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By maraminaj

24.2K 1.3K 561

β€’ 𝐓empΒ·taΒ·tion /tem(p)ˈtāSH(Ι™)n/ 𝐍oun 𝐓he desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. More



996 68 19
By maraminaj


I had to think of something fast because he didn't see Roddy since I was faced forward. Then it came to me.

"I was on the phone with my hairstylist, Jonathan, I'm getting my hair done today..for the trip..Remember?" I asked as he sighed; rubbing his hands down his face.

Thank the Lord.

"Damn, baby, my fault." He said as I nodded. "I forgot you was leaving me later."

"Yeah, you always forget something." I said fake laughing as I stood up walking up to him giving him a peck on the lips. "Who you thought I was on the phone with?"

"Some other nigga but I was buggin' for a minute." He said as I smacked my lips.

"Now, why would I do that, dummy?" I asked as he shook his head. "Anyways, you hungry?"

"Nah, I'm about to go back to sleep, but tell me when you about to leave out." He said then he walked back inside as I let out a deep sigh.

I'm surprised he didn't see how pale I was turning and the fact that I was sweating.

I walked back inside and went to the room; going into the closet to pick out an outfit.

I ended up picking out a gray jogging suit, with a pink shirt, and my pink yeezys.

I sat my outfit on the bed then I went into the bathroom; cutting the shower on.

As the water heated up, I unlocked my phone seeing a couple of messages from Roddy.

Fuck you hang up for? 🤔

You good?

I'll explain later

I locked my phone and set it down on the counter then I began stripping out of my clothes.


Once I handled my hygienes, I was around the house looking for my vlog camera and I couldn't find it.

Then I walked back into the room and went over to the bed, as I began tapping Clare so he could wake up.

"Hm?" He said.

"You seen my vlog camera?" I asked as he scratched his beard.

"Queen, you blind? It's on the dresser." He said as I turned around and saw that it was sitting on there. Wow.

"Oops." I said as I gritted my teeth.

(This is me..blind af.)

I walked over and grabbed the camera, then I turned around walking back over to Clarence.

"I'm about to leave out, love you." I said giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Ight, I love you too." He said as I turned around and walked out of the room.

Then I went into the living room and grabbed the keys off of the table and I was out of the door.


"Ooh, Jonathan, how much I owe you?" I asked while I obsessed over my hair in the mirror. Then I picked my camera up and took a picture.

"Girl, you good but next time ima beat yo ass if you don't invite me." He said making me laugh as I sat the camera back down.

"Omg, I'm sorry, it was last minute!" I said as he pursed his lips. "And thank you, Jon, I love you so much."

"Mhm...I love you too and you welcome boo." He said while putting up his hair tools.

I looked at my phone and saw a few messages from me and the girl's group chat.

Y'all we still have to check-in 😩

Queen, I'm omw! Be outside


I stood up and quickly gathered my things; forgetting that we had to be at the airport earlier cause we still haven't checked in yet.

"Jon, I'm gone." I said giving him a hug. "And once again, thank you! You're a lifesaver."

"Alright, be safe and you better call me!" He said as I nodded.

"Ok, and I will!" I said then I was out of the door.


I was now outside, putting my last suitcase into Kenny's trunk. Then I closed it and faced Clare as he recorded me.

"Aww, my baby leaving me!" Clare pouted while I smiled. Then I walked up to him; giving him another kiss.

"For only a week." I said laughing.

"What I'm suppose to do for a week?" He asked while sliding his phone into his pocket.

"Go hang with patty or go to the gym." I suggested. "You gaining a little weight." I said while poking at his stomach.

"Yo, you deadass getting on my man fat?" He asked as I laughed.

"Bye, Clare, and I'll call you when our flight land." I said giving him one last kiss. "Love you."

"I love you too and make sure you stay with Ella and Kennedy the whole time." He said as I nodded; getting into the car. Then he blew a kiss as I caught it, and then she pulled off.

"Y'all are so cute!" She said.

"Thanks, Ken." I faintly smiled.

I loved Clare, but my heart been telling me something different.


We were finally on the plane and I was so exhausted.

It was so crowded and we had to do the check-in twice because they messed up something in the system, making us almost miss our flight.

I looked to the left and saw that Ella and Ken was asleep. Already though?

I put my air-pods in and FaceTimed Roddy then suddenly, his face popped up with a mug. Like, always.

"I shouldn't even had answered." He said making me roll my eyes.

"You is such a drama queen." I said quietly laughing.

"Nah, I'm not, but tell me what had happened." He said.

"I almost got caught up." I said as he shook his head.

"So, you shoulda let that nigga find out." He said and I smacked my lips.

"Omg, why are you like this?" I asked.

"I ain't like shit." He shrugged. "Anyways, I want you at my room door ass naked by the time I wake up." He said while I tried my hardest not to laugh out loud.

"Bet and I brought my camera." I said as he smirked.

"Aw, yeah, let me go to sleep so this can go by quicker." He said as I shook my head.

"Ima call you when I land, big head." I smiled as he threw up his set and then he hung up the phone.

He was really breaking me out of my shell more and more everyday.


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