His Dreamer


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Book 2 of the Jackson Series! With a family that wants nothing to do with her and nobody by her side to pick... More

The Jackson Series: Book 3!


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Chapter Twenty Seven - Surprises Galore

Ten months later.

I unlock the door before rushing into my bedroom. My hands are trembling as I take the tests out of the bag and bring them to the bathroom. For weeks now I have been feeling off and just a few days ago I started vomiting almost every morning. My tummy also looks bloated and I feel more tired than usual. At first I didn't think much of it...until I remembered that Hunter and I forgot to use a condom a while back.

With a deep breath I follow the instructions and do what I'm supposed to before leaving them on the counter. I had picked up six because...well I'm a maniac and didn't believe that only one or two would give me a correct answer. Taking a seat on the bed I wait with my poor heart racing a mile a minute.

Although I've just turned twenty-three and graduated months ago I feel nervous at the prospect of becoming a mom. After I testified in court and my family was found guilty they were sentenced to jail for their wrongdoings. But me and Hunter thought it was time to move on from our apartment and leave those memories behind.

We've now moved into a much more spacious place in Upper East Side, Manhattan. We have talked about starting a family which only pushed us further to make this move but I didn't expect to become pregnant so soon. 

I sigh before going to the kitchen to get some water so that I can calm down. The open space that houses the kitchen and the dining room is one of my most favorite places in the entire apartment. Our entire home has a modern feel to it with the white marble and dark wood but I transformed the kitchen into a relaxed setting where I can feel comfortable while cooking.

We live at the top of the building with two floors to ourselves. There's four beds and four equal bathrooms with a spacious seating area outside. I love the glass sliding doors that open to the rooftop where we've placed couches, lounge chairs and a larger dining table. The balcony is lined with green bushes, plants and flowers too. Wooden planks cover some of the rooftop space so thankfully we do have a little bit of privacy.

The sitting room is quite simple and of neutral color but it's a great place to relax at the end of the day. Floor to ceiling length walls cover almost an entire side of the whole apartment which sometimes serves as a distraction when I'm working but I love it nonetheless.

I take my glass of water back to the bedroom and hesitate before checking the tests. Tears instantly brim my eyes when they all state that I'm pregnant. A breathless laugh escapes me as I realize I have a little life growing inside of me. Thankfully, I had scheduled my regular blood tests and gave them two days ago so I should be able to get an answer today.

I grab my bag and coat before making my way out of the apartment again. This time I walk with a bounce to my step as I head towards the doctor's clinic. I'm filled with so much joy at the thought of a little Zoe or Hunter coming into our lives. I can't wait to tell him when he comes back from work. Should I surprise him? I wonder to myself before frowning in confusion. But how?

Humming thoughtfully, it doesn't take me long to reach the clinic and I walk inside to greet the receptionist. After a short time of waiting I'm called in by Doctor Jennings who leads me to a different room than usual. He checks my reports first as I tell him about the tests and he nods with a smile.

"You are indeed pregnant Zoe, congratulations! You're four weeks along and I'm going to schedule you in for an ultrasound in week eight." He types away on his computer before asking me some questions about my medical history. "I'm also prescribing you some vitamins that you should take during your pregnancy and we'll keep an eye on you in case you need anything else. Is that okay?"

I nod before asking him some more questions that have been floating around in my mind ever since I took the tests. He answers them patiently before handing me the prescription and reminding me of my next appointment. I thank him before leaving the clinic and heading to the nearest pharmacy to get what I need.

I decide to head to an arts and crafts store next to get a wooden box and plain cards before picking up a small hat that says "baby" on it. I'm thinking of putting the hat, one of the tests and a poem in it. But just as I've collected everything I get a text from Hunter.

Date night tonight. Go to Jordan's for a surprise. Don't come home until I get Zeke to pick you up. Love you!

I shake my head in amusement before hailing a cab to take me to Jordan's house. She doesn't live very far and excitement rises within me when I think about what her reaction will be when I tell her the news. She gave birth to a baby boy, Nicholas or Nick for short, who's now around four months old. He's the cutest little thing with chubby arms, legs and cheeks. I could cuddle him all day.

I'll have one of my own soon, I smile to myself at the thought. Will we have a boy or a girl? Will our child look more like me, or Hunter...or both? I can't stop the giddy feeling in my stomach as I think about what the future holds. All I want is my baby to be healthy and happy.

Eventually, I arrive outside Jordan's place and pay the driver before watching him speed off. Walking up the driveway I'm just about to ring the bell when Jordan opens the door with wide eyes. I chuckle softly when she presses a finger to her lips before waving at me to come inside.

"He's just gone down for a nap and I need him to stay asleep." She grins as she ushers me into her bedroom.

"I have to tell you something." I can't keep the excitement out of my voice. "I'm pregnant! Four weeks along!"

"Zoe!" She squeals excitedly as she gives me a bear hug. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you!" I laugh at her reaction. "I just found out a few hours ago so I'm going to surprise Hunter tonight. Although he suddenly decided on having a date night tonight."

"Yes, and I'm going to get you ready! So, let's get started and blow his mind!" She claps her hands and takes out a stunning dress from her wardrobe.

It's a black dress with a pleated skirt that comes down to my calves. The bodice is tight fitting with a sweetheart neckline and straps that tie into ribbons at my shoulders. It's slightly backless too.

"Where am I going dressed like that?!" I sputter in amazement as she hands me the dress and pushes me into the bathroom.

"No questions! Just get ready, we don't have that much time!" She giggles before closing the door.

I shake my head in amusement before getting changed into the beautiful dress. As soon as I step out Jordan smiles brightly as she takes me in. She brings me to her vanity and pushes me into a chair before getting started on my makeup and hair. Apparently Hunter had dropped off my makeup bag too which is clever.

Thankfully, she keeps it natural and simple with a light wash of color to my eyelids and a red lip. She curls my hair before running her fingers through the strands to loosen them up, just the way I like it. I put on my black heels and already had my rings and a simple necklace on so I didn't have to worry about that. But just as Jordan spritzes some perfume onto me Zeke calls me to say that he's outside. Jordan puts my things in a bag and I thank her gratefully with a tight hug.

"Enjoy your night and tell me all about it tomorrow!" She waves as I make my way towards the car.

"I will. Thanks again, Jordan!" I smile before greeting Zeke as I get in. "Do you know what Hunter has planned?"

"I'm afraid my lips are sealed, Zoe." He chuckles mischievously and I huff in mock disappointment.

We travel back home and I take the time to quickly write the poem for Hunter as a clue. I had seen this one online and decide to just roll with it since I don't have enough time to come up with something original. I write Roses are red, violets are blue. Inside me two hearts beat just for you!

I place everything in the wooden, decorative box before putting it back in the bag. Just in time we make it outside the apartment and I thank Zeke before hurrying into the lift. I'm relieved when nobody sees me in this fancy dress as I make it up to our apartment. Unlocking the door, I step inside only to be greeted by a path of red roses. Smiling widely, I put my things down but leave the box in the bag which I take with me.

I follow the path to the second floor and stop outside the sliding doors. Hunter had pulled down the blinds so I decide not to ruin it by peeking. I slide open the door only for my eyes to widen at the sight ahead. The furniture is slightly pushed back and a white curtain hangs from the gap between the wooden planks that cover a portion of our rooftop area. It curves around the blanket on the deck with string lights lining the material. There's multiple pillows and cushions on the blanket with big and small lanterns. I see a picnic basket too with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"You look incredible, Red." Arms wrap around my waist as a kiss is placed on the base of my bare neck.

My heart flutters and I turn to smile up at Hunter. He looks handsome in a dark green, velvet blazer, black button up shirt with trousers and shoes. I push up on my toes and press my lips to his while discreetly putting the bag on a nearby table while he responds eagerly.

It's about to get heated when he pulls away with a chuckle and guides me to the set up. I take a seat on the blanket and look around in amazement. Hunter takes a seat beside me and opens the basket before taking the Tupperware boxes out filled with food.

"You haven't been feeling well lately so I thought I could cheer you up with a date night at home." He grins and his thoughtfulness warms my heart.

"You're so sweet, thank you." I pull on his jacket for a gentle kiss. "Did you make all of this?"

"Yep! We have pasta, sandwiches, snacks and I finally perfected your nachos recipe." He winks with a proud glint in his eyes. "And of course, our favorite wine."

I smile nervously as he hands me a glass of the red drink. Setting it down beside me I hope he doesn't notice that I don't drink from it. We dig in and talk about our day, where I almost slip up and tell him about my pregnancy a few times. My gaze lands on the bag I had put down on the table by the door before I look back at him. When should I tell him? I wonder to myself.

"No dessert?" I tease as I finish my pasta.

"The brownies didn't turn out right so I chose to go with chocolate covered strawberries instead because I was running out of time. I hope that's alright?" He smiles sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's perfect." I laugh at the thought of him panicking. "When are we heading back to Dallas for Noah's birthday?"

"We'll leave on...Friday night? I have meetings until late so we'll be travelling during the night if that's okay." He asks as he takes a sip of his wine.

"That's fine. I'll wrap his presents before then." I nod before the color of the sky catches my eyes. "Look! The sun's setting, it's so pretty!"

I stand and make my way to the corner of our balcony, a spot where we can always catch the sun descending between the skyscrapers. It casts a beautiful, warm glow across the sky which makes me sigh contently. Sunrises and sunsets are two of my favorite things about nature.

"Not as pretty as you." I hear from behind which makes me laugh.

"Very cheesy –" I start but am cut off by own gasp when I turn to see Hunter kneeling before me. "Hunter...?"

"I love you, Red. Although we weren't the biggest fans of each other at the start I slowly started to fall for you the more I got to know you. You're all that I have ever wanted. You're perfect for me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" He asks and his eyes flicker with nervousness.

"Yes!" I grin as I fail to stop a traitorous tear from escaping.

He smiles widely before hugging me tightly. I squeal in surprise when he picks me up and twirls us around. Laughing as he sets me back down I push up on my toes and press my lips to his. It's gentle and sweet yet it still takes my breath away like every other time.

"I love you." I breathe as he slips the stunning diamond ring onto my finger.

"I love you too, so much." He chuckles before kissing me again.

"So, this is why you made me dress up huh?" I tease as I gesture to the set up.

"I wanted to make you feel special for today." He murmurs as he holds me close.

"Well you certainly achieved that." I grin before I remember my surprise for him. "I-I have a surprise for you too."

His brows raise and curiosity glimmers in his baby blues. "You do?"

"Yes, go sit." I pull him back to the blankets again before I go and grab the bag.

Butterflies flutter nervously in my tummy as I take the clue out before making my way back to him. I take a seat opposite him before putting the wooden box between us, facing him. He frowns in confusion as I give him the piece of card. I watch as he reads it and his brows furrow momentarily before his eyes widen.

"No way..." He breathes before quickly opening the box. He picks up the hat and the test before a wide grin blooms across his lips. "We're going to have a baby?!"

"Yes!" I yelp when he pounces on me and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I-I'm going to be a father? Holy shit! This is – it's amazing!" He laughs breathlessly as he cups my face and kisses me fiercely. "I'm so happy, Red! When did you find out?"

"I decided to take the tests this morning while you were at work. I had done my blood work a few days ago so when I went into the clinic Doctor Jennings was able to confirm it for me." I smile excitedly as I watch him stare at the hat and test again.

"Is this why you've been unwell these past few weeks?"

"Yeah, it's just the effects of pregnancy." He nods before a huge smile graces his lips again.

"We're going to be the best parents!" He grins which makes me laugh. "I'm going to take such good care of you, I promise. I'll be with you every step of the way."

"I love you, Hunt." I sigh as I press my lips to his. "You're going to be a great dad."

"And you're going to be the best mother." He smiles as he places his hand against my belly that doesn't even show that I'm pregnant yet. "I can't wait to meet her."

"Her?" I laugh as he nods stubbornly.

"We're going to have a beautiful little princess first who's going to be exactly like her mama." He grins cheekily as he takes my hand. "I can't wait to tell everyone!"

"We can surprise them when we're back in Dallas? Jordan already knows, I couldn't help myself." I smile sheepishly and he chuckles in response.

"We'll go out for dinner or something." He nods in agreement. "Now I realize why you weren't drinking the wine."

"You noticed?" I laugh as we glance to my still full glass.

"Yeah, I thought you just didn't feel well." He shrugs but smiles as he caresses the small hat. "Today was full of surprises, huh?"

"I'll never forget it." I smile as we share a kiss under the dwindling glow of the setting sun.

Update schedule is: twice weekly whenever I find time!

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- R.W. ♡

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