
De BleuEvon

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Amore means love and that's all she wants. How much will she endure just to have it. Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 11

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De BleuEvon

The end of the week came and I was currently boarding the bus for the game. The cheerleaders had our own bus so thankfully I could relax. Jay's demeanor was typical this week: controlling and unpredictable. On Fridays I noticed he was especially aggravated because it was game day. I was starting to hate Fridays. My dad texted saying him, Lauren and Adam were already on their way to Davis High. At least I could ride back with them and not have to deal with Jay at all tonight.


Our school was winning and I was grateful because it meant Jay would most likely be in a good mood. We did a cheer and once we were done Lauren loudly cheered with us.

"Go Amore!" She yelled from the bleachers.

I smiled at her but felt slightly embarrassed.

"Who is that?" Yasmine asked me.

"My dad's friend," i said. I still refused to acknowledge Lauren as anything else.

"She loud as fuck," Chantel said.

I rolled my eyes at her hypocrisy.

"Chantel you're the last person who needs to be getting mad at someone for being loud," I said.

"Whatever. How are you and Prince Charming?"

"We're fine," I said.

"Mm, okay." Chantel gave me a doubtful look. I swear it always seemed like she knew stuff that I didn't.

The game ended and we won thankfully. I never used to care if the football team won or not because I never cared about sports, but I stressed over it a lot more now. If we lost it was the end of the world for Jay and bad news for me.

"Do you guys want to go to the mall tomorrow?" I asked the girls as I put on my cheer jacket. "I need to get Jay a birthday gift."

"Sure," Kendra said. "What time?"

"Like one."

"You don't need to get him a gift just give that boy some booty," Chantel said. "A nice piece of cake."

I laughed and shook my head.

"None of that," i said. I gave them all hugs before walking up to my family.

"Hey, you did great out there," Lauren said. "I didn't know you were so flexible."

"Thanks," I said. I smiled and waved at Adam.

"Where's Chris at?" Dad asked. "We're going to go get pizza before we head home."

"Mommy, I'm tired," Adam said.

"It's a little late, Marcus," Lauren told my dad. "Maybe another night."

I was relieved I wouldn't have to have another dinner date with them. Having one last weekend was enough for now.

"Amore!" I heard jay call my name.

I tried to ignore it but had no choice but to turn around. Jay waved me over. He had taken off his football uniform and was in gym shorts and a T-shirt. I walked up to him and he gave me a kiss.

"You coming to the party?" He asked me.

"I already told you I'm riding with my dad back," I said.

"Damn, Let's hangout tomorrow then?"

"Can't. I'm going to the mall with my friends."

"I'll come."

I held in the sigh I wanted to let out. He just didn't quit.

"I'm shopping for you birthday present so no," i said.

Jay smiled at that.

"Alright I'll give you a pass," he said.

My dad yelled at me from the bleachers that we needed to go so I gave Jay a final kiss before leaving.

Kendra honked the horn from outside and I rushed outside to her car. I was excited to go to the mall I actually hadn't been in a while. I probably was going to pick up some things for myself too.

When I got in the car Kendra had her music playing loud and I couldn't help but dance. No Jay, I felt free. I could go a day without feeling on edge.

We got to the mall and first stopped at Forever21. This store was always a hit or miss for me. Sometimes they had cute clothes but others were questionable. I was hoping I could find something cute to wear for Jay's birthday. I was keeping it simple and just wanted to take him to a restaurant, bake him a cake or maybe even be his cake if I felt like it.

I secretly peeked at the small lingerie section. I didn't need anyone, Chantel really, making any comments.

"Oh no, I hope you're not thinking of getting lingerie from here," Chantel said from behind me.

I rolled my eyes.

"You need some Victoria's Secret stuff," she continued. "Grown woman lingerie."

"I'm only seventeen," I said. "That's still grown you'll be eighteen in a couple of months too."

"I'm a Virgin I don't know about this stuff."

"I am too."


"Girl no." Chantel laughed. "And no I won't give you the sex talk."

I hadn't planned on asking her for one but I laughed. Kendra and Yasmine stayed at forever 21 while Chantel and I headed to Victoria's Secret.

One of the workers who greeted us was Destiny. I kept running into this girl. She felt the same way because she quickly walked away.

"Excuse me," Chantel called to her. "We need some assistance over here."

Destiny reluctantly walked over to us.

"How can I help you?" She asked.

"What's the sexiest thing y'all are selling right now?" Chantel asked. "We need to get her something for your ex. What type of stuff does he like in the bedroom?"

I nudged Chantel. She was so messy and for no reason. Destiny gave her an irritate look.

"If you guys came here to bully me-"

"Sis, you're not that important. We didn't even know you worked here." Chantel rolled her eyes and started looking at the panty table.

"Are you shopping for his birthday?" Destiny asked me.

"Yeah," I said. "What did you get him last year?" I needed to know so I could out do her.

"Nothing," Destiny said. That answer surprised me.

"What's your phone number?"


Although a week has passed I was still curious on who Jay had been texting that one night at dinner. I considered the possibility it could be another girl I needed to rule out who I could.

"Why do you need that information?" Destiny asked. She looked nervous. "I can't be standing here talking to you I need to work." She walked away leaving me more confused like usual.

At least now I knew she worked here. I wouldn't stalk the girl but I had a way of connecting with her if I ever needed questions answered. That is, if she would even answer them.


The shopping was a success and I bought things for both Jay and I. I just got him a pair of shoes. To be honest I really didn't know what Jay liked gift wise. Maybe if he wasn't so secretive. I hoped he would be appreciative nonetheless.

Kendra dropped me off and I saw Jay's car in my driveway. I walked inside of the house and heard the vices of my brother and Jay in the living room. A part of me wanted to go back outside to get back into Kendra's car but I knew she was already gone. I tried to sneak past the boys without being noticed but my dad bumped into me in the hall.

"Hey, sweetie," he said, kissing my cheek. "How was shopping? You get me anything?"

"No," I said with a laugh.

"Jay has been here all day waiting for you."

"For real?"

My dad nodded and shook his head teasingly.

"He can't live without you it seems," he said. "I'm happy for you though. I know you and that Brian boy were together for a while I didn't think you'd ever want to date again."

"I moved on," I said.

"Good. You hungry? I was on my way to get a burger."

"Oh no I'm fine. I ate already."

My dad nodded then walked away and I walked into my room. I stopped in the doorway. I could've sworn I closed my door before i left. I always did. I slowly set my shopping bags in my closet which was also open. Someone had been in here.

"Babe," Jay said.

I jumped slightly as his voice filled the silent room. I turned around and Jay picked me up. Like usual a smile couldn't help but make its way on my face.

"How was the mall? You weren't texting me," he said.

"I know I'm sorry," I said. "There was no good service in those stores."

"You got my gift?"

"Yes. So no snooping." I looked at him when I said the word snooping. "You've been here all day my dad told me."

Jay set me down on my feet.

"I wanted to come hang out with Chris while I waited for you," he said. He closed my door and led me to the bed.

"Were you in my room?" I asked.

"I was," Jay said.

He admitted it without any sort of guilt.

"Why?" I asked.

"To look for my birthday gift."

"But you knew I was at the mall getting it."

"That's what you wanted me to think."

I laughed. I needed to calm my paranoid self down.

"I saw the Victoria's Secret bag I didn't know you liked that store," Jay said.

"I normally don't buy their stuff but there was a sale," i said. "And I might've got something special to wear for you."

"Oh really?" Jay smiled. "Can I see it?"

"Nu-uh you have to wait for a special moment."

Jay groaned and pulled me on top of him.

"Let's make this a special moment," he said with a longing look in his eyes.

"Not with my brother in the other room," I said, shaking my head. "Calm yourself." I kissed him  and teased him. For now that's all he would be getting.

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