Will You Stop The Wedding?

By TheHarleyVance

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[Completed] Book 1: Will you stop the wedding? Harley has to marry Lylia so their families can join forces... More

Chapter 1: Realization
Chapter 2: My weird companion
Chapter 3: Confrontations
Chapter 4: Is there another way?
Chapter 5: Just say yes!
Chapter 6: This is my enemy
Chapter 7: Downhill
Chapter 8: Confessions
Chapter 9: New feelings

Chapter 10: What to choose?

723 26 55
By TheHarleyVance

***The next morning***

Harley - (walks downstairs)

Harith - (looks at him) Good morning (smirk)

Harley - (ignores while blushing)

Granger - Morning, Harley. (puts breakfast plates on table)

Harley - (shock) Morning! (sits and starts eating breakfast)

Granger - Guys, Alucard and I have a lot of work today, so we might be late. So, you guys, need to come home walking, Harith has a key so, you can have this one, Harley. (Hands over a key). This time, I want everyone sleeping by 9 p.m. (glances at both) Got it?

Harith and Harley - (nods while eating)

***At school***

(Harith's P.O.V.)

Uhm, Harley hasn't talk to me all morning, I wonder if he is okay. I mean, he is blushing every time I make eye contact with him, so he might be okay or maybe he doesn't want to talk about what happened yesterday. Good, because I need to be alone to try and talk to Dyrroth. Ugh, he is an idiot, but he can help me with whatever I can ask him. I believe I will have to wait until lunch break, so let's just get these periods over. Ugh, too early for science, teacher Kimmy is interesting, it's just that the topic is so boring, though Harley seems very interested in the topic, so that is good. I'll ask him later to tutor me with science; (looks at clock) ok next class, English. Can miss Guinevere be any more boring? (facepalms) we already know how to talk and write on English, why do we have to learn more of it (looks at Harley) he is enjoying this way too much, I can't believe I like a nerd. (looks at clock desperately) one more... one more... (plays with pencil) Physical Education, yes! My favorite class. (chuckles) This period will pass extremely fast. (Looks at Harley) Harley is sure having a bad time with this. Is he... he's cheating with his hat?! (gasp) That is something you don't see every day (laughs and the bell rings). Finally... (goes shower and then looks for Dyrroth)

(Harley's P.O.V.)

I'm so nervous... Harith keeps looking at me, the only thing I can do is blush like an idiot. Although, he seems like he wants to tell me something... probably about last night (blushes and walks faster leaving Harith behind). I need to pass this day normally, no Harith, no thinking about him [just about classes]. I can do this; first period: Science is always fun; second period: English is a bit boring... I mean I like it a lot, but I already know the language... wish we could have a different language class like French or Italian, heck even Spanish, yeah definitely Spanish would be the best language to learn, after all it is the second most talkative language in the world... omg, even my thoughts are a bit boring (chuckles). Oh, no! Third period: Physical Education.... I hate this class so much (looks at Harith) wow, he sure moves so fast and he is so strong (blushes and snaps out of it) Oh, my turn... great, teacher Chou isn't looking, this is my chance. (Does magic trick and giggles) He will never know. (Bell rings) Ah, finally lunch break.

***At the Cafeteria***

Harith - (gets near Dyrroth's table) Hi... Dyrroth, may I please sit with you?

Dyrroth - ... (groans)

Harith - (sits with him) Well... I need help, please and I know you are kind of popular with the girls...

Dyrroth - (looks at him with a dead stare)

Harith - (starts to get nervous) I need help... with...

Dyrroth - Nana?

Harith - No... she is my cousin. (Roll eyes)

Dyrroth - Lylia? (gets angry)

Harith - NO! (Nervously chuckles) I need help with a boy... (looks down)

Dyrroth - (raises eyebrow) You mean the ginger hair magician?

Harith - Yeah (blushes)

Dyrroth - What do you need? (keeps eating)

Harith - Well, (whispering) yesterday I was making out with him... but it seemed like he wasn't comfortable.

Dyrroth - Did you touch his...

Harith - (interrupts) YES! (whispering) please... don't talk so loudly.

Dyrroth - (smirks and chuckles) So you are gay... big deal. If no one wants to know then they don't need to listen or eavesdrop. So, what do you need?

Harith - (plays with hands) What do I need? We were so close to doing it and well... like I said, I have the feeling that he didn't want to continue.

Dyrroth - (hands over a condom)

Harith - (rapidly grabs and puts it on pocket) OMG! (Blushes and facepalm) why are you so okay with this?

Dyrroth - I just don't care, it's normal for me. I do this all the time. I can get any girl I want.

Harith - (smirks) Except Lylia.

Dyrroth - (dead stare) I know.

Harith - Sorry... So, this will obviously help me protect myself.

Dyrroth - Look, just do it. Don't think about it, lovers don't want someone that doesn't know what to do. They want someone who grabs them hard and make them feel weak. Trust me. After that you will have the power of the relationship.

Harith - Uhm. That doesn't seem right... but ok. Thank you (gets up and continues to the class)

**After school at Harith's house**

(Harley's P.O.V.)

Wow, I wonder where Harith went. At lunch break he was talking to Dyrroth, but after I didn't quite see where he went, and after school he just dashed with Lolita to who knows where... (realizing) Wasn't she his ex-girlfriend? (gasps and puts backpack on the table) I guess he got bored of me (sadly) or maybe he has a good explanation. Guess I'll have to wait for him to come home.

(Harith's P.O.V.)

Talking to Dyrroth was a bit helpful, but not the answer I was looking for, for my good luck I saw Lolita and asked her for her advice. She is really smart, and she really likes the idea of me and Harley being together, I didn't lie when I said that she was the best, if I was straight I would definitely be with her forever, she is amazing and a good friend. Her advice was very good so I had to go the mall with her and then go to visit someone that Harley might detest right now. I needed to visit Harley's father, I know that he was very sad, and I want to make him smile every day. (arrives at the Vance's resident).

Harith - (rings doorbell)

Maid - Good afternoon, Sir. Welcome to the Vance's resident. How may I help you?

Harith - I need to talk to Mr. Vance. It is urgent. Tell him a Moniyan Warrior is here to visit, please.

Maid - Oh! Immediately, please do come in and wait in the receiver.

Harith - Thank you. (walks in and sits on a chair)

***After a couple of minutes***

Mr. Vance - Moniyan Warrior, Harith. Hello, come with me to the living room. We can talk in private.

Harith - (nods and walks to the living room with Mr. Vance and sits on the sofa)

Mr. Vance - (with sarcarsm) How is my ungrateful son?

Harith - Tsk. He is very good, thank you for asking. Please, listen to what I have to say.

Mr. Vance - I'm listening.

Harith - You wanted Harley to marry Lylia so you could join forces with the light and dark magic. What if I can offer something better?

Mr. Vance - Better? (chuckles) What can a young man like you offer me?

Harith - I'm a Moniyan Warrior, Sir. My family has the blessing of Queen Silvana from the Moniyan Empire. You understand that kind of power, right?

Mr. Vance - Uhm... How will we join forces and at what cost?

Harith - Mr. Vance, I have come here to ask for you son's hand in holy matrimony...

Mr. Vance - ...

Harith - Before denying, listen. I love Harley, he is the best thing that has happened to me, I really want to see him happy, but I know that not living here has made him feel miserable, he misses you and his family. I cannot tolerate seeing him cry for something he fought for, his freedom to choose someone he loves.

Mr. Vance - You want to marry Harley? Interesting, joining forces with the Moniyan Empire. Seems good. Very well then, you have my blessing. You can ask Harley to marry you.

Harith - Thank you, sir!

(Harith's P.O.V.)

I'm so thrilled, I can continue with my plan, Lolita was right, this is the best option, having sex after marriage is not that bad. I can make Harley feel comfortable with himself and with me, and I know that he might like the idea, or will he? He did escape 2 weddings... maybe he doesn't want to know about weddings (panicking) Oh, no! I knew something was wrong... I will have to wait and ask him what he wants then.

***Arrives at his house***

Harith - (opens the door, walks inside and puts backpack at the table) Good, Harley is home. Hey, Harley, where are you?

Harley - (screaming) In the living room. Welcome home.

Harith - (goes to the living room and sits next to Harley) I'm sorry for not coming with you earlier. I had stuff to do.

Harley - (crossing arms) sure, I know you were busy with Lolita. (groans)

Harith - (gasps) Ah... It is not what you think (nervously laughs) I only accompany her to the mall...

Harley - Good.

Harith - Hey... please don't get mad... Nothing happened... really.

Harley - I don't care, you are not my boyfriend. (looks the other way)

Harith - (smirks) Do you want to be my boyfriend? (chuckles)

Harley - (blushes) Idiot... tsk.

Harith - (serious) Hey... I went to your dad's house.

Harley - WHAT!?!? Why did you go there? (angrily) Ugh.

Harith - It was very important, we had a nice talk and we, actually, came with a good idea. (gets near Harley on one knee)

Harley - (raises eyebrow) What are you doing?

Harith - (blushes and gets out a little box from his pocket) Harley Vance...

Harley - (widens eyes) Oh...

Harith - Will you...

Harley - My... (covers his mouth with his hand)

Harith - Marry me? (opens box exposing a ring)

Harley - Lord! (tears falling) Yes! Yes! Yes!!! Of course! (hugs Harith and both fall to the floor).

Harith - (grabs Harley by the waist with one hand and laughs) Wow, I didn't think that you were so excited about a wedding. After all, you did escape 2 weddings before! (laughs) I love you, Harley.

Harley - (blushes) I love you too... (sits on the floor)

Harith - (sits and puts ring on Harley's finger) It looks perfect, just like you. (leans to kiss him)

Harley - (kisses him and looks at his ring) So, does this mean that you are my boyfriend?

Harith - You were my boyfriend since day 1 (winks).

Harley - (remembers and blushes) Oh!!! You were so annoying (laughs) Always making me feel uncomfortable.

Harith - Sorry, I couldn't control myself, ever since I laid an eye on you, I was crazy for you.

Harley - I must confess... I saw you and I was also petrified by your handsomeness. (smiles humbly)

Harith - Then I think we will have to wait and see where this goes... (leans to kiss him)

***2 years have passed***

(No one's P.O.V.)

Once again at the Vance's resident a beautiful wedding was being held. Everyone there was happy and waiting for the event to commence. Mr. and Mrs. Vance where happily grabbing each other's arms, while Lesley and Gusion were talking about when was their wedding going to be, yeah it was Lesley mostly doing the talking and Gusion feeling anxious. Lylia and Cyclops where dressed for the occasion by being the bridesmaid and the best man for the wedding. Granger and Alucard were walking near Harith to keep him on his toes.

Granger - (whispers) Are you nervous, buddy?

Harith - Just a little... (panicking) I don't think I can do this.

Alucard - Hey, don't worry. You are going to be okay. (pats Harith's back)

Harith - Yeah... I can... (sees Harley walking towards him) [Oh, wow, he looks amazing. That elegant outfit, such a nice pearl color with beautiful gold and lilac details. My outfit is similar to his with the same colors, but he sure rocks every outfit he wears, but this one... it's for a lifetime.] I can't wait to marry that guy. (with sparkles on his eyes and a big smile)

Harley - (gets near Harith and blushes) Hi.

Harith - (blushes) Hey, you ready for this? (grabs Harley's hand) Or are you going to try and escape this wedding too? (laughs)

Harley - (raises eyebrow while smiling) If someone tells me to run with him to the Moniyan Empire, I will run (laughs).

***Minutes into the ceremony***

Priest - Now the vows, Harith.

Harith - I, Harith, take you, Harley, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

Priest - Now the vows, Harley.

Harley - I, Harley, take you, Harith, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

Priest - (looks at Harith) Will you Harith, take Harley as your beloved, lawful husband?

Harith - I do.

Priest - (looks at Harley) Will you Harley, take Harith as your beloved, lawful husband?

Harley - (smiles) I do!

Priest - With the power entitled to me by the Lord, I now pronounce you husband and husband... You may kiss the... groom!

Harith and Harley - (kissing each other while hugging)

Everyone - (cheering)

The end

Thank you for reading!
Sorry this chapter was a bit too fast and a little too boring.
I had an artist block.

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