single; taekook

By jarofsuga

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where jungkook is a single dad and taehyung's lonely. hi this is my first fic ever so it sucks. just a brief... More

thirteen (m)
sixteen (m)
seventeen; the bachelor party
eighteen; the epilogue


1.1K 37 8
By jarofsuga


jungkook watched jisoo scramble around his apartment as she last minute packed things before her trip with jimin to fiji. jae was sleeping on his chest, soft snores leaving his lips that tickled the younger a little.

"fuck i don't even have any nice sun hats. how else am i gonna take good pictures"? she muttered. jisoo had packed her suitcase prior to her staying over for the first week of school but is now regretting her choices and repacking everything 16 hours before the flight.

"do you think i should go shopping at get more sundresses or are the 14 i've packed okay"?jisoo pointed a skinny finger at the various expensive dresses neatly packed into the louis vuitton suitcase. jungkook sat up a little to check but carefully as not to wake up jae.

"should be fine. why are you so worried"? jisoo was never worried, jungkook can't even remember the last time she was this worried about something. maybe when they had to tell their parents about jae, but that was about it.

"there's a chance that i might run into one of the aunties there and i want to have a good relationship with them before jimin and i get married". jungkook felt bad for jisoo after hearing what taehyung had told him about their opinion on the engagement.

they all wanted the attractive, successful and sweet jimin to marry one of their daughters but he had already set his sights on jisoo. resulting in the extreme bitterness against her and her family brewing, so now they look for any small detail to scrutinize her. being that she has a kid and often talked to her middle class ex boyfriend and came from a middle class family, it wasn't looking too good for jisoo.

"you'll be fine, just don't say anything stupid or mean and don't do that thing where you try to help people look better but you just end up saying a bunch of offensive shit", jae stirred a little on jungkook's chest, "maybe you should go outside for a sec or go on a walk with us, all of this stressing is turning you pale, soo". the girl turned and  looked in the mirror, gasping at her slightly lifeless complexion.

"okay fine. but only for an hour and i need you to drop me off at jimins", jisoo stated. the younger got up slowly and held a slightly sleepy jae close to his chest. he wanted coffee, specifically he wanted yoongi's iced americanos.

"isn't there a park near there? i'll just drive us all there, you can drop your luggage at mochi's and then we can all go out for a walk", jungkook suggested as he drank some of jisoo's peppermint tea that she didn't finished while she laughed at jimin's nickname.

"i feel like he secretly loves being called mochi by you guys", she paused for a second, "we should bring yoongi oppa, that guy he's in love with might be there to take hoseung too". once jungkook got back from lunch, he filled jisoo in on everything that went down.

he told her about all of the gossip about the families that jimin spilled, how yoongi practically fell in love with hoseok on first glance yet he didn't mention taehyung at all. he didn't know why, but jungkook felt weird about discussing people that he found attractive with jisoo.

"will the kim's be there too"? jungkook asked shyly, hoping that they wouldn't. jae stirred more in his arms before snuggling closer to the younger's neck. he was wearing a black hoodie which made the act of sleeping on him infinitely more comfortable, jungkook was thoughtful like that.

"yeah probably. they wanna establish their superiority or whatever", she rolled her eyes at this. jisoo and the kims were not ever getting along, especially the main mother. jungkook knew just by looking at that lady and her heavily painted face that she was a handful.

"wait, how did you know about the kims"? jisoo asked him as she reached out for a delirious jae and set him on the counter. he was making grabby hands so he probably wanted orange juice or his favorite, banana milk. she reached into the fridge to grab one for him and jungkook.

"mochi filled me in on the details yesterday", jungkook sipped on his drink, hoping that jisoo wouldn't put two and two together and realize that the kims were the ones that made him cry two days ago.

"ah okay. most of the family is alright. the mom and her daughter are nightmares but everyone else is okay", jisoo smirked, "their youngest, kim taehyung, is the newest bachelor". jungkook's ears perked up at the name that she just uttered.

so, he might've done a bit of stalking and by stalking he means looking up taehyung on instagram, even though he told himself not to think about taehyung anymore. but, the guy has almost 900,000 followers and his instagram feed was the most aesthetically pleasing thing that jungkook has ever seen.  most of them were nice shots of art but a lot of them were of pictures from modeling shoots he's done and wow, jungkook could've stared at the feed for hours.

how could someone be that photogenic?

"are all of the aunties trying to marry him off to one of their daughters"? the younger felt like he was living in a real life version of crazy rich asians with all of the glamour and scheming mothers that had literally nothing better to do.

"jiminie won't tell me much but mrs.son is desperately trying to get her daughter with him after she got rejected like sixty times by other guys", jisoo rolled her eyes as she ignored jae's grabby hands to be picked up. he didn't even finish his banana milk but jungkook reached forward and let him fall asleep in the spot between his neck.

"we'll probably see her today, it's honestly pathetic the way she flaunts herself around him. it won't even be that hot outside but jiyung will wear the sluttiest outfits just to get his attention", she snorted at the thought while the younger tried to picture that.

i wonder what it feels like to have girls literally fighting over you.

jungkook scrunched his nose at the thought and finished off both cartons of banana milk.


after over an hour of bickering over outfits, jungkook, jae, jisoo and yoongi were all dressed up. to go to the fucking park and walk.

the younger didn't even recognize himself in the mirror; he was wearing a green button up, his hair was styled effortlessly, he even changed his earrings. he felt so dressed up and for once, confident in himself. jungkook never really felt this good about the way he looks and honestly?

he wishes he could feel like this more often.

the younger checked the weather and threw on a light jacket just to be sure. it was august but it got sort of chilly in the evening and jungkook got cold kind of fast.

he bent down to help jae with his shoes while yoongi kept on trying to fix his hair. it wasn't curled this time, it laid flat on his face and was parted in the middle to give him the classic curtain bangs. jungkook laughed at his frustrated (trusfrated) sighs and whines.

"uncle yoongi, what's wrong with your hair"? jae asked, pointing at the strands that stuck out due to yoongi's fingers fluffing it up too much. the pale boys' eyes widened and this made him freak out even more.

"jesus, you're making me even more anxious hyung", jungkook walked over and helped him smooth out his hair, "you're never this nervous around guys, what's up"? he whispered, pulling a sassy eye roll from the older.

"these people are dressed head to toe in expensive clothing, we have to blend in", yoongi scoffed at his stupid question while jungkook was shocked at the hypocrisy.

"what happened to 'not giving a shit about what these classist assholes think about you'"? jungkook fired back before wincing when he heard jae gasping at him swearing. they tried not to do it front of him but they were adults and it slipped out sometimes.

"you owe me a chocolate daddy"! jae giggled, jumping up and running behind a reluctant jungkook who was now searching for chocolate or any candy. he reluctantly handed the little one a tiny wrapped ball of chocolate. 

"i don't care about what most of them think of me... only hoseok", the older muttered shyly and jungkook swore he was about to squeal like a twelve year old girl. he was happy for his hyung, he was experiencing the fun of looking for love all over again.

one day jungkook, one day that'll be you and everything will be just how you've always wanted it to be. 

"let's go boys, i need one of you to help me with my luggage", jisoo pointed to the three very heavy looking bags she was standing next to and in a matter of seconds, yoongi walked over to pick jae up and smirk at jungkook.

"i'll hold jae-z, you get the bags, maknae", jungkook rolled his eyes at this but he couldn't stay mad for long when he saw jae beam at the new nickname given to him by his favorite uncle. it was so stupid but so cute, the younger couldn't deal with it.

it took a couple of minutes to get everything down to the parking lot and into jungkook's car but soon they were off to the nice park after dropping her things off at jimin's very nice house. the entire ride over jisoo kept on reminding the younger about how he can't touch her or look at her or breathe the same air as her, as if he wanted to do any of those things. 

"and oh my god, make sure yoongi stays with hoseok, i do not want him near mrs. kim or any of the aunties", jisoo gave the pale boy a glare through the rearview mirror and he just responded with a sly grin. jae and jimin looked between the two with confusion.

"why? are you afraid that i'll tell them about that time during freshman year when you tried to get jungkook's attention so you shoved your entire fist in your mouth an-", yoongi was interrupted by jisoo slapping her hands over her ears to block out the rest of the conversation, jungkook stifled his laughter at the memory.

"that is exactly the reason why i need you at least 60 feet away from me", her face was beet red and jungkook couldn't wait to tell jimin hyung this story. it was ironic because for once, jisoo was the flustered one and the younger had complete control over the situation.

they finally parked across the street from the park and yoongi held the hand of a very excited jae as they walked towards it. the fields were a nice spring green and it was getting even brighter with the yellow sun high up in the sky. there was a large play structure right in the middle and walkways circled around it.

there weren't many people in the park right now, a few families and a couple of people walking their dogs or in the park, but the group of aunties speed walking stuck out like a sore thumb to the five that were walking.

jungkook noticed taehyung trailing behind them while a girl animatedly talked to him and hoseok was holding in his laughter at the younger's obvious discomfort at the way she was latched onto his arm like a dog to a bone. 

"daddy can i go play with hoseung"? jae pulled jungkook out of his thoughts as the little one tugged on his jacket sleeve. yoongi wasn't moving either as he stared longingly at hoseok so jungkook picked jae up and started to walk towards the park.

he tried to walk fast enough so that he could miss the walking aunties that were about to cross them but jungkook was too late. they noticed jisoo first and then jungkook in his all green ensemble.

"ah! jisoo, what brings you here"? mrs. kim asked, eyeing the four down as yoongi had managed to escape thanks to hoseok running around the small group. they both walked off to have a conversation of their own. her smile was sweet but her eyes were beady like a predator about to kill their prey.

"we're just taking jaewoo to the park before jiminie and i go", she gestured to jungkook holding jae and suddenly all eyes were on him. every single person was visually assessing him, some more than others as they licked their lips and ran their eyes down jungkook's body.

gross, i'm holding my son. don't lick your nasty ass lips at me.

"he's your son's dad"? the girl next to taehyung piped up and jisoo nodded, "why do all the hot ones go for you"? she not so silently whispered and crossed her arms, causing taehyung to try to spit out  the water he was just drinking. mrs. kim stood there silently, as if her and all of the other aunties were agreeing with the girl while jisoo and jungkook's cheeks burned.

"mr. jeon, it's nice to see you again. you remember my son, taehyung don't you"? the older woman smirked as she ushered the older forward. jungkook nodded, flashing a sly grin at the black haired boy who shyly smiled.

why yes, i do. in fact, i spent all of last night staring at pictures of your son in various designer suits on a 6 inch screen, thank you for asking you psycho bitch. 

"yes, taehyung and i spoke at dinner on friday actually. he made sure to apologize on your behalf about trying to get my son to leave school", the other moms gasped at this and mrs. kim let shock run over her features.

 "it was nice meeting you all". they clearly did not know of mrs. kim's plan. jungkook walked away with jisoo and jimin next to them, not uttering a single word. he knew that that was the last thing that people expected him to do but jungkook just wanted to wipe the smug grins off their faces for a second.

"did you see the way son jiyung was looking at you? i thought i told you to tell her to back off"? jisoo whispered under her breath, catching jungkook's attention. jae squirmed in his arms when he saw hoseung on the swing set.

"i did, numerous times but she's persistent. i don't know what else you want me to do,  honey", jimin tried to reach out for jisoo but she walked away after pushing his hands off of her, clearly upset at both of them.  jungkook put jae down and let him run off to his friend before turning to the older. both boys watched as jisoo stalked off to a random grass area and ran her hands through her hair to comfort herself.

"do me a favor jungkook", the younger hummed, "don't get involved with the kims, like any of them. okay"?  the younger wanted to question why, it's not like they were running a drug cartel or anything. they were just a little too full of themselves. what's the worst that could happen?

but when jimin looked at him with this pained look, jungkook didn't want to question it anymore. the older's chubby mochi cheeks and usually genial face was covered in darkness., playful eyes were losing their trademark sparkle, and jungkook didn't like that.

"okay hyung, i won't".


about an hour had gone by and jisoo and jimin decided to go back to the latter's house, clearly desperate to resolve some tension between them before leaving for their honeymoon trip. thus leaving jae, jungkook and yoongi to fend for themselves.

the older was having no problems at all chit chatting with hoseok  on a picnic blanket facing the skyline and flashing his gummy smile that was doing an amazing job at making the younger fall for his charms. the chemistry was evident and all of the aunties seemed to notice, probably planning the wedding in advance among each other.

jae was running around with hoseung, climbing onto the play structures, teetering on the seesaw, playing in the grass. neither of them seemed to get tired and jungkook literally had to drag him back to the picnic blanket he brought just so that jae could drink water and have a snack.

speaking of jungkook, he was alone for most of this time which he didn't have a single problem with. the younger enjoyed being alone, in fact he reveled in it. he didn't mind the silence or the running train of consciousness going into overdrive in his head. staring out onto the city, breathing in this fresh air, and watching jae have fun, jungkook felt at peace sitting on the soft picnic blanket.

"can i sit with you"? jungkook looked up to find taehyung staring down at him, looking cleaner than ever in his black long sleeve and grey sweatpants that probably costed more than the younger's net worth. he stupidly nodded, scooting aside to give taehyung space but not looking at him for too long out of fear that jimin would pop out of nowhere and get mad at him.

you're not supposed to be talking to taehyung, idiot, you promised mochi hyung and yourself. 

"i like your shirt", taehyung said, "you actually have a really good sense of style", jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at the backhanded complement, turning to look at the older who laughed at him.

"did you walk all the way over here just to tell me that"? jungkook asked, taking his eyes off of jae for a second to find the older blushing a little before rolling his eyes. it seemed like his cheeks were always red whenever jungkook was around. 

"well, i also wanted to talk to you. and you know, make up for what my mom said on friday", taehyung saw jungkook's expression change a little, "i'm sorry, again". the younger, who was trying to peel an orange in one go, set the peel down and ate a little section.

"i don't need anymore apologies taehyung, you've said you're sorry like 900 times. it's fine, i'm over it", the younger sighed, rubbing his temples slightly. jimin's words kept on replaying in his head and it was making him feel like shit.

"you don't sound like you're over it", the older mumbled as he tugged on the sleeves of his long sleeve, his lips were pouting a little. jungkook felt even more uneasy the longer that taehyung stayed seated next to him. 

"i am, i promise. now you should go back to your mom and girlfriend they look like they're about to burn me alive", jungkook hoped this would get rid of the black haired boy and that the guilt of betraying jimin would go away, but no.

 this earned a soft scoff from the older, blissfully unaware of the chaos going on behind him with the aunties two seconds away from exploding at the sight of taehyung sitting with someone that isn't jiyung . he finally turned around when the whispers got too loud and received fake smiles with death stares.

"taehyung, why aren't you with jiyung"? his mother asked, head cocking to the side in a way that was meant to look innocent but in reality, she looked terrifying. jungkook felt his stomach drop when her stare zoned in on him. 

"i'm talking to someone", he said obviously, annoyance very present in his tone. taehyung's mother grit her teeth slightly, her eyes flitting between both boys at a rapid pace. jungkook slowly placed more orange sections in his mouth and softly chewed, maybe avoiding her gaze would ease his nerves?

"honey, mr. jeon is busy watching over his son. come on, let's go back to jiyung, she's waiting for you", she extended an arm out and taehyung shook his head vehemently, mirroring a child that was seconds away from a temper tantrum. 

"mom, i'm talking to someone", he repeated, emphasizing every word. jungkook nervously ate more orange sections, he felt like he was watching a live kdrama and that any second now, a big fight was going to break out. 

"you can talk to him later. what's so important that you have to talk to him now, are you guys friends or something"? placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow at her disobedient son. jiyung was watching the scene unfold a couple of feet away, equally as annoyed as the mother while whispering to some other girl. 

" ..............", taehyung started, looking at the younger eating oranges with wide eyes, "he's m y..... boyfriend". 


i'm your  w h a t ?

jungkook almost choked on his oranges, receiving soft glares from his now supposed boyfriend. it seemed like everyone in the park stopped to look at the new couple, even yoongi and hoseok stopped their lively conversation to see what was happening. 

"what? since when? two days ago that was not the case", mrs. kim sarcastically laughed. she clearly didn't believe taehyung and the younger was seconds away from pelting him to death with the many orange peels he had collected. 

 "we've been dating for a month, i've been keeping it a secret from you because i didn't want you to worry about it with sooyeon noona's baby shower happening", taehyung finally looked at jungkook, who was too shocked to even think right now.

what is happening right now?

"i- mr. jeon is this true"? at this point, a crowd had gathered around the two boys, staring them down and assessing every tiny movement made. jungkook saw the pleading look in taehyung's eyes and even though he barely knew this guy, and he still kind of hated him for making him cry, he linked their hands together. 

jungkook just wanted taehyung to stop looking at him like that and for all of these people to stop talking to him. he was supposed to be alone. 

"yes, we're dating", jungkook felt taehyung's warm hand in his own and squeezed it, more to reassure himself rather than the older. all of the aunties gasped, some in happiness and others in shock, at the couple. 

"oh, you should've told me earlier taehyung-ah, i would've called mr. jeon over for dinner so we could get to know him", she feigned sweetness and it was so obvious that she wasn't happy about the new relationship. but there were people watching and she couldn't be the pissy mom he saw in the hallway two days ago when everyone was assessing her every move. 

jungkook saw yoongi standing a couple of feet away, mouthing a 'what the fuck' to the younger who responded with a shrug of his shoulders. they would have to discuss this later, in detail. 

"i'll bring him over soon, we were taking it slow but not anymore i guess", jungkook tried not to stiffen when taehyung leaned his head on his shoulder with a smile and snuggled close to him. his fingers were almost digging into the skin of his free palm as he leaned back on taehyung, the scent of honey and vanilla filled his senses and it kinda calmed him down. 

"very well, i'll be seeing you soon then, mr. jeon". the younger nodded, forcing a tight lipped smile to appear on his face.  mrs. kim gave jungkook a disapproving look and walked away, turning back to the area where all of the aunties were sitting to go back and gossip. she said she was okay with it but clearly her actions depicted the exact opposite

once the aunties had left, jungkook gently scooted away from the older with their hands now  disconnected. his heart was beating fast with nerves and he swore to god, he was seconds from full on fighting the black haired boy next to him. 

"taehyung, what the fuck "? the older rubbed his face out of exhaustion, facing jungkook with tired glazed over eyes and lips pressed into a thin line. 

"i'm sorry, i panicked okay. they're planning on getting me married to jiyung and i-i really don't want to get married right now, i'm only 24 by the way-i'm not even that old- so i'm sorry i said that we're dating but i didn't know what else to do", taehyung blurted out in a hushed tone, he earned an eye roll from the younger as this was the second time he was hearing the older word vomit. 

"you couldn't have-oh i don't know- told your mom that you don't want to get married"? this was the opposite of what jimin told him to do. oh god, he was gonna be so mad at jungkook and he'd have to lie to all of these people. 

"please take one more look at my step-mom and ask yourself if you'd want to say no to someone like that", taehyung subtly pointed at the big, scary auntie, who was talking to the others, "i'm sorry jungkook". 

"ugh just", jungkook rubbed his face, "how long do i have to do this? i'd like to get out of this as soon as possible", he ignored the older's apology, it seemed like that was the only thing that jungkook heard him say. 

"just until new years, then you can leave. jiyung has to find someone by then", both boys glanced at the annoyed girl who was gossiping with taehyung's step sister. she shot jungkook a small glare. 

"kim i did not want to get stuck in your crazy rich asians lifestyle. i just wanted to take my damn son to the park", jungkook pointed at the innocent boy running with hoseung, completely oblivious to the absolute mess that was just birthed. 

"i know, but i'll definitely make it up to you this time", he felt taehyung  hold one of his hands in both of his and encase them in their warmth. 

fuck, we're holding hands and everyone can see.

"how? there's nothing in this for me", jungkook rolled his eyes but not taking his hands out of taehyung's, he liked how soft and warm they were against his that were really cold right now. 

"i can get the moms to lay off of jisoo for good", jungkook wasn't budging, "... and i can hook you up with some of the girls i model with, if you're into that", the younger pondered while taehyung slightly grimaced. 

a free hookup with some models?

but i'm so over hook ups, they aren't as fun as they used to be. 

"no, i'll think of something. but you've got a deal, kim", jungkook shook his hand, "what am i even supposed to do"? he had seen the proposal with jisoo probably a billion times, jungkook knew how these things worked. 

he wasn't going to fall for kim, though, they would never be able to work. jungkook hated his snooty upper class lifestyle and he knew taehyung would probably complain about his average one . 

it was only for show, a fake love, which jungkook was sort of okay with. 

"just come with me to parties and dinners and stuff. jimin hyung's wedding is coming up in december so you have to be there for that obviously ", taehyung explained. it didn't sound too bad, jungkook was okay with free food and entertainment. he grabbed a pen from his pocket.

"fine. just text me whenever you need me, i have your number already", he huffed out and wrote his number on taehyung's hand before getting up. jungkook couldn't fight the smirk growing on his lips when he saw the older blush. 

"o-okay sure. are you going now"? taehyung got up and watched jungkook pack the blanket and snacks into the black backpack he brought with him. yoongi was making his way over to the spot, holding jae's hand as he blabbed away to hoseung who was holding hoseok's hand. 

"yep, i'm hungry and yoongi hyung is making kimchi fried rice tonight", jungkook noticed all of the auntie's eyes on him and taehyung. so, he set his backpack down and slung an arm around a slightly surprised taehyung's small waist just so that he could hear their excited squeals as he pulled the older close to his chest. 

"i'll see you soon taehyung", he whispered before softly pecking the older on the cheek and walking away, missing the way taehyung's cheeks turned an even darker shade of pink.  mrs. kim gave him a curt smile and waved goodbye, clearly disgusted at the idea of a single father dating her precious son, but jungkook didn't care. in fact,  it filled him with great satisfaction knowing that he was the one causing her to be so annoyed. 

that's what you get for trying to get my son expelled you crazy bitch. 

maybe that's what i'll get out of this. payback for all of the stares and underhanded compliments-

oh, this is gonna be so good. 

"you wanna explain what happened back there"? yoongi pulled him out his thoughts, carrying jae who was sadly waving by to hoseung. his head rested on the older's shoulder, nose tickled by the soft black strands. 

"okay so, we're not actually dating, he just said that so that his mom would get off his back about marrying that other girl", he saw yoongi's skeptical expression, "trust me hyung, this will blow over fast. it's only for a couple of months". so that wasn't the full truth, yoongi didn't need to know everything. 

"i don't know maknae, this just sounds like drama waiting to happen. even hobi told me not to get too involved with the kims", jungkook tried to cover up his smile when yoongi called hoseok by a nickname. 

"i know, mochi hyung told me to keep a distance but guess i have no choice now. what's the worst that could happen"? yoongi put jae in the car seat and strapped him in safely, playfully pinching his chubby baby cheeks to hear the small whines emit from his mouth. the little one was pretty much asleep from all the activity he did today. 

"i don't know. maybe you fake date for a month and then fall in love with him for real and then you actually have to marry into their psychotic family", the older teased, slapping the younger on the back of the head. 

jungkook scoffed. that wasn't going to happen, it couldn't happen. taehyung wouldn't want to date someone like him, someone middle class with a kid, when he-

oh my god-wait. what about jae?

the younger didn't even think about how the little one was going to handle this, what his reaction would be. how would jungkook even tell him?

don't worry honey, i'm only holding his hand so that his psychotic mother leaves mommy and uncle mochi alone and not because i actually like him or anything like that. 

oh you don't get it? 

neither do i honestly. 

"what should i tell jae"? his eyes flicked over to the pale boy next to him, who was twiddling his thumbs in thought. if they wanted everyone to think that they were really dating, the last person they should tell the truth to is a small child with zero social skills. 

"tell him what you're telling everyone else: that you guys are dating", yoongi shrugged even though he knew how that would work out. 

when jisoo brought jimin over to meet jaewoo, it didn't go by so well. the little one was under the assumption that his parents were still together, even though they rarely spend time in the same room. so when jisoo sat him down and introduced the blonde, jae hated him; like really really  hated him. 

he thought that jimin was replacing jungkook, which wasn't necessarily false since he was replacing the boyfriend role, but not as his dad. jae would run away every time he saw the blond and hide behind yoongi or jungkook's legs and ignore his attempts to be nice. these were the only times that the little one would behave like this. 

it took jae months to accept the fact that jimin was here to stay and that they would have to see each other more. slowly, the little one started to like jimin and got used to his bubbly laughter and bright smile. now they're fine but it still took a lot of coaxing and bribery.

"you know what'll happen if i do that. he just got used to mochi and now you want me to bring taehyung in", his hands gripped his hair, "fuck, i'm fucking things up again", jungkook wanted to slam his head onto the wheel. 

things were just getting good for the three of them and here was jungkook, messing it up again. 

"jungkook,  you're not fucking anything up.  jisoo did a horrible job of acclimating mochi into jae's life. she just brought him over and expected him to be okay with it", he felt the older's hands softly push back his hair. 

 "just be slow and patient, get jae to like taehyung first and then see what happens from there". the older's nonchalant attitude was rather comforting to jungkook, who was freaking out internally. 

"okay. yeah, that should work", jungkook nodded, "but nothing is happening between us", this earned an eye roll from yoongi at the way he just had to point that out. the younger ignored him and looked in the rear view mirror just to check if jae was actually sleeping.  

this was just to get a rise out of his mother and to prevent getting engaged to someone he doesn't like. 

that's all that was happening. nothing else. 


just finished crash landing on you and i am now emo


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(COMPLETED) "Tae are you leaving again?" In which Jungkook is always ignored by his husband Taehyung. Only because of one thing that impossible to h...
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BTS Oneshots- mostly Taegi, Yoonkook, Jinkook, Yoonmin (but i write ALL ships. i don't take requests btw!) ❗️Some of these fics include mature conte...
46K 1.6K 20
A fanfic about Yoongi's old song that he wrote and a girl that wants to recreate it from her memory. This is the first fan-fiction I have written, h...
13.7K 287 32
Min Yoongi x reader FanFiction. [Completed] You are just a 19 year old musical genius in school who no one knows too well but your actually best fri...