Keep it undercover //Shawn Me...

By _Red_Girl_

19.4K 496 208

It all started when shawn was asked to surprise a fan on her birthday. Little did he know that she'll be the... More

1~ seรฑorita
2~ Best birthday gift
3~ Going live
4~ Meet&Greet
5~ Concert time!
6~ Is it too late?
7~ Unknown number
9~ I trust you
10~ Getting to know each other
11~ I love you
12~ The bitter truth
13~ Never wanna lose you again
14~ First date
15~ In the middle of nowhere
16~ The next step
17~ Christmas
18~ Happy new year
19~ Prank gone prefectly wrong

8~ The start of something new

825 30 6
By _Red_Girl_

Unknown: hello is this cassandra?

Me: yeah who are you?

Unknown: I'm Brian.

I lifted my head staring bewildered at the wall. Do i know any Brian in my life? Maybe it's one of Ian's friends, but why would he contact me?

Me: so what?

Unknown: oh I'm sorry i wasn't clear. I'm the guy you met backstage. The one who helped you when you tripped.

Unknown: I'm not sure if you remember me?

A small chuckle escaped my lips. My smile grew wider and my eyes lightened. How could i forget such a pretty face?

Me: of course i remember you, but may i ask how did you get my number?

Unknown: umm i have my ways ;)

Me: creepy guy just tells me he mysteriously found my number... should i be scared?

Unknown: no of course not, I'm not creepy or anything. My friend connor the one who sent you that video of shawn. He gave it to me.

Me: and why did you ask him for my number?

Unknown: i don't know... i thought you're pretty cute and i wanted to get to know you.

Me: thanks that's sweet of you.

Me: i see you're a nice guy. Actually i felt terrible for not getting your number earlier. I'm glad you asked your friend.

Unknown: oof that's a relief. I was nervous you didn't feel the same way.

Me: wait how did you know my name?

Unknown: oh i recognized your brother before he went outside. I researched on the internet and saw his sister is named cassandra and she's a youtuber.

Unknown: i stayed up all night watching your videos, your channel is amazing.

Unknown: okay that really makes me sound like a creepy stalker.

Me: nah i have this affect on people. Once they meet me it's hard to forget and let go ;)

Unknown: i don't have a doubt. Now if you're done interrogating me can i ask you a few questions?

Me: just one more... why were you backstage anyway? Are you a big fan of shawn too?

Cause if he is a part of the mendesarmy, i won't hesitate one second to claim him mine.

Unknown: well i don't hate the guy. His music is awsome. But the reason i was there because my little cousin was dying to meet him. She's a big fan.

Me: i guess I'll get along with her then.

Unknown: and what about me?:(

Me: we'll see what happens... now what did you wanna ask me?

Unknown: tell me about yourself.

Me: that's a bit forward don't you think?

Unknown: i mean that's the reason i texted you. Don't you trust me?

Me: I'm not sure you could be a drug addict, a theif, a murderer or a douchbag who wants some nudes.

Unknown: ouch that hurts but i respect your cautiousness. What if i tell you a bit about myself instead?

Me: okay why not.

Unknown: so my name is Brian. I'm 20 years old. I was born and raised in Pickering with my parents, i don't have any siblings. Two years ago i moved to Toronto. Now i live in my own apartment.

Me: that's cool living alone isn't it?

Unknown: not really, I'm barely alone. My friends always invade my place.

Me: hahaha it's better than being so lonely i guess.

Unknown: your turn.

Me: fine though i feel like you already stalked me and got all the informations you need. Anyway i was born and raised in San Francisco, i just turned 18 a week ago which also mean i finished highschool two months ago. I live with my parents, my brother, his wife and their baby boy.

Unknown: that's cute living all together as a family.

Me: i guess so. No need to do the laundry, cook or clean the house.

Unknown: not necessarily, i lived here for two whole years and i still make my mom clean it.

Me: no way hahaha. I guess you're mommy's spoiled little boy.

Unknown: hey i don't mind as long as my condo is shining and i get fresh food in my fridge everyday.

Unknown: are you still in chicago or did you get back to San Francisco?

Me: i just got off the plane two hours ago.

Unknown: oh you must be tired. I'm so sorry if i disturbed you.

Me: no don't worry I'm enjoying our conversation. Sleep can wait.

Unknown: So now that you trust me. do you think maybe there's a chance for us to be friends or something else?

Me: I'm gonna go with something else.

Unknown: that's great!

Me: what about you? Did you head back home too after the concert?

Unknown: umm no I'm on my way to La. Every summer my friends and i go on a little road trip across the u.s.

Me: that must be fun.

Me: I'm sorry brian mom is calling me for dinner. I'll talk to you later bye.

Unknown: it's fine bye.

"Wow who am i?" I gasped staring down at my phone. Since when talking to a complete stranger was an easy task for me? I let out a loud squeal as i scanned our chat again and again.

I got off my bed entering the bathroom. I changed into my pyjamas and headed downstairs to the kitchen where my delicious lasagna was waiting for me. I sat down on the chair grabbing a fork before diving into my plate. I got sauce  dripping down my chin staining my shirt but i was too lost in the sweet moment to care.

"Wait mommy where's milo?" I askes looking around me. Usually when I'm in the room, he either lays next to my feet or settles on my lap. I haven't heard him since i got back.

"Our neighbor Jack was taking his dog for a walk and suggested to bring milo with him" my mom replied as she loaded the dirty dishes into the washing machine.

"Oh you dirty player!" i smirked as mom laughed. Milo had a thing with our dog's neighbor charlie. Whenever she walks by our house, he suddenly become energetic and start showing off in front of her to get her attention.

I shook my head getting back to my food. By the time i finished, Amber was back home. She placed sammy in his crib before following me into my room. We had a lot of catching up to do. "My days weren't as interesting as yours so go ahead tell me everything" she said eagerly sitting on my bed.

I told her everything from the moment we landed in Chicago til i left. I then showed her the video, i could sense her eyes getting watery at my words. Amber of all people knew most about my highschool problems and know how it's hard for me to talk abou it. "I can't belive you spoke to him, what was his reaction?" She asked.

"He was happy after i thanked him. He said he'll always be there for me and all his fans and then he kissed my hand here" i squeaked voice breaking as i showed her the back of my hand.

"Awww that's so sweet" she whined giving me a hug. I'm so happu for you.

"Also get this when i went outside to join Ian. I met a cute boy. I couldn't get his number cause of Ian's whining..." I began excitedly but she cut me off.

"Such an ass!" she mumbled rolling her eyes.

"No it got better. That guy who sent me this video was actually his friend. And he asked him for my number. He texted me when i arrived home" i let out silent scream grabbing her hand.

"I'm so happy for you, what do you know about him so far? Ooh is he hot?" She wiggled her eyebrows as i nodded.

"So handsome baby. He's tall, red hair, blue sparkling eyes..." i sighed recalling his apperance "his name is brian, he's twenty and lives in Toronto. He braught his little cousin to the concert so she can meet shawn. I mean that's so sweet of him." I bit my lips gently.

"You go girl, that's great. Not only did you meet shawn but you might have gotten yourself a boyfriend" she teased as i chuckled.

"Aahhh amber this has been so far the best week of my life" i yelled slumping back against the puffy pillows.

We kept talking for a few more hours, gossiping over the neighbors. Amber might be seven years older than but i felt she still was in her teenage years. "Okay honey it was fun but i need to go check on sammy" she yawned ruffling my hair.

"Hey amber do you mind if you sent me milo? He must be watching the news with dad." I pleaded as she nodded before closing the door behind her.

I grabbed the remote from the nightstand scrolling through the channel. I stopped  at channel that played the superman movie. I already watched it like ten times but i never get enough of tom holland. He's so adorable.

After a few minutes, the door slightly opened and milo ran inside the room. He quickly jumped on my bed attacking me with kisses. "Aww baby i missed you too" i giggled caressing his head.

I sat up laying milo on my lap when i heard my phone buzzing. I checked the message smiling when i caught Brian's name. It's true we haven't talked much but i was eager to talk to him again.

Brian: hey what are you doing?

Me: watching superman.

Brian: woah really!? which one?

Me: the first one, it's my favorite.

Brian: it's mine too. Wait tell me which channel? I'm at the hotel. We can watch it together.

Me: shouldn't you be out with your friends?

Brian: nah they went to the bar for some beers. I'm not in the mood.

I shrugged my shoulder sending him the name of the channel. Thankfully he found it. The entire movie we kept texting. Each one sending funny comments, rating the actors skills and me fangirling over how cute Tom is. I was amazed about the amount of thoughts we shared. We practically had the same opinion on almost everything. Plus i discovered he's a total weirdo which made me swoon over him even more.

Brian: oh my god, i really love this movie!

Me: yeah i never imagined you to be into this stuff.🤷‍♀️

Brian: why?

Me: no offense you seemed a cute nerdy guy at first.😅

Brian: wow that's new but thanks for calling me cute. You got that right.

Me: whatever... I'm glad you texted me. Watching a movie with someone else is way more fun.

Brian: hey cassandra if you don't mind can i ask you a personnal question?

Me: umm sure. What is it?

Brian: judging by your tears backstage and your dozens covers of Shawn's songs. I guess you're a big fan.

Me: Obviously duh. Do you have a problem with that?

Cause if he has a problem, I'll immediately block him. No matter how much the guy is cute, respectul, caring or patient, if he doesn't like shawnie i prefer him out of my life.

He didn't reply, my hands started shaking nervously. Wait does he really have problem? My heart sunk at the thought. He seemed like a great guy. How am i supposed to let him go so easily? Ugh i shouldn't have attached to him so fast.

Maybe he has seen his cousin go crazy over shawn and he's afraid that i might be an obssesed fan too... well i actually am but that shouldn't affect us. Shawn is my role model, my idol... Nothing more. Let's not get too hasety, he still hadn't respond. I gasped when he started typing again.

Brian: not at all but why do you support him?

Me: you sound just like my brother.😩

Brian: it's just out of curiosity. If you feel uncomfortable you don't have to answer.

Me: i was bit shocked, the question just came out of nowhere. But i don't mind answering.

Me: most girls like him because he's hot, good looking. Some because he has awsome music. And as much as these qualities are appealing it's not the reaon i supported him.

Me: It's deeper than that, shawn is the kindest person I've ever seen. He's so wise for his age. I don't I've ever seen a singer who's more passionate about music than him. He loves his fans and takes care of them like he's their older brother. If any of us had a problem he's willing to help us.

Me: He inspired a lot of people including me. I'd have never gotten this brave and managed to face the hate i received if it wasn't for him. He taught me a lot of things that made my life easier and helped communicate with others without being afraid of what they might think.

Brian: wow!

Me: three paragraphs and all you got is wow.😓

Brian: no I'm just speechless. I actually never thought of him that way. I just assumed he's a gorgeous singer with a unique voice. It never accorued to me that he affected people around him so much.

Brian: but if he ever shows any interest would you consider him as more than your idol?

He just hit a sensitive nerve there. I mean as a normal teenage girl, i always fantasize how my life would be if we dated. But i never thought through any of it before.

Me: why are you afraid he might take your place?

I was trying to be sassy and act cool but that question got very anxious. This guy's questions are getting weirder by the second. Who the fuck ask about stuff like that when they first meet a girl?!

Brian: no it's just a question.

Me: i prefer not to answer... it's not that i do think likewise. It's the fact i never thought of it before.

Brian: oh ok.

Call me crazy but I could feel the tension between us. What did he expect me to tell my crush that i daydream of a strange guy that didn't know i exist until yesterday?

Brian: I'm sorry if i bothered you. It wasn't my intention.

Me: it's fine. I understand you want to get to know me. I mean anyone who's met me and watched my videos would think I'm insane too.

Brian: hahaha i wouldn't say insane. Maybe have a overrated admiration.

Me: i appreciate you not hurting my feelings but I'm a bit obsessed. Anyway i was thinking maybe i could ask for your Instagram account?

Brian: why?

Me: so i can follow you? Duh.🤦‍♀️

Brian: umm wait a second I'll follow you first.

I frowned in confusion, why can't he just give me his username... that's weird. After exactly five minutes a certain 'briancraigen' followed me. I amiled to myself entering his account to follow him back. Impressing! he had almost 100k followers. I scrolled through his post liking his recent pictures. He's so handsome!

But there was a specific photo that caught my attention, it was a picture of him with shawn taken a week ago. Maybe he randomly met him on the street or in a restaurant. But then i found another... and another one... do they know each other?

I then noticed shawn was also following him, well that confirms my previous theory. Even though i sounded rude, I wanted to ask him about it. He texted me saying his friends were waiting for him.

I stared up at the ceiling trying to connect the dots. He was in chicago to take his potential cousin to Shawn's concert then he headed to los angelos where Shawn's next show is held. Maybe he's a member of his crew.

Nah that's impossible he's too young. But apparently he's been to every concert. according to his Instagram, he's been in many city in europe in the same order of the tour. It seems like he works with them but why didn't he tell me?

He had some serious questions, it's time for me to do the same... I guess we're gonna have an interesting conversation the next time we speak.
I really hope you liked it🥰 don't forget to vote and share and comment your thoughts down below ly❤

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