Siblings To Jonas

By alliemolly06

25.7K 253 15

Hi, I'm Sabrina , but everyone calls me Bri for short. My full name is actually Sabrina Mindy Jonas. Yep, you... More

21/ Not An Update But Important
22 (Part 1)
23 (Part 2)


497 4 0
By alliemolly06

I end up sleeping through the whole night and the next morning I wake up and look at my clock and see that it's 8:30 am. I think the boys would be up by then but I have no clue. I get out of bed and head downstairs. I see just Nick and Joe sitting at the table talking. I had a bad feeling about it. When they realize I'm up, they both look over and me and motion me to come over to the table. I walk over and take a seat. They both look at me with straight faces and I think they see my cheeks filled with tear stains.
J: Kevin told me something last night that scared me. And he said that you would tell Nicks and I. So spill.
Sa: fine, Sam and I broke up over phone. He's moving across the country in a few days and he said that he didn't want a long distance relationship ok. The worst part is it was over phone. So I'm upset and this is the official worst and most horrible month of my life ok.
I get up before they could say anything and rush up to my room. I lay on my bed and just hide my face in my pillow. Minutes later I hear my door open and I vividly see two bodies walk in. I feel something sit on my bed and I turn around to see Nick and Joe sitting on my bed. I was crying and they could tell. Nick wiped away my tears while Joe was gathering his thoughts I think.
N: we are so sorry Bri. We feel horrible.
Sa: it's fine. Just my life hates me apparently.
J: don't say that. Sam is a complete Ass and yes this has been horrible but not bad enough to end it ok. We don't ever want to see you go through what you are going through now but we have to. It totally sucks and we understand. It's hard. But don't blame it on yourself.
N: yeah, and it's taking every little bit of myself and Joe to not go over and beat the shit out of Sam.
Sa: thanks guys but I'm just gonna be even more emotional right now. and my sugars being out of wack scared the shit out of everyone.
N: crap, your sugars. We need to check them.
He runs downstairs while I just worry. You could tell Joe still had something on his mind but didn't say anything. He pulled me into a hug until Nick came rushing in with his kit. He pricks my finger and puts it into the machine. My sugars come back kinda high but not so bad that we have to worry. He puts his kit aside and pulls me into a hug.
J: that's it. I don't care. If I get in trouble, it's for my sister.
N: Joe what are you doing.
J: going to Sams.
N: oh hell no you don't.
J: too late.
K: what now. I'm trying to sleep.
N: well our brother is going to Sams to probably beat him up.
K: ugh, I'll go after him, you stay with Bri to make sure she doesn't do it.
N: got it. Just make sure he doesn't get arrested.
K: yep.
After Nick told me what was happening, I grab my coat and rush out the door. Seeing Joe already half way to his house. He basically lived down the street so it wouldn't be too hard. I wasn't fast enough to catch up with him but once he arrived, Sam was outside playing basketball by himself. Joe went up to him and punched him. I ran over to break it up but couldn't. I call Nick while still trying to break them up but couldn't. He was on his way and before I know it. I'm punching Sam also. Nick shows up and ends up breaking it all up.
Nick left after he got an urgent call from Kevin saying that Joe and Sam where getting into it. He left at the worst time. I went into my bathroom and got my extra blade I had. I pulled it out and I rolled up my sleeve. I made x's over my old scars and reopened them. I made them deeper but not too deep. Before I was done, Joe, Kevin, and Nick showed up at my door with bruised faces.
Sa: I-I.
Before I could get words out, Kevin takes the blade from me and cleans it. Nick and Joe both take my wrists and clean them but none of them talked. Once they where bandaged up, I went back into my bed and the three left. I knew they where upset and disappointed but they didn't say anything. I just sat on my bed and cried. Then my door was opened by both of my parents.
D: your brothers told us everything.
P: why again.
Sa: well my sugars have been out of wack and my boyfriend broke up with me over the phone. All of my brothers went to beat him up and I thought if I did this it would take the pain away.
P: that's what they did. There in trouble.
D: Bri. We are here to talk ok. You don't have to do this.
Sa: I know but they where upset and I couldn't help. When they saw me they didn't say anything, helped me clean them up and then left my room mad.
P: there in trouble.
D: ok, well sense they are cleaned, we don't have to do that. We need to talk to your brothers so just stay here ok.
They each give me a hug and leave.
We all went into Kevins room and where just pissed.
N: why, why did she do that.
J: well I think mom and dad talked to her.
K: alone, that can't be good.
Then mom and dad walk in.
P: take a seat boys.
We all sit in a row on Kevins bed and they stand in front of us.
D: Sabrina told us what you boys did. Fighting is not the answer. And with your friend.
J: not anymore.
P: still. Like your mother said. Fighting is never the answer. You guys are grounded until we are back on tour. Which is in two days. But you will have to do chores and make food every night. Got it.
K: fine.
N: yep.
J: got it.
D: now you need to apologize to your sister. She's upset and her heart just got teared apart. She also told me the other day that said he loved her. So it's even worse now. And you boys did not react the way you should have.
P: yes, and make sure she eats something also. Her sugars aren't probably doing well sense she didn't eat and is very upset.
They walk out of the room and we all look at each other.
N: he loved her.
J: I didn't know that.
K: now I just feel worse about how We all reacted.
J: come on. Let's bring her some candy. Sugar free.
We walk out of Kevins room and go downstairs. Nick heads into the garden and grabs a few flowers while Kevin and I put together a basket of treats and his laptop with all her favorite movies on it. Once Nick was done with the flowers, we headed to her room. We knocked on the door and hear her stop crying.
After my parents left my room, I just cried. Until I heard a knock on my door. I stop crying and look up. Then I see all three of my brothers walking in with a basket of stuff.
Sa: w-what. Are you going to say your disappointed in me.
J: no, we felt bad after mom told us that Sam said he loved you.
K: we didn't know it was that serious.
N: so we wanted to cheer you up. Here are some sugar free snacks and my laptop for all of us to watch movies. We are really sorry on how we reacted and we shouldn't have. It's been hard for you but you can always talk to us.
Sa: thanks. I know I can but I was a mess and didn't know what to say.
K: it's ok, where here now. So let's watch some movies.
J: what do you wanna watch first.
Sa: you shouldn't have asked that question.
J: why- shit.
N: great, here we go again.
K: what, I wanna know why you guys are- oh, that movie.
Sa: CAMP ROCK. And camp rock two. I wanna have some fun.
J: ughh.
N: here we go boys.
K: prepare to cringe.
We turn the movie on and I sang each song. When it came to Joes and Demi's song, we each sang and it was the time of my LIFE. We watched the second on and the boys just cringed even more. I fell asleep at the end and I knew the boys didn't move. We all fell asleep and stayed like that all night. It's great knowing I have brothers who support me.
Hope you enjoyed.
Sadly she relapsed.
But will she be ok and back to normal next time?

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