Swiftstar's Prophecy - Unfini...

By AmbiguousPierogi

14.3K 713 970

Swiftpaw is prophecied to be the "peacemaker" between the clans and the rogues that threaten the clan territo... More

Important Information Before you Read
Allegiances 0
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one *SPECIAL*
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight *SPECIAL*
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
(Q&A) Chapter Fifty-four
Q&A + Facts + HINTS
Allegiances 1
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Facts + Hints 2
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-two
Chapter Sixty-three
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven
Chapter Sixty-eight
Chapter Sixty-nine
Chapter Seventy
Hi guys!

Chapter Fifty

122 8 31
By AmbiguousPierogi

The full moon hung above the whole forest. Its dignified rays of light delicately touched all life. The group of TideClan cats weaved their way through the uprooted, willow forest that led to the StarRock. Tonight was the Gathering but TideClan had jeopardous news.

A pretty calico she-cat was in the middle of the group, her long fur groomed nicely. Beside her was a bigger tom, a pelt as black as night. But when the moonlight touched his fur, his black stripes were visible. Four apprentices followed behind them; they were told to stick close to the two warriors for safety reasons. Swiftblossom's tail lashed to feel their whiskers, making sure that she wasn't going too fast. The new warrior was young, quick, and she didn't want to leave behind the apprentices.

"I wonder what the Gathering will be like!" Flaxpaw meowed excitedly, his thin tail lifted high in the air. Russetpaw wondered out loud, "The StarRock must be so pretty, too!"

"Keep it down up there," Behind them, Beeclaw hissed at them, his tail bushing up. Briarpaw glared at Flaxpaw and Russetpaw before she hurried up to walk beside Swiftblossom. "They talk way too much," Briarpaw whispered to Swiftblossom, who chuckled at her comment. In front of them, the senior warriors who were chosen to go walked. Lionstar led the cats towards the section of the Grand River where they had to cross.

The tides weren't too wild tonight. As the first five cats dipped into the river, Wolfspirit turned his head, noticing a slightly shaking Lilypaw. "What's the matter?" the tom asked the white apprentice.

"U-um... I'm a bit scared to swim..." Lilypaw admitted, stammering. Wolfspirit exchanged glances with Dovefeather, who just passed by, then he offered his back to the small apprentice. "Just this once I'll carry you across--"

"Thank you, thank you!" Lilypaw excitedly hopped on, Wolfspirit staggering slightly under her. But he didn't mind and stepped into the river. The cold water enveloped his legs and his belly as he swam and kept their heads up. Swiftblossom was just behind him, leading Flaxpaw, Briarpaw, and Russetpaw towards the other side. He found it quite motherly of her, the way she let the young apprentices stick close to her as ducklings would to their mother. She helped the stocky Russetpaw with his balance in the water by nudging him. She would make a good mother one day, he thought fondly.

Swiftblossom soon made it to the other side, remembering her first time crossing this exact bend. I was fearless, unlike these apprentices. Though, I don't blame them. Ever since the rogue attack (only three days ago), every cat has been cautious and frail. The apprentices had trouble swimming and patrols were doubled greatly. Some wounds never heal...

She witnessed Lilypaw climbing off of Wolfspirit's back and joining the other apprentices and Swiftblossom just chuckled at her drenched mate. "That's quite nice of you to do that," she told him. He rolled his eyes, "The she-cat just wanted a lift, that's all." The two looked up at the great climb of the hill and sighed. They both knew that they would have to help the apprentices up the steep hill, too.

Pricklepelt and Tortoisetail had to remain behind in the camp to guard in case of more rogues. In fact, most of the warriors stayed behind. The only cats who went were Lionstar, Blazestripe the new deputy, Beeclaw, Clovertail, Dovefeather, Wolfspirit, Swiftblossom, and the apprentices. Swiftblossom exactly remembered what Blizzardtail did to her when it was her first time climbing the hill, and she lashed her tail at Briarpaw.

"The climb would be dangerous since the snow makes it icy and slippery. So hold unto my tail if you must," she meowed seriously. Briarpaw gave her a doubtful look before she lightly clamped unto the calico's tail. Swiftblossom then unsheathed her claws to clung unto the stronger roots and stalks of flattened grass. Using her strong legs, she hoisted herself up and used her hind legs to propel herself up. Briarpaw moved as well but Swiftblossom felt another force latch unto their chain. She guessed it was another apprentice and continued to climb.

Soon, the chain of cats reached the top of the hill. Swiftblossom stopped at the top to assist any other cats that had trouble. Briarpaw and Flaxpaw waited beside her, feeling slightly guilty for using Swiftblossom's tail. Once Wolfspirit reached the top, Swiftblossom sank her teeth into Russetpaw's scruff to hoist him up. Lilypaw had gotten to the top thanks to the help of her mother, Dovefeather. Lionstar waited for her small group of cats to join her at the top of the hill then padded towards the familiar clearing where the StarRock resigned. 

Wolfspirit and Swiftblossom walked together, their tails entwined as they made their way towards where they first met. It felt just like yesterday when we were apprentices, Swiftblossom thought. "Lovebirds," scoffed Blazestripe teasingly as he passed before he began to run. Wolfspirit lightly growled and chased after the deputy, "Want to say that again, Blazestripe?" The two toms had easily become friends. The apprentices soon chased after them and the warriors hurried, but Swiftblossom and Dovefeather lingered behind.

"You and Wolfspirit are such an ideal couple," Dovefeather purred to Swiftblossom, "Should I ask if kits will be coming soon?"

Swiftblossom's fur felt on fire but she replied back, "With the rogue problem, we're going to put that off for now. It's safer, anyway." The calico lashed her tail and Dovefeather's blue eyes narrowed. "I still couldn't believe that Dapplefur did that. To betray her clan like that--"

"I betrayed my clan, too, for Wolfspirit--" Swiftblossom tried to cut in. Dovefeather stepped in front of the young warrior, her eyes blazing blue fire. "But you and Wolfspirit are completely different. I don't ever want to hear you degrade yourself down to her level, alright?" Her tone was harsh but softened. Dovefeather lovingly licked Swiftblossom's forehead, "I love you like my own daughter. I know you would never betray your clan as she did. I'm sorry for lashing out at you..."

"I love you too, Dovefeather. You're a mother to me ever since Echoflower left. You must be hurting on the inside, watching your best friend turn her back to her family," Swiftblossom meowed sympathetically. Dovefeather... not only did Pricklepelt get hurt but so did she. Other cats probably got hurt, too. Maybe Brackenstalk and Mosspelt, Dapplefur's littermates. None of them deserve to feel this way. But at the same time... Dovefeather shouldn't' completely hate Dapplefur. "But hating your best friend will solve nothing," Swiftblossom spoke, "We all hate Dapplefur, but your hatred is affecting you mentally. Listen to yourself. You even lashed out at me. Dovefeather, it is best that you try to release your pent up anger. You might hurt someone." Swiftblossom remembered the time when she nearly dislocated Fallownose's shoulder and she flinched at how dangerous she was.

Dovefeather blinked slowly at the pretty she-cat. The former queen fondly remembered when Swiftblossom was a kit, the most fragile thing in the world after the torment Redstar gave her. Yet, Swiftblossom was able to forgive her corrupted father. The gray she-cat sniffled, "Darling, you sound just like Echoflower. Thank you." The two cats then hurried to the clearing full of cats. Wolfspirit was multiple fox lengths away, waiting for Swiftblossom and Dovefeather. Swiftblossom tenderly gazed at her mate before she cuffed his ears, "Let's go find Poppyfoot, yes?"

"She'll love to see us. We have plenty of time, too. We're waiting on DriftClan and DuskClan. Come on, love!" Wolfspirit sprinted down into the crowd of cats and Swiftblossom followed happily. Some BoulderClan cats turned their heads and stared at Wolfspirit, amazed at how well he grew up. Wolfspirit's fur ruffled as he ran. Swiftblossom loved the way he looked all the time. He looked so handsome when his fur was a mess, especially when it was a mess. When the moonlight is on him, he looks heavenly. 

Swiftblossom scanned the area, looking for the ginger she-cat that nursed Wolfspirit. She soon spotted the she-cat with other cats and she called over to Wolfspirit, "Come on, she's over here!"

Poppyfoot heard the familiar voice of Swiftblossom and her ears perked up. Wolfspirit brushed past other cats, his green eyes shining as he saw the BoulderClan cat. Swiftblossom lingered behind him, her heart swelling as she saw how happy Wolfspirit was. Poppyfoot was overjoyed as she gave her foster son licks all over his face. "You've grown so much! So handsome!" Poppyfoot purred. Swiftblossom held back giggles as she watched such a big tom struggle with remaining composed.

Swiftblossom was just about to greet Poppyfoot when she heard the other two clans approach. The calico she-cat's eyes lifted to the StarRock, where Lionstar and Ivystar stood. Soon they were joined by Elmstar, then lastly Lizardstar. The four cats looked grand but Swiftblossom slightly missed seeing her father above. 

The cats at the Gathering all settled down to listen to the four leaders. Swiftblossom sat down beside Poppyfoot, the calico's tail pressing against the former queen's flank as a greeting. Wolfspirit sat beside his mate. A bunch of DuskClan elders hushed a nearby group of apprentices.

Lizardstar stepped forward first. "DuskClan is managing well this leaf-bare. Two litter of kits were born three days ago and prey runs well." Then Elmstar spoke, the elderly tom sitting down a bit pompously. The black leader meowed, "DriftClan has two new elders who have served their youth well as warriors. Rabbits run rampant on the moor."

Ivystar was about to speak until Lionstar solemnly meowed, "TideClan suffered a great loss, including Redstar. A dangerous group of rogues attacked the Clan. We suspect that they come from the north in the untouched territories. Clans of the Forest, be aware of your borders. These rogues in a group of eleven killed seven warriors and we're sure that there are more."

Cats gasped in shock as Lionstar admitted the number of deaths that the clan suffered. Poppyfoot turned to Swiftblossom, "Is this true, Swiftpaw?"

"Yes...but I'm no longer Swiftpaw," she told the she-cat.

"Besides the morbid news, TideClan has two new warriors, Swiftblossom and Wolfspirit. We also have four new apprentices, Russetpaw, Briarpaw, Lilypaw, and Flaxpaw!" Lionstar quickly meowed, trying to ease the tension. The cats of TideClan began to chant their names and some other cats from other clans did, too. Poppyfoot cheered, proudly gazing at her son and his mate. 


The next day, Swiftblossom and Pricklepelt were spending time together by the Cypress Stream. It was sunhigh and Pricklepelt hasn't gotten any sleep yet. He looked extremely tired but he wanted to spend a peaceful time with Swiftblossom. They sat beside the running water, the brown tom dipping his paw to touch the cool water once in a while. The little snow that leaf-bare brought had already melted and it seemed just like newleaf. Swiftblossom's paw was barely above the water, her paw pads gently feeling the small droplets of gushing water. 

 They both sat in deep thought. Swiftblossom went over what happened on the day of the rogue attack. She closed her eyes, envisioning the time she ran through the reeds, the prophecy pounding in her ears. The word illness kept repeating. It drew me just in time at the camp. But... it seemed to stop once I laid my eyes on that blue rogue and Dapplefur. An illness that is infamously ancient... 

Her heart dropped down to her paws just as she stomped her paw down into the water. Pricklepelt jumped in surprise at the sudden move and he looked at her, his yellow eyes in question. Swiftblossom's amber eyes widened as she realized what the illness was.

Half-bloods. I barely remember only a few stories of half-blood cats, born with the blood of the Clans and the blood of outsiders running through their veins. It's against the Warrior Code to betray your Clan. Swiftblossom gulped, immediately becoming dizzy. The water swirled at her paws and she opened her mouth to breathe. The illness is being Half-blooded, almost like HalfClan. She couldn't believe that StarClan called it an illness until she recited the prophecy.

An illness that is infamously ancient has already touched a willing victim, and it will stretch its claws to consume the four Clans. Only the spill of pitied blood can stop it, and Arise! Arise will be the dignified, born of a lame and a corrupt, the peacemaker of the sick and the scarred!

It all makes sense now. Dapplefur was a willing victim. The illness was rogue blood. But it's considered an illness because of the hosts of this blood are deadly. The rogues will massacre the four clans unless I put a stop to it. Swiftblossom now hunched over, coughing rapidly. Her heart was pumping out of her chest, her head was dizzy, and her paws felt numb and tingly. The rogues will come back to murder every single clan cat. 

Swiftblossom's body gave out on her and she plummeted unto her side, panting heavily. Pricklepelt hurried over to her, begging her to stay awake.

The rogue blood is the illness. Throughout clan history, we throw out and kill rogues and half-bloods for being different. Now the rogues have come back to slaughter us.


How do you guys feel about the prophecy? 

Also, thank you guys for 7k reads! I love you all!


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