thranduil presumed, where else were the mortals and the dwarves going to go? Those were the nearest settlements for both their races equally.

Liruliniel's face scrunched up slowly, Thranduil shushed her only to have her turn in his arms and bury her face against his chest. "I am sorry." She peeked up at him, though her smaller hands stayed clutching onto his tunic. "I am sorry, for earlier. I never meant to offend you, or make you believe I did not trust you." Liruliniel was looking up at him tearily before shutting her eyes and burying her face back against his tunic. "Díheno nin, Thranduil."

Thranduil leaned his chin against the top of her head and shut his eyes, he couldn't stand here and look at that smoke anymore. His arms wrapped around her tighter, Liruliniel welcomed it by pressing herself closer to him. "I do," how could he not forgive her, really? "Only if you are gracious enough to do the same?" He asked, feeling her nod quickly against its buried position. Thranduil rubbed a hand up and down her back, "Shall we head back?" He asked while looking down at her, he could feel her shoulders had stopped shaking, her crying had seemingly ceased.

"Yes, please." Liruliniel practically peeled herself away from him but cast her face over her shoulder. "All those innocents..."

"Ceno nin," Thranduil said quietly, he placed a hand to her cheek and made her look at him. "Ceno nin, Liruliniel." He held onto her hands and started backtracking, Thranduil knew these lands well and trusted his footing not to mislead him and trip. By doing this, it meant he could make sure she wouldn't keep looking back at the sight of Dale burning, and the horrible thoughts of what was going on in the Mountain would soon follow, he knew it.

When he was sure they were far enough away, he stopped and turned. Liruliniel looked up at him a little sadly, Thranduil also noted how she was slightly dragging her feet. With a small sigh, he paused, which had her looking at him curiously only to let out a yelp when he slipped one of her arms around his shoulders. Thranduil leaned down and literally swept her off of her feet. Liruliniel was carefully hoisted into his arms, she hardly weighed anything and Thranduil would be lying completely if he said he didn't find enjoyment in this.

One hand rested in between his shoulders and her other came to rest above his heart. It was so steadily beating away, strongly at that as Thranduil's slow pace meandered them through the forest. Liruliniel just looked at him, Thranduil glanced at her now and again and got a small smile from her. "Le i velethron nîn, Thranduil."

His feet paused then, his face turned to look at her with slightly wide eyes, he didn't know where a proclamation of love came from, but something inside him felt incredibly warmed by her words. "Iston, Liruliniel." Of course he knew.


He sighed and looked upwards as he commenced walking again. "Ge melin, guren vell."

Liruliniel let out a quiet laugh, "You make speaking of love sound like a chore." She knew he didn't mean it, but he wasn't exactly open with his feelings at the best of times. Thranduil's eyes just slid sidelong at her dully, Liruliniel smiled more. "We are really fine, aren't we?"

Thranduil blinked and his eyes looked up at the break in the trees which led towards home. "Fighting is normal, Liruliniel. We have argued before, and we have been fine afterwards. Words were and are said in an effort to hurt each other, but how much do we actually mean in the heat of the moment? We were both coming from what we perceived as the right place, doesn't mean we were actually right." Thranduil said measuredly and thoughtfully while her arm moved from over his shoulders. She huddled against his shoulder and the crook of his neck as her arm joined the other in her lap, she was holding Silmacil out the way the best she could.

"Did I worry you?" Liruliniel thought over his words and silently agreed, she knew that he would knew she'd agree too.

"I couldn't find you."

"I know you were opting to spare me, but I needed to see it. I cannot explain it, I know what happened and what was to happen, yet I needed to see it just to be sure. It's like a compulsion, I don't know...just to clarify I was right, I suppose?"

"I should've known you'd find yourself outside somehow." Thranduil mused in hindsight going outside should've been his first port of call.

"I am sorry, for not listening, again."

"I understand, Liruliniel. There is no need to apologise." He understood what she meant, she didn't need to apologise for this viewing moment.

"You didn't see it, did you?"

"Fleetingly." Thranduil said while approaching the doors to the palace, he'd gone charging out the stables and entered back through.

"And?" Liruliniel was curious, as much as the vision had haunted her, she wished to know.

Thranduil walked up the stairs back into the complex corridors and halls. They did get strange looks sent their ways, Thranduil, expressionless as ever and eyes staring intently at anything they landed on was carrying a close eyed Liruliniel who, from the outside, looked asleep and content in his arms, a small smile on her face. "You were right. It is a monster." Thranduil whispered, placing a gentle kiss to her temple and shutting his eyes as he finally made it back to their room, he listened to her let out a hum and nod her head.

"A monster who has taken over Erebor."

Thranduil laid her down on the bed, he rested the two-handed sword against the wall before sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked at her and nodded, "It has."

"What now?" Liruliniel asked, she pushed herself to sit regardless of how comfortable she was.

Thranduil thought over her question, his eyes looking at her sword for a long time before he sighed. Looking back at her, he tilted his head and ran the back of his hand over her cheek. "We carry on, it's all we can do." Liruliniel nodded and went to lay back down, though she looked at him pointedly. Thranduil shrugged himself out of the robe before straightening out his tunic and removing his crown too. There was quite a bit of time before mealtime, he didn't intend to go to the throne room and give a report of what happened. No, instead he laid down beside Liruliniel and pulled her back against his chest. His much taller and longer former managed to curl up around her smaller body with ease, she was enveloped comfortably against him with an arm under the pillow to support her head, his other hand stayed against her stomach gently. Liruliniel's own hands went to find his, a hand entwined with his under the pillow and her other rested against the hand on her stomach, and that is how they remained; in silence, and comfortable with each other and so close to the other that they both found themselves giving into sleep regardless of the time of day.


(A/N: It's my birthday, aha, the 3rd of April, or whenever ya'll read this. So yeah, birthday in quarantine! Would say it's a first, but it isn't, I had TB as a kid and was in lockdown for that in a hospital too xD I hope everyone is doing okay still? I'm still checking in!)


Forgive me - Díheno nin

Look at me - Ceno nin

You are my love - Le i velethron nîn

I know - Iston

I love you - Ge melin

Sweet heart - Guren vell

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