By cybermother_com

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BOOK #3: Steven Universe: Future CRINGE VALUE: MEDIUM. ✨☀️✨ ❝ If The Universe... Steven Universe. Didn't need... More

For those new to my books.🌙⭐️
~☆ Little Homeschool.. ☆~
~☆ Guidance☆~
~☆ Rose Buds and a full bloomed Jasmine.✦-
~☆ Volleyball and Sand ✦-
~ ☆Bluebird ☆~
~ ☆A very Special Chapter ☆~
~ ☆Snow Day ☆~
~ ☆Why so Blue? ☆~
~ ☆Little Graduation ☆~
~ ☆Prickly Pair ☆~
-✦I'm worried✦-
~☆In Dreams☆~
~☆Bismuth Casual☆~
~☆Together forever☆~
~☆Growing Pains☆~
Hey! Q/A!
~☆Mr. Universe☆~
-✦A Dream is a wish your heart makes✦-
~☆Homeworld Bound☆~
~☆Everything's Fine☆~
-✦You can't run away from the Universe, it's always there✦-
~☆I Am my monster☆~
-✦Now we're only falling apart✦-
✦Y/N Apreciation Day,, Part 1✦
✔︎ Jam buds wasn't meant to be platonic ,,Part 2 ✔︎
✦Back home in your arms✦
✦Walking in a winter wonderland✦
✦Inside jokes and Dreams✦
✦Letters at the lighthouse✦


1.9K 62 136
By cybermother_com

Third Person Omniscient.🌧🌱🌧

Fixing the Van was going absolutely Spectacular!
That's sarcasm.

Steven decided he no longer wished to see the struggle between Bismuth and his father so headed back inside.

"How could this happen? You crashed the van with your girlfriend and Greg inside?" Pearl paced around the room.

"You know how fragile he is!"
"And you can thank your lucky star she isn't hurt, Mr. L/N'd have your skull crushed in milliseconds!"

"Better yet, thank you whole universe." Garnet bettered the statement.
"Sure did.." Steven muttered under his breath.

"These pink outbursts of your's are getting out of hand!" Pearl determined.
"IT'S NOT AN OUTBURST!" Steven yelled as his size plumped up for a second once again and as you know, the pink gleam.

"Sure sounds like one.." Pride rolled in on his rollerskates from the door.
"Pride this is really not the time." Y/N appeared from the upper floor.

"See this is exactly what I'm talking about!" Pearl gestured to him.

"What's happening to you?" Pearl asked as Pride rolled over to Steven and sat down by him.

"Nothing, it's nothing!" Steven stood from his seat on the couch. Y/N was about to walk down the stairs but stopped, knowing exactly where he was going.

"S-Steven! Where are you going?" Pearl asked sassily.

"We're not through-- AAH!"
A neon pink wall patterned by hexagons stood in the Gem's way, the pattern reminding Pride of Honeycombs. But not as sweet..

Pearl puffed and commanded the wall be dropped, when he did he headed toward the staircase.

"I just need.. some space, okay?.." he explained wearily.
"I'll be in my room.."

He opened his eyes to look up at the look on his girlfriend's face. She bounced a brow at him her lips pressed together in a small frown.

"Not so fast my dude!" Amethyst dragged him back into the conversation.
"You gotta tell them your problemos." Pride sat up and rolled around the home.

"It looks like Steven is trying to avoid a serious discussion about this altogether." Garnet balanced her visor.

I'M NOT!!"
He yelled, knees slamming to the floor.

The windows and the froggy mug cracked at the impact.

"Steven! You have got calm down and talk to us." Garnet advised humourlessly, this isn't some game.

"Hey. Look at me." Y/N ordered as she shook his shoulders.

The straining Steven looked up at her and in a swift movement he picked her up and threw her over his shoulders.

"LET ME THE HELL GO, RIGHT NOW STEVEN UNIVERSE!!!!" Hm.. Y/N didn't seem particularly pleased with this, not at all. Yet he didn't reply in any form to her screams and continued what he was doing.

"Uhh.. what is going on..?" Pride watched the manoeuvre, in fact everyone watched this completely uncertain of his actions.

He opened the door with one hand, ignoring the pounding fists on his back and walked out to the stairs.

He walked all the way down the bottom stairs and placed her at on the last step.

"Steven! What the hell!?!" She pushed him off, making him almost fall onto the stairs.

"Go home. Now." Steven spoke hoarsely.
"What? Why?" Y/N asked.
"Listen just-- go, please." Steven pleaded lowly as he rubbed his temples.

"No! You nee to--"
In an instant his lips were glued to her's.

Well.. a lot more tongue than lips but not let's get too detailed with that..

His hands got hold of her and pulled her closer, hips clashing against each other.
Though he savoured every corner of her mouth lovingly he wistfully wanted to harm her in this. 'Anything just to get her away' he repeated over and over again in his mind.

They stood there for a couple o' moments, devouring each other..
Until Y/N managed to pull away from his scandal.

And to his surprise:

Achievement unlocked!:
slap to the face!

but it wasn't full force.
and he knew it.

"Will you go now?" Steven sighed.
"You kiss me like that again you'll hurt much more you hear me?" She growled before storming away.

Beside the fact her blood was boiling she felt deep regret in slapping him in the face. But really can't force someone to go with kiss now, you really can't see which ending you want with that.

Steven sighed as he rubbed his cheek, slowly swelling up but thankfully it was just a normal reaction to a slap in the face.

He raced back up the stairs to the gems. Or as he out in his own words his room preferably.

He slammed open the door accidentally and looked up at the gems.

Pride was gone..
Steven sighed once more and headed towards the stairs.

"Ah-bap-bap-bap! Just because you ran down the stairs to make out with your girlfriend for a moment doesn't mean this conversation is over!" Pearl reminded as she stepped forward.

"Real sense of privacy.." Steven rolled his eyes as he slowly took the stairs.

"This is not about privacy with your girlfriend this is about you!" Amethyst followed Pearl.

"Steven, don't let this power control you! your better than this.." Garnet stepped forward too, yet this line seemed out of order. Ah.. the chronicles of future vision, anticipating things like—

Steven strained in pain before lashing out completely

In that instant it was like he glitched out.
3 neon Pink versions of him like broken some barrier keeping this power secure in him.

As his voiced echo throughout the house the neon diluted and it was only his skin that glowed.

He opened his teary eyes to only question.
Gems were all in slow motion..

"I'm-- I'm speeding up again.." Steven looked down at his pink palms.

"I gotta get outta here.." Steven zoomed away from the house in a flash. Literally..


Fire crackled before their feet.
"And that's why.. I can't go back." Steven concluded the story.

"So. What your saying is.. you're here.."

"FOR A REMATCH!" Jasper roared as she ripped her cloak to shreds.

"What? No! I'm telling you why I'm out here in the first place! I think my Diamond powers are coming out.. I can't control them.."

"I just wanna be alone so I won't hurt anyone.." Steven rubbed his bottom lip as a sudden warm feeling filled his chest 'Guess I already did...' he thought to himself.

Jasper clicked her tongue.
"If you wanna be alone, you're doing it wrong.. your missing your gems and longing for that honey of your's"

"But Jasper! This is the last place anyone would look for me! And whaddaya mean 'honey of mine'?"

"Your woman."
"Okay, first of all I don't own her th-- W-WAIT! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" Steven stood up and shadowed her.

"Then Go back!" Jasper stopped and turned to him.

"Now way! Y/N'll probably beat me to a pulp If I go back now"
"Now.. that's someone worth a rematch! That's power!"
"No Jasper, that would be abusive, that's what it would be. That's why it's an exaggeration."

"How do you know she won't?" Jasper groaned.
"Because she can CONTROL HERSELF!" Steven gestured to the partially destroyed forest. "And she knows violence is wrong!"

"She slapped me in the face this morning cause she was really pissed off, not just cause I kissed her-- in.. that.. certain way.. b-because of these Diamond Powers!" Steven groaned.

"That's why I took her out of the picture in the first place! I don't need her to be involved in this mess because she has better things to worry about! I can't have that weight on her shoulders!"

"Heck! Everyone at home is probably pissed off at me!" Steven yelled.

"That's why I'm HERE!"

Jasper grimaced at him in disgust.
"This 'love' has made gems too gentle, and it made you soft.. if you really are a Diamond; Diamonds are hard and--

"But we're also brittle.." Steven told her.
Jasper squinted at him before turning around and leaving up to her destination.


Steven panted as he followed Jasper up the stiff hill "This thing with my powers is a real problem!" Steven began worriedly.

"The only problem you have is your friends and your honey." "Not mine!" Steven repeated.

"But you.. 'love'.. her enough for it to feel like that right?" Jasper turned to him. Steven opened wide to differ but stopped realising Jasper was right. Only a blush was all he had to argue with.

Jasper scoffed
"Can't you see their holding you back?"
"N-No! Their just worried about me.."
"They're afraid.. of your power.." Jasper spoke roughly.

"Yeah, yeah... I guess so.." Steven hugged himself.
"You are too.. you came all the way out here to hide from it but I'm not here to hide."

"I don't stifle my anger or my power.."

"I channel it.." Jasper clenched her fist.
"Into training!" Jasper exclaimed as she grinned maliciously.

"Oh right, this destroyed forest.. Y/N'd be devastated.. thoroughly" Steven frowned at the bland, sad sight.

But frowned more at his own statement.
'Gotta get her out of my head..' he told himself in the cave of his mind.

"I've got no one to serve, no where to go" Jasper approached a tree.

Though it not visible, fault being the tree was.. a tree.., it was petrified for it become--

"All I have left.."

-- A victim of Jasper's raging reign. Obliterated the bark or better yet, the whole tree it's her hands.

Steven grunted as the clouds of chaos flashed by him, having to shield himself with his arms from the victim's remains.

Once it passed he looked upon the lifeless..
You lived a long life tree, your legacy will go on and you will be remembered (f in chat plz)

"And in order to control that power I have to use it.."
"Those so-called friends and your honey don't understand.."

"They want you to feel bad for being yourself.."
Jasper turned to him with piercing eyes.

Steven was left in quietness by her words of 'wisdom'.

"I do feel bad."
He walked towards a tree and rested his palm against the soon-to-be victim.

Deep Exhale.
Deep inhale.

"haaaAAAAAAA!!!!-- OWW!!"
Dipstick punches tree.
Dipstick get's karma.

Jeez.. heard those bones crack..
"YEAH! DESTROY THAT WEAKLING TREE!" Jasper pounced onto the ground before him.

"No!" He kissed the battered bark firmly. Healing it.
"Blah!" Jasper clutched her throat in disgust.

"Gross! That's disgusting! Blah!" Jasper frantically panicked as more herbage emitted from the healing.

"No! The grass!" She blared, ripping out the threads bunch by bunch.
"Uh! Get outta here! Uh! Uh!" She swiftly ripped away at the ground.

"Quit helping the local ecosystem recover!" Jasper raised him up by the collar of his jacket.

"Show me.." she growled lowly.
"Huh?" Steven squeaked.
"Show me your power!!" She tossed him across the empty valley like a rag doll.

Poor boi, he is not to be yeeted you ignorant Cheeto puff !

Steven had fit of helpless coughing before he could reply to her: "No way Jasper!"

"I can't control myself!!!" He warned pettily.

Jasper gasped and crouched down.
"SHUT UP!!" Jasper pounced after him.

He held up the geometrical wall from before in which Jasper destroyed in mere seconds.

"This is it!? This is what you were worried about!?" Jasper watched him float back down to the ground.

"It's nothing!"
Steven's back hit the hard terrain, so hard in fact he bounced over it onto his stomach.

"I'm stronger than the one's who want to hold you back!" Jasper bragged on brusquely.

"Because I'm not afraid of this and you shouldn't be either!" She snarled.

The boy hardly stood up to her and walked forward back into the small match going on. Seemingly able to control a what? 30% of this power?; his aura brightened and he forced a hexagon shaped shield. Bright as his skin and clear as his stressing.

He thrusted the shield toward her, pitiful intent really.
"That's more like it!" Jasper hollered.

She went hell for leather after the defense. Once again smashing it in split second with her bare fists.

"Now.." Jasper panted
"Did it feel good to let your anger out?" She inquired passionately.

Steven looked down at his glowing palms.
"Y-Yeah.." he replied insecurely. He did feel good, but this wasn't healthy and he knew it by a very special girl.

Jasper chuckled poisonously.

"If I stay here.." Steven declared.

"Will you teach me how to control this feeling?"
He requested keenly while tightening his cold hands into fists.

"I'm not gonna teach you unless you fight me!"
"Well I'm not gonna fight you unless you teach me!"

Guess eavesdropping on Y/N's arguments with other people did him some sass into his spirit. Learned a few spicy comebacks from her too.

Jasper growled silently "Fine!"
"Really!?" Steven chirped, aura returning normal once again.

"Lesson 1: Stop smiling." Jasper instructed coldly.
"But I've seen you smile."

Achievement unlocked #2!:
Kick in the gut!

"Lesson 2: SHUT UP!!!" Jasper caterwauled in annoyance. Steven crashed against the ground, clouds of dust rising from the spot.

He sat up and groaned in agony, clutching his poor tummy. "I guess my training starts now.."

And so it began.. like he said.
At the crack of dawn the Gem and her apprentice were already at work.

Carrying some rocks up the hill.
Jasper with two and Steven with like 8. So much so he even almost fell back a couple of times.

Next we had shield wielding and throwing. He seemed to master the summoning of them but not really their resistance or strength, regarding Jasper smashed three in a row. He continued to throw more and the cycle went on.

After, it was discovered the rocks had a second purpose. Placed on the top of the hill for them to run into and break, as you do.

Jasper furiously crashed into one and obliterated the mass of minerals.

However when Steven tried he clapped back off. Not affecting the Boulder in any way or form.

And since you know we always do this in P.E class, Jasper placed a large boulder gently right over him. Totally not crushing him or something.

After Jasper walked off he was able to crack the Boulder in half, thankfully being safe.

But not for long.
Many more rocks came raining down onto him specifically, from the above. Scared out of his mind the only thing Steven could do is run and scream, run and scream and over and over again.

Helplessly dodged them until Jasper ran out of rocks to try and kill him with.

Night fell.
Poor Steven tried to crawl into the cave with his teacher, and got kicked out. Literally.

He sighed and settled down by the front of the cave, fetal position.
Safe to say this boy wasn't mean for the wilderness.

Day two!
Didn't climb the mountain today, all shield and rocks.
His shields were noticeably getting better based on how instead of breaking it, only pushed him back to a tree when a rock was thrown at it.

Get your daily martial arts! since he's been seen to practice a bit. Chopped a log in half, Jasper punched the whole tree away.

Steven later built his own abode with the chopped logs and made a fire.

At nighttime they had a small race. Steven beating Jasper even in her sonic dash form by his speedy powers. Steven will beat Sonic..

Could even see his pink little glow from far away.
But his own car that passed by, driven by Y/N, didn't see this sadly. They'd been looking..

Many more training and sheer survival followed this. Until day three we we're kicking and punching trees off their stumps, punching rocks to reveal..

Steven has become a buff boi.
In fact, he's a MAN now!

Able to bounce rocks off his shield now, sending them off like Team Rocket.

"Yes!" Steven exclaimed at his well-done work.
"Hmm.. not bad for three days of work.." Jasper eyed his muscular figure.

Steven kissed his bicep and smiled at it.

"I didn't teach you that."
Jasper cocked a brow as she watched movement with crossed arms.


Moody day, would rain pretty soon..
Steven kneeled down by a fire, waiting for his teacher to arrive.

For it was time..

"I found some new rocks." Jasper announced as she appeared to view.

"You won't believe how hard it is to find a good rock around here." Shame on you world! They command you supply only the best materials for their training..

But... Steven was done with these.. pebbles..
"I'm done with rocks Jasper.." Steven reminded.


He was ready... To take on her..
After challenging her he stomped onto the fire before him, with his chancla.. One of the most powerful relics in the universe. But what the chancla did not know is that one day.. it will take on the almighty crocs..

The wind blew around in a spiral, Jasper's hair blowing around like a conditioner commercial.

She giggled and cracked her knuckles "It's about time.."
She dragged her foot against the flooring in a circular motion and stomped back at him, blow just as big as his.

"Come on then! Show me what you've learned!" Jasper persuasively commanded.

And in battle they engaged.
Shield V.S fists.

First shot was a shield in which Jasper jumped over and strived to pounce over him, landing behind him. She tried to get the hand-to-hand combat but Steven shielded himself. And when she finally broke though his shield; threw a punch at him.

Which he dodged, and returned.
Realising how impactful the punch was he took his hand back and gasped.

Of course, Jasper was fine and summoned her crash helmet. Jasper sprung up ready for her Big Bang, Steven realised what he had coming and held his shield up.

She banged her head through the shield right onto his skull. Another punch to the stomach sent him flying back into debris and a coughing fit.

"WHAT'RE YOU HOLDING BACK FOR!?? YOU THINK I CAN'T TAKE IT!?? I'm not gonna coddle you Steven! You have someone else for that!!" Jasper yelled

"If you can't keep up then go home to your gems and your honey!!"

"You told me you got them all off your mind, you told me you got her off your mind!! Those gems making up that 'Garnet' were good, they were useful gems! But they wasted away their use! 'Love' has always been weak and soft!" Jasper repeated in different words, yet just as harsh words as before.

Are you swooned in love?
Are you... weak?"

"I'M NOT!"
He yelled, so loud in fact he almost beat Lion at it. Jasper flew back at the impact, almost falling to her knees.

He got hang of the air and zoomed toward her. Threw some fists for a moment before Jasper sent him flying back.

He held up the hexagon shield once again, but it was three stuck together forming one thick one.

Steven sent it flying toward her, causing her feet to draw against the floor and her body to smash against one of the trees, breaking it..

But this time he didn't care to heal it, not for a while with anything he broke, even if it were his girlfriends heart.

Steven's weary panting slowly turned into laughter..
Venomous.. poisonous.. laughter. Not a single bit of remorse or even control in this man.

Jasper threw the shield out of her path "That's more like it.." she grinned devilishly.

He lunged after her with electric force, throwing punch after punch at her forearms as they zoomed through the forest.

"Come on! Come on!" She encouraged the horrid fire in him.

He continued to laugh at this, even looking like Jasper herself as his volume increased.

He thrusted her toward the ground from the sky and launched 4 shields to her side harshly, trapping her between them tightly in place.

He summoned a whole barrier with the hexagonal design.
"You're right Jasper.."

Sharp spikes appeared at the front and sides of this oddly shaped weapon.

"I have been holding back.."

The barrier launched toward the trapped gem furiously.
Jasper watched this happen in terror.

He passed the limit..


Running like the wind back home.

"I've sent so many messages but he hasn't replied!" Pearl paced around the room with her phone in her hand. Garnet on the sofa comforting a sobbing Y/N and Amethyst on the staircase.. thinking..

Until the door smashed open and Steven blasted past them.
One direction only.

"Steven!" Pearl exclaimed as everyone looked up at him.

"Steven! Where have you been!?"
"We've looked everywhere for you!"
"Steven I didn't mean to slap you in the face, I'm sorry.."
Y/N's voice echoed in from the door.

Steven pressed his back to the door and hung his head back.

"Not now Y/N!!" He told her weakly.

Ran to the bathtub and turned it on.
Threw the essences in.
And barely caught his breath.

He reached into his pocket and looked down at the crime...

Jasper's shattered gem in his trembling palm.
He'd committed a homicide.

He tried to piece back the shards and squeezed them inside his palm.

Loud banging began at the door begun, shaking him up even more.

"Please, please let this work.."
He dipped his hands in the watery essence.

"Jasper I'm sorry, please come back.."
His own tears added to the elixir.

The door bust open only to be locked again.

"Y/N! What the heck you too?"
"Take a hint!! jeez!!" Y/N replied.

She then sighed and looked over to her boyfriend.

"What did you do?" She spoke coldly and kneeled down by him.
Steven looked down at his hands once again.

He shut his eyes again and the drip-drop of his tears echoed through the room as the only noise there.

"Quartz? Steven, hello? I'm talking to you." Y/N repeated.

"I-I shattered her.."
Steven let the shards escape from his palms as he brought his knees to his chest.

"I SHATTERED JASPER!!" He yelled into her face.

Y/N looked down into the tub again and gasped at the shards just..


Y/N gathered them up in her hands and stared at them as Steven's low sobs echoed through the room, each one full of pain and regret.


There was a chime.
The chime of life.

Steven gazed to Y/N and saw the glint in her palm who she placed back in the water.

He glimpsed her hand as she pulled it back from the water, blood running from the bottom of her thumb.

He grabbed her wrist tightly and gazed upon the injury "Why'd you do that? What'd you do?" Steven asked her, staring deep into her piercing eyes.

"What do you think I did?" Y/N pulled her hand back from his grasp.

A figure started to form from the tub.
"Saved you some homicidal guilt is what I did." (ᵒᵒᶠ)
She stood from the bathroom floor and let the rest unfold.

Jasper reformed thankfully, and out of her mind too.
Her panting diluted as she scanned her body in disbelief.

"What..?.. you... shattered me.." Jasper stammered
"Jasper, I'm so sorry I should've stopped I-I just wasn't thinking!" Steven apologised immediately.

"Who told you to storm off?" Y/N growled from the sink, patching up the bleeding gash on her thumb.

Jasper stepped out of the tub toward him.

"I bow.. to your strength.." She decided humbly as she got down on one knee to him.

"I brought you back. Other than that he was merely useless and you'd be dead." Y/N finished what she was doing and closed the vanity.

"Y/N I--
"Not. now, Steven."

She narrowed her gaze, repeating his every word from when he arrived. Steven's eyes widened as he realised this and cut himself off, he clocked back to Jasper and let her finish her announcement.

"My Diamond.."



I g h t   T h e n

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