Concealment - Tiger's Eye Boo...

By ShellMarie35

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In a world where history is nonexistent, Lily Carter goes on a quest to learn the truth. She asks dangerous q... More

Chapter 1 - Nightly Nightmares
Chapter 2 - Daily Dream Goes On
Chapter 3 - Blocked Address
Chapter 4 - Pair of Carters
Chapter 5 - Dream Goes On
Chapter 6 - Death Strikes One
Chapter 7 - The Dream, He's Living It. He's a Soul Mate
Chapter 8 - Loveable Joke
Chapter 9 - Human-Like
Chapter 10 - Partying
Chapter 11 - New World Bound
Chapter 12 - Family of Tigmas
Chapter 13 - The Human World
Chapter 14 - Who Is Rolla Carter?
Chapter 15 - Hundreds Of Worlds Like This
Cheat Guides to the Tiger's Eye Series
Chapter 16 - Getting Them Off Our Scent
Chapter 17 - Two Sets of Samoultes
Chapter 18 - Group of Secrets
Chapter 20 - Murera History: Lesson 1
Chapter 21 - Moving In
Chapter 22 - In Memory of Seth
Chapter 23 - Time to Practice Some Magic
Chapter 24 - Friendship Fading
Chapter 25 - House Warming Catastrophe
Chapter 26 - Double Lives Begin
Chapter 27 - The History of The Tigmas
Chapter 28 - Sheriff's Journals
Chapter 29: The Secret Is Out
Chapter 30 - Topanga and Sam Return
Chapter 31 - We Are Your Family
Chapter 32 - Freedom Unites with Different Races
Chapter 33 - Training Session Number One
Chapter 34 - Samoulte Circle
Chapter 35 - Kalinda Appears
Chapter 36 - Understanding the Black Tiger
Chapter 37 - Other Races Appear
Chapter 38 - Merged Training Sessions Number One
Chapter 39 - The War is Here
Chapter 40 - Engagement Announcement
Chapter 41 - We Deserve to Live Freely
Chapter 42 - New Bond
Chapter 43 - Humans in Murera
Chapter 44 - Graduation Has Come
Chapter 45 - Rebels
Chapter 46 - Funeral Arrangements
Chapter 47 - Wedding Approaching
Chapter 48 - Wedding of the Ages
Chapter 49 - You Are My Family
Chapter 50 - Epilogue

Chapter 19 - First Tigma Spell

23 4 0
By ShellMarie35

Chapter 19 - First Tigma Spell

            The tricky part about doing the spell we needed to do was the fact that we needed to do it where his house was going to go. Rolla gave us directions and told us where to do it but we could only do it at night when nobody would see us. We snuck out of my mom’s house that night, leaving her a note that I was walking him home again, and walked to one of the boundary walls only a few blocks from my house. We sat in front of where his house will be. We sat across from each other with the piece of paper between us. He took my hands and we repeated the words on the paper. Light slowly appeared from our hands and shined bright our third time through the spell. The wall came alive next to us. We glanced over at it at the same. We said it once more all the way through and the windows and doorways appeared, completing his house. It was remarkable watching it. The magic made a house appear into the side of the wall in only five short minutes. Carter turned the paper over to the other side.

“Are you ready for the memory spell?”

I took a breath before nodding.

            The same process continued. We said it a few times through and slowly light came from our interlocked hands. This time, the light didn’t stop coming. It got brighter and bright until I was sure we had woken up all of Murera. Nobody moved though. I guess it was working. A dome of light covered the entire town before going dim like a light switch just got turned off. We did it. Our first two spells using our magic and it worked. We succeeded.

“Of course we did,” he smiled.

I smiled widely at him, “That was remarkable. I’ve never seen anything like that.”

“I didn’t think it would be that easy. I watched Rolla and Pilote do it, but I figured it was easy for them because they’ve been doing it for so long.”

“Now you just have to sort things out at home and everything will be perfect.”

“Walk me to the balcony?” he asked.

Of course I nodded.

            I walked him to the balcony and hugged him one last time. “I’ll be back tomorrow,” he reminded me, “and we can work out the other details while we go shopping.”

“It’s going to be amazing. I can’t wait to have you here all the time. I can quiz you on everything Murera.”

He chuckled, “I can’t wait.”

“I should get home,” I said.

“Me too,” he kissed me quickly. “Goodnight.”

“Night,” I smiled.

“So he’s really moving here?” Mom asked me when I returned home.

I walked to the kitchen to get food as I answered, “Yes he is.”

“Because of you?”

I smiled, “Maybe.”

“You two are cute,” she smiled.

“Thanks. What did you make for dinner?”

“Tupperware on the top shelf.”

I pulled it out of the refrigerator, “Thank you.”

I popped it in the microwave and turned to face her, “You have something else to ask don’t you?”

She nodded, “Have you two talked seriously about your relationship?”

I shrugged, “Not really.”

Why should I? We have plenty of time now that we’re never going to age and never going to die, but of course I cannot say anything to her about it. I know she wants to see me married.

“You should. You know our traditions to get married in the first couple years of finding each other. Has he asked?”

“Not yet, he wants to get settled on this side of town first. He’s really concentrated on getting his house set up and cleaned first.”

“That’s understandable. You’re very patient.”

“Were you patient with dad?” I asked.

She smiled, “Your dad actually wanted to get married pretty quickly.”

“Really? Can you tell me the story?”

“Of course. Your father and I grew up together. We knew from the time we were about five years old that we were going to be together. Of course the tradition states we had to wait until we were both at least 16 to get married so we waited.”

“How did he ask you?”

She smiled, “He asked me in front of both of our families. We got together in this house with both of our families. I thought it was only a family dinner but he surprised me. The family dinner turned out to be a celebration of our engagement. We got married a few months later. It was a huge celebration in the quad.”

“That sounds beautiful. I hope my engagement and wedding are that beautiful.”

“It will be. I know we don’t have many family members left, but we have a community. We have great friends and family and he will have his family too.”

“Yeah,” I smiled, “It will unique in our own way.”

“Exactly,” she said.

I took my food out of the microwave and grabbed a fork from the drawer, “Well I’m going up to eat then go to bed. Night mom. Love you.”

“I love you too. Goodnight.”

My phone rang when I got to my room and I set my food down to answer it, “Hey Britt.”

“How was your night?”

“When did life get this crazy?”

She laughed, “I could say it, but you know…”

“Yeah,” I laughed too.

“Any news?”

“He’s moving here.”


“I’ll explain later when we’re alone but yeah. He’s moving to this side of town to be with me. It’s all worked out. I’m helping him with some of it tomorrow.”

“Does he have a house?”

“He does now,” I answered.

“And that means?”

“I can’t say,” I laughed, “because you know…”

We were talking about the government possibly listening to our phone calls and we both knew it. Our government would do anything to make sure the secrets aren’t being spilled. I guess Rolla and Pilote made it that way.

“Right… meet me before school tomorrow?”

“I’ll bring the coffee.”

“Deal,” she said. “Night.”


            I held two coffees as I waited for Brittany outside her house the next morning. She came outside and smiled at me, gladly taking the coffee from my hands. We started walking and drank our coffee before either of us said anything.

“Explain,” she said a few minutes later.

“I don’t remember what you last knew, but Rolla and Pilote helped him figure things out. Using magic, spells, and what not they found a way to build him a house and convince everyone in this world that he is from the other side of town. I’m going shopping with him today so he’ll have clothes and furniture that look like they’re from here.”

“Where did he get this money?”

“From the same people that used their magic to convince everyone he’s from the other side of town and create transcripts so he can go to our school.”

“They have that much power? Seriously?”

“You have no idea. The house part though, that was actually us.”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh… right, uh, Carter and I used our magic to build his house.”

“I’m confused,” she looked at me.

“We used our magic by doing a spell that made a house appear out of nowhere. We literally created his house. Then we did another spell to make everyone think it’s always been there.”

“Prove it.”

I took her arm and ran over to where Carter’s new house is. Luckily, it’s not that far away.

“That’s always been there,” Brittany said when I pointed to it.

I shook my head, “You only think that. We created it last night.”

“Seriously?!” she said as we continued our way to school.

I nodded.

“Wow… you’re right, this new life really is crazy.”

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