A Way Home

By minifantasy

2.7K 235 7

Everyone has secrets, like CEO Oh Sehun whose life is layered up into bundles of lies. Despite his perfect fa... More

He & Flowers
A Person
Into Whirlwinds
Cloud Nine
Mine Mine
My Life's Best Moment
Lucky in Love
I Am Yours
Heaven on Earth
When Desperation Consumes
On the Loom
End of the Line
A Broken Song
His Story Part I
His Story Part II
His Story Part III
Long Road Ahead
It Was Normal
My Love Story
Is You
And Us
The Way Home

Strike One

80 7 0
By minifantasy

"Are you getting called away?"

Sehun pivoted around so fast the phone dropped from his hand. Several feet away Namjoo clutched onto the strap of her crossbody purse. Eyes on him. Inside his chest his heart drummed, his blood whooshing loudly like water spinning rapidly inside a washing machine.

"How long have you been standing there?" Was the first thing that popped out of his mouth.

Majorly the only important thing he needed to know.

"What?" she asked, stepped forward, bent down to pick up his phone. Straightening she handed the mobile to him. "Do you have to leave?"

Relief spurred through him. Blinking, he tried a smile. "No, it's nothing."

Coyly smirking, Namjoo asked, "Then, was it your mother?"

A lightbulb flashed on inside his head. "Yes. It's my mom." Shaking his head, "I mean, of course. Yes, it was my mom. She was just calling to say you're so adorably cute." He pinched her cheek.

Swatting his hand away, Namjoo linked arms with him. Giddily saying, "Nuh-uh. Tell me, what did she say?"

"It's a secret." He played as they veered onto the path off to the side.

Namjoo nudged him. The wind carrying her voice as they neared the paved road beside the water. All while he tucked the panic striding through him into a chest deep inside his conscience, locking it away.

That night he watched the hourglass on the computer screen spin a few rounds once he'd press the confirm button, completing the transaction he'd promised.

After this, he'd have no need to see them again.


Moaning tiredly Namjoo stretched her arms up. Arching slightly and shifted onto her side. Releasing a sigh when her eyes landed on her bedside where Sehun had lain just a week ago. Empty this morning, but imagining him there with her derived a sensation that immediately made her high.

Her lips thinned out into a smile and she closed her eyes again. Replaying the happiness spinning like wheels underneath her feet to when Sehun walked her up to her door. Very slightly she had wondered to ask him to come in. A quarter of her quirky conscience aware if that happened Sehun really would be lying next to her right now.

The phone went off inquiring her attention. Namjoo nearly groaned exasperated. She wanted to be in her thoughts some more, but upon the thought that it was Sehun she flung herself up. Sitting she leaned over to swipe her phone off the bedside table. Flinging the charging cable to the floor. Glancing at the screen she saw her mom's name flashing.

This time she let out a really deep groan. Flopping back against the pillow she pressed answer and held the phone to her ear.

"What?" She closed her eyes.

"Who is he?" Her mother's voice blasted through the phone. Namjoo winced and held the phone an inch away. "What is this I've been hearing about a man? Kim Namjoo!"

"Mom!" Namjoo complained. "Who've you been talking to?"

"Are you or are you not going to answer me?" her mother scolded and sounded like she was speaking through a microphone.

Damn Kiwan.

"Yes," Namjoo forced herself to answer. "He's my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?!" her mother screeched. Exasperatedly gasping, she lectured, "Gosh, Namjoo, you just barely got a job and you're dating? What does he do?"

Rolling onto her side, Namjoo grumbled in a whisper then replied, "He's my CEO."

She imagined a crow flying overhead during the spanning silence. Then came her mother's suddenly breathless question, "Your what?"

Clicking her tongue, she spoke louder running a hand up into her hair, "My CEO, mom. He's my CEO, ok?"

This time she heard her mother suck in a breath. "Oh my! Gosh, Namjoo! Did you win the jackpot or something?"

"Mom," Namjoo complained rolling her eyes.

"Well, your father and I have to meet him!" Excitement churned in her voice.

Namjoo made a face.

"This is serious, Namjoo!" She could see her mother walking in a circle like a rabid animal; hands eagerly struck out, bouncing in the air. "Oh, we have to meet!"

"He's a really busy person, mom," Namjoo tried. She didn't know if she was ready for Sehun to meet her overly joyful parents. They would mull over him, his money, his estate, the company. Namjoo didn't want to berate her parents, but they'd never seen a millionaire in real life nonetheless someone who'd been on television.

She was afraid what they'd say when they saw Sehun in real life. Doubt his capability because he was such a young businessman? Of course, they would, first of all, inquire about his money. Then dig into his background and upbringing.

Would Sehun be ready to talk about such personal things with her parents?

She only vaguely knew about his life. Would her parents judge her for being irrational?

"He has to make time!" her mother pressed. "A woman's parents are as important as she, herself, Namjoo. You're getting older. You're not just going to have a fling, are you? There are just a few more years before you're out of your prime. It's best to date for a year or two and then settle down and have children. Don't drag it, do you understand?"

Namjoo withheld an irritable groan. Replying because if she didn't her mother would just continue to egg her on with another earful. "I know."

"Tell him and we can schedule a meeting. CEO or whatever, your father and I need to know what kind of man he is first," her mother continued.

Hanging up, Namjoo turned burying her face into her pillows. She no longer wanted to get up.

Namjoo did anyway. She was hungry and wanted to brush her teeth. Her mouth tasted foul. Splashing water on her face she glanced at herself in the mirror. Observing the faint line developing underneath her eye. Suddenly recalling her mother's warning about her fading youth. That really felt like a punch in the guts now.

Annoyance flashed through her when she the doorbell rang. She suspected it was Kiwan who had tattled to her mother. Planning to snatch his junk bag and aim it at his face when she opened the door. Instead Sehun was on the other side. With a bag of food.

Her mouth formed a quick oval as her brows rose surprised. Before speaking he squeezed her into his arms and lifted her feet off the ground. Happiness gurgled through her body as he kicked the door shut and carried her into the kitchen. Setting her not onto the ground or bed but onto the kitchen table. Their upper bodies enticingly brushed, his hand running down her back and clasping onto the edge of the table.

"Morning, beautiful," he greeted meeting her eyes.

"Hi," she quietly said wrapping her arm around him. Just a breadth away from and she really wanted to kiss him.

The soft of his gaze made her weak. Needing to draw him closer until they were pressing and tasting each other.

Namjoo was really so into him.

"So," she started, "are you going to kiss me or what?"

The low of his laugh caused her insides to tremble. That was such an attractive sound.

Namjoo tasted a hint of spearmint gum when he kissed her with his tongue entering her mouth.

"Oh..." she breathed once he withdrew and touched her mouth. "You had gum?"

"You just brushed your teeth?"

She flushed for being found out. "At least my breath is fresh."

He tapped the underside of her chin and stepped away. "Did you eat yet?"


"I'll fry you an egg sandwich." Sehun moved toward her stove.

"Do you know how to?" Sliding down from the table Namjoo followed him.

"If I said it," he glanced at her, "I'll do it."

Crossing her arms, she challenged, "Then, go ahead." Holding out a hand she gestured for him to show her.

Sehun really did cook an egg sandwich for her. She stared unsurely at the finished product despite its delicious appearance.

"You first," Namjoo said.

"Oh, come on," he rolled his eyes, "stop being stubborn, anybody can make this."

She gestured for him to take the first bite. Heaving a sigh Sehun tore off a chunk, stuck one side into his mouth, and took a step so fast she never saw him coming. A strong arm went around her crushing her against him. Namjoo's breath was gone before she realized it. She tasted a quick burst of damp bread then Sehun bit the rest between their lips of it off, pulling the rest of it into his mouth.

"It's good." He half grinned, half chewed.

Namjoo's cheeks grew hot.

"Eat the rest," he placed the sandwich into her hands, "I'll make more."

It was amazing how he always managed to do something to make her blush madly like a high school girl. Running her eyes over his broad back, Namjoo robotically lifted the sandwich to her mouth and took a bite. Biting her lower lip, she stepped up to his side brushing her shoulder into his arm.

Looking up into his hard-focused gaze she debated. Hesitating. Deciding she would have to say it sooner or later, Namjoo said, "My mom called." She went on before he could say anything, "I guess Kiwan said something to her."

"Your brother, right?" Sehun asked. Igniting a joke, he said, "The one that caught us naked together?"

Namjoo lightly swatted his arm and listened to him laugh. "We weren't naked."

"If you, you know, didn't run out like you did we could have been." He teased.

Namjoo frowned at him and nudged him harder. Her eyes automatically swept down. "Talk about yourself."

Sehun rasped, "Where are you looking?!" Her cheeks burned surprised. Pushing her away he pretentiously called, horrified, "You perverted girl!"

"Fine, forget it!" Namjoo stomped off.

A quarter of the way out of the kitchen Sehun caught her. Binding her in his arms. "Ok, ok. I'll stop." Leaning his chin over her shoulder, he reverted back to their conversation, "You were saying something about your brother."

Namjoo glowered.

"I'm listening," Sehun innocently said.

Huffing, Namjoo dropped it on him. "My parents want to meet you."

Receiving no reply, she finally turned to peek at him, curious about his reaction.

"Why?" Namjoo asked. Walking out of his arms she shifted to look at her boyfriend. "You don't want to?"

"No, no, of course not." Pulling a weak smile on, Sehun said, "I'd like to meet them."

Once Namjoo relayed the message, her mother immediately picked a date as if they'd been prepared all along. When she shared the news with Sehun through their nightly phone call, he said, "I have a meeting with shareholders that day."

"Can't you delay it for a few hours?" Namjoo asked.

"There are over twenty shareholders, Namjoo," he explained, "they each have different schedules. This is a fixed appointment I can't change."

"We already talked about this," she reminded. "You said you'd make time."

"Of...of course," he sighed.

A strained fifteen seconds dragged. Giving up, Namjoo said, "Fine."

"I'm sorry, Namjoo." And he sounded it.

Guilty, Namjoo resigned. "I'm sorry, too. My parents are making it difficult, and I know you're busy. I don't want you shuffling your duties around for me. It's inconvenient for you."

"It isn't," he ensured. "Tell your parents I apologize."

But her parents weren't happy hearing it. They suggested dinner then, but Namjoo argued Sehun would be tired. Excusing for Sehun that business meetings actually lasted long hours. Sehun would be exhausted and it wasn't fair for him. She left it at that even when her mother argued again that he needed to respect her parents too.

Enlisting all reasons being they were her parents, they held jobs as well, it's not like they had nothing but to be lazy all weekend. How difficult could it be for a CEO to make a few tweaks in his daily life to meet them?

Namjoo didn't reply. With a gruff goodbye she hung up.

For several weeks it felt like she was the negotiator between an angry couple and a son who'd set up a wall between his parents.

Then things suddenly started changing gradually one day into the next like a puzzle coming undone, one piece at a time.

That weekend was going to be special. She and Sehun planned to spend another night together at her place. Cooking dinner together, menu of her choice. He'd be her kitchen aid, his promise on the condition that he could choose the movie of the night. Then they'd go to bed and spend the rest of the weekend together.

Some kind of Jeju holiday in the city. Again.

Namjoo was really looking forward to it. Work kept her glued in her office and away from him, it felt like the only times she saw him were at lunch sometimes and when she snuck up to his office to see him the remainder of the day. Sehun being occupied with the company's demands also took him away from her.

She often missed him if not his phone calls. These days several kisses didn't seem to be fulfilling enough, so they had promised to unwind together. This weekend was going to be their weekend.

Namjoo had happily gone shopping Thursday evening. The dense crowd bustled around her. People alike coming to grocery shop after work, after picking up kids, to stock their fridge, or just be surrounded by life and activity.

Wheeling her cart around Namjoo thought of snacks she could share with Sehun. He wasn't much of a picky eater. At least she didn't think he was. She'd ask him tomorrow if he had favorites. Trying not to wallop in embarrassment that she didn't know her boyfriend's food tastes or preferred snacks. After all, it hadn't been long since they'd started seeing each other.

Turning an aisle Namjoo wondered whether she should stock up on condoms. For precaution in case Sehun forgot? Namjoo debated. Focused on the aisle of health & wellness then for some unknown reason, her eyes magnetically drew straight ahead. Right toward the meat station.

A couple whose backs faced her were chatting it up with the man behind the display counter. A sign of today's meat specials hung above, but it wasn't the price catching Namjoo's eyes. The hair vertically twisted and clipped to the back of her head. Something about it.

Maybe she'd just had a long day at work and her body was in desperation of some rest. This was why she needed to unwind tomorrow.

Namjoo nearly returned to looking at the shelves. Then the woman turned giving away view of her side profile. The familiarity of it struck Namjoo. She stared for a longer period. Zooming in on the woman whose hair was not glossy, lips bare of deep red. Today not dressed in a matching silk tweed top and skirt but a white top and convenient store black pants that could be purchased anywhere. In an even plainer and outdated thin gray cardigan Namjoo had to look twice.

Surely and very confidently that was Sehun's mom. Accompanied...by a man Namjoo did not recognize. And could not be Sehun's suitably dressed father.

In a strange spot, Namjoo didn't know what to say. What was she seeing? Why was Sehun's mother with another man? Why was she dressed like the aunt next door?

A flash of Sehun's brandished clothes appeared in her head. If the son dressed up why didn't the mother do the same if her son's wealth reflected his mother's well-being? But Sehun's mother was dressed down. Too dressed down. So unlike the classy woman who'd sat with her for lunch weekends ago.

Nothing about her was fashionable or luxurious or trendy. She looked like she could be Namjoo's mother having thrown on clothes deemed acceptable for a quick grocery trip. Something that wouldn't be embarrassing to be seen in public in.

Namjoo's mouth parted to say maybe a greeting when the woman's eyes traveled her direction. That duration of second when their gazes crossed felt like forever. Namjoo certified within that split moment the woman was Sehun's mother without traces of the expensive makeup, high end clothes, and glossy hair styled high into a bun.

Those familiar eyes rounded once recognition hit. Her mouth opened to gasp stricken with what could only be interpreted as shock. Namjoo couldn't move in time before the woman tightly gripped her cart and scurried off ditching the man with her.

Confused, he clearly shouted, "Honey! The meat!"

But Namjoo was even more confused.


Ok, there are like a bunch of hints here and Namjoo is missing every one of them but! this is the most obvious one

***is Sehun actually busy or is he purely coming up with tactics to avoid her and her parents?????? We shall find out next chapter! Stayed tuned!

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