A Song of Ice and Fire

By yzgheib21

130K 3.2K 5.5K

DISCONTINUED In a universe where each person is born knowing an original melody, a song that no one else know... More

~Ch1: rEcOmMeNdAtIoN~
~Ch2: tHe ExAm~
~Ch3: tEaMwOrK, wHo?~
~Ch4: hE wHaT?!~
~Ch5: pAiN~
~Ch6: oH nO...~
~Ch7: NoT wHaT hE sEeMs~
~Ch8: hErO tRaInInG~
~Ch9: sHoW yOuRsElF~
~Ch10: tHe sOnGlEss, tHe sOnGbOrNe, AnD tHe SiLenCeD~
~cH12: wEiRd~

~Ch11: cLaSs ReP~

3.4K 108 171
By yzgheib21

"You need to choose a class rep and vice." Mr. Aizawa said boredly. "The title is an opportunity for you, as students and potential sidekicks and heroes, to gain extra recognition amongst agencies and the pro-hero community. So, do what you need to do to elect them, and until then, don't talk to me." Aizawa zipped up his yellow sleeping bag and plopped down to the floor at the foot of the teacher's desk.

"But if we vote, everyone will just choose themselves. No one will get a majority, and no one will get the title!" Someone shouted from the back, getting nothing but a grunt from our homeroom teacher as a response. Others began to add commentary of their own.

"Guess we'll have to deal with it," I mumbled, twirling a pencil. "Anyway, this system does assure that a majority, if occurring, would be authentic and well deserved at least."

"Settle down everyone! This is no way to do class elections." Iida stood up, adjusting his glasses. "Does anyone have any suggestions on voting procedures?"

"We could just simply write the name of the person we vote for on a piece of paper, then have one of us count the votes," Momo suggested, sitting up straighter. "It's how we used to do it back in middle school."

"Yeah, sounds good to me." Sero shrugged. "The only question is, who gets to count?"

"Why not Iida? He took charge, he should be the one to do it." I proposed. Some people voiced their agreement. Iida nodded and began prepping a table on the board to tally the points.

"Okay then, everyone. Write the name of the person you vote for on a piece of paper then bring it here!"

And so the class set to work, some having their neatly folded piece of paper ready in a matter of seconds, others rubbing their foreheads, seeming yo be at a loss for who to vote for.

I was one of the latter, hesitating between Momo and Iida.

I'd known Momo almost my entire life, and I knew that she would be an exemplary representative. However, in the few first days of classes, Iida had proved himself to be the perfect rep image. Plus, it seemed a little cliche to vote for my friend...

"I-I don't know if I want to vote for myself..." Momo whispered next to me. "I don't think I'd be a good representative."

I stared at her for a minute, processing her words. "Momo," I smiled softly. "You'd be perfect for the job. You've proved that to me time and time again." Making up my mind, I finally wrote down a name on the piece of paper and lifted it for her to see. "So you'd better get that vote. I won't have it any other way." My smile widened as her eyes lit up.

She quickly wrote her name in her neat handwriting, and stood with me to hand Iida our votes. He thanked us, placing it with the others on the table, and we headed back to our respective seats.

As we neared our corner, I glanced at Todoroki. He had just finished folding his paper and was moving to give his vote to Iida. As our paths intersected, the world slowed down as he fleetingly met my gaze and cocked his head to the side, almost like a silent greeting. I mimicked the gesture, struggling to retain the heat that rushed to my cheeks. All color had faded to grey, all but the hue of his form, which seemed to glow. But the moment ended just as it had begun. Time returned to normal, and the colors had returned to their original design, and it was like it had never happened.

"You should really believe in yourself more, Momo," I continued the previous conversation, dismissing the previous scene as an illusion. Surely it had just been her mind playing tricks on her, manipulating the whole soulmate ordeal. "You're kind, powerful, and pretty much a genius. Have more faith in yourself!" I winced as I realized how redundant I was getting. "I keep telling you that, sorry... It's gotten a bit annoying I'm sure, but it's true."

"No, no, not at all!" She reassured. "You're totally right... And honestly, bit by bit, you are building up my self-esteem, and thank you so much for that... But it's not as easy as you make it seem." She shrugged. "Plus, I'm still waiting for you to think of yourself a bit more, learn to say no. You're human too you know."

"Me? Human? I would have never guessed!"

"Well, you'd better believe it."

We laughed heartily and kept chatting until Ojiro submitted his vote, the last one apparently, and Iida began to tally the votes on the board.

We all watched with held breaths, the silence disturbed only by the scratching of chalk on board, awaiting the results.

This is the most dramatic class elections I've ever seen...

At long last, the counting was complete, and the results were displayed for all to see.

"Izuku Midoriya is your class rep with 3 votes, and Momo Yaoyorozu vice with 2." Aizawa announced.

All eyes turned to him as he removed his sleeping bag and stretched his back.

"Uh, sir, weren't you just asleep?"

"No." He sipped a carton of juice. "Just an old trick to get you to get things done yourself. Teaches you autonomy, leadership, independence, yadda yadda ya..."

"No more logical ruses. Please." Mineta said from in front of us, clutching his head with trembling hands. "You're driving me mad."

"Stop complaining. You're in the hero course now, act like it. Class dismissed." He left, not checking to see if we had heard.

No one got up to leave for lunch though, as we finally got the chance to truly inspect the tally. Iida still stood to the side, but unlike the rest of us, he wasn't checking the board. Being the one who had written them, he'd already know all there was to know, and he was crestfallen, having not gotten a single vote.

He quickly covered up his disappointment, masking it with a serious face and a neutral expression, and I made a mental note to check up on him later on.

But for the time being, I still needed to check my results.

I scanned the lists again, weirdly unable to locate my name. Funny how one never seems to find what they're looking for, but have it popping out to them at every corner once they're in no more need of it.

"I still can't believe I actually became vice though..." Momo's eyes had glassed over.

"Well, it happened. We all see it." She kept staring forward as if she hadn't even heard me. "Helloo, earth to Momo." I waved my hand in front of her face, hoping to snap her out of her stupor. "Captain, I think we've lost her-"

"W-what?" She jumped, looking around, agitated. "O-oh, sorry Y/N, I kinda zoned out there..."

"Happens to the best of us." I giggled. "Point is, Momo, you're better than you give yourself credit for. The proof is right there." I pointed to the board. She nodded, seeming convinced. Finally.

"Well, It's lunch break. Should we go get something to eat?"

"Definitely!" She smiled. "Oh, I just remembered, I invited Jiro and anyone else who wanted to join us, so I hope that's okay by you."

"The more the merrier!" I grinned, gathering my things so that we could head to lunch.

"Shall we?" Momo asked jokingly, gesturing to the door, desk nice and neat.

"We shall."

As we walked to meet Jiro at the door, the others slowy trickling out to join the flow of students outside, I got one final glimpse of the board, and there was my name.

It was in a spot where I couldn't have seen it from my seat, since Shoji, the tallest student of 1-A, sat right between.

But from the front of the class, I finally had a clear view, and my name was marked by a single crisp line.

One vote. More than I was expecting.

Someone in the class had thought of me for the position of class rep.

I smiled to myself, allowing a minuscule spark of pride to flicker.

One person.


A/N (super important tho)


For the past month or so wattpad has been glitching on me and I haven't been able to update any of my books, that's why I've been ded... 😔

For those who follow me, I had announced that I would keep writing during this time so that I could publish again normally once things worked again.


Because if this whole ordeal I've really lost all my prior enthusiasm and motivation for the story and just couldn't get myself to write at ALL. And it's gonna be a while before I can get myself to write again, but I'm too much of a coward to discontinue the book.

Therefore, in gonna be on hiatus for a while. Not sure how long, could be a month, could be more, hopefully less...

I'm so sorry I keep doing this to you guys, discontinuing and rewriting and just messing up in general... Writing isn't my thing but I really don't have the heart to stop after I've come this far.

Hopefully I'll come back refreshed and will be back to normal sooner than later!! And thank you so much for being the best readers ever dhshsjjs

One last thing!!! ScarlettExodus requested I draw Y/N the way I would've imagined her!! I actually finished it ages ago and posted it on my Instagram (yaraz.art), but I could post here because of the glitch...

Anw, it's at the top of the chapter, in case you were wondering what the hecc that is 🤷‍♀️

I am cheezy af and gave her kinda half white hair, don't @ me. It's actually gonna be cannon at some point.

(A TOdOroKi x ReAdEr whERe Y/N hAs 2 ColOrEd haIr?? SO oRiGinAl)

Yeah i know, I'm special like that. But Y/N wasn't BORN that way. It happens in an accident later on in the story--


Anw, enjoy !! And again, I am so sorry...

I'll be back with a new update as soon as I can!! You guys deserve it 💖💖

~Yara 💖

PS stay safe and stay home!!

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