Keeping Up With the Briefs

By moonchildkd

15.2K 467 399

The last thing eighteen-year-old Pan expected was to become pregnant in her last year of High School. The str... More

Rumors and Lies
Snipes, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails
It's A Date
Food Bribes
I'm Not Going Anywhere
Our Baby
Always Welcomed
It's Always You
Drunk Confessions
I Love You
A Ghost From the Past
Time Will Tell
Forever By Your Side


2K 26 20
By moonchildkd

This is an AU, obviously. So, everyone is human! It's a modern day, slice-of-life, friends-to-lovers, fic! Enjoy!

Pan is Goku and Chi-Chi's daughter. Why? Because I can, that's why.


I am just simply a girl writing fanfics for my OTP.

1 - Expecting

Two lines. Two lines. Pregnant.

Pan swallowed the lump in her throat as she looked at the three pregnancy tests in front of her. The nausea she had been feeling on and off again for the last month reared its ugly head and she swallowed down the bile that threatened to come up. Dread filled her body from head-to-toe.

Being pregnant at eighteen and in her last year of High School was something that Pan never thought would happen to her. She was a good student and at the top of her class. She wasn't a virgin, though. A few months ago, she and her boyfriend at the time, Shun had unprotected sex. It had been the first and last time they had ever slept together, and the whole ordeal had been rather quick and disappointing for Pan. Their breakup had been a blessing in disguise, and Pan hadn't thought much about Shun until now. She had been so sure back then that it had been okay. It had been her first time, and pregnancies for first-timers were rare, weren't they?

Looking back, Pan knew she should have known better. It's what she got for being careless. She took a deep breath to try to calm her erratic heart. It was the middle of Christmas Break, so she would have a bit of time on her hands before she had to worry about telling Shun the news. Still, she knew she had to tell her parents, and that thought gripped at her insides and made her frozen with fear. Pan wasn't scared of getting yelled at, but the thought that she would see a disappointing look on her mother's face made her tremble.

Pan knew she could try to hide it, but she knew it wouldn't last long. Plus, she didn't want to keep something like this a secret. She knew she would need help - she had no idea how to handle a baby or even to handle pregnancy. The urge to run down the stairs and throw herself into her mother's lap was almost overwhelming.

Slowly, Pan stood up from her spot on her bathroom floor and picked up the pregnancy test. She laid them on her counter carefully before she looked at her reflection. Her shoulder-length dark hair was pushed back behind her ears, and her face looked extra pale. Dark circles due to sickness and stress were starting to form under her eyes. Her family believed she had caught a stomach bug, and Pan had too until she had missed her period. Only Bulla had known of her worries, and it had been Bulla who picked up the pregnancy tests for her. Pan would text her later to let her know the results - if she still had a phone or a life after talking with her parents.

Pan washed her face and dried it off before walking out of her room. Her parents were downstairs in the living room, cuddled up together on the couch. Pan felt queasy as she stepped into the room and took a seat on the edge of the recliner beside the couch. Her mother glanced up and smiled at her.

"How are you feeling, Sweetheart?"

Pan's throat tightened instantly. Her eyes widened as tears started running down her cheeks. Her chest felt tight and a lump rose into her throat. What had she done? She was going to make them so disappointed.

"Panny!" Goku yelped as they jumped up from the couch. He ran to the side of the chair and started rubbing Pan's back and Chi-Chi knelt down in front of her and tried to wipe Pan's face.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Chi-Chi asked, her voice high with alarm.

"I- I'm pregnant," Pan choked out. She wasn't sure if her parents heard her or not, but they stilled and with her heart threatening to leap out of her throat, Pan whispered hoarsely, "I'm pregnant."

"Oh, Panny," Chi-Chi whispered quietly.

Pan crumpled over and broke out into a loud sob. She was glad her tears covered her eyes because she didn't want to see the look in her parent's eyes. They hated her now - she just knew it!

She was ready for a heavy scolding, but Pan gasped in surprise as she felt arms wrap around her and hold her tightly. She opened her eyes and through her blurry eyes she could see her Mama holding her tightly and rocking her. Her Papa was still rubbing her back gently. Both of them were cradling her so gently that Pan couldn't help but continue to sob.

Pan wasn't sure how long they stayed like that, but it felt like hours before her cries finally turned into soft sniffs. Chi-Chi pulled away and reached over to the small table beside the couch and pulled out a tissue from the box. She wiped Pan's cheeks and then her nose. Pan couldn't meet her eyes; she was too ashamed.

"I'll let you two talk," Goku said softly before he gave Pan's head a gentle pat.

"Come on," Chi-Chi said as she grabbed Pan's hand and led her into the dining room. She sat Pan down at the table before she went into the kitchen and started making something. Several minutes later, she came back out with two steaming mugs of hot chocolate and sat one down in front of Pan.

Pan grabbed the mug in front of her and stared at it. She didn't know what to expect, but she knew her mother would be asking a lot of questions.

"Is it Shun's?" Was Chi-Chi's first question.

Pan nodded. "He's the only guy I ever -" she cleared her hoarse throat. "We only did it once," she whispered. "I never would have thought -" she shook her head, ashamed.

"Sometimes it only takes one time, I would know that from experience," Chi-Chi said, her voice still soft.

Pan glanced up at her Mama. Her eyes felt swollen and sore, but she could see the comforting smile on her Mama's face. "You?" She whispered.

Chi-Chi nodded. "The truth is, I was pregnant with Gohan when I married your Papa."

Pan's eyes widened. The statement was news to her. When her Mama had given her the sex talk at twelve, she had made it clear that she had waited until her wedding night.

"Your Papa and I hadn't been dating long," Chi-Chi admitted. "We had only been seeing each other for a few months when he stayed the night with your grandfather and I. He had his own room, but of course, I went to visit him. One thing led to another and we made love for the first time that night. It was almost a month later when I realized I was pregnant. When I told your Papa, I suggested that we go ahead and get married, and he - " she let out a small laugh - "agreed, even though he had thought marriage was some type of food."

Pan felt her lips twitch. That did sound like her Papa. "So you two had a shotgun wedding?" She asked in surprise.

"I guess you could call it that," Chi-Chi said with a small nod. "Everyone thought Gohan was conceived as soon as we got married, and that he was born a month early. With Goku being his father, no one was too surprised to see that Gohan was big and healthy. No one but me and Goku knew that Gohan was actually a few weeks past due," she gave Pan a smile. "Even though your Papa and I got married because I was pregnant, I was very lucky to find a man who truly loves me. Not all shotgun weddings work, you know."

Pan nodded slowly. She felt a little at ease now that she knew that her Mama had a similar experience than her. "I'm sorry, Mama," she whispered. "I wish I had talked to you about birth control or something. I guess I was too embarrassed."

"So do I, but we can't change the past, Panny. We have to look toward the future now," she reached out and grabbed Pan's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Have you told Shun?"

Pan shook her head. "I wanted to tell you and Papa first."

"I'm glad you did," Chi-Chi told her with a nod. "Have you thought about what you're going to do?"

"I want to keep it," she whispered. She glanced at Chi-Chi quickly and her eyes widened. "Is that okay?" she asked warily. She had nowhere to go. What if her parents didn't want a baby in the house?

"Panny, this is your decision," Chi-Chi squeezed Pan's hand. "Whatever you decide, I will support you and help you in any way we can."

Pan sniffed as her eyes grew blurry. "I want to keep in," she said again, this time more confidently. She placed a hand on her stomach. She was terrified and uncertain, but this baby was hers to protect and to love.

"Okay," Chi-Chi nodded. "Then that settles it. We'll make an appointment with the OBGYN, and I want you to think about telling Shun. He's the baby's father, he deserves to know at least."

Pan took a deep breath. Somehow, telling Shun seemed a lot scarier than telling her parents.


Trunks was already awake when he heard his door open with a soft click. His lips threatened to twitch but he managed to keep his eyes closed and his face straight. There was a soft grunt as light weight shifted on the other side of his bed. Little footsteps danced around him before someone crawled over him and plopped by his side.

"Daddy," a soft, silvery voice whispered.

Again, Trunks' lips threatened to twitch, but he controlled himself and pretended to be asleep.

"Daddy!" The voice called again, now tugging on Trunks' shirt.

Trunks laughed as he opened his eyes. His two-year-old daughter was looking up at him. Her lavender hair was a mess on the top of her head, and she was still wearing her pink pajamas. Her silver eyes were shining as she smiled up at Trunks.

"Hana-bee," Trunks said as he ruffled her hair. "How long have you been up?"

Hana tilted her head. "I'm up now," she said simply.

Trunks let out a small laugh and nodded his head. "Are you hungry?"

"Nona's 'cakes!"

"Yes," Trunks sat up and stretched as Hana started jumping across his bed. "You can have some of your Nona's pancakes. Let's get dressed first."

Twenty minutes later, Trunks and Hana were dressed and headed towards the main house at Brief Manor. Trunks was currently staying at the guest house a quarter of a mile away. It gave him and Hana some privacy, but he was still so close to home that if he ever needed anything he could just rush over.

Trunks was almost to Brief Manor's side door when heavy footsteps were heard on the pathway. He turned to see Goten running up to them with a grin.

"I caught you two just in time!"

"TEN!" Hana squealed as she squirmed in Trunks' arms.

"Hey, Hana!" Goten caught her as Trunks held her out. He chuckled as he watched Goten throw her up in the air a few times. Hana had always adored Goten, and he had always had a soft spot for her. "What are you two doing?" Goten asked, now holding Hana. "You're going to the main house, right?"

"Let me guess, you want to stay for breakfast?"

"Yep," Goten's grin widened. "I needed to get out of the house. Things have been so weird there lately."

"Weird, how?" Trunks asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know," Goten sighed. "For the last several days, Pan's been so moody. Her and Mom have been whispering to each other a lot. Every time I get near one of them they stop." He gasped suddenly, "Maybe they're working on a surprise party for me! I know my birthday is still a month away, but it could be it, right?"

Trunks snorted and shook his head. "You don't know what's wrong with Panna? Hasn't she been sick lately?" He remembered Bulla telling their mother the other day how Pan hadn't been feeling well.

"Yeah, she's been out of it for the last month or so," Goten shrugged.

They entered through the side door of the main house, and Trunks took Hana from Goten as he helped her take off her coat and shoes. He held her hand as they followed Goten into the kitchen.

"- I can't believe it," Trunks heard his mother whisper. "Is Pan okay?"

Trunks' eyes widened, and he glanced at Goten in confusion. He seemed just as confused as he knitted his brows together. Quietly, they walked closer towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, she's as good as she can be," Bulla sighed. "Chi-Chi took her to the doctor yesterday, and the doctor said that everything looks good. Pan was happy that the baby was healthy and she got on some vitamins. When I got off the phone with her earlier she said she was on her way to West City Mall to talk to that jerk, Shun. She still has to tell him the news -"

Goten busted into the kitchen. "What are you saying?" He demanded.

Bulla gasped loudly as she turned around to look at the two of them. Trunks was too shocked to speak. Pan was pregnant? The Pan he knew? And with that asshole's baby?

"Bulla, tell me you're lying!" Goten's voice was shaking from anger. "Tell me that I didn't just hear -"

"Go - " Her eyes widened in surprise. "You weren't supposed -"

"Supposed to know?" Goten finished for her in a hiss. "Was I supposed to just wait until Pan's belly got swollen and then wonder what happened? Please, don't tell me that asshole is the dad," he snarled.

Bulla bit her lip nervously. It was obvious that this was something that Pan had wanted to keep away from Goten. Not forever, but until she had the chance to tell him herself. Goten hadn't liked her ex-boyfriend at all, and Trunks hadn't either. The guy had been a total Jackass, and Pan could do so much better. Still, the news that Pan was pregnant with that Jerk's baby was shocking.

"You said she's at West City Mall, right?" Goten asked.

Before Bulla could even answer, Goten turned on his heels and took off.

"Go!" Bulla yelled after him in horror.

"Hana, go to your Nona," Trunks said as he handed his daughter's hand to his mom. "I'll follow Goten and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid," he said before he turned and ran off.


The aroma of greasy food in the mall made Pan feel nauseated. She was sure that her nerves were not helping matters, either. She had asked Shun to meet her so she could tell him the news, and she worried about what his reaction would be.

The chair across from Pan was screeched loudly, and she glanced up in time to see Shun sitting down. He was good-looking, and he knew it. His overconfident attitude made him seem stuck-up, and he smirked at Pan as he moved some of his bleached blond hair out of his brown eyes. Pan stared at him for a moment and noticed that he still dressed like he did in Middle School, like a kid who was obsessed with becoming a professional skateboarder. Other than his looks and the fact that he had paid her attention, Pan wasn't sure what else she had seen in Shun that had made her like him.

"Thanks for meeting me," Pan was the first to speak. She was fighting to keep her voice steady. The little bit of breakfast her Mama had forced her to eat felt like it was about to come back up. Telling Shun was so much harder than she thought it would have been. If she had been sitting in front of someone she loved, would it be this hard?

"Honestly, I was surprised when you texted me," Shun said, a smirk still on his face. "I know our break-up was mutual, but I always felt like you hadn't wanted to end it as much as me."

"What?" Pan couldn't help but gape open-mouth at him. She had been relieved when their relationship had ended. What was he talking about?

"You know, we might be able to try things out again," Shun said. "Only if -"

"I'm not here to get back together with you!" Pan blurted out.

Shun's eyes widened in surprise, and Pan frowned at him. He couldn't seriously think that she wanted to get back together with him, did he?

Shun softened his face into a natural look. "Then why did you ask me to meet you here?" He asked, now sounding bored.

Pan let out a sigh. It was time. Even if she decided not to tell him, he would eventually find out. Plus, it was his child - he deserved to know. "I'm pregnant," she confessed.

Silent seconds turned into a very long minute. Shun's face became unreadable as his eyes zoned out. When he finally came back into reality, his face grew hard. "Is this some sort of joke?" He asked. "I told you we could work things out between us again. You don't have to make this shit up," he snarled.

"I'm not joking!" Pan nearly shouted. She wouldn't lie about something as serious as this! She could feel her eyes burning and she bit her lip to force herself to not look hurt. She would not cry in front of him. "Look -" she pulled out the ultrasound picture from her doctor's appointment the day before.

Pan had kept that picture on her ever since she had received it. Seeing her baby on the ultrasound and hearing it's little heartbeat solidified the reality that she was indeed going to have a baby. She was going to Mama.

Shun didn't even look at the picture. He just leaned over her out-stretched arm holding the picture and scoffed. "Why do you think it's mine?"

Pan felt her cheeks growing hot in annoyance as she held the ultrasound picture to her chest. How could he not even look at it properly? "You're the only person I have ever slept with," she hissed, forcing herself not to scream at him.

Shun shook his head as he clenched his jaw. "Liar!" he shouted. "You're just trying to trick me, aren't you? You -"

Suddenly, a blur moved in front of Pan. She watched in horror as Goten appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Shun by the front of his shirt and yanked him out of his seat! Shun yelped and his eyes widened in terror. He had always been fearful of Goten.

"Did you just call my sister a liar, you Bastard?!" Goten asked darkly as he shook Shun.

"Goten!" Pan cried in shock. What was he doing there?

"You!" Goten looked at her with a growl. "If you were smart, you would lie and say it's not his! How could you? You know better, Pan!"

Pan gasped. Her and Goten's relationship was like any other sibling relationship. They fought. They argued. They even had wrestling matches against each other. But at the end of the day, no one had her back like Goten did, and the feeling was vice versa. There was only fourteen months between the two of them. They were practically twins, and he was her best friend in ways that Bulla couldn't be. To hear him talk so harshly towards her, broke all the resistance she had been trying to hold in. She could feel her tears running down her cheeks.

"Goten!" A figure stepped in front of Pan and her stomach dropped. Trunks was there too?! How much worse could the day get? Trunks pried Goten away from Shun, who fell to the ground with a loud thud. "Calm down!"

"Calm down?!" Goten sneered. "Why should I? That piece of shit -"

"Look at her, Goten!" Trunks motioned towards Pan.

Goten's eyes met hers, and his eyes widened in surprise and shame. She could see the guilt in his dark eyes as he turned to look away as she quickly wiped her cheeks.

"Go calm down," Trunks told Goten. "Before you say something you don't mean and really hurt her feelings."

"I-" Goten began before he shook his head and took off.

"Got your brother to back you up, huh?" Shun demanded as he stood up. "You really are desperate -"

Trunks took a step in front of Pan, completely blocking Shun's view of her. She felt herself relax a little at knowing there was a blockage between the two of them and that she didn't have to see his face anymore.

"You are really starting to piss me off," Trunks hissed at Shun. "Get the fuck out of here and leave her alone," his hard voice demanded.

Shun didn't say anything more, but Pan could hear his sneakers as he turned and took off.

Trunks let out a small sigh as he turned around to face Pan. "Are you alright, Panna?"

"Yeah," she lied in a trembling voice.

"Of course you're not," he said flatly. "Come on," he wrapped a comforting arm around her. "I'll take you home."

Trunks' arm felt like a shield around Pan, and it gave her the strength she needed to walk out of the mall with him. His car wasn't parked that far away from the entrance, and he opened the passenger door for her. "Oh!" He gasped before he swooped down and moved a few barbies out of the front seat and to the back. "Sorry," he chuckled. "Hana was playing up here the other day while we waited to meet up with Mom."

"It's okay," Pan smiled softly as she got into the car.

Soon, Pan and Trunks were headed back to her home in the East District. The ride was silent, but it was comfortable. She had a lot to think about, and Trunks must have sensed that, because he was letting her think.

Shun would not be a doting father. Pan hadn't expected him to, but the way he had acted was still immature and hurtful. Pan had never cheated on him or slept around with anyone else. She grew angry again at the thought of him scoffing at the ultrasound picture. How dare he! He didn't have to be anything to her baby - she would do it all!

Then, there was Goten, who was angry. Pan had known from the beginning that he didn't like Shun, but Pan had ignored it, because she figured it had just been Goten acting like a typical older brother. Plus, Pan had known her and Shun wouldn't last. She had thought it would be just a High School fling, and getting pregnant by him was the last thing she expected.

"Do you think Goten hates me now?" Pan broke the silence as the city started to fade outside of her windows. Now endless miles of trees started to greet her.

Trunks let out a small snort. "No, Goten could never hate you, Panna. Shun, yes. But not you. You know he didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"I know," Pan mumbled.

"Doesn't make it hurt less though," Trunks said, as if reading her mind. "People say dumb and hurtful things when they're scared or angry. Is the picture you've been holding up to your chest the baby?" He asked curiously.

"Yes," Pan held it out for him to see.

Trunks took the ultrasound picture carefully. The road was barren now so he could look at it for a few seconds without worry about another driver coming. There was such a difference from the way Trunks reacted to the ultrasound picture than Shun.

"Amazing how something like that can happen, isn't it?" He said softly as he handed her the picture back. "It might not have been planned, but you'll see how it came at just the right time."

"Is it scary to do it all on your own?" Pan asked softly. He had been the same age she was now when he became a single dad.

"Yes," Trunks answered honestly. "But you learn as you go, and suddenly, one day, it's not that scary. There are still fears, but that just comes from being a parent, I think. The rewards far overshine the fears."

"That's nice to hear," Pan said with a relieved sigh.

"How far along are you?

"Eight weeks."

"So you won't find out if it's a boy or a girl for another few months, huh?"

"Probably not until February," Pan smiled. "I'm due in July." It felt nice to be telling someone other than her mother and Bulla the news.

"Looks like you'll have a summer baby," Trunks chuckled.

Soon, Trunks was pulling into Pan's driveway. She felt a little embarrassed that he had seen the scene from earlier, but she was also happy he had been there. He had calmed her down so much just by being calm himself and asking her questions about the baby.

"Thank you, Trunks," Pan told him softly. "Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome, Panna-bee," he smiled softly, and for the first time in years, Pan felt her heart start to race because of Trunks Brief.

I'm not saying Trunks named his daughter after Pan, BUT - he totally named her after Pan lmao 

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