A Little Kindness

By melvintrey95

153K 4K 711

5 year old Naruto, was running from a mob of angry villagers. For what felt like the fifteenth time that week... More

Author's Note
A Friend for Life
Timeskip and Recap
Timeskip and Recap Part 2
Enter Sasuke
First Fight Part 2
Team Placements
The Bell Test
The First Mission
Sharingan Revelations
Advanced Training
Inari's Turmoil
Battle on the bridge 1
Battle on the bridge 2
Battle on the Bridge 3
Battle on the Bridge Finale
A new foe appears?!
That Time Already
The First Exam
The Second Stage
The Vipers Venom
Sasuke's Final Stand
The Cherry Blossom Wilts
The Sound of Silence
The Third Stage is.....Postponed?!?
A History Lesson
A Family Reunion
Neji versus Shikamaru: The Third Stage is finally here.
Sakura versus Tenten
The Hyuga Clan's Dark Secret
Sasuke vs. Hinata: Sharingan vs. Byakugan
Naruto versus Shino
Ino versus Kankuro and Operation Uproot
Konoha Crush Begin!!
One Man Army Kakashi
The Might of Might Gai

First Fight

7.2K 217 47
By melvintrey95

Author's Note: Before we begin this chapter I just wanted to take a minute to thank each and every person who took the time to view this story. As it has reached over 100 views now, which I didn't think I would get nearly that many when I first started. I thought that I would get maybe 20 at the most, but you guys have eclipsed that by leaps and bounds. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you guys. I want to keep writing and make this story as good and entertaining as I possibly can. I know I'm not the best writer, but I'm trying my best. So any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated. Tell me what I should improve on, what you like about the story so far, what you dont like, tell me anything. Any advice is helpful, so long as its constructive. Now without any further ado on with the story.


   There was still a few days left to go til all of the newly graduated Genin had to return to the academy for their team placements. Most of the other former students were using this time off, to finally rest and relax, since they most likely wouldn't be getting much time for that in the coming future. But yet still there were a select few who wanted to use this time to train and get as strong as they could before the team placements.

   Two of these being Naruto and Sasuke, who we find walking down the street of the all but abandoned portion of the Hidden Leaf, near the Uchiha clan compound. They had just got done with some slight training, and were walking back towards Sasuke's house to unwind and relax for the day. As they were nearing their destination their instincts kicked in, the ones that told you to move now or you will die, so move they did. As they both rolled to the side not a moment too soon, as a giant fuma shuriken buried itself in the pavement where they were just standing.

   As both young Shinobi rose to their feet, their hearts pumping with adrenaline, they looked up at the origin of the shuriken. And were shocked to see their old instructor Mizuki standing on a rooftop not even 20 feet away from them. "You kids have good instincts I'll give you that, even better than you two showed during your final exam." He said while unsealing another fuma shuriken from a seal he had on his forearm. "But let's see you dodge this." He all but screamed as he threw the shuriken at the boys. Who both once again rolled to the side to dodge, but that's when Sasuke noticed it. A thin string of ninja wire connected to the shuriken. Thinking fast Sasuke told Naruto to jump, which he did without hesitation, having complete trust in his best friend. As Mizuki pulled on the wire the giant shuriken split into four parts which Sasuke quickly acted to protect himself and Naruto. As he threw a handful of shuriken to deflect the part that was aimed at Naruto. Before he himself ducked out of the way of another part. Before he quickly drew a kunai and used that to deflect the third part, while the fourth part flew harmlessly underneath Naruto.

   Taking advantage of his current situation Naruto reached into his pouch and withdrew a handful of shuriken, that he then chucked at Mizuki who simply lept off the top of the building to land on the street in front of the two boys, completely avoiding the shuriken. While Naruto landed on the ground in a crouch beside Sasuke, both of them having withdrawn a kunai from their pouches to defend themselves, as they stared back at their former teacher.
"What the hell Mizuki? Are you trying to kill us!?" Sasuke screamed angrily at the former teacher. Mizuki simply looked at the Uchiha, then smirked and unsealed another fuma shuriken. "In a word yes." Then he charged at them but didn't get far, as he was met with a horde of shadow clones. As he began to hack and slash at the clones with his shuriken making quick work of them dispatching them with relative ease. While waiting for the smoke to clear, so he could continue his onslaught, he felt a tremendous amount of heat to his left. Knowing immediately what it was he quickly went through the hand seals for his counter jutsu, which ironically enough was the same jutsu being used on him. As he spewed forth a giant ball of fire just as Sasuke's own fireball came into his view. The two jutsu's clashed in a battle of dominance before ending in a stalemate, when both of them ended their jutsu.

   Mizuki didn't even have time to breath as he saw Naruto, out of the corner of his eye, launch a volley of shuriken and Kunai at him. As he quickly unfurled his shuriken, and started quickly spinning it in front of him, using it as a makeshift shield as he deflected every single one of the shuriken. Which was apparently part of the plan, cause as soon as he was done all of the deflected shuriken proofed into about fifty different Naruto who each threw another ten or so kunai and shuriken at Mizuki. Who once again thought quickly and ran through more hand seals, before quickly slamming them to the ground and erecting a giant earth dome to protect himself. As the shuriken and kunai once again deflected uselessly onto the ground upon impact with the giant dome of rock.

   As both young Shinobi waited impatiently, watching the earth dome with rapt attention, they were caught off gaurd when a giant gust of wind knocked them off of their feet and eliminated Naruto's army of shadow clones. When Naruto finally got his bearings he saw that Mizuki was back standing on the street, right where the first shuriken had embedded itself in the street. Quickly turning he saw the last of the earth dome as it was crumbling, since it no longer had chakra supplying it, and in the middle was the fuma shuriken.

   "So he substituted with the first shuriken he threw, so that he could get behind us and get us while we were focused on the dome." Naruto conversed with Kurama. "Indeed that appears to be the case, it seems to me like he set that up from the beginning. He wanted to get you off gaurd and get behind you then attack you from your blindspot. But why would he waste time with a wide ranging wind jutsu, when he could have simply ended you both. Something isn't right." Kurama explained back to Naruto.

   But before they could get any farther in their conversation Naruto sensed a buildup of chakra coming from the decrepit earth dome. And looked back only to see Mizuki standing there again, with the shuriken nowhere in sight. But what was in sight was the giant shuriken Mizuki had been using earlier as a shield, spinning faster than Naruto could track and headed straight for Sasuke who was still trying to recover from the impact of the great breakthrough Mizuki had launched earlier. Without even thinking Naruto took off toward Sasuke moving faster than he ever had before, and making it just in time to dive in the path of the shuriken, taking the hit for Sasuke as he went flying out of sight of both the Uchiha and the Corrupt teacher.

   Sasuke saw the whole ordeal in slow motion, every single detail, every movement and color, being played out in front of him as if torturing him. Up until he saw Naruto take the hit for him and fly away out of his view with the shuriken. "Naruto!!!" Sasuke screamed in pain, agony, and confusion. Hoping that he was alright, hoping that it wasn't real, hoping that he didn't just lose another brother. As Sasuke stood looking at the spot where Naruto had disappeared from sight, feeling complete and total despair and emptiness. He was broken free from his feelings of grief and loss, when he heard Mizuki start to cackle like a madman. "Finally the nine tailed brat is no more." He screeched like one of Sasuke's many fangirls.

   But he quickly stopped, when he saw the death stare that Sasuke was currently giving him. Cause if looks could kill, this look could have easily eliminated everyone in the land of fire. And for one of the few times in his life Mizuki was speechless, he was in shock, and he knew that deep deep down he was also terrified. Because staring back at Mizuki, was not eyes full of tears, trying to hold back sobs. Nor were there eyes of pure hatred. Not even the emotionless mask that Sasuke normally wore. No what Mizuki saw staring back at him was worse than all of those combined.

Staring back at him was a pair of blood red sharingan with a three tomoe in each eye.

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