Interracial stories (under ed...

By coochiecouture

80.8K 1.6K 355

A place where the fantasies of a horny melaninated female come to life. More

Text me your love • 1/2
Text me your love • 2/2
Human medicine • 1
Human medicine • 2
Mi Gringo • 1
Baby devil • 1
Sugar • 1
My flower • 1/4
My flower • 2/4
My flower • 3/4
My flower • 4/4
Crybaby • 1
Project 9 • 1
Project 9 • 2
The beatiful man in my nightmares • 1
The beautiful man in my nightmares • 2
Better shadow • 2
Vlad • 1

Better shadow • 1

2.5K 46 11
By coochiecouture

Anaiis and Derek

"Omg, they won't stop blowing up my phone." Fiona ran her hands through her blonde Volumes hair. She looked over to Anaiis who forcing herself not to visibly roll her eyes, " sometimes, I wish I was invisible like you, no offense of course." She said

"Gee, thanks it's a natural talent." Anaiis said laying on her bed watching as her beautiful best friend has a mental breakdown over attention, " If they really bother you then why don't you just tell them you don't like them."

"Oh, naive little Anaiis." She said pinching  Anaiis's cheek, " If I do then that bitch, Gretchen, will take them from me."

"Well, all of this is going to backfire on you, soon. It's better to stop it while the problem hasn't escalated any further." Anaiis explained

"Well, once you get everyone's attention it becomes very stressful." She sighed

"Oh I bet it is", she said focusing her the manga book in front of her. Fiona pouted snatching it from her hands making her gasp, " snatch my book, I'll snatch your extensions.

"You wouldn't." Fiona gasped holding her hair blonde locks protectively

"I would." She smirked evilly at Fiona.

"I'm sorry, Anaiis. Take the book back!!!"

"Nope. Too late for apology."

"ANAIIS, NOO." Fiona whined running around her house as Anaiis laughed behind her.

Another day of school, meaning another day of being in Fiona's shadow.

She sighed waiting for Fiona to come pick her up from her house. A smile went across her face seeing Fiona recklessly driving up to her. Her smile dropped seeing someone else sitting in the drivers seat, aka her spot.

"Get in, loser." Fiona said acting as if everything was normal

"Um, who is this?" Anaiis said ignoring Fiona's happy statement completely

"Who are you?" The guy said bluntly back making Anaiis scoff

"Guys, let chill out" , Fiona said calming the two down, " Derek this is Anaiis, Anaiis this is Derek."

"Is he your boyfriend or something?" She glared at him

"Yeah, is this your lesbian stalker or something?" Derek asked ignoring Anaiis's presence

"Excuse me? Whats that supposed?!!" Anaiis exclaimed

"What? you don't dress like, you like dick."

"GUYS STOP."Fiona shouted quieting them down, " I want you guys to get along since your going to be seeing a lot more of each other." She smiled with a look of happiness in her eyes making both Derek and Anaiis gush with happiness

"Fine, I'll leave it." Derek said throwing his hands up in surrender

"Same here", Anaiis agreed still side eyeing Derek a bit. Fiona smiled seeing progress but she spoke too soon, " but he needs to get out of my spot."

"Hell no." Derek said

Fiona sighed sparking up another argument between them. She glared at both of them solving the problem completely.

"So how was everyone's day." Fiona beamed as she drove the car to school

She looked in the rear view mirror at Anaiis and Derek sitting in the back. She hoped a spark of conversation would clear the thick tension.

Their arms were both crossed glaring out at the backseat windows . They muttered quick responses not even sparing each other glances.

"Move your foot!!!" Derek complained elbowing Anaiis

"My feet?!!!I wouldn't be talking, big foot!!!" Anaiis shot back

"Atleast, their not as big as those two bananas on your face." Derek shot back talking about her lips

"Asshole." She covered her mouth looking away

"Guys stop. I love both of your big traits." Fiona said trying to diffuse the bomb that was about set-off between the two.

All school day it felt like Anaiis had to fight for Fiona's attention. Where ever Fiona was Derek was always hot on her trail. It was to say the least annoying.

Plus, all the other guys she 'talks' to, when Derek isn't actually there. Don't get Anaiis wrong she still found Derek extremely annoying, but she did feel bad for him.

She could tell Derek genuinely liked Fiona. A part of her knew that all Derek was to Fiona was toy. A toy that was to show off  to 'that bitch, Gretchen' as Fiona said.

"He better not be going to the thrift store with us." Anaiis fumed. Anaiis's face dropped seeing the guilty look on Fiona's face, " oh my gawd Fiona. Really?!!!"

"I'm sorry. I thought it would have been good bonding time for us." Fiona reasoned

Fiona giggled cheerfully hopping into the cart Derek pulled out for her. Anaiis stood in the back watching their sappy couple moment.

She walked off not wanting to see anymore of it. She sighed going into different isles finding somethings she might have liked.

She stumbled upon a cool vintage shirt with 'the kids' on it. She smiled running for it but another hand also went on it too. She looked to her side seeing Derek reaching for it, too.

"I saw it, first." They said simultaneously

"You probably don't even know who 'the kids' are." Anaiis hissed yanking a it a bit making him lean towards her.

"Only one of the most underrated artists of all time." Derek argued back, "it doesn't even fit you." He tried snatching out of her grip.

"You would be surprised at what you can do with a sewing machine and nimble fingers. Plus baggy is in style these days."

"You know what, I'll let you have it." He grabbed it placing it on the highest shelf, "you can have it....if you can reach it,of course." He grinned evilly



"Big foot."

"Banana lips."

"Guys." They heard Fiona call them, "somebody help me with this."

They glanced at each other before racing towards Fiona, damsel in distress. Anaiis pushed Derek but Derek long legs gave him an advantage, so it was only fair. She laughed zooming past him.

"Soo, did you guys find anything you like yourself?" Fiona asked staring at them through the backseat

"Yeah, I did."  Anaiis said, " but it was out of my range."

"Money range?" Fiona asked

"More like height range." Derek snickered under his breathe.

"I am trying so hard to be nice to you", Anaiis fumed at Derek. She tried being nice by starting a conversation, "Derek, aren't you like on the football team?"

"Aren't you like a lesbian?" Derek said denying her friendly attempt

"You know what? that is the last time I try to be nice to you, you little big-footed brat." She looked away from him and back out the window.

There was an awkward silence swept over the car after that. Before anyone could break, Fiona's phone dinged catching everyone's attention.

"Who is 'Papi' with a kissy faces emoji. And why is he asking for you to come over?" Derek said with an angry tone.

Anaiis blushed knowing exactly who 'papi' was. One of Fiona's boytoys who she was very familiar with.

"None of your business." Fiona said defensively pulling her phone out of his sight. She quickly focused her eyes back on the road trying to shake the nervous look out her eyes.

"Um....genuinely sorry to interrupt but....this is my stop." Anaiis scratched the back of her head.

Fiona ignored Derek's glare stopping the car for Anaiis. Fioana gave Anaiis a quick farewell and goodbye with her returning it. What neither of them didn't expect was for Derek to get out of the car too.

"Derek!!" Fiona called softly reaching out for him, "let's talk about this."

"There isn't nothing to talk about. Like you said I'm going to mind my business." Derek said letting his petty side show

"You know what?" Fiona smiled trying to ice the heated tension, " I'll wait til your cooled off and we can talk about this later. Bye baby." She blew him a kiss goodbye before driving off.

He turned around seeing Anaiis standing there awkwardly. He laughed at her red and embarrassed expression. Anaiis's mouth was held agape, thinking of something to say to make Fiona's case better.

"So, did you know?" Derek asked reading anaiis's body language like an open book

"You know, as her bestie I can't answer that." She sighed. Derek chuckled sadly nodding in an understanding way, "so how are you getting home?" She said trying to boost his sad vibe

"God, gave me legs." He looked at the evil smirk on her face. He beat her to the punchline before he could say it, "yeah, I know 'I got big these feet are slowing me down'."

"Couldn't have said it better." She chuckled. She looked at him weirdly expecting an insult back, "well......aren't you going to say something about my big banana lips?"

"Naw, you did it for me." He said making her face palm herself

"Honestly, I feel like my lips are the reason. I'm single." She said pursing her lips, "but that doesn't give you the reason to talk shit." She rolled her neck at him giving attitude

"Fiesty one, aren't you?" He smirked. He  chuckled at her flustered reaction to his comment.

"I'm not fiesty, your just annoying." She argued regaining composure , "And plus your my bestfriend's boyfriend so it's my job to be sort of an..." 

"...A Jackass to me?"

"No, your the jackass. I would just call myself an obstacle, a really hard obstacle." She said. Derek had a weird look in his face that she hasn't seen from him before. As Fiona's best friend she felt uncomfortable by it, "Well, I got to go. Be careful, Derek." 

"Aww, you care about me."  Derek said acting falsely touched

"No not really, someone might mistake you for bigfoot and I don't want to see your ugly face all over the news." She said

"Well, its-...."

"Can you please just let me have the last word?" She asked rubbing the sides of her non-existant nose bridge.

"Nope," He said popping the 'p'.

" ...Bye, big foot and I mean it this time." she turned by around walking away giving up.

"Bye Banana lips."  He smirked knowing the statement would ,most likely, make her go against her word. She stuck her middle finger up still walking away. He chuckled at her wordless response, that he couldn't be more satisfied with.

Additional characters:

Can't find this girl's ('Anaiis') @, HELLP ME.

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