A Coward Crush

By xanierx

59.6K 3.3K 1.3K

Mike is sick of Bright, who has a crush after a certain Win Metawin. So he decides to help his pathetic best... More

Mike the trouble maker
The climb
A Visit
Still Bright

Green leaves

6.6K 303 156
By xanierx

Win paced around his room nervously, occasionally glancing at the koala in his living room, not knowing what to do. How was he going to take care of a koala? And how the hell did Mike get a hold of one? Those were illegal to own as a pet! He was scared to know the truth, what if he had done something and broken the law? Like kidnapping one from a zoo or something. He honestly wouldn't put is past his cousin to do something like that.

He knew he probably should call some sort of animal shelter or a zoo, but he didn't want his cousin convicted even if he sometimes found that he is annoying as hell but he really did love Mike. He just  ha to trust him and hope this wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass. He sighed and rubbed his temple. He was getting a headache over this. Trust his stupid cousin to ruin his entire break.

He glanced over at the koala who sat there and looked at him and couldn't help but smile a little. At least koalas are cute. He needed to research about them a little so he would know what they needed but first he was going to know the little guy. He must be scared after being carried in the backpack. What was Mike thinking, treating an animal in such a way?

With a friendly smile, Win approached the little creature and sat down in front of it. The animal just stared back at him with black round eyes. His smile widened, it was just so cute and Win wanted to hug it close. It really resembled a teddy bear.

"Hello there little guy." Win cooed and carefully reached out a hand but the koala leaned backwards, moving away from the hand. Win frowned. *He must be afraid of me, it's understandable.* Win didn't give up thought and he tried again but as he moved closer, the koala kept moving backwards until it tipped over and fell on its back. Win was a but hurt that the animal shield away from him but somehow it was extremely adorable to see the animal fall and he couldn't help himself from softly laughing at the situation.

"I'm not dangerous, I promise, you don't have to be scared of me." Win said in a soft voice and watched as the animal slowly got up on all fours and sat down again. The koala's eyes stared up at him again as if he was assessing him, maybe trying to find out whether Win was an enemy or not.

Thinking it was okay to try again, Win reached out for the animal again and this time it didn't move, just continued to stare as Win petted the soft head.

"Oh, you're so cute." He cooed, then he frowned a little. "Now what did Mike say your name was again?" He had to think for a while, trying to remember the conversation with Mike and his parting words. "Was it Bright?" Win said out loud, mostly to himself. It sounded right and it almost seemed like the koala was nodding but he must have imagined it. Koalas weren't smart enough to understand human speech so Win just disregarded it.

"Bright." Win repeated, voice a little distant and he was still deep in thought. "Why does the name sound so familiar?" He knew he had heard it before, that it was someone he knew of but it wasn't something he was going to dwell too much about.

"Okay, are you going to be a good boy while I search a little on the internet?" Win asked the koala, staring at it with a stern look. The koala just stared back, eyes empty. Win chuckled and pet the koala's - no, Bright's- head again. "So cute."

He quickly found his laptop and began searching, sometimes glancing over the at the not moving koala to be sure it wasn't up to anything. Reading about koalas, he learnt how they at least wouldn't be a handful, they mostly just eat and sleep. They actually sleep around 18 hours a day which meant, Win would have a lot of freedom. He needed some stuff though, like a sand box. Even if sand box were meant for cats, it would have to do.

He glanced at the clock. He had time to head into the city and buy one. He needed a place for the koala to sleep but the koala itself would probably find somewhere to sleep. Now, the one thing he was worried about was the climbing, he was afraid the koala would climb places and knock down things. He would have to keep an eye to make sure the koala didn't do that.

And food... Mike had said that it would be provided right? He would have to trust his cousin's words. A sound of rattling caught of his attention and he turned his head towards it, finding Bright head deep into the backpack. What was the koala doing?

Just seconds later, the koala was out of the backpack again, something in his paws. Win frowned and got up, curious to what the koala was holding.

"What have you got there, Bright?" Win asked and snatched the box out of the koala's grip. Win cracked the lid open and met with the sight of leaves, he would guess it was eucalyptus leaves as the koala head first into the box.

Win pushed Bright's head out of the box and put the box out of reach. "You're not going to eat everything at once." He grabbed a hand full of leaves and put them down on the floor. "I have to head out for a bit, be a good boy okay?"

He pressed a light kiss against the koala's head. Bright stilled in the middle of his movements, his little paws grasping after the leaves. When Win pulled back, the koala was staring at him. "Really, you're the cutest thing ever." He said as he got up from the floor. He already loved the little fluff ball. Maybe he wasn't so mad at Mike after all.

With a small smile, he left the apartment.

Bright's little koala heart was racing and he was sitting completely still, not even dare to move. He couldn't believe what just happened. If he had been a human, his face would be completely red, luckily koalas couldn't blush.

*Win kissed me.*

Well, Win kissed him on the top of his furry head but it didn't stop the happiness spreading through his tiny body. He had never thought he would be ever in the same room with the guy, much less being kissed and petted. Bright could die in happiness now. Even if he would have preferred to have those hands and lips on his human skin, he was still undeniably happy. Maybe he could forgive Mike for this, having Win so close was intoxicating and Bright had never felt so elated before.

But  he wondered how long he would be stuck in this body, it was frustrating, even if he loved all the attention Win was giving him, he wanted to return back to human. He reached for one of the leaves and put in his mouth. Who knew leaves could taste so good?

Ah yes, back to thinking. If he returned back to human, he would most likely never approach Win, maybe staying a little longer in the koala form wouldn't hurt. This way he could learn more about Win and he knew Mike wouldn't turn him back for a long time. If he had in his human body, he would have frowned now but he was not capable of making such an expression. He just had to get used to this body. The shock he had felt when Mike turned him, he still felt it.


"Seriously, you might as well turn into a koala, you're just like one."

Bright ignored his best friend's words, not caring about whatever stupidities left his mouth. He wanted to wallow in self pity and dream about a world where Win is his. So he closed his eyes, fully intending on falling asleep but suddenly something felt off. He felt different somehow.

He slowly opened up his eyes and stared in shock when the pillow he was holding became so big and why didn't the floor seem to be uncomfortable anymore. He reached out his hands trying to figure out what happened with the pillow and that was when he noticed that something was wrong. His hands and arms were furry. He just stared at them for a while, not understanding what was going on. Had he fallen asleep?

He rolled around to face Mike, hoping he would have some sort of answers and Mike was already standing by him, looking big and scary. Hands came closer and grabbed him, lifting him up so that he could see Mike's face clearly. His best friend was grinning triumph. *What was going on?* He tried to open his mouth but it didn't work.

"Well, aren't you cute?" Mike laughed, shaking the animal. "I'm going to help you."

*Help? Help with what?* Bright was afraid to know the answer.

"You're going to live with my cousin, maybe you will get over your fear of confessing to him then." Mike reasoned out and put down Bright on the bed. "He won't resist a cute, cuddly koala."

Koala? He was a koala? How did this happen? He wanted so badly to ask but he knew it wouldn't be possible.

"I'm glad I managed to do the spell right, it would have been awkward if I failed and you turned into something else." Mike cheerily said.


"Oh, and I'm a wizard." Mike explained, probably sensing that Bright was very desperate to understand.

How could Mike just admit it like it was nothing? Wizards existed? Bright could feel everything shattering around him. If wizards existed,  there had to be other things out there. He was afraid to know, the world he had grown up with was just a big lie.

Bright got lifted again and put down into a backpack. He instantly panicked and began clawing, trying to get outside again.

"Stop it! I need to put you in here for the time being. Behave or I will change you into a frog or something." Bright stopped. He heard Mike laugh a bit as he closed the backpack. "Well, my cousin thinks that frogs are cute, so I guess that would work too."

The backpack was moving and Bright felt unsafe. What if Mike dropped him?

"Okay, let's go!"

It didn't take long before they came to a stop and Bright could hear the sound of a door bell. His heart was beating furiously, just listening as Mike talked to his angel. He didn't pay attention on the words, he was too pre-occupied with just listening to the heavenly voice. Suddenly there was a movement and he felt arms around the backpack, squeezing a little too tight. Not long after, light shone in as the backpack was open and the face in Bright's dream came into view.

And later, when Win's hand reached out to pat him, Bright felt intimidated and unintentionally leaned backwards. He was afraid his heart would explode when Win touched him, he hadn't meant to appear as if he was scared for Win.

~End of flashback~

In his brief flashback of the events that had happened earlier, Bright had somehow managed to eat all the leaves without noticing himself. He wanted more. Where had Win put the box?

Bright glanced around the living room, looking for the box, hoping it would be within his reach. He grinned inside as he saw it on the dinner table and slowly crawled over there. He stared at the top of the table, thinking of how to reach there. He glanced a bit at the chairs and decided to head for one of them. He should be able to climb it, after all koalas are good at climbing right?

Carefully he reached for the chair and somehow managed to pull himself on top of it. He felt proud of himself. Now he just needed to pull himself up on the table without falling own. He slowly grasped at the top of the table and stretched his body out, so the climb would be shorter.

After almost falling twice and dangling for a bit, he got up. He put his paws together and clapped for himself, something which must have looked stupid if anyone had seen it. After celebrating his victory, he crawled towards the box and grasped it.

The box is closed. Now this would be problematic. His paws wouldn't be able to open it and his claws weren't sharp enough to tear through the box. Why weren't his claws longer and sharper? Did Mike take away his only weapon? He probably had, well at least they were sharp and long enough to use them to climb on short stretches.

But right now, he was very pissed. He wanted those green delicious leaves so badly. He could at least try to open the box, he might get lucky. His furry paws began scratching the box, hoping for it to magically open but it was impossible as he didn't manage to get a firm grip on the box.



So what do guys think of a koala's version of Bright? Is he cute?
Anyway this story is just a short story, there will be about 10 chapters. Sorry for the short story. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
And sorry for the english, I'm not so good in english. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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