By anime_lover5223

213 0 0

An angle fell out of the heavens , this petite angle is dim and introverted and strives to prosper in the mor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Six

16 0 0
By anime_lover5223

Damian could hear my distant sobs as he stood outside of the apartment door. He took the door-knob in his hands and hesitated. I gripped my arms as I sobbed trying to find some sort of comfort. I found none, just an empty apartment with a sad melancholy undertone. I heard the door open and I flinched until I saw who it was. It was Damian. He walked up to me slowly and pulled me into his arms and his cold lips crashed against mine. Surprised by his actions I stumbled backwards and my eyes widened. I fell back onto my bed and looked up at him crying and I hiccupped.
"Wow you are so drunk..."
He grabbed a glass of water and handed it to me.
"Drink it all."
I sat up and hugged him tightly sobbing in his shirt.
"D..Damian please don't leave me, p...please I can't stay away from you..."
"I won't go anywhere."
I looked up at him dazed and watched him nod while tucking my mop of hair behind my ear. I looked at the water, drank it all as directed and hiccupped. I opened my arms and pouted softly. Damian chuckled quietly and laid down with me, pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and cried in his chest. He gently rubbed my back and kissed my head. After my sobs started to subside I looked up at Damian and kissed his chilly lips again. He was slightly shocked as I gripped his shirt but soon found himself leaning into the kiss whilst gripping my waist.  His lips pressed against mine as if they were meant to be there. They fit perfectly with mine as our breathing harmonized. I gently clutched his face and bit his bottom lip. I watched as his face turned red and his grip on my hips got tighter. I parted from his lips and sat up and straddled him.
"Wow someone is getting courageous."
He said with a sly grin, I traced my hands under his shirt and lifted it up and over his head, tossing it to the wooden floor. His chest and abs were littered with scars, I smiled down at him and traced my finger over a few of his scars. I watched him frown.
"What's wrong?"
"If I have to take off my shirt so do you."
"Alright alright fine."
I slipped my shirt off and tossed it near Damian's as I gazed down at him. He stared up at me and his hands found their way to my sides, I shuddered at his cold hands. I smiled and leaned down to him and he roughly pressed his frigid lips against mine. I felt his tongue slip in my mouth and our tongues fought for dominance. He growled and flipped us over and pinned me against the bed. His lips made their way down my neck as his hands wrapped around me and I heard the clip of my bra. I watched him take it off of me gently and toss it to the floor. He started to kiss down my chest, each kiss was cold and made me shiver. He was always so cold but in a way he made me feel warm. I stared up at him as he started to take off his belt.
"Hey Damian?"
He looked down at me and cocked his head.
"You won't leave me will you? You won't be like all the horrible guys that leave? You'll be different?"
"Of course, I'd never want to leave you. I can't stay away from you after all."
He smiled and softly pecked my lips then proceeded to take off his pants. I looked over at him and smiled.
"I love you..."
"I love you too angel."
He hovered over me again and kissed my lips gently as he fumbled with my pants, he struggled as he couldn't manage to get them past my thighs.
"Would you like some assistance?"
He nodded and looked away flustered. I smiled up at him and took off my jeans and tossed them to the floor. I then tugged him back down overtop of me and stared up at his crystal clear eyes.
"This might hurt...."
"Hmm that's ok."
He nodded and started to thrust. I winced and gripped his back.
I let out a moan and dug my nails into his back. He touched me cheek and kissed my lips softly to quiet me. He kept getting rougher and faster. I turned my head away from him and bit his shoulder. He winced and sped up again. I cried out in pain and looked up at Damian dazed. I was panting like a dog at this point as he slowed down.
"Are you alright...?"
I gave a small nod and sat up weakly.
"W....What are you doing?"
I gave a weak smirk and pushed him down into bed. He looked up at me confused.
I put my finger over his lips and started to kiss his neck. Damians body temperature went up as my kisses made their way down his body, covering his chest, neck, and abs.
"Yes baby?"
I looked up at Damian with a smirk. He looked away and hid his face in a pillow.
"Hey... don't do that. I wanna see your handsome face..."
I pouted and he peeked from behind the pillow.
"Gimme that!" I ripped the pillow from him and tossed it across the room.
"I wanna see your face!"
He nodded and looked down at me. I smiled and looked down.
"Hmm someone is excited..."
He looked away embarrassed and I giggled softly. I let my kisses trail down past his waist, not even a few seconds later my kisses turned into sucking. He started to moan in pleasure as he gripped my hair in a fist. I smirked as I began to tease him. He growled and tugged my hair up and my eyes met his.
"Why do you want me to stop?"
"Y...You're teasing me!"
"Am I?~"
He flipped us over and rammed into me. I shuddered and screamed. My whole body started to shiver and shake. My legs began to feel numb and it hurt to move them. Tears brimmed in my eyes and Damain kissed them away. He was as gentle as a feather but felt like a storm.
He gave me no mercy that night.
At the next dawn, the sun was shining through the white curtains strung from the windows. Sitting up groggy and dizzy as I examined the room seeing Damian and I's clothes tossed on the floor and Damian. Sound asleep with the light hitting his chest just right, making him look like he was glistening. Running my hands through his ebony locks and leaving a small lingering kiss on his forehead I slipped out of bed and tried to gain my footing. It hurt to stand but I tried anyway. I slipped on Damians shirt and my panties then managed to stumble to the bathroom. Standing in the mirror for a few minutes for my eyes to adjust I saw marks coating my flesh, they consisted of Damian's teeth and small bruises. I limped back over to Damian's bedside and flicked his forehead gently, he wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me into bed.
He buried his head between my breasts and groaned softly, my face warmed up as his cold breath tickled my neck.
"D..Damian I have to make us breakfast..."
"Breakfast can wait..."
He grumbled under his breath as his grip on my waist got tighter.
"You don't want food... that's a first..."
"I'm kinda full from last night."
He said as he licked his lips.
"W...What...?"I paused and thought about his words until they finally hit me and I slapped his arm with my face a shade of dark red.
"Ow ow! Alright I'll stop....but last night was amazing..."
"Yeah but you were really rough."
"I'm sorry baby."
He gently kissed my neck but still refused to move.
"What exactly happened last night for you to be that hungry for me? And why did you mark me up so much with your teeth?"
"Cause you're mine, all one elses."
"I need to go get pain meds."
He huffed under his breath and slipped his arm off of me and helped me downstairs. I started to cook breakfast after I grabbed some pain meds and looked over at Armmaryllis.
"Morning Armmaryllis."
I said with a soft smile. She looked me up and down and chuckled.
"Morning seems you and Damian had some fun last night."
I nodded and smiled. Damian gripped my hips and leaned down to my ear.
"Good morning babe~ you look cute in my clothes."
He said with a sly grin. His shirt was very large on me, it resembled a dress as it stopped just above my knees.
"Thank you honey."
I smiled softly and leaned back into his arms seeing as my legs where about to give out on me.
"Was I that rough?"
"Y...yeah and it hurts.... but it's a good hurt...."
"Hmmm not as painful as labor I've heard."
"Yeah good thing I don't have to worry about that right? Cause we used protection?"
"....What's that.....?"
I froze and panicked.
"Y...You didn't wear a condom?!"
"W...What's that?! I'm century's old! I don't know this stuff!"
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.
"What does it mean if I didn't wear one?"
"Then I could be pregnant... and I....I'm not ready to be a mom...."
I teared up and turned away from him. He looked shocked for a few minutes as he just stood there silent.
"Pregnant....? Well... that's a first...but hey..."
He leaned into my back and put his chin on my shoulder.
"It'll be ok... I'm sure you'll be an amazing mother."
I whimpered as I tried to hold back my tears.
"Y...You won't leave me....?"
I looked over at him.
"Why would I?"
"T...The baby...."
"No, I've never been a father before, I'd like to try, cause I love you a lot."
Ravenna walked over and glared at me.
"Stupid sinner."
"W..What...? That was one sin...."
"Premarital sex retard."
I gasped and shivered.
"Y...You're right...."
"What is she talking about?"
"I had sex before marriage! That's a sin!"
"What's marriage...?"
"When two people seal their love with vows and rings."
"Oh... well... Naoko? Will you marry me?"
"It's not that simple Damian you cant jus.."
A ring appeared in his hand and he held it out to me.
"D..Damian it's more serious then that...."
He took my hand and slipped the ring on my thumb.
"U... Uh..... D...Damain..."
"Marry me....please?"
I looked up at him and sighed leaning in his chest.
"Damian... why don't we just wait a little longer ok?"
He nodded and the ring vanished from my thumb.
"Will we still get married later?"
I nodded and turned back to breakfast.
"Of course, we both love each other very much."
He smiled and gently picked me up and spun us around. I squealed and giggled as I gripped his torso. I stopped and looked up at him.
"I...I forgot I have work today..."
"Call in sick today, you're already in pain..."
"Alright alright..."
He set me down and gently tucked my hair behind my ear.
"I love you Naoko..."
"I love you too Damian..."
I hugged him tightly as he started to sway.
"What are you doing?"
"Dancing with my beloved..."
He took my hands and interlaced his fingers with mine as he began to waltz.
"D...Damian I'm not a very good d..dancer..."
"That's ok, put your feet on top of mine."
I nodded and did as I was told and he smiled while he continued to dance. We swayed as a soft tune escaped Damian's lips.
"D...Damian I might burn the food...."
He sighed and let go of me. I walked over to the stove and served the omelets on plates whilst handing one to Damian. He sat down at the dining room table and started to inhale his food. I gently rubbed his shoulder.
"Hon slow down, I don't want you to choke."
'I should've told you the same thing last night."
He said with a sly smirk. I smacked the back of his head and glared.
"Ow alright, alright sorry..."
I sat across him and ate my food quietly. After Damian finished eating he took both of our plates, ensuring I ate, and went to do the dishes. I wrapped my arms around his cold torso as my warm body pressed against his.
"You're so warm..."
He leaned back into me and relaxed. I smiled and slipped my arms off of him then went to go get dressed.
"Where are you going Naoko?"
Armmaryllis questioned.
"I feel better so I'm gonna head to work."
"Oh alright."
I slipped on a large shirt and a pair of overalls then pulled my hair into a small ponytail.
"Where are you going?"
"I was gonna head to work cause I'm feeling better."
"Ah alright, love you."
He pouted and kissed my forehead before he watched me leave. I walked off to work and when I arrived I waved to Gabriel.
"Why were you late today Naoko?"
"Sorry sir, I slept in and had to make myself breakfast..."
He nodded as he stared at my neck then shook his head.
"Anyways could you help out?"
"O..Oh right sorry sir!"
Gabriel watched the door as Damian walked in.
"Hey Naoko honey you forgot your phone..."
"I did, my bad, thanks for bringing it to me."
I smiled softly at him and walked over to Damian, kissing his cheek. A smile appeared on his face as he handed me the phone. Gabriel smirked and watched as Damian stepped over a carpet. I glanced at Gabriel then back at Damian.
"Naoko I can't move...."
"What are you talking about...?"
"S...Someone is using a demon trap..."
I approached Damian but I couldn't touch him, it was almost as if an invisible barrier kept me from him. I turned to Gabriel and held an uncertain expression on my face.
"Did you set up this trap...?"
He shrugged and smirked as he walked from behind the counter and approached me. I backed up against the barrier and looked back at Damian.
"How much do you value your boyfriend's life Naoko?"
"W...What kind of question is that...?"
"It's an honest question, most people value their own lives more than a loved one, they're selfish."
He approached me as I held my arms out.
"D...Don't hurt him!"
"Why not?"
"C...Cause I love him!"
Gabriel picked me up from the strap of my overalls and threw me across the store. I winced and sat up slowly, rubbing my head. They were both gone.
I saw no one, just an empty store.
I got up slowly and winced as I limped out to the rooftop of the building. My wings emerged from my back and stretched out, carrying me up to the gates of heaven.
"Naoko, you smell like demon again, are you ready to be clea..."
My attention was still locked on the gate. I pulled a knife from my pocket and threw it at the gate keeper, I pulled the knife from his throat and let myself into heaven as I looked around. Angels gasped and whispered as I walked past them. I could smell Damian's faint scent coming from a laboratory. I walked in the building and glared at the angels that dare cross my path. I was going to give them hell if they did. I finally reached the end of the long hall and opened a door to find two people wrestling with Damian and another chanting spells. I watched Damian freeze and go quiet.
The others looked over at me and one picked up a scoulpole while lunging at me. I flinched and grabbed her wrist and lodged her weapon in her eye. I ripped it out and shoved the sharp surgical knife into her chest then looked up at the other two men. One started to chant again and I watched as Damian slowly transformed into a hellish beast. Jagged horns tore through his skin, sharp claws pierced through his hands as crimson red dripped from them. Spider-like limbs encroached from his back, many layers of teeth peeked from his wide grinning smile. He clawed at his eyes, gouging them out of their sockets. I looked down at his chest which was consumed with eyes staring in every direction.
"Damian attack."
I backed away from Damian terrified and teared up.
"D...Damian don't do this..."
I backed up against a wall as he made his way toward me.
"He's not going to listen to you."
I looked up at Damian and whimpered in fear.
He growled under his breath as they started to scream.
"Damian Attack!"

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