A Coward Crush

By xanierx

59.6K 3.3K 1.3K

Mike is sick of Bright, who has a crush after a certain Win Metawin. So he decides to help his pathetic best... More

Mike the trouble maker
Green leaves
The climb
A Visit
Still Bright


4.9K 287 78
By xanierx

Bright instantly let go of the box and stared towards the owner of the voice with guilt. Win was standing there, glaring at him with his arms crossed. Bright dropped his head down in shame. He heard the other coming closer but he didn't dare to look up.

"Ahh!" Win exclaimed loudly and grabbed the sides of Bright's face, squishing it. "I can't be mad at such a cute little fluff ball." Then he pressed a quick kiss on top of the furry head, making Bright's heart nearly explode. If Win kept on doing this, then Bright was afraid that he wouldn't survive his stay here.

"You want more food right?" Win hummed and grabbed the box, opening it without any trouble and setting it down on the table again. "I will let you eat as much as you want but you're not allowed to whine after more. We will have to wait until tomorrow when more of your food will come."

If it would be possible, then Bright's eyes would be shining. Win was so kind, his crush was a really amazing person. Someone who was beautiful inside and outside. Filled with gratitude and a bursting sense of happiness, Bright grasped a few leaves and stuffed them into his mouth as he watched the amazing person that was Win.

Win was staring back at him, eyes fond and a soft smile on his lips. It made Bright a bit shy and he averted his eyes, not daring to look at Win as he kept eating his food. One of the chairs made a scrapping sound as it was dragged against the floor, then Win was sitting right in front of him, his elbows on the table and he was propping his head up with his right arm. There was very little distance between the two and Bright felt his heart skipped and he stopped eating and he couldn't look away from Win's perfect face.

Had he been in his human body, he would flustered and would have gulped loudly. He never had the opportunity to stare at Win up close before and it made him realize that he was even more amazing than he thought. His skin looked smooth, his eyelashes, his dark and inviting eyes that full of warmth, his hair nearly shining and that lips though.

Bright felt horror consume his little body and his heart nearly stopped. Blood flowed on his cheek. He had just hurt Win Metawin. His crush. Guilt churned in his stomach and he felt a strange urge to cry but no tears came. Instead, he could only watch as Win swore again when he noticed the blood and jumped out of the chair, heading for what Bright assumed was the bathroom.

He completely lost his appetite and just stared down at the table. Then he lifted his paws and looked at them. He had to remember how his claws were sharp, even if they were short. Time passed, he had no idea how long but finally Win got out from the bathroom, his cheek covered with a huge band aid. It definitely didn't help calm his guilt.

Win sat down on the chair again and stared at Bright but there was no anger in his eyes. "Remind me to never let your little paws come near my face again." Win patted the top of Bright's head and smiled. "Aww, you almost look like you are feeling guilty. Don't worry, it wasn't a deep cut, just a scratch. It will be gone in no time."

Bright felt reassured at those words but he was angry at himself for hurting Win. He needed to be careful. He wanted so badly to apologize but he wouldn't be able to because he was stuck in this damn body.

"Aren't you going to eat the rest of your food?" Win asked, sounding genuinely confused. Then he laughed, the pretty sound soothed Bright. "And you worked so hard to get them."

Bright looked down at the leaves again, staring at the tempting green leaves. He had worked so hard for them. Very hard and they were so delicious, never he had anything tasted so good before.

"I knew you are not going to be able to resist the temptation." Win said with an amusement as Bright had grabbed a leaf and was currently shoving it into his mouth.

He felt a bit shameful. He had never been so obsessed with food before. He blamed the koala body and it was making him extremely flustered how Win was staring at him eating. Bright tried to pretend that his crush wasn't staring at him and tried to calm his thumping heart.

"Oh!" Win suddenly jumped up, scaring Bright. "Now I remember why I thought the name was familiar!"

Bright looked up at Win in confusion. His paw was halfway into his mouth as he was eating another leaf. He must have looked like an idiot but Win didn't say anything. He just smiled in triumph.

"Bright is Mike's house mate! The one who always carry a camera. Even on campus!" Win said, excitement could be seen on his face. Then he looked thoughtful. "I know people have some sort of nickname on him, what was it again?"

Bright had slowly taken the paw out of his mouth and was chewing the leaf in a deliberate manner, just staring at Win in anticipation.

Win made a fist with his palm. "The cool prince!"

Bright blinked a few times and swallowed the leaf, feeling happiness bubble in his chest. *Win does knows about my existence! Take that Mike!*

Win then cupped Bright's face and leaned closer, their nose almost touching. "I wonder why he named you that." He let go of Bright and took a step backward. "Oh well, that's something I might find out one day, who knows. I'm going to let you eat in peace. Now I want to watch TV."

Bright could only stare as Win moved to the sofa and settled down. Why was Win being so touchy? The effect it had on Bright would kill him soon. His heart would never be able to calm whenever Win is near but he was ecstatic. Win actually knew who he is. It was. It was quite a feat in itself. If he could, he would have fist bumped the air and jumped around but if he attempted it, then he would most likely just stumble and fall.

He put his paw into the box, panic rising as there was nothing to grab. He had been so pre-occupied with watching the back of Win's head while thinking that he hadn't noticed that he had finished all the food. In depression, he slumped together, lying on his stomach and staring at the empty box.

He wanted more. How could it already be empty? He refused to believe it. There had to be more.

He grabbed the box and put it over his face, taking in the riveting scent of eucalyptus. If he could live in that box and with the scent, he would die as a happy koala. The thought scared him though. Noticing how the koala was taking over too much of his mind. He was basically addicted to leaves. It was kind of depressing, it hadn't even been a day and he was already addicted to the deliciousness of that green thing. It would probably get worse too.

He clumsily grabbed the box lying over his face and was planning on throwing it far away but was distracted by a beautiful laugh. Bright turned his attention towards Win. The guy was watching some shows on the TV and was laughing to himself.

The box and his stupid addiction was already forgotten and now his focus completely at the angelic guy. Bright wanted to be close to him. No, needed to be close to him. Slowly he climbed down from the table. First onto the chair and then he managed to land flat on his ass while trying to get down from the chair. It wasn't a long fall and luckily it didn't hurt. So he got up on his fours quietly and crawled towards the sofa.

Win was lost of his surrounding, eyes glued to the screen as he was laughing. Bright had never seen Win so immersed in something before and he wished he had his camera. He would love to have a picture of the younger when he looked like that. Even with the huge band aid on his face, he looked just as stunning as always. It was unfair how anyone could look so much like an angel.

Bright hauled himself up on the couch next to the amazing guy and also gained Win's attention in the process. Win beamed down at him as Bright tried to settle in beside the other but before he could find a comfortable position, he was grabbed and suddenly he was is Win's lap.

"I'm glad to see that you're already used to me." Win cooed and hugged him tight. Without even thinking, Bright wrapped all of his limbs around Win's torso, hugging back. His claws found place on Win's sweater but he made sure not too dig in too deep. He didn't want to hurt Win again.

"You're the most precious thing ever, just like a real life teddy bear."

Bright wouldn't mind being Win's personal teddy bear if it meant getting hugs like this. He placed his head on Win's chest, hearing the rhythmic beating of his heart. Never had he believed there was a day he would be close enough to hear the beating of Win's heart and the smell of Win. It was much better than the eucalyptus smell. So much better. Bright never wanted to leave. He wanted to sit in Win's lap forever and never miss a moment. Wanting this to be a memory that he could cherish forever.

But of course, his koala body had other plans and it was tired. While being held in such a warm embrace and surrounded by the wonderfulness of Win, Bright fell asleep.

So Win did recognise Bright actually. Hahaa

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