Lola-Leigh (Tracy Beaker Retu...

By xsophieclarke

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Lola-Leighs not like the others. Shes a hard-faced, nasty acting young girl who loves being the queen of any... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

663 6 2
By xsophieclarke

'Ouch!' I grumble, as I catch the flesh between my finger and thumb for the third time this morning, in an attempt to straighten my disasterously wavy hair. Last night had been such a good evening spent with Liam in my room that I had practically passed out with exhaustion. That meant I hadn't brushed my teeth, taken my makeup off or worse still, tied my hair up to avoid this messy bullshit.

'Mornin.' Liam smiles, leaning against the doorframe of my room.

'Morning.' I reply, my comb placed firmly between my teeth and my hands carefully wrapping strands of hair around the heated wand. 'Your up early,' I remark.

'Well, you know what they say. Early bird catches the worm.' Liam chuckles, as I roll my eyes like a grumpy fuck. I hate mornings. Especially mornings where I actually need to put effort in to sort my hair out.

'About tonight...' Liam begins, sitting down on my bed. 'Do you fancy anywhere in particular orrrr...' I look at him and raise an eyebrow.

'Anything would be an improvement on whatever shit Tracy's got install for us.' I joke, as Liam scratches his head awkwardly. 'Go on, what's the matter?' I question.

'Oh nothing nothing...' He begins, 'I just kinda spent the last of my allowance on that dress yesterday." I smile in the mirror,  now I feel bad.

'Liam we don't have to go out you twit.' He looks at me confused, "I enjoyed last night. Just me and you. We could just do that again but this time in your room to spice it up?" I joke, as he bite she's lip in embarrassment.

"Look, I'll give you the money back for the dress Friday. I would now but I spent mine on shoes to go WITH the stupid dress." He suddenly shakes his head.

"No I wanted to buy you the dress. You don't owe me nothing." He smiles at me. I feel bad. But it kinda makes the dress even more special knowing that he insisted on buying it me, and I don't really wanna take the special stuff out of it. So I accept it. "Come on, let's play monopoly." He suggests, knowing full well I'm gonna thrash him.

That's basically how the day carried on. When we got bored of monopoly, I went to go and borrow some paint off of Saphire, and me And the girls made some graffiti art for the living room. Frank had finally come over to visit, so Liam had gone to make Liamaid or something in the garden. The girls had told me all about how hard Liam had worked to actually make this drink taste nice and NOT blow up (something he got kicked out of his foster parents house for. LOL!) So me, Carmen and Tee went out to go and try some while Lily carried on painting with Poppy and Rosie.

'Come on then, what's all the fuss?' I joke, as me and the girls sit down on the beanbags in the garden to prepare ourselves for Liam's Invention.

'Well, first of all, Frank, this is nutcase Lola who I was telling you about." Liam introduces us, as I nod at Frank who returns the gesture. "Hi, Lola." He replies, rather sweetly.

"Sound." I reply, and Liam continues.

"And second of all, the big fuss is called Liamade." He replies, producing a large bottle of blue fizzy stuff from behind his back. He throws a red plastic cup to each of us, just as Johnny runs out to join in on the action.

"Is it gonna explode?" Johnny teases, sitting so close to me he's practically on my lap.

"Your gonna squash her if you ain't careful, mate." Liam chuckles, noting the aggravation on my face, "and no, it no longer explodes."

"I'm sure she don't mind." Johnny comments, in the most cheesiest and awful way I've ever heard in my life. Like, kids fancying You is always cute and cringey, but he took it to a whole other ass level with that one.

"Johnny lovesss Lolaaaa!" The girls chant, as Johnny yells at them to shut up. Liam doesn't look too pleased. Either he's jealous of Johnny, or more likely, he's annoyed that we're taking away the limelight of Liamade.

"Are we drinking this or what?" Liam yells, as Frank clunks his cup against mine. "Cheers." We all say, and take a sip.

As if planned, Frank, Johnny, Carmen and Tee all spat the drink out practically over each other. "EWWW THATS NASTY!" Carmen squeals, as I swallow the rest of mine down in one. I thought it was quite nice. Unusual, but nice.

"Its got worse!" Frank exclaims, and I can't help but giggle.

"Guys it pains me to say this, but I quite like it." I laugh, causing the others to throw their empty cups at me.

"See! at least somebody has good taste!" Liam jokes, just as Gus comes running out to examine the bottle. He continues to ask for all the ingredients, how long it took to make, Where it was made e.t.c e.t.c and of course- wrote it all down in his book. Liam was reluctant to spare any details, which made Gus slowly more and more angry. It was a jokes day to say the least.

Later on that evening, and we were all piled in the living room watching some shit film about the war. I don't mind historical films, but this one just seemed to be humming in the background while the rest of the house erupted in chaos. Mike had fallen ill, so Tracy was in charge of dinner while he slept it off. It wasn't going down too well with us, especially Saphire who was kicking up a right argument with Gina about compromising her night out by allowing her a lock on her bedroom door. Harry was ridiculously hyper, Lily was upset because her sisters visiting was over and Toby was kitted head to foot in swimming and kitchen wear as he was convinced that Mike was dying from the plague. I lean over to whisper in Liam's ear, "So much for our quiet night together." He smiles, and replies "Don't worry, I've got a plan."

Gina comes in to wish us all a good night, and no sooner had she left Tracy was yelling for us to go to dinner.

"What the hell is that?" I question, looking down at the piece of 'pizza' which was slipped on my plate. It was topped with barbique sauce, ham and pineapple-which was fine. But then, for no reason at all, been covered in banana. "I ain't eating THAT." Liam replies, standing at the counter and piling the slices on top of each other. Like normal, the other kids start copying him, and Tracy soon comes in in a flap.

"Theres nothing wrong with my cooking, guys." She sighs, taking Harry and Gus for bed and leaving me, Frank and Liam in the kitchen.

"I think I'm gonna go up to bed, guys." I yawn, feeling genuinely really tired from now doing my usual nighttime routine the night before, but Liam stops me.

"Nah where you going? Don't you see what we have there guys?" Liam questions. Me and Frank share the same confused look. "That pizzas a goldmine."

Liam proceeds to explain his invincible plan to con all our local neighbours out of a £1 each to buy a slice of this shit in order to save Elm Tree House. I quite honestly could think of many other ways to spend my Sunday night, but unfortunately for me, Frank also thinks of it as a good idea so of course it's going ahead. And I, some how involved, as usual.

"Why did you encourage him." I groan to Frank, as he pats my back and laughs. He's quite a funny character, and I can definitely see why him and Liam are best mates.

"Come on you muppets." Liam comments, leading us both into the office. "Here's the plan, me and Lola are gonna print off a load of knock off leaflets to give out to the punters. Frank, you go and put all the pizza into them cake boxes Gina bought for the charity cake sale. Then, me and Lola will bring the fliers to you and bush bash bosh, we go and make ourself some money for an actual takeaway."

I roll my eyes. For once, ide much rather just chill. But it's not too much of a stupid plan, and providing Tracy doesn't realise we've gone missing, we should be good to go.

"Mike is still in bed ain't he?" I ask, as Frank leaves for the kitchen and Liam takes a seat at Ginas desk.

"Yeah he's out for the camp," Liam replies, as I sit on the desk to the side of him,swinging my legs infront of me. "How do I log this thing on?" Liam asks, so doing what I do best, I wack the computer one and it starts to log somebody in. I presume Gina.

"How did you-" I cut him off.

"Its a talent." I joke, having no clue what I actually just done. Liam smiles at me, and schooches me a bit closer towards him.

"You know I'm doing this for us, right?" He says, I look at him confused."I haven't forgotten about our date. If I get some money we can have something proper tonight, and then still chill,just us." I smile at him.

"I'm happy to just....cuddle?" I suggest, and Liam takes my hand. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, as his face grows closer and closer and...

"What you two doing in here?" Saphire bursts into the room, as me and Liam spring apart automatically.

"Could ask you the same question." Liam replies, as Saphire surveys us suspiciously. If she did just see us that close, she's not letting on any signs that she did, and I dunno if that's good or bad.

"I'm looking for my key, you?" She says. Liam looks at me, as if I should cover our tracks.

"We're just, reading everyone's files!" I exclaim, as Liam puts his head in his hands. Saphire looks at me in pure anger.

"You best not be their private!' She shouts, narrowing her eyes at us. She snatches one of the print outs off Liam.

'Please help us Orphans we're dying of starvation?" She reads out the flier then exclaims, 'Liam! Lola why are you going along with this?" I shrug my shoulders not knowing myself to be honest, so Liam stands up.

"Allow me to demonstrate..." Liam begins the most ridiculous impression of a carekid begging our locals to buy our pizza to save our home, as Saphire rolls her eyes and Frank returns with the pizza.

"20% or I tell Mike." She attempts .

"How about 0%, and Lola convinces Tracy to let you have a lock on your door?" I widen my eyes at Liam and the  to Frank. How the fuck am I supposed to do that? Why me?

she agrees to the deal, and I'm left threatening to throw banana flavoured pizza at Liam.

"Woah woah Lola, chill! Pleaseeee all you gotta do is lose your poor old me charm?" He begs, with those gorgeous big puppy dog eyes which he knows I won't resist, fuck sakes.

"Fine." I agreed as we venture out into the hallway to begin our pizza quest. Frank gives me the all clear motion, as i lead Liam and the pizza behind the side of the sofa next to the front door. At that point, Tracy appears wiyh Saphire close behind her.

"Oh Tracy, have you seen Liam or Lola?" She questions, just as i walk behind them.

"Eem yeah, shes right there..." Tracy says, as Saphire turns around and gives me the look. Gus, clearly agrivated, is bellowing down the stairs for Tracy to finnish his story.

"Soooo about Saphires key," i begin, as a rather distressed looking Tracy starts to roll her eyes in frustration.

"Its still a no!" She yells, as Gus continues his cries.

"Yeah ok, no key... BUT A BOLT IS DIFFERENT. She neeedsss her own space i know that more than anyone." I try to compromise, taking advantage of Tracy being pulled pillsr to post.

"FINE." She gives up, and runs up the stairs yelling thag shes coming to Gus. Liam pops his head over the sofa and grins.

"Well where do i get a bolt from?" Saphire questions, as Frank appears with the pizzas.

"Bathroom door?" Liam suggests.

After eventually convincing Saphire to just take the bolt off the bathroom door for her room, me, Liam and Frank all head outside the door.

"GO GO GO!" Liam yells, sprinting off ahead and through the gates. I roll my eyes. What a waste of an evening.

Darting from house to house, we soon learn that its Franks charm that wins people over, often resulting in them donating more than £1.

"£35!" Liam exclaims as we walk down the path, and me and Frank look at him rather pleased. Liam continues to walk up to a rather dodgey looking shak on the side of the road, as me and Frank take a well deserved break on the step.

"Mind if i smoke?" I ask him, and he shakes his head with a smile. "Thanks, im gagging." I light the fag up, as we sit and wait for Liam. Hes knocking for what seems like ages, so Frank decides to spark up a new conversation.

"So, how are you finding Elm Tree?" He asks.

"Eh, its ok. Better than some of the shitholes ive been in," we both laugh, "Lots of younger kids ofcourse but their alright."

"Youve got Liam," he starts, "he REALLY likes you."

I smile, but no sooner than i have time to ask in what way Liam likes me, the screams if an argument begin as i stand up to see an old scruffy bloke dragging Liam down the road.

"OI GET OFF HIM!" I scream, throwing my fag to the floor and jumping on this guys back. He stumbles, but continues to force Liam into a headlock, and grabs Franks collar practically dragging them down the road.

"GET. THE. FUCK. OFF. THEM!" I scream,smashing the plastic pizza box as hard as i can over his head. He takes abseloutely no notice, so i decide to start kicking. It doesnt work.

Eventually he calms down a bit, but still drags them both to the orphanage. I try to call Elm Tree as i walk behind them, but the line was engaged. Typical.

"Where the fuck are we going?" I spit, struggling to keep up with his pace.

"Back to that dump of an orphanage, to teach you lot a lesson." It was only a short distance back to Elm Tree, ao i run ahead to ring the doorbell.

Tracy answers.

"LOLA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" She yells, "WHERES LIAM AND FRANK?" Just as she begins her shouting, the man drags the lads up to the door.

"WHOS IN CHARGE HERE?" He spits, throwing Liam at me and Frank to Tracy.

"Thatd be me." Tracy replies.

"Look sweetheart, i wanna speak to the organ grinder not the monkey." He spits, as we all scowl at him.

"Still me." She glares. "Who are you?"

"IM ONE OF THE PEOPLE THESE BRATS HAVE BEEN TRYING TO RIP OFF!" He bellows, thrusting one of Liams dodgey print outs in Tracys face. I look at Liam as if to say 'i told you so' as he looks down at the floor. "Its alright youve given me a reason to write to the council have your place closed down!" The man spits, as me and Liam start to protest.


"SHE ATTACKED ME! Troublemaker that one." He snarls at Tracy,as she begins to fucking agree with him. What the fuck? Does she want me to knock her out?

She continues to tell him that they should phone the police, all the kids stood behind me cooeing and staring. At that point, Cam showed up (Tracys step mother.) and Tracy ends her build up to destroy this guy.

"How about you start by telling the police how you dragged a boy with Cerebal Palsy down the streets?" The man tries to excuse his behaviour, but it doesnt work and in the end he leaves. We all get called into the office and then ofcourse, sent upstairs. So much for staying out of trouble.

Later that night and Gina had returned. To cover Tracys mess we had all gotten into bed and pretended nothing had happenned, and i think it had worked- until Toby called the expert team for Mikes ebola. Whatever. Theres a knock at my door.

"Come in." I yell, as Liam pops his head in. I wasnt exactly pleased with him dragging me into his trouble.

"Look, Lola. Im sorry." He begins, coming over and sitting on my bed. "I wanted to do something nice for us." I cant help but smile. Despite the shit, it was really sweet of him.

"Well your not forgiven....yet." Im gonna try my luck. Fuck the rules and fuck my attitude, "I need a cuddle first."

He grins at me, and slides down under my covers, his arms wrapped around my body. His warm breath travels down my spine, as i begin to feel safe under his embrace. I feel him whisper in my ear.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, his cheeks flushing red. I pause for a second. He. Actually. Fancies. Me? What the fuck. Fuck it.

"Yes." I whisper back, as he presses his lips against mine. Fireworks erupt in my stomach as usual, as i begin to settle into his chest. What a perfect end to a rather shitty day. Bliss.

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