Token of Loyalty

Par aolwrites

323K 12.6K 1.7K

*Book One of the Amor Fati Series* Prince Calanthe Ámarent, once the child of a beloved queen regnant and no... Plus

Map of My World
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen - Risks Outweigh Rewards
Chapter Sixteen - Found Friendship
Chapter Seventeen - United in One Cause
Chapter Eighteen - Together
Chapter Nineteen - Strong and Capable
Chapter Twenty - Blood for Blood
» Glossary
» Guide for My Languages
» Gharashian Pronunciations

Chapter Thirteen

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Par aolwrites

It had been two weeks since Calanthe had arrived in Taryn. The Tarynians quickly accepted him into their community, teaching him their ways of life. Calanthe had been in the kitchen often, learning from the Head Chef Heidrun who spoke with the thickest accent. She explained that she came from the mountains of Hemingr and migrated with her family to Borinnblakkr years ago. The elderly woman's hair still held tinges of red highlights, though most of it had turned gray.

"I swear these buggers art a pesterin' lot," she had spat when she hit a roach with her rolling pin. She huffed, then wiped her hands on her apron before flashing a gummy smile. "Never mind the critters, dear. They come and go, and right now they art searchin' for refuge from the bitter cold. They wan' to take our food and eat just as much as we do, but remember they're pests and art no good for us."

Calanthe nodded, intently absorbing her knowledge. He'd never learned to cook or bake, only had head knowledge from the thousands of books he had read. He had specifically requested to learn to make bread, and she patiently taught him every step of the way. It was a rhythm she had explained.

"When we all art in here bakin' and cookin' away, we sing songs." She had paused in her kneading of the dough, glancing over Calanthe's flour covered hands. She laughed when she spotted it all over his face and in his hair. "We'll make a Tarynian out of you yet, dear."

Calanthe beamed. It was as if he were learning everything he should've learned from his deceased mother. He was ever grateful to the elders in Taryn for passing on their heritage and understanding of their culture and ways of life.

After Calanthe had spent the morning with Heidrun, he had left the castle to deliver the bread to a family in need in the city. Hrafn's children had accompanied him before they split off. Calanthe had watched Katla go to the training yard with Gunnar and Ulfr while Giselle had stayed behind, attending to Leifr and Eydis. Leifr clung to Giselle's hand while Eydis bounced around. Eydis' locks flew in the breeze and her heavy woolen cloak billowed around her.

"What was life like in Eglantine?" Giselle asked, gazing upwards to Calanthe, which wasn't far. Calanthe was only five feet and five inches. Giselle was near to his shoulder, and still growing like a weed.

Calanthe hummed, wondering if he should divulge the truth of the matter. Hyacinth had destroyed the ways of his ancestors, through her wrath towards her sister and his birth-mother Calista. Bad blood ran deep within many kingdoms, cultures, and places in Gharash and beyond.

"Well, Eglantine used to be a rich kingdom until Hyacinth's reign. The crown is passed from mother to daughter and it has been that way for eons," he stated, retelling it carefully to the young lass. "The current reigning queen is Queen Eleanora Ámarent, daughter of Hyacinth Ámarent. She..." he began then his thoughts fled him. How could he explain that she wasn't his sister anymore? She wasn't by birth. He skipped that bit and continued, "One day, you will see how powerful she can be. Eleanora is the strongest woman I have ever met."

Giselle's eyes widened before she smiled. "It sounds as if she was an astounding influence on you, Calanthe. I wouldn't forget someone like that. In all my studies, I have learned that knowledge of your ancestors and your homeland is power. Tarynians keep their ancestry in their blood, through bloodshed. It is why we have the Blood Guard. They're bloodshed protectors."

Eydis bounced over then grinned at Calanthe. The little girl grasped his woolen cloak, making him pause in his place.

"The bread is for our friends in the city. Many of them have no home or parents. Taryn feeds them all," she announced with bright eyes.

"That is..." he trailed off in amazement and wonder, then glanced at Giselle. "That is astonishing. How come no one knows of this?"

Giselle shrugged. "Papa said it must be kept a secret due to... the mercenaries."

Suddenly each child paled and quieted. Leifr clenched Giselle's hand while Eydis tightened her hold on Calanthe's cloak. Their eyes peered downward the path to the great wall. Calanthe realized it was the only barrier between them and the terrifying monsters who lurked in the woods. It was no wonder that the children rarely left the city confines. If Calanthe knew anything of the ways of life, it was that they could be held for ransom if captured.

"Never fear, children," Calanthe stated, puffing his chest out. "King Hrafn will protect us all."

"That he will."

Calanthe jumped at the voice before he looked over his shoulder. It was Hrafn in all his splendor. His great cloak had wolf fur lined along the shoulders and a brooch holding the cape firm in place. It was the Tarynian symbol: a snake wrapped in a circle as if chasing its tail. The brooch itself was gold, shining under the last bits of summer sun. The cloud coverage had worsened over the days, rarely any birds flew in. Calanthe could tell Hrafn was worried due to the lack of communication from Queen Kamaria in the East.

"Giselle, why don't you and the other two go ahead and hand out the bread before it goes stale," Hrafn stated, a calming tone to his voice. He then nodded to Calanthe. "Me and Calanthe have much to discuss that doesn't pertain to the prying ears of children."

Eydis groaned before she released Calanthe's cloak. Calanthe handed the basket to Giselle, with a smile. Eydis pouted as she followed her eldest sister down the pathway. Leifr held dearly to Giselle's hand as they went.

Once they were clear, Hrafn neared Calanthe's side. He breathed in and out then peered downwards to Calanthe. Calanthe estimated Hrafn was about six foot and two inches. From Calanthe's point of view, it should've been terrifying, but he trusted the man before him like none other.

"I try to taper the fear mongering," Hrafn began, a worrisome undertone to his voice. He wrapped his cloak around him tighter when a shrill breeze blew through the city. "Winter is coming. Taryn becomes cut off from the East and most areas during this time. We don't travel outside of Taryn during the winter due to the harshness of the weather. Kamaria is our only ally willing to communicate with us."

Calanthe nodded. "And she hasn't as of late?"

"The birds aren't strong enough against the winds, and they're often delayed by weeks," he replied, then shuffled out of the way of oncomers. He greeted them each with a fair smile before he turned his focus back to Calanthe. "That is why I worry a great deal. We are prepared, but with the mercenaries on our doorstep, it makes our tasks here all the more difficult."

"They're a nuisance then." Calanthe huffed and folded his arms over his chest, ignoring the bumps below his binds. "They should be terrified of you more than anything. You're a powerful king, Sire."

Hrafn chuckled. "Thank you, Calanthe. If only half the people around here trusted me as much as you do. Earning the respect of everyone in Taryn is a feast, considering we have many immigrants. We are a shelter to any who seek peace, but often we will have a bad lot that must be thrown out. Our people are good about chasing off the evil doers."

"That is excellent to hear," Calanthe sighed with relief. "I couldn't say the same for where I hail from."

"This is true, but you're under our refuge now. We are a safe haven. Never forget that," he insisted, then rested a gentle hand on Calanthe's shoulder. "Safety is found amongst common allies in a common war. We know who our threat is, and it is not the mercenaries entirely." He paused and then bent closer to Calanthe before he added, "It is Aelfgar, though we must be careful speaking his name in public. Many support his cruel endeavors and have infiltrated Taryn's walls before."

Calanthe's eyes grew wide before he swallowed hard. "You don't think he will try something, do you?"

"I don't know. Right now, I am far too concerned with the prep for the winter to worry about a tyrant in the East," Hrafn spat before he sighed long. "For now, we are safe behind our ancient walls. They cover the city for miles on end. The patrols follow them daily as well as atop the wall-walk. Our Blood Guards have us, Calanthe."

"Of course, I would never not trust them," he replied, then smiled when he spotted Erlendr in the distance. He waved a greeting. "Erlendr, how are you?"

"I am well, Calanthe!" he called, then bowed his head towards Hrafn. Hrafn returned the gesture. "I see you're accompanied by His Grace today!"

Hrafn laughed at his old friend. "Erlendr, don't you have a job to do in the training yards? You're training my children."

"That is correct, Sire. I apologize." He bowed curtly before he turned on his heel, shouting over his shoulder, "I will be on my way to tame the little wildlings!"

An uproar of laughter came from Calanthe and Hrafn before they settled. Calanthe found Erlendr to be the most humorous of them, despite his tragic backstory of bloodshed. He didn't know much of Erlendr yet, but one day he hoped to gain knowledge from his past.

Perhaps, Calanthe would write and record it.

"Now I must be going, Calanthe," Hrafn stated, then offered a polite smile. "I hope to see you later at dinner."

"I can promise you that, King Hrafn."

Continuer la Lecture

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