Is it wrong for these eyes to...

By TactitionPumpkin

27.8K 618 271

Kekkai sense x Danmachi Leonardo Watch, holder of the All Seeing Eyes of the Gods has a tussle with a blood b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

2.1K 57 73
By TactitionPumpkin

Stay till the end to vote

_3rd Person_

"Do you think She'll stop anytime soon?" Leo leaned over to Bell while looking at our groaning goddess. "If we don't even know why she's like this, it's likely she'll be like this for some time." She shot back as we stared at her flopping around in her bed.

"G-Goddess Hestia, are you alright?" Leo nervously asked her hoping for a proper answer. She shot up and drank whatever Bell was holding out for her and looked away. "G-Goddess? Is something wrong?" Bell asked.

"Nothing's wrong." She still sat looking away. 'I believe this is what someone would refer to as a tsundere, but what do I know never was able to really knot myself do but when's your next day off work?" The cinnamon roll looked at Bell wondering what he's trying to do. "Day off? Why?" Hestia asked Bell. "I've started to make a lot of money in the dungeon lately, and I wanted to repay you for everything you've done for me." Leo put on a knowing smirk. "So, um. Would you like to get a nice dinner or something?" Bell finished as the smugness on my face grew.

"Date? Let's go today! I want to go today!" I found it a little funny how Hestia saw this as a lovers date while Bell saw this as a friends night out kind of thing. What made me chuckle was how surprised Bell was at her insistence. "But..." "We're going today!" If you were far away the two would look like they're kissing against a wall... with the short goddess being the dominant one.

Bell tried to point out how bad she said she felt, but, "I'm all better! Bell, I'll see you at six o' clock this evening on Southwest main, at Armor Square!" She said as the two finally left to do their things.

"... I find it even more funny that Bell couldn't tell she was sick from a hangover." I said to Sonic who chirped in affirmation. Somehow, though, I felt like the two are gonna have a rough day. "Probably not something I should meddle in. I've got to meet Bete and Lefiya in the dungeon anyway. C'mon, Sonic." I waved Sonic to follow as we left the church.

Finally arriving at the entrance to the dungeon. Looking at it and gripping onto the handle of my sword. "Hey, Leo!" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I saw Lefiya and Bete walking my way. "You ready, little guy?" Bete asked me teasing me about my height. 'Says the guy who's name in French means idiot.' I thought silently.

"Stop teasing Leo already and lets go!" Lefiya said moving ahead of us. "Fine, fine. Looks like you owe her Leo." Bete laughed as we walked into the dungeon. With these two by my side, I've been given the thumbs up to go to at most, the 10th floor.

Looking around once we arrived in the misty landscape, I could see some orcs and even infant dragons not too far away. "Can you see anything Leo? You always seem to know where the monsters are, even before Bete can hear them." Lefiya asked Leo. Leo began to sweat a little trying to recover with, "Ehohohoh! I-I don't think I understand what y-you mean, eheheh..." Leo's horrible acting struck confusion into the two.

"A-Anyway, yeah there's some-" Before he could actually finish his sentence, fate decided to screw him over. An infant dragon decided to swoop by and kidnap the poor boy. By the time he reacted-by screaming that is-he was already rather far away.

Leo took his sword and shakily stabbed the neck of the scaly bastard. With the press of a button, he unleashed an electric shock, causing the dragon to stop and throw away Leo. Good thing that all the time he spent in the dungeon has kept him in shape and taught him how to quickly recover.

He jumped back to his feet to see the infant dragon charging him, actually it's kinda amusing seeing it's stubby legs move so fast. Leo side stepped and swung his sword from side to side making small but painful cuts on the thighs of the dragon.

As a reaction, instead of turning to Leo, the dragon swung it's tail at him. He dodged it as he brought his sword up again. He leaped up and plunged the blade into the thigh of the dragon. Once the blade sunk down into the flesh as blood spewed out Leo pressed the button. The electric shock traveled through the blood stream and fried the dragon internally. The infant dragon poofed into smoke as Leo fell on his butt and a decent sized monster stone fell in front of him.

As Leo sat down and calmed himself his two friends came up from his right. Once Bete came close he just pat Leo's shoulder. "Nice job Leo! I knew you could do it!" He said as Lefiya added, "Actually, he was trying to make a bet that he would have to save you." After that Bete tried to defend himself. "Wow. Thanks Bete." Leo said. Before Bete could respond, a massive tree came flying at Leo.

Christ, the world fucking hate the boy. As it flew by, Leo got dragged away with it as his sword got stuck in the wood. As a description I will write, Screaming, screaming, screaming... more screaming.

As the tree stopped abruptly Leo calmed down. Leo heard a loud grunt from the right side of the tree. Slowly, his head turned in terror as he saw the orc that caused the tree to stop. Leo hung onto his sword as he kicked around and wailed in terror. I believe it goes like this, "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Six hours later

"Ah come one, Leo! Don't feel bad, I wasn't doing as good as Bete either." Lefiya tried to comfort the sad Leo outside of the dungeon. "Tell me that when you have 300 valis worth of bandages thrown around you!" Leo mumbled with a sour tone.

Leo sighed one last time, though it would be hard to tell with his mask of bandages. "Well, I'll see you guys later. I gotta go buy some supplies." The three waved each other goodbye and Leo went to buy more whiskers.

"Here you are, kid. Have a nice day!" The shopkeeper said as he waved bye to Leo. Leo left and stored away the bottles. Suddenly, he got the urge to step forward. Instead he look to his right... and got tackled from the right. "Leo!" Loki yelled in joy as she was hugging Leo as he laid on the stone floor.

Leo winced a little before he greeted her back. "Hi, Loki." As he said this , Loki saw all the bandages that are slightly hidden by his hair and sweater.

"Oh! Leo are you okay? What happened to you! Tell me who did this to you and i'll sic them!" Loki said as she examined all his injuries at lightning speed. Leo couldn't help but laugh as Loki unintentionally tickled him. "Loki, stop!" He said in between laughs. As Loki got up and let Leo get up himself.

"Heheheh, now I know you're ticklish. Hehehe." Loki said with a menacing aura around her. "Did you need something, Loki?" Leo asked the flat goddess. "Can I not just come see one of my favorite people?" Loki said getting uncomfortably close to Leo. Christ, the aggressiveness is growing with the thirsty wood plank.

Should probably say that Leo isn't dense. He just denies the possibility that Loki could be in love with him. It's his anxiety and inferiority complex he has. Well, it's not exactly an inferiority complex he just doesn't think he's too special.

"I-I guess not." Leo awkwardly said. "Come with me! Let's go somewhere!" Loki said, dragging Leo. "W-Wait! Where are we going?!" Leo yelped as his feet slowly stopped touching the ground. "Does it matter?" Loki responded. Leo thought about the question. He would've said no, but he remembered literally any place Zapp introduced him to. "YES!"

Leo was dragged all the way to a crepe stand. By the time they got there, Leo was on the floor panting. The guy serving the crepes wearily gave Loki two strawberry ones as he eyed Leo with pity. Right when Leo was about to stand up, more dragging! Yay! As he looked back at the guy he could see him mouth the words, "Good luck, kid."

At one point Leo blanked out. When he woke up, he was being thrown onto a wooden bench. Magically, a crepe was in his hand and some cream was smeared on his lip. "W... What happened just now?" Looks like he was doing things subconsciously. For example, eating the food Loki smashed into his hands.

He looked to his right to see Loki leaning on him while eating. He slowed looked forward, just accepting everything that's happened. "...Okay..." A minute of that later, he noticed Sonic tugging his leg sleeve.

He looked down at the small monkey as he climbed up and pointed at his sweater pockets. "What are you trying to do... Sonic..." He slowed his words as he felt that same sweater pocket, grabbing nothing but air.

Right then, right there, his blood and the air around him lost all warmth. The only exception was Loki who seemed to have unending warmth when near the shorter boy-er man... human male. His mouth slowly opened and trembled as the only breaths that came were creaky dead gasps.

The blood breed was gone.

He suddenly jumped up and held his head as he cried out in terror. Leo fell to his knees with a stuttering gasp as Loki watched him, her head being where his ass was. "Did something happen Leo?" The girl sniffing the seat asked while Leo looked away.

A shiver ran down Leo's spine as he straightened and tried acting. "Uh, uh, i-it's nothing just, um, forgot something..." He went silent for a bit before dropping to his knees again in a bowing position. "Please excuse me! I have to go find something!" He quickly said as he bolted from his position.

Leo prepared to find the blood breed with the eyes he was so lovingly "gifted" with, he smashed into something. That something to him looked green and felt like a wall, he could've sworn he turned the corner and not just smashed into the building. He slowly got out of his dazed state and looked at what he bumped into.

"Are you alright, Mr. Watch?" The green wall asked Leo. As Leo looked up, it was the creepy elf lady that just stares at him the entire time he goes to The Hostess of Fertility. "Y-Yeah. Sorry for bumping into you, but I have to go find something." He said about to get up when Ryuu held something out. "Is this what you needed to find?" As Leo looked up he saw Ryuu holding the crimson and silver cross in her hands.

"Y-Yes! Thank you so much!" His happiness radiated off of him as he went to grab the sealed blood breed with a name related to dairy products. As his hand landed on the cross, Ryuu pulled on the cross and brought Leo to his feet and right in front of her. At the same time Ryuu lowered closer to his ear.

"Meet me after the sun goes down in the slums. I have something I need to talk to you about." She said as Leo felt their arms touching while he was quivering in shock and fear. After she said that, she walked away. Leo was having a mental screaming contest between his fight or flight instincts.

'How does she know my name?! We've barely interacted! What could she want to talk about? Should I go or nigerundayo?' He thought as his shaky silhouette slowly calmed down. He took a huff of air and calmed down. "It couldn't hurt to go, I think?- Koughk!"

Leo couched as someone crashed into him from behind yelling, "LEEOOOO!" Loki laid on him, nuzzling as tight as she could as Leo struggled to break free from the flat creature. "Are you okay? Did you find your thing?" She battered him with the questions. "Y-Yes, i'm fine and I found what I was looking for in my pocket, eheh..." He awkwardly laughed as he broke free of the thirsty creature.

He was crazy flustered. At least he looked like that. He was slightly flustered from the close contact, but mostly hot from escaping her clutches and scared from Ryuu's intimidating... everything. Loki laughed a little as she looked at the cherry red boy.

"Aw, you're so cute when you're flustered!" She said patting the shorter boy's head. "I'm not cute!" He replied back. Let me say this, any girl that meets Leo and actually talks to him will find him fucking adorable... sadly sometimes it's with guys too but Leo isn't gay. Just saying this to replace the words in a description of the boy.

"Oh, and sorry for running away. I was just really worried I had lost- Ack!" Before Leo was able to finish his words, Loki smacked his back with chuckles. "Don't worry, Leo! Let's go somewhere!" And the dragging continues! Just like that, half of their time together was replacing all the bloody bandages.

The two had an interesting afternoon. Loki got closer to Leo and Leo got mugged. Leo bought baked goods and Loki sent people after the muggers. Loki got drunk and Leo got mugged by the muggers and the people sent after them. Their time together ended with Leo delivering the drunk Loki to her room and Lefiya being amazed how Leo's bandage amount multiplied.

Going back to the "people finding Leo cute" thing. They also discover odd maternal motherly instincts to care and protect him. She tried to heal him up with some potions. It worked, but Lefiya had to calm Leo down from his bowing fit. Which she, and every other girl around found adorable. As a writer, I hate my life.

The only important thing that happened in this span of time is the decision to meet Ryuu at the slums. As he traveled in the dark towards the slums, he couldn't help but wonder if he's gonna die. His Hellsalem's Lot instincts are saying yes, but he knows that the people from the Hostess of Fertility are really kind. He does tend to listen to his fearful side more, it's the only reason he's not dead.

As he crossed into the slums, he took a minute to breath. Calm himself and prep for what might happen. Breath in- get grabbed from the side and dragged into an alley and to an empty area that looks like a ghost complex. 'I'm going to die.' His thoughts said as a shadow of fear coated his facial features.

When he was finally done getting dragged as he was flat against the floor. "Thank you for coming, Mr. Watch." He heard Ryuu as he slowly pulled his face off the ground. "Well, you helped me out and you sounded very threatening and I thought I had no choice." Leo awkwardly said as he got up.

"I apologize for that. I'd like to say that I've seen what you can do." As she said that Leo's heart went cold and his spine definitely shivered. "And I've heard your conversation between Mr. Cranel and Ms. Hestia." Horror fell onto Leo's face as the shadow covering his face melded with his horrified blue. The only thing Leo was able to comprehend right now is how much shit he's in.

"W-What do you mean? What could you have heard? I'm sure you just misheard something, hohohohoho!" Leo tried to awkwardly act his way out. His laugh at the end was shaky and broken, his facial features didn't help him out either.

Ryuu was amused by Leo's terrible acting, but she'd never show. Ryuu had finally made a decision. Before Leo could poorly act his way out, she stopped him. When she brought her hand up to stop him, Leo felt like he was gonna die. Oh the gods smiled upon him... well, the gods of his world. Don't look too much into it.

"Originally I had called you here to determine whether you're a threat or not. At first, I didn't think you could do much, but after hearing your confession to Mr. Cranel and Ms. Hestia I learned that you have more deadly abilities than I originally thought and saw you as a threat. Now that I've seen you like this, I don't think you're any danger." She finished.

"I don't think that can ever be seen as a compliment..." Leo finally calmed down. "At least I won't have to dispose of you." AS she said that, the seriousness and danger that Ryuu has was felt everywhere.

Leo shrunk back as a result. Ryuu saw this and felt a little bad. "I apologize again. If there is anything you want to ask, you may now." Leo slowly fell out of his scared state. "Uh, yeah I have a question.. How did you know my name?" She replied, "I've over heard it multiple times." Leo calmed down with such an answer.

"Okay, uh, how much did you hear?" She replied, "Everything, since they carried you into the room I was listening." Leo's spine shivered. To think such a dangerous elf lady was listening in on them.

"Lastly, I have a request." Leo said as Ryuu perked an eyebrow. Leo took a large gulp before telling her his request. "Can you please keep my abilities secret!" He quickly spouted out as he held his head down and his muscles tight.

"Okay. I planned on doing that anyway. If info about your abilities got out dangerous people would seek out your powers." She said. The words didn't come to him as a surprise at all. It's just like Hellsalem's Lot. Leo loosened up a bit and relaxed.

"Thank you so much!" He said bowing. "Also, please just call me Leo." He said raising back to normal posture. "Okay, in return. Please call me Ryuu." Leo let a breath go. He brought his hand up for a handshake. "Thank you, again." Ryuu took his hand and shook it.

"But, I will be keeping an eye on you. Just to make sure you don't fall into the wrong hands." Leo gulped a bit. Before he could respond back, he saw that Ryuu was gone. "W-What? Where- How- When..? I'm just going to go home." Leo sighed one last time and walked away.

Changing who we're overseeing, Ryuu was on a building, looking over Leo as he walked away. She saw him pet his little monkey, Sonic. As she watched him leave, a few thoughts overcame her. As she looked at her hand she thought, 'I allowed him to touch me..? But I'm an elf.' What she means is, elf's are incredibly sensitive when people touch them. Yet, Leo has touched her multiple times, with her own decision to let it happen.

Ryuu looked at him one last time before leaping away to the Hostess of Fertility. Back to Leo, just as he gets home. When he enters the basement, he sees the two others in his familia looking rather lively.

"Hi Leo! How has your day been?" Bell asked the male cinnamon roll. "...I'd rather not say and just sleep on it." Leo said as he collapsed against e thick blanket on the floor. "Um... Okay. Goodnight, Leo!"

End Chapter-6

Quick question, if you couldn't tell, Leo was with three girls in this chapter. Now my question is, which one of them do you want to hump Leo because Leo is obviously not the dominant one in a relationship.

thoughts under here




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