Polis Underground

By HeDa_WaHeDa

39.8K 1.5K 1.3K

Clarke goes to college and her friends drag her out of some "college fun". She ends of making eye contact wit... More

Chapter 2: How To Get Tips
Chapter 3: Stolen Car
Chapter 4: Karaoke Night
Chapter 5: 'Mystery' Number
Chapter 6: Shampoo
Chapter 7: Just A Necklace
Chapter 8: Mama Shae
Chapter 9: The Party
Chapter 10: Vestibular Schwannoma
Chapter 11: Fight, Flight, Freeze
Chapter 12: Payback Is Hell
Chapter 13: Bartender Doesn't Count
Chapter 14: Really Pretty Girl
Chapter 15: Bubbles
Chapter 16: I Thought You Were Dead
Chapter 17: Her New Princess
Chapter 18: She Promised
Chapter 19: Chicken Nuggets
Chapter 20: I Like This One
Chapter 21: Someone You Shouldn't Test
Chapter 22: I'll Stay

Chapter 1: The Commander

3.8K 81 78
By HeDa_WaHeDa

Clarke's POV

I neatly stack the last box of my junk into my car. Wiping the small bead of sweat from my head I turn to see my mother with tears in her eyes. I give her a light smile as she brings me into a hug.

"Oh, baby, I'm going to miss you." She says holding me. I hug her back with a smile.

"I'm going to miss you too, Mom." I let out with the little air that I have from her hugging me. It's true I am going to miss her, however, being 21 and living with your mom because you decided to put off college for a while didn't happen to be the best choice I have ever made.

"Okay..." She says slowly letting go of me but still holding onto my shoulders, "Call me when you reach your dorm and get all settled in. I want to know everything about the drive to the college and about how you feel and-"

Her rant is cut short when my younger sister Madi comes running out and hugging my knees. My step Dad, Kane, following after her. After my father died it took a long time for my Mom to get back out there, but when she did she met Kane and he has always loved and helped our family.

Those two brought along my little sister who is a crazy amount younger than me at 7 years old. I pick up Madi and hug her. "I love you Madi.... I'll be back."

I kiss her head and she whispers to me, "I love you too, Clarke." My heart melts that I have to leave her but I trust Mom and Kane to watch over her.

I put her down and hug Kane. "Goodbye sweetheart. Drive safe." Kane says kissing my head. My Mom grabs me into another hug.

"Mom... i'm 21 i'll be fine." I say and she nods letting go of me.

"Uh. Don't do drugs... stay away from bad people.... frat boys are bad!" She calls out to me as I get in the car and wave to them. Pulling out of the drive way I see my family waving at me. I wave back as I move down the road and turn out of my neighborhood.

Polis University. What a big step from Arkadia High School and then serving food as a waitress for 3 years. I was ready to get out of this town. I know Polis is a smaller town than Arkadia but it's a change. New people. New sites. A new life. That's what I want.

My bestfriends are already at Polis University. They went straight to college, unlike me. I'm so excited to see them again. I mean yes we skype and things like that but I am a very.... touchy person.... I don't know.... if I am friends with someone I tend to like to hug them.... you know? That made no sense... my thoughts are rambling now.

As I pull onto the highway I call the group chat...




"CLARKIEEEE!" Raven calls out making me jump.

"Jesus Raven! I'm driving!" I yell back at her with a smile. I love Raven. We have been bestfriends sense we were born. Her mom was horrible to her and so she pretty much lived with me and my family. We are practically sisters.

"Jesus has nothing to do with Raven." Octavia insults and I snicker. Octavia joined Raven and I in the friend group in middle school when Raven had a huge crush on her. It wore off because she became one of the sisters.

"Hey now! Jesus loves me and my obsession to blow things up, thank you very much." Raven says offended.

"Anyway... Clarke did Abby actually let you go or did Kane have to pry her off you?" Octavia questions while obviously focused on something else.

"Bit of both." I answer moving around a car that's going really slow. I hate slow drivers.

"Makes sense." Raven says and I hear a little zap. "ouch."

"Raven are you building something that can blow up inside your dorm?" Octavia asks for me.

"Nooo... jeez you guys treat me like i'm five..." She says acting offended again. "I mean it shouldn't blow up.... i wouldn't put it pass the machine but eh." I can hear Ravens shrug making me now scared for the lives of the students that live in that dorm. And of course Raven too.

"Raven don't blow up the school before I get there." I say sternly while looking at the directions on my phone glancing back up at the road ever second. 

"Clarke get off your phone." Octavia says. "I feel like the mom of this group." she mutters to herself.

"You are." Raven and I say at the same time. "And I need to look at my phone to see where i'm going." I add.

"She has a point O." Raven points out.

"Okay you guys are distracting. I have homework." She says and I can hear her shuffle some papers around. "Clarke, I love you drive safe. Text me when you get here."

"Where is my 'I love you'" Raven asks offended again.

"It's waiting for when you grow up." O says and Raven gasps. I just laugh.

"I am hurt." Raven gasps again in shock of Os words.

Octavia sighs. "I love you both... be safe." She says as she hangs up.

"Soooooo Clarkie....." Raven starts.

"I don't want to talk about it Rae." I automatically cut her off. Last summer wasn't the best for me.

"Listen... you can't let this Finn thing bubble up inside you." Raven starts with a more serious tone. "What he did to you was wrong... you need to talk about it before it explodes out of you." I am quiet.

Finn really broke me. Sense he... sense he did what he did I have felt like a piece of me is gone. He tore something from me when he....

Raven cuts me out of my thought, "you alive baby G?" I shake my head lightly to get the horrid memories out of my mind.

"Mhm." I answer. "Just thinking."

"I-" Raven stops and curses under her breath. "My hot roommate is back I have to go."

"Your- Your what?" Before she could hear my question she hangs up. "Ohhh Reyes you are dead for this." I whisper to myself while shaking my head.


After 3 hours on the road I make it to the University. I pull up by the dorms and get out of the car. By the time I get out Octavia and Raven choke me into a hug. I hold my girls. I've missed them.

"Clarkie!!!" Raven calls out louder than necessary. I really don't want to draw that much attention to myself.

"Shhh. Raven." I say smacking her head when they let go. "Also you and I are going to talk about this roommate of yours."

"Her roommate? What about her roommate?" Octavia questions looking questionably at Raven.

Raven shrugs with a fake smile. "Clarke!" I hear call my name. Octavia starts interrogating Raven. I turn to see Bellamy and smile. He is like a big brother to me. I hug him and see Murphy behind him.

I smirk at them and Bellamy blushes. "I brought those boys to carry some boxes." Octavia says opening the car. We each grab a few boxes and are able to make it to my dorm in one run. I didn't bring that much.

I smile at my friends as they put boxes down on my side of the room. My roommate isn't in the room yet but I just shrug it off. I look around and smile at my side of the room.

"We will leave you to unpack but be ready by 8 because we are going to bring you to some good old fashion Polis University fun." Raven says with a smirk as she walks out. Bellamy waves at me and leaves with Murphy.

"Don't be scare." Octavia says kissing my cheek. "They smell fear." She whispers in my ear and I roll my eyes while watching her leave. I turn to my boxes that I need to get unpacked.


I finish unpacking and organizing at about 4. I grab my phone and call my Mom. She answers at the first ring.

"Clarke!" She answers excitedly. I can hear her smile from 3 hours away.

"Hey Mom. I'm all settled in." I say smiling to myself. I'm finally in collage.

"That's good. How are you liking the campus?" She asks and I laugh a little.

"I haven't really seen it yet. I met up with O, Rae, Bell, and Murphy. They helped me bring my boxes in." I inform her.

"Oh. So sweet. Is Bellamy still seeing Murphy?" She asks me. I remember telling her they were dating in high school because pretty much the whole school thought they were.

I laugh, "They have never been official but we all know." I love messing with murphamy.

"Mhm..." She says trying to think of another topic to keep me on the phone longer. Luckily I think faster.

"Well, i'm going to go find some food and look around the campus." I say trying to get her to hang up.

"Okay. Be safe baby. I love you." I can tell she is about to speak again.

"Love you too mom." I say and hang up before she can keep me on the the phone any longer. I know it sounds harsh but I need some breathing room. I through my phone in my back pocket.

I grab a jacket and leave my dorm with my keys in my hand. When I leave the dorm I walk around the campus that has students trying to get from point A to point B with minimum trouble.

Not many students were out seeing as it was almost 5 and the evening classes were about to start. But when you do see students they are usually with at least one other person.

They walk with some friends or by themselves. Some students travel on a bike and some travel on a skateboard. I smile at the fact that i'm no longer in Arkadia.

Arkadia had so many cars and noises. Everyone was working like it was their last day in Earth. Polis is just.... peaceful.


After getting food and looking around the campus I make it back to my dorm. My roommate wasn't there yet. I frown a little and text the group chat.

what do i have to wear tonight?

it's not formal


desperate much?

hey. i am allowed to appreciate my bestfriend's beauty

you guys are weird

Raven- wear it.

I will... calm down

Octavia- Bell is going to pick us up at parking garage H


Raven- oh clarkie you aren't ready for this

Octavia- i mean if clarke's wearing the crop top.... no ones gonna be ready for my babes beauty😍

Raven- excuse me.... she is my babe

There is enough of me to go around my babes 😘

Raven- clarke in the blue crop top>> everyone else

I smile lightly at my phone and get changed into the blue crop top that Raven forced me to wear. I fix my hair a little and put some light makeup on. Grabbing my phone and keys I leave the room.

I finally make it to parking garage H and see everyone already in Bellamy's car. I get in and sit behind Bellamy who is in the drivers seat. Murphy is in the passengers seat and Octavia is behind Murphy leaving Raven in between O and I.

"Wooooooooo lets go!!" Raven calls out.

"You're crazy." Bellamy whispers.

"Just drive." Raven says sitting up and touching the radio. Murphy smacks her hand away. "Sorry... I forgot... boyfriend privileges."

Bellamy blushes. "We aren't dating Reyes." Murphy says annoyed but he is also blushing.

"Ya ya." Octavia says rolling her eyes at her brother and his obvious boyfriend.

After about 20 minutes we turn into this alley way and Bellamy parks. It's very dark and there are a few people just loitering.

"Are you guys about to sacrifice me?" I ask a little worried.

"No now get out!" Raven says excitedly while crawling over me to open the door and push me out. We all get out and go to this tiny staircase that has an iron door by it. Raven knocks on it and holds up a piece of paper to the eye whole. The door opens almost automatically and I hear yelling and cheering.

When we walk into the small, dim lit, room I see people crowded around a boxing ring. The room has a yellow tint from the old light bulbs. In the center of the small room was an even smaller boxing ring. The ring was made out of wood and old rope. It looked rusty and was obviously a splinter hazard. In the ring there are two large men carrying an even larger man out of the ring. An even bigger man is standing with his arms up in victory. People are cheering so loud I feel my ear drums ripping.

"ANNNNNNNDDDDD GIVE IT UP FOR YOUR KING ROAN!!!!!!!" A tall skinny man says into a microphone. The crowd cheers as Roan is handed a box. He opens it to see stacks of money. Bets.

Roams smile widens as he closes the box and throws his arm up again. He exits to the side. Not turning back. I can see as his shoulders slump walking out he doesn't want to be here.

Raven grabs my wrist bringing me through the crowd till we are as close as we can be to the ring.

"Next up we have.... your favorite.... your fearless champion.... ONTARI THE NIGHTBLEEDA!!!!!!!!" The crowd roars at their champs name. "Known for her head shots being..... deadly." The announcer says with a theatrical voice. The crowd once again cheers.

"Against  our champion is..... a rookie!" The crowd laughs already making bets in the box that is being passed around. "Against Ontari the Nightbleeda we have...... drumroll please..... THE COMMANDER!!!!!" You hear boos fill the room. "Place your bets now!" The announcer says as he goes to the side of the ring to talk to someone.

Loud music fills the small room. Everyone here is sweaty from the little air circulation. I turn to Raven who is dancing with O.

"So for fun you guys watch people punch each other." I yell in her ear and she nods with a smile. I shrug. This probably goes against what I am going to college for. I want to be a neurosurgeon like my mom. Watching people throw punches at heads isn't what I would do for fun but..... I guess I just need to get out of my comfort zone.

"LADIES AND GENTS..... YOUR CHAMPION!!!!!" The announcer calls as a fairly short woman runs out of the side room with gloves on. She has a very good load of muscle. The crowd cheers as she stands on the ropes of the ring with her arms up. I can hear my friends losing their voices while cheering.

"And to go against our Champion!!!!! THE COMMANDER!!!!" The announcer shouts into the mic. Everyone boos as another woman calmly walks out onto the ring. I am stunned.

Her brown hair is brought back into a ponytail showing her amazingly sharp jaw line. She has a face that shows no weakness and no emotion. Her face has small beads of sweat covering it. My eyes scan down her body over her sports bra into her chiseled abs. They already have sweat on them from the hot room. She is wearing boys shorts but you can see her strong calves. My eyes float back up to her arms. They have tattoos on them that I just want to trace. You can see the lumps of muscle on her arms. She turns her back to me showing her beautiful tattoo covered by bits of her bra. She is absolutely gorgeous.

I feel Raven push my jaw up and I shake myself out of the gaze. Everyone else in the room was in shock by her physique. They quiet down a little and start questioning if Ontari can actually beat this goddess.

Ontari turns to see why the crowd went silent and is also in shock of the rookie. She turns back to the room and shouts, "YA SHE LOOKS GOOD BUT CAN SHE FIGHT?!" This gets the crowd going again.

I see The Commander smile lightly at Ontari words. Oh she can fight. I can tell by her small smirk that disappears in seconds that she is confident but doesn't want to show it.

The announcer comes to the center. "Now ladies come join me in the center." He says and Ontari walks... more like struts to the center. The Commander walks over fixing her glove a little with her mouth.

"Okay ladies... you know the rules... first to KO is...." The announcer starts but let's the crowd finish for him, "OUT!!" The crowd shouts.

The girls touch gloves and the match begins. I know this isn't how boxing works. There has to be a point system.

The Commander keeps her hands up and watch's Ontario's every move. Ontari mocks,her keeping her hands down and smiling at her. "Come on pretty girl." I hear Ontari shout and the crowd roars.

The Commander stays in the same position while they circling each other. Ontari shrugs and goes to throw a punch at The Commander. The Commander merely blocks it and hits Ontari in the gut. Ontari backs off and looks at The Commander in shock.

She goes again at The Commander. Ontari continues to  throw punches at her opponent. Ontari misses every shot.  The Commander just moves around. After studying her opponent The Commander goes off. She throws a punch at Ontari watching her block it like she knew she would leaving Ontari open on the right. The Commander takes the chance to hit her gut again. Ontari gasps as The Commander quickly goes to work hitting her into the corner. Once Ontari is officially cornered The Commander takes hits on hits until Ontari finally managed to get onto The Commanders body and clutch her. (When you clutch in boxing you basically have to stop punching the other and move away from each other before you start boxing again).

They separate and The Commander walks pass me. Our eyes catch and the room around me goes silent. Everything around her is now a blur. All I can see is her and.... her eyes. They glow green of the woods. I feel my throat stiffen as I look in them. The specks of hazel and yellow in them truly are beautiful. As if hitting a switch her commander face turns off and her eyes flood with emotion. She just looks at me and slowly comes to a stop just to look at me.

During this time Ontari has gathered herself again and comes full force into The Commander jabbing her right in the jaw. The switch is flipped again and the emotion in her eyes is gone as she turns to easily block Ontaris next hit. The Commander easily just throws a punch at Ontari's left temple knocking her to the hard wooden floor of the ring. The Commander doesn't even flinch as the crowd starts erupting with screaming. It's not even cheering at this point it's just plan screaming.

The Commander walks over to her corner of the ring watching Ontari closely. I see her whisper something under her breath. The ref counts down from ten watching Ontari try to get up but is just having trouble. by the time The ref gets to 6 Ontari has given up trying to get up. She just lays there. The crowd joins in while counting down.

"3.... 2.... 1.... OUT!" The crowd cheers loudly as The Commander just walks over to the announcer that holds her sweaty..... muscular..... tattooed..... i need to stop.... he lifts her arm up..... just her arm. "LADIES AND GENTS!!! YOUR NEW CHAMP!!!" He calls out and the crowd goes wild. The Commander just looks down at her dirty converse.

The Commander is handed the box of bets. She doesn't open it. She fist-bumps the ref and announcer. She can't shake their hands cause she has boxing gloves on. The Commander leaves the ring and leaves the small room that is full of people cheering her name. 

She leaves like she was never here. She leaves like she didn't just knock someone out on the wood floor. Two men go retrieve Ontari and follow The Commander.

The crowd just cheers wanting more from their new champ.




Who is this Commander?

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