Who Are You?

By Wandering_Fujoshi

586K 24.2K 6.9K

Rhea, a normal college student who's drowning in loans and debt, dies by the infamous truck-sama. Unwillingly... More

Arc 0.1 - Soul Space
Arc 1.1 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.2 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.3 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.4 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.5 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.6 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.7 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.8 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.9 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.10 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.11 - Alex Mcguire
Arc 1.12 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.13 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.14 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.15 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.16 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.17 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.18 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.19 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.20 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.21 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.22 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.23 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.24 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.25 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.26 - Alex McGuire
Arc 1.27 - Alex McGuire
Arc 0.2 - Soul Space
Arc 2.1 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.2 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.3 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.4 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.5 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.6 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.7 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.8 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.9 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.10 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.11 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.13 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.14 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.15 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.16 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.17 - Grayaon Hale
Arc 2.18 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.19 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.20 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.21 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.22 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.23 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.24 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.25 - Grayson Hale
Arc 2.26 - Grayson Hale
Arc 0.3 - Soul Space
Arc 3.1 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.2 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.3 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.4 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.5 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.6 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.7 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.8 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.9 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.10 - Luther Abravel
Arc 3.11 - Luther Abravel

Arc 2.12 - Grayson Hale

7.2K 297 122
By Wandering_Fujoshi

Super sorry for the legit one month hiatus. I actually lost all and every single hint of motivation that existed in me the day before because of being in the solitude of my house for so long and the huge amounts of homework that really begun piling up with deadline being just around the corner. Lot of stress :(
I ended up being an even worse of a couch potato than I already was. I drowned myself in reading hartwin (kingsman) fan fiction as well as several other non-productive things.

Well, I decided to pump out this chapter because it was my birthday yesterday~ 🎉
So that's good.

And I'll try to get some motivation and actually manage to write out all the ideas swarming around my mind that I intended on putting into this arc.

for there are some scandalous things~
Down below 😘




"Come in."

The door slowly opened and a girl hesitantly came in with body language clearly indicating that she was nervous.

"What can I do for you?"

The girl lifted her head towards the man sitting at the desk. Bright big amber eyes, button nose, full and luscious lips, long and silky black hair complimenting her body structure, and baby smooth skin. When the man looked up his breath was taken away by her innocent beauty but he composed himself and schooled his expression into his usual calm and collected cold exterior.

"U-hm I- My name is Jacqueline Lunn," she quickly walked in and searched for something in her backpack. She took out a piece of crumpled paper and nervously tried to straighten it out with her hands before holding it up for the man to see, trying not to stare at the man's handsome features, "This- I was told to come here by the office. This is my schedule, you're my English teacher for this semester and my first class after lunch is with you. The office said that since I was the only one grade 12 new student that I would have my first day to just get used to things and find my classes and locker, get familiar... no need to really attend the classes. They said that it was normal... the other new graders are also doing the same..."

"Ah, yes that's right. I'm Mr. Sharz," he stood up from his desk and walked around it to approach Jacqueline, holding out his hand for her to shake, which she did immediately after clumsily dropping the backpack in her hands. "I hope it wasn't too difficult to find my class?"

"No not at all, it's just down the hall from my locker..."

"You're lucky you had caught me at this hour. It's the only free period I have this entire semester. I look forward to teaching you English Language Arts."

"Ah...me too." she chuckled softly and smiled at the thought of her future classes with this very nice and handsome teacher.

"Well," he glanced at his wrist watch, "seeing as it's only 10 minutes before lunch begins, would you like me to walk you over to the cafeteria? Get more familiar with the hallways more instead of that map as well as an early lunch and all."

"Yeah, okay. I have no problem with that..."

"Great. Let me just wrap this up," he gestured towards his desk.

"So, Jacqueline, what high school did you last go to?"

"Uhm, I actually moved here from another city, I'm not sure you would know the same of my last high school."

"Really? Which city?"

"Sander ridge?"

"Why do you say that as a question like your unsure of yourself?" The male lead chuckled as the exited the classroom, walking over to the cafeteria.

"Just because I'm not sure if you've heard of it before... it quite far from this city."

"I actually have been there before for some business. Pretty quiet and peaceful there, it's a nice change of pace from this bustling city."


He hummed in agreement.

"So what other classes do you have?"

The two protagonists continued with their conversation until they sat down at the cafeteria with their food trays. Collin couldn't help but be intrigued by this timid girl. It was as if something was pulling him towards her, like he needed to have a connection to her. It was strange, he couldn't figure out why and the more he conversed with her the more he figured out a reason.

A few weeks had past now. The beginning of a new school year was as hectic as every other year. In the short time that he's known Jacqueline he finds himself wanting to know more of her, simply things like her favourite colour, the reason behind the determination behind her eyes or the snarky personality that sometimes peaks out from somewhere deep within her. Collin has actually been looking forward to his classes more. But it wasn't just him that found the new girl being able to pull him.

Spencer has actually observed her after school. At first he was just bored, laying on the rooftop of the school building as if it's the most normal thing to do. He and his buddies were smoking some stuff too when he just glanced down and saw it. A girl was untying the ponytail holding up her beautiful silky waves of black hair. He watched as the hair cascaded down her slim back and covering that narrow waist. He couldn't help but be entranced, curious about the face that was being faced away from him.

What brought more interest to him is that one day he once again coincidentally found her figure while watching from atop the rooftops. This girl actually picked up a skinless ugly looking little vermin, an honest sad excuse of a bird then and climbed up a tree to put it back into its nest. He found it absurd. Who is actually that kind nowadays?

Spencer has never seen such a pure act of kindness before. There was simply no benefit for her in putting that ugly thing back in its nest, yet she did it with asking for anything in return. That's just not how the way works. Everyone wants something.

So from then on, his eyes always found her figure in the crowd, after school, with no trouble distinguishing her from others. He observed her with curiosity, interest and something else he couldn't quite place. And he hasn't even spoken to the girl before. But it didn't take long. He accidentally bumped into her in the hallways during class, apparently she was just coming back from the bathroom and Spencer couldn't help the urge to talk to her. Find out more about her.

After Spencer actually approached and casually interacted with Jacqueline, they had quickly became friends, in secret. No one knew of the girl familiar with the devil king of their school.

The two friends were walking down the school hallways during class time once and actually being so into the conversation that Jacqueline had no reaction nor any thought given to the sudden light thump and muffled noise that was heard behind the janitor closet doors. Although Jacqueline didn't notice, Spencer did, but he also didn't give it any thought and just shrugged it in indifference.

Inside the janitors closet?

"Fuck- Gray-" Adrian groaned out shamelessly. "Slow down!"

Grayson chuckled and quickened the pace.

'Bastard!' He couldn't help but moan out like some whore on a night out. His gasps were filling the dark and enclosed space. He spilled out several profanities as he clutched the man in front of him.

Grayson whispered hot breath and playful tones into his ear, "now now Adrian. Can you blame me? You've been keeping me on a loop for the past month already. And I definitely didn't give out this reaction in the middle of class."

Grayson held Adrian's member with a tight grip as he moved with more motion from his body. Adrian couldn't keep himself from bucking up his hips and obscenely spewing out curses mixed with Grayson's name in broken sentences.

"Any louder and someone's going to hear, love." He brought down his lips towards Adrian's lips. Savagely kissing him deep with tongue, thoroughly blocking out any loud vocalized noises. However, sweet moans and needy whimpers came out from the back of Adria—


Let's slow down there....rewind 2 months back—

- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

Now then.

The school year had ended and summer break has been ongoing for almost a month now. Nothing very eventful had happened other than Grayson messing around with Adrian's doubts about his eyes. But he still hasn't been exposed just yet. Grayson just came back from visiting his family once again and is now living in the apartment alone. Adrian had went back to his own city at the beginning of summer break and hasn't come back yet.

The early morning sky still kept it's dark blue navy colour around the city, hints of purple and pink slowly showing colour amongst the clouds. The weather being a touch cold as the crisp wind breezed across the trees. A jogger cut right past through those trees and kept a steady pace as he entered a walkway to a bridge hovering over a large body of water. The ambience of the cars passing by were lowered as the calming melody of music rang through his entire consciousness.

"Parasite, have you looked into that company?"

[Yes, I have. It seems ARK is the main one responsible. Their main headquarters are located in our backyard. They have a branches in several countries and even more little branches spread out in the surrounding cities. However they don't seem to be too well known.]

"Keep an eye on them. Just until they decide to contact Collin... that fucker. It's surprising that there was such a hidden plot." Grayson brought his speed up to a sprint as he entered a park, speeding past dog walkers and other morning joggers.

[I didn't expect that either. Harry Sharz is a very pitiful child for his father to sell him just because of a slight conflict with his debts.]

"Don't even remind me. He's a teacher for fucks sake..." He spat out in disgust. After sprinting for a few more minutes he finally slowed down to a stop near a beach. He sucked in a lungful of air and bent at the waist, resting his hands on his knees as he panted with sweat falling down his chin. He stayed in that position for a little bit before inhaling deeply as he stood back up straight, exhaling as he looked at the beautiful view of the body of water. A refreshing feeling washed over him.

"What is Harry's situation right now?" He looked around and flicked his hand after seeing no one really paying him any attention. A water bottle appeared in his hand.

[He's just another kid that has a father coming home late. He gets all full marks at school and has lots of friends. Collin still has debts to worry about and since ARK hasn't approached him yet the thought of selling his child hasn't crossed his mind.]

Grayson frowned as he clutched his water bottle. He sighed and opened the cap, chugging down the water but immediately regretted it. He was going to be suffering from cramps after.

"ARK... they might be connected to Adrian. The fact that his actions towards Grayson Hale have an ulterior motive is becoming more apparent."

[Yes, I noticed too]

"I think it might be from his uncle. I came across his existence when I was researching Adrian Hall. Apparently they were very close, but he died just before Adrian entered high school. He had went on a business trip to meet with Grayson Hale's parents... He died while on his way back to the airport."


[Find out Adrian's hidden agenda. Show him the truth of how his uncle had died and make all the grudges he has against the Hale family disappear]

[Time limit: Until the end of your time in this world]

[Points: 630p]

[Will you accept this quest?]



A transparent glowing window appeared in front of Grayson's view. He frowned at the disturbance and brushed back the damp hair sticking to his face in frustration.

"Another one?"

In the last few few months since Grayson had come back from spring break, he has been keeping up his persona and figuring out how he plans to go when the plot officially begins. During that time, Grayson had another abrupt mission given to him but also some shocking hidden plot info—


[Collin Sharz's wife and son had been used as leverage. His debts from back in his high school days have been piling up as well as interest being added at higher and higher rates. Not until a company offered to help him take care of his problem... but with a price.

In the end, he had illegally sold off his own son towards that company for freedom from his shackles. From then on he had thought that all his problems were solved, he went on to live his life with Jacqueline Lunn in peace.

However, his wife had suddenly appeared full of psychotic behaviours. Claire Sharz, she had been putting up with her husband's distance for more than 12 months. Then her son suddenly disappears, leaving her absolutely devastated. Claire ran around like crazy trying to find her son, visiting every single police station she could reach and putting out missing person flyers. She had tried everything she could. Her own husband didn't even bother to lift a finger. And that's when she got an anonymous text message explaining all of her husband's affairs.

It was then that Claire Sharz finally became crazy. Only for her to die by her husband's hand]

[Find out about all the companies that have been sharking around Collin Sharz and Save Harry Sharz from being taken by them.]

[Time limit: 5 months]

[Points: 900p]

He had accepted the quest as it had fit in the same concept with what he had originally planned for Collin's wife. Plus, the points. He had noticed how the amount of points for the missions increased drastically since the last world. Parasite said that it was because he had come to D-class but that also means that the prices for the items in the space store have increased as well.

Grayson looked back at the screen in front of him and reluctantly hit [yes].

After all, no pain no gain.

He clutched his water bottle again and it disappeared. Stretching out the muscles on his legs he went jogging the rest of the park, wincing a bit as he could already feel the cramps going over the side of his abdomen. But he didn't stop, continuing to a nonstop sprint the rest of the way back home.

Grayson made some breakfast then headed to shower before he ate.

He let himself relax his tense muscles under the hot liquid. Once he came back out 40 minutes had past. He walked around in a loose towel hugging him around his hips, giving no shits as he made his way to the kitchen to eat. He was hungry and regretted not eating before taking a shower. He reheated the food in the microwave and stood in front of it with his eyes closed and arms crossed. His body still held droplets of water against the inked skin, his hair also dripped and cling to his face.

He ate his food then barged into Adrian's room still in his towel.

"It's a shame that he didn't leave his laptop here or any device for that matter. I could've gotten more information that way." He began shuffling through the drawers one by one, very carefully. He tried to make it as untouched as possible as it was easy to see if anything was moved since Adrian just had to have some form of a obsessive compulsive disorder.

No luck in finding anything useful in the drawers, Grayson hit the closet, checked over the titles of the books in his several bookcase shelves on one wall, under the bed and finally the bathroom. He found nothing. Absolutely nothing. Well, not 'nothing' but nothing useful. There had been a picture of Adrian's uncle framed in one of the bookcase. He'll definitely not remember seeing lube in one of the drawers but other than that there wasn't really any other thing that entailed this room belonged to a horny teenager who plans on possibly killing Grayson and all of his family members.

"Oh come on now. There should be something that gives away a hint to Adrian's plan."

He turns to look around and suddenly he sees something suspicious out of the corner of his eye— is he what he would like to say! However this isn't that kind of movie where he suddenly sees a clue of evidence that somehow everyone else misses.

Sighing, he exits Adrian's room while closing the door. He just plops down on the sofa, deciding to just watch something of interest on the tv.

He's bored out of his mind in no time. Doesn't matter if these are completely different shows and movies that he's never seen before. They have the same generic concept that he's seen in many of the movies he's seen during his original life. Unconsciously his mind goes back to the lube in that drawer. Looking down at his stuff covered by a towel, he makes a contemplating expression.

"I haven't shagged anyone in a hot minute."




"There's nothing better to do. Should I wank?"


"Really? You should know this."

[I'm really not familiar with this word.]

"You're not familiar with British words?"


"We legit just watched a movie with all of these words. Whatever, should I masturbate?"


Grayson gave out a long and dragged out sigh and got up from being sprawled out on the sofa. He's not gonna do that, even though he's played, seen and done things with another body it still feels like violating someone... but he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it... He powered off the tv and went to the kitchen to put some coffee up.

"Alright well, let's look for something interesting outside." He finally stripped himself of the towel and walked back to his room naked while drying off any left over water on his body and drying off his hair. He put on some clothes and drank his prepared coffee.

[You should take the time to finish some parts of your missions. Maybe find a way to dispel Adrian's hateful impression of your family?]

"Alright, how? I don't know the extent of his hatred nor what he actually plans to do. That uncle of his was super private, super paranoid and annoyingly secretive. The injuries on his corpse clearly wasn't of an accident from a car crash but still got reported as one and-... oh, well that was easy." He smiled out, "Just find some dirt shit on the uncle connected to ARK. Ok, I can do that."

Grayson put his coffee on the counter went straight to his room, coming out with a laptop in one hand with a charger in the other. He set everything up and sat on the stool, typing on the computer resting on top of the counter beside his cup of coffee.

He stayed like that for over 5 hours. Cup empty, eyes on the screen still keenly focused on the information shown. He typed out some more then relayed to Parasite to keep and save all of this data that he just collected for later use. He closed the laptop and stretched out and arching for a couple moments before resting himself and getting off the stool. He put his cup into the sink and grabbed a quick snack.

It was a week later that he'd finished collecting anything and everything about Adrian's uncle, the places and exact thing each member of the Hale family was doing at the time of his death, how the occurrence of his kidnapping lead to his death in a falsely reported car collision, and last but not least some, albeit loose, evidence against the people who caused all the damage to begin with. Now all he needs is an opportunity to give it off to Adrian without exposing his identity.... yeaaaah that's impossible.

He patiently waited for Adrian to come back.

Like that another week and a half passed.

"Parasite when is he coming back?" Grayson asked with a frown marring his face.

[Im not sure...]

Grayson just huffed and dropped his head onto the pillow of his bed. He checked the date on his phone, it wasn't long before school would resume. Just a little more than 3 weeks. Although it was a lot of time, it would still make him feel better to address this issue as soon as possible. Yet it wasn't possible if the person in question wasn't even here for him to deal with. He's even called him a few times over the week, yet no answer.

"That it. Where is he?" Grayson sat up on the bed and went straight to his closet. "If he won't come back anytime soon I'll just have to go to where he is. Out with it, where is he?"

[How should I know!? I'm not a human tracker!]

"You don't know where he is?" He asked with skepticism.

[My only connect to find and help people physically is by machines and technology. Wherever Adrian is, he's not connected to either. There isn't any phone or anything else like that on or around him right now.]

"That's strange. What kind of teenager doesn't have a phone on his person... is he in a car?"


"Find him." Grayson took out his usual duffel bag and stuffed a few needed clothing, accessories, toiletries and devices inside.


"If he doesn't have anything near him then check the people who live with him. Their texts, recorded phone calls, anything like that. Someone should know where he is... if not, then assume the worst. I'm going over to his house in that city." His tone left no room for rebuttals. He quickly changed, grabbed an apple and left with his wallet, keys and duffel bag in hand towards the airport.

- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

Standing in front of the gates leading towards the huge mansion, he raised his eyebrows, impressed.

Grayson pressed the intercom on the gate. It wasn't long before someone answered.

{Who is this?} A posh, elderly voice sounded out from the intercom.

"Hi, my name's Grayson Monroe. I'm a friend of Adrian, is he here?"

{Young master Adrian Hall you mean?}


{Unfortunately, he isn't here. He has already left the city.}

"He left the city already?" Grayson's eyebrow furrowed.

'Parasite, what is this?'

[He wasn't on any plane that left through the airport nor a car for a longterm road trip, I'm certain of that.]

{Yes, he has already left.} The old man's voice sounded slightly troubled and a bit anxious causing Grayson's suspicious to only rise.

"...old man, tell me honestly," Grayson concentrated on his hearing to pinpoint in on the old man in the house, to let him hear on any change of breath, heartbeat, even a slight movement of any kind. He continued, "Is Adrian missing?

There it was. The old man's breath picked up a bit, heart rate accelerating in an irregular pattern, a jerky step back from the telephone.

"Old man?" Grayson voiced out after not hearing an answer for a long moment.

{He- I'm terribly sorry but you to leave Mr. Monroe.} the intercom buzzed, hanging up their conversation.

All of these just confirmed Grayson's suspicions. Adrian was possibly kidnapped or even injured, left for dead in some remote area... who knows? Right now, Grayson needs the cooperation of these people.

Narrowing his eyes at the intercom, he eyed all over the gate, the fences, the trees then back at the mansion.

What to do?

Break in?

Or convince the old man to let me in and be of help?

Let's do both.

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