Dear Diary

By melikesbooks00

114 11 4

London 1940 Evelin Parker is a fifteen years old girl who is nearly blind. The Germans are going to attack En... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

4 1 0
By melikesbooks00

Carla whispers the translation of the sentence to me. The soldier starts at a little girl. She looks really scared and her eyes are full of tears.

Nun, wie alt bist du denn?

Ich bin acht Jahre alt.

Acht Jahre? Nun hättest du dich mal zur Adoption freigegeben, dann hätten deine neuen Eltern dich vielleicht dazu veranlasst, nicht dieser Rasse anzugehören.

Ich würde gerne etwas spielen.

Beeil dich, du hast eine Minute. Ab jetzt.

The girl is standing candle straight. She puts her leg slowly to the top of her head. She smiles. She is probably one of those girls who are only happy if theyre dancing or singing. Shes doing a pirourette. She rotates quickly and then she suddenly stops. Everyone is really impressed I guess. it looked really great and she did it perfect. She is only eight years old!

Gut gemacht. Du kannst hier bleiben, solange du den vollen Tag für uns arbeitest und nur dann zum Theater spielen gehst, wenn wir dich abholen.

Danke. She smiles. This smile is so full of hope. It hurts to see that girl whos only eight years old have to go through this pain just because of her religion. The soldier goes to a boy. He looks like he is twelve years old. He wants to sing but it doesnt sounds really great. Maybe that is just because he is excited but he didnt got a second change.

Nehmt ihn mit. Sein miserabler Gesang bringt ihm hoffentlich einen langsamen Tod.

Everyone holds their breath. This poor little boy. I feel really sad for him. The soldier arrived Carla.

Wie alt bist du? Was willst du tun?

Ich bin sechzehn. Ich würde gerne singen. Mit Ihr.

She taps with her finger on my shoulder. What is her plan? I dont understand a single word shes saying.

Kommt nicht infrage, es sei denn, ihr habt einen guten Grund.

Wir singen wirklich sehr gut. Wir haben schon für den Führer gesungen und er war begeistert. Allerdings sind wir nun hier, da ich jüdischer Abstammung bin und sie kann nicht gut sehen.

Wenn der Führer es mochte, musste es wohl gut sein. Nun gut, singet für uns, aber ihr habt nur eine Minute, ab jetzt.

Carla whispers something to me. Just sing the sentences that I sing. Promise itll be good.

She starts to sing something in German and I just repeat her words.

"Andern hab ich manchen Vers geschrieben

dir nur hier und da ein kleines Wort

Zeugt das nicht von kleinrer Kraft im Lieben

geh ich nicht als Schuldner von dir fort

Oh Geliebte unermessen

war die Liebe die uns zwei verband

über ihr hab ich das Wort vergessen

weil ein jeder Tag uns in ihr fand.

Denkst du an das Blut in deinen Lungen

sprichst du von der Luft die dich umgibt

Nein ich hab dich nicht besungen

nur geliebt

Müsst ich dir nicht noch so vieles sagen

jede Stunde rinnt vom letzten fort

und doch finde ich in diesen Tagen

kaum ein Wort, kaum ein Wort.

Dir verschuldet in so vielen Dingen

seh' ich ruhig doch das Ende nahn

Nichts blieb so wie wir zusammen gingen

von dem Größten bis zu dem Geringen

ungesagt und ungetan."

We really sound good together. After we sang everones turning quiet again. Im really excited.

Nun, dieses Lied hat mich durch meine Kindheit begleitet. Ich muss zugeben, Ihr habt mich wirklich gerührt, mein Führer hat einen sehr guten Geschmack. Ihr könnt vorerst bleiben.

We did it! Carla whispers to me. I smile. Im really lucky. We are really lucky and without Carlas spontaneity we never did it I guess. I didnt even know what I was singing but it was good I guess.

Vielen Dank. Carla says.

After half an hour the soldier finished his Job for today. It is dark outside. Hopefully I can sleep this night. Its going to be a long night probably but I have Carla.

Ihr könnt gehen.

There are just six people in this room. Why do I have that much luck? I dont really deserve it. What would I do without Carla? I really dont know.

Three months later

I hate it to not knowing what will happen to me in the future. Anyway, it is not a great idea to make friends in here. What if Carla is going to die tomorrow? What if I am? It would be much more horrible at it normally is because one of us is losing a friend. But what if were both surviving this? My plans for the future were not so great anyway. I wanted to become a singer but I also loved dancing. You dont really need your eyes for both. I am really good at singing. It helped me stay alive in here so what can I say? I didnt dance for months. But it was such a good therapy to help me going through all that shit I went through. I was very happy when I danced and I loved to express my feelings on stage or on the floor of my little room in England. Mother always said Youre having a really big chance to become a dancer or a singer Ill always believe in that. And these words were my motivation all the time. Every morning when I woke up I thought of her words. She always believed in my dreams but she didnt really cared for hers. But I was younger then. I didnt care for others and maybe that was good.

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