~My Cherry Heart~ Hawks x Rea...

By Carmine_Detached

28.8K 877 508

"When I see something I want, I just can't help myself," The pro said with a smile. - - - All characters belo... More



8.1K 162 181
By Carmine_Detached

You sat with Fuyumi, your elder sister. Natsuo was over at college, Shoto was at school and Enji was doing hero work. You wanted to be a pro hero, just like your father. You sat back, a smile was steadily growing on your face.

Fuyumi was looking up recipes online and switching between cooking shows simultaneously. You couldn't wait to see what she was going to make. She was a fantastic cook. You were never really into cooking so you were glad to have a sister that could do that for you. 

She finally stopped on one channel but was putting all her focus into finding a new recipe. Maybe Touya would come home today to eat with his family again. He'd been gone for so many years, you had stopped keeping track after 5 had gone by.  

"Ah! I think this will be good, Y/N what do you think?" Your sister asked as she handed her phone to you. You looked at the pictures of the dish Fuyumi had found and just looking at them made you hungry. They were of beef curry udon with a sesame tofu side.

"Ooh, it looks so good! You'll be cooking that tonight, right?" You asked eagerly. 

She smiled and nodded, "Dad will also be home for dinner, so I'm gonna make it extra great."

You turned to the nearest clock. Shoto would be home from school soon. You were a little jealous of your little brother. He was going to the best hero school in the country after all. You turned back to her, a smile was on your face, then you offered, "Do we have all the ingredients in the kitchen? I can run to the mall real quick."

"I think we have everything, other than tofu," She responded as she scrolled through the list on her phone.

You immediately stood up and brushed off your jean shorts. "Call me if you find anything else that you need, I'll be gone for a while," You said as you grabbed a jacket and tied the sleeve around your waist. You didn't think you'd need it, but if the wind kicked up at all, you'd have it. You turned back to Fuyumi briefly, only to find her gone from the room. You shrugged, pulled on your high tops, and walked out of the house.

You walked down the sidewalk, hands in your jacket pockets. Your wavy hair lightly swayed in the calm breeze. It was just slightly colder than yesterday was but you liked the cold so you didn't mind it much. You kept your gaze towards the ground, you didn't want to trip over ever so slightly raised spot in the sidewalk a few hundred feet out of the neighborhood. You also didn't want to accidentally look at anyone wrong. You were a Todoroki and had an image to uphold with that title.

As you got into the more bustling part of town, you noticed a crowd just a few ten steps outside of the mall. You were uninterested. After all, it was just one of the local pros, you thought. You walked into the mall, making your way to the clothing section. You reminded yourself that you had to go get tofu before you entered. You knew that you'd probably forget by the time you bought whatever clothes caught your eye. 

immediately your gaze fell on a sleek dark blue jacket that reminded you of your father's hero costume. You grabbed it and continued looking around, occasionally stopping to admire some extremely overpriced dresses. You ended up leaving the store with just the jacket. Just as you made your way to the exit you remembered that you needed to pick up tofu. Yet another store caught your eye. The tofu could wait, you needed to get some hoodies.

As you entered you could feel yourself being dragged towards the hero merchandise aisles. You grabbed a hoodie based off of your father's hero costume impulsively then looked at the rest. There was an abundance of All Might hoodies and onesies. You admired All Might, everyone did, but you weren't obsessed like some people you knew were. 

After a while, you dragged yourself from the hoodies and moved to the next aisle. It was mostly the same thing but with t-shirts instead, so you skipped that one. The store was oddly quiet, but maybe that was because the crowd was drawing people away. You liked it quiet anyway. 

The sound of someone entering the store made you look up, though you only caught a glimpse of them going over to the hoodies. You shrugged it off as you looked at the plushies now. You didn't like how there were more All Might plushies than Endeavor ones. You wanted to get one but you had limited cash so you passed. While in the store you did get a notebook with the top 3 heroes on the cover though. All Might, Endeavor, and Hawks. You rang up your purchases and paid before taking a quick look around and leaving.

You left the mall, completely forgetting the tofu you were supposed to get.

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