The Downfall [h.s]

By writingsbyesmee

797K 29.2K 4.4K

The Pact continuation. More

The Pact Continuation..
Chapter 1;
Chapter 2;
Chapter 3;
Chapter 4;
Chapter 5;
Chapter 6;
Chapter 7;
Chapter 8;
Chapter 9;
Chapter 10;
Chapter 11;
Chapter 12;
Chapter 13;
Chapter 14;
Chapter 15;
Chapter 16;
Chapter 17;
Chapter 18;
Chapter 19;
Chapter 20;
Chapter 21;
Chapter 22;
Chapter 23;
Chapter 24;
Chapter 25;
Chapter 26;
Chapter 27;
Chapter 28;
Chapter 29;
Chapter 30;
Chapter 31;
Chapter 32;
Chapter 33;
Chapter 34;
Chapter 35;
Chapter 36;
Chapter 38;
Chapter 39;
Chapter 40;
Chapter 41;
Chapter 42;
Chapter 43;
Last Chapter;

Chapter 37;

14.3K 624 124
By writingsbyesmee

3 days until Harry's birthday.

Holly's POV.

I'd felt on edge ever since the other night when I bumped into the man in the club. I was constantly jumping and looking over my shoulder.

When I went to work I'd park as close to the entrance and make sure when I left in the evening my car was opened before I got inside.

"You okay?" Eleanor smiled as we had a long awaited coffee catch up.

"Um, yeah, great. You?"

She frowned at my behaviour, I'd left my coat on and not touched my brunch sandwich. "I'm doing well.. are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, been busy." I brush off.

She nods finally, I hated when she looked at me like she was analysing me, I knew I'd break and give in but how crazy would I look if I just said: 'I feel like I'm being watched'.

"I have some news," She smiles.

"Always happy to hear news, and by your face I'm guessing good news."

Her smile widens. "Louis and I are back together,"

I almost choke on my hot chocolate. "Really?"

She nods. "Really."

"H-how? What..What changed?"

She sighs playing with the blueberry muffin that was on her plate. "We love each other and, I couldn't stand it any longer, nor could he. We talked it through and.. yeah."

"As long as your happy."

I couldn't really comment, her relationship was exactly that; hers.

"Very happy. How's you and Harry?"

I roll my eyes looking up at her, someone behind her catches my eyes. I squint my eyes to see a man in all black standing on the other side of the road looking at me.

"It's him," I gasp.

"Hmm?" Eleanor frowns watching me as I gather my things.

"The guy," I tremble looking for my car keys, once I've found them I look back up to see he'd yet again disappeared. "I'm so sorry Eleanor," My lip was wobbling and I wasn't sure if my words were coming out. "I've- I've got to go," I rush heading for the door and running to my car.

Once home, I lock all doors and windows, drawing the curtains too. What the hell is going on?

Why do I keep seeing him?

That night, Harry skyped me. He seemed quite happy in himself and was making an effort with conversation.

"Are you okay? You don't seem yourself."

"Me? Yeah..I'm fine."

"Babe, tell me."

I shake my head. "You'll think I'm crazy."

"I already know you're crazy. It's okay," He joked. I was mad at myself for being like this when he was this happy. Our argument a few days ago forgotten about.

Harry chuckled at his joke until he saw my face. "What is it Hol?"

I swallow, playing with the edge of my bed cover.

"I think I'm being followed."

His face didn't change apart from the crease in his eyebrow deepening. "Followed? What do you mean?"

"There's this man who I've seen, all in black. I bumped into him at the club and he told me to watch where I was going. Then today at brunch he was on the other side of the road just.. staring at me." The same panic rises up inside me remembering him just standing there.

"Babe are you sure-"

"Yes I'm sure,every time I see him he disappears. He's following me."


"It's true Harry, I'm sure of it."

"Report him then,"

"I can't just report someone being in the same place as me, even though I know he's following me, the police would call it a coincidence."

"Maybe it is then-"

"It isn't!" I exclaim in frustration. "He's following me I'm sure," I begin to cry. "I run out of work so quick and lock all of my windows and doors because I'm so scared. Can't.. can't you just come back?" I cry.

Harry's faces changes when he realises this is actually serious and I'm not just imagining it.

"I'll be home in two days, three days 'til my birthday.." He tries to lighten the mood.

"I know," I sniffle.

"Does the birthday boy get birthday sex?"

I laugh as he slowly smiles happy to have cheered me up.

"I guess if you're the birthday boy.."

"I can't wait to see you."


"I'm sorry for the other day,"

"Me too," I dry the remaining tears away with my hand.

"I love you stupid amounts."

"I love you too, Harry."


Decided the name of the third book for the trilogy: The Wakeup Call.

Don't know when it'll be up as this needs to be finished but I'm excited for it!(sad it's the last book for Holly and Harry :( )

Also, I might slow down how much I update to like once a day or once every two days just because no one really comments and I don't see why I'm putting so much work in when I don't really get anything in return so maybe I need to step back for a while. I doubt I'll be updating much from now until New Years - I don't know yet. I just feel a bit meh and have done recently just because I feel like I do so much for people who read the story..

sorry to bring a downer to the mood..

Vote/Comment :)

x x

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