As long as we're together {Pe...

By The_secret_pen

76.9K 1K 306

Gods, mortals, and demigods meet Percabeth in different situations. Some one-shots of a particular event in t... More

Chapter 1: Army
Chapter 2: Minerva & Co.
Chapter 3: Argument
Chapter 4: Olympic swimmer
Chapter 5: Happily ever after
Chapter 6: "You're such a Seaweed Brain!"
Chapter 7: Camp Under Attack
Chapter 8: Meeting Dr. Chase
Chapter 9: Aquarium fright
Chapter 10: An accident at preschool
Chapter 11: Evermore
Chapter 12: Reunion
Chapter 13: "When will you be home again?"
Chapter 14: Coming home
Chapter 15: The Hidden Hero
Chapter 16: Some things never change
Chapter 17: One more month to go
Chapter 18: Of royalty and love (Part I)
Chapter 19: Of royalty and love (Part II)
Chapiter 20: Of royalty and love (Part III)
Chapter 21: "I'm not a princess Daddy!"
Chapter 22: Estelle
Chapter 23: Capture the Flag
Chapiter 24: By Thanksgiving
Author's note

Chapter 25: "Popular?"

2.5K 41 13
By The_secret_pen

At Goode High, Annabeth and Percy were at the opposite of the social ladder.

At the very top, Percy was a swimmer, popular handsome. He was the most popular guy in the whole school. He talked with everyone, knew everyone.

At the very bottom, Annabeth was a cute nerd, who was often seen in the school's library.

They had never been seen talking to one another and the whole school assumed they didn't know about one another. How wrong they were! Annabeth and Percy were both very much in love and had been dating each other for more than a year.

It all started when Annabeth decided to move to NYC. During the flight, she thought about her life, how almost every good memory she had was with Percy, even before they were dating. A question kept popping in her head: was she dependent on him? Her pride told her that no, of course not but her brain truly didn't know.

If the daughter of Athena hated something, it was to rely on something. Before Percy, she had had her whole life planned: high school, college, and then an architect.

Her plane landed and took her baggage, a grey suitcase, which was full of books and some of her clothes. Annabeth didn't really care for fashion, in fact, the clothing item she had the most was the camp's T-shirt.

She left the airport and saw a tall, jet black-hair man, a pair of sunglasses on. Percy. He grinned and ran to her, taking her in his arms. They had not seen each other for more than a month. Even IM was not the same.

Annabeth and Percy were not a couple that showed a lot of PDA. Sure, they did kiss now and then, they held each other's hand, but they would not make out in front of everyone, except on rare occasions. This was one of those.

Percy insisted to carry her suitcase and after he had begged her with her puppy eyes, she accepted. No, she could resist those puppy eyes. She really could, but she was not in the mood today.

They both walked to the car, a magnificent grey Chrysler. He had chosen the color to remind him of Annabeth's color, although the car was a little darker. He put her luggage in the trunk and started to drive.

"So. Couldn't survive without your amazing boyfriend?" he joked, not knowing the dilemma Annabeth was facing.

"Actually..." Annabeth chose her words carefully. "You know it's the first time I ever went to high school? I would like to try my chance. Alone." His eyes left the road, resting on her confusedly.

"If I go with you, I'll be a friend with your friend. I would like to try, at least for a little time, to have my own friends."

"Okay. You went all the way from California to get here to see me and now you are here, you want us not to hand out together at school? I'm confused."

"Pretend we don't know each other, that's what I ask." she tried to explain. She looked at him for the first time and saw he was watching the road, not wanting to meet her eyes.

"That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard Annabeth! We finally have a chance to see each other more than a vacation and now we have to pretend we don't know each other?" he sighed, not understanding.

"It's just a game. Only for school. When I have my friends, we can hang out all we want. At home, we can do what we want. I just want to have my chance." she insisted, putting her hand off his knee, which she learned a little while ago was a way to break his resolve. "I'm home. I'm all yours. If it's too hard, we can stop." she promised.

He sighed again and turned his eyes looking at her. She could see the love in his eyes, and she knew he would accept. "Fine." he ceded. "But if it's too hard, we start instantly and I'm still not a fan."

"Thank you." she squealed, placing a kiss on his cheek, not wanting to distract him too much.

They had arrived at the garage, so he parked the car, took her suitcase, and went up. They arrived in front of the apartment door and Sally opened the door.

"Annabeth! It's so nice seeing you!" she ushered her in.

"Told you she loves you more than me." Percy joked, putting the luggage in his room.

"He's such a jealous boy," Sally told her, presenting a plate of cookies, just when Percy was back from his bedroom.

"You made cookies!" he jumped in excitement, like a little boy on Christmas's day, taking one and shoving it in his mouth.

Annabeth smacked his hand. "Percy! Where are your manners?" she scolded, eating one delicately.

"I'm still trying to find them." Sally joked, looking at his son with affection. Percy was, in fact, quite a gentleman, except when his mother's cookies were concerned. "Hopefully, now you're here, he will try to behave better."

Percy pouted and did the mature thing to do, sticking out his tongue at them. They both laughed at his childishness.

The next week was the first day of school. Annabeth wanted to be early and Percy brought her to school, although as soon as she saw the building, Annabeth left, letting Percy park the car. She went to pick her schedule and locker number up and a girl who saw she was new, named Sarah, helped her find her locker and found they had the exact same schedule.

Annabeth was putting her things in her locker, which was not so far away from her new friends. Sarah came to see her and pointed to a group that was approaching. Annabeth caught a glimpse of their conversation.

"So, Percy, the only day in the year you are on time. Whatever happened?" one of the guys, a tall brown-haired and brown eyes man, said. She turned, hearing her boyfriend's name and saw him in the center of a group, grinning happily.

Sarah stepped next to her and whispered. "That's Perseus Jackson, though he hates his name and goes by Percy. He's the captain of the swim team. Since he arrived, Goode High wins every competition. His coach wants him to do the Junior Olympics, but he isn't sure. He's so nice and handsome. Every girl in school has a crush on him. He's like the most popular guy in the whole school and his group."

Annabeth found it very funny that Sarah, who didn't know him well at all was explaining to her, his girlfriend and probably the person who knew him the best, what he was like.

"Popular?" she asked disbelief. She had never imagined Percy would be popular. He was quite a star at Camp Half-Blood, but in school, he always had some problem mixing in.

"Of course! I mean, have you seen him? He's in our PE class, wait till you see him running or even better in a swimsuit! He's so dreamy." Sarah fangirled.

"Does he have a girlfriend?" Annabeth asked, getting interested in 'school Percy'.

"He says so, but nobody believes him. All the girls are always trying to have a date with him, but he refuses every time."

Suddenly, the bell rang and Sarah Grabbed his wrist and ran to their homeroom. Percy spotted her blond hair and one of his friends, William saw him stare.

"She's new. Annabeth is her name. Beautiful, isn't she?" he laughed, and Percy felt his heart clench, jealousy hitting him hard.

"Yeah," he answered not meeting his friend's eyes, as his heartbeat sped up like every time he saw her.

Annabeth and her new friend, as well as her group, were seated at the cafeteria.

"Annabeth?" the girl turned to see the girl who had talked, whose name was Maria. "Where did you live before?"

"In California, actually." she smiled, her eyes a little sad.

"Why did you leave?" Alison, another of her new friend, asked.

"My mom works in Manhattan. My parents are separated," she informed them. That was not completely a lie. They did not live together, but then, they never did.

"I'm sorry. Was it long ago?" she inquired.

"Since before I was born, actually." She grabbed a piece of her salad and ate it, showing the conversation was over.

Annabeth found it harder and harder not spare a glance at her boyfriend, when he was sitting in the middle of all his friends, his laugh when one of them said a funny joke, when he talked with them, his eyes shining brightly or when he talked with a girl who came, still believing they might have a chance romantically. She knew Percy forced himself too not to stare right back.

Annabeth was a very beautiful girl and without even taking special care of how she looked like, she was the most beautiful natural girl in school. She didn't need makeup, so she didn't put anything on. She used to dress without really caring but Piper, being a daughter of Aphrodite had decided to buy a ton of clothes for Annabeth, which all suited her and went together. It was completely Annabeth's style: simple.

School had started a month ago and already; Annabeth had been marked as the 'beautiful nerd' category. Category among which popular boys loved to pick to have girlfriends that would last them a week maximum.

She soon realized that Percy was one of those nice popular guys, who would stop the bullies, he even 'helped her out' a couple of time, when some boys stood much too close to her.

One of these times was when Noah, the football captain became interested in the quiet nerd.

Annabeth was not dumb: she knew about Noah's reputation. Everyone knew about it. She knew exactly what he planned to do with her.

She was quite surprised when one day, Noah cornered her in the locker room, pushing her uncomfortably against the wall.

"So, Annie—," he started.

"Don't call me Annie." She growled.

"Want to go to the movies with me Friday?" he asked, but without expecting another answer than 'yes'.

"No." she huffed, struggling to get free.

"Now Annie. I don't think you—" he continued, getting closer, his eyes eying her mouth all the time.

"She said no." The dark, low voice from Percy Jackson said from behind. Annabeth knew the voice too well. Apparently, Noah did too, as he turned slowly.

"Want to have her for you? I'll leave her to you for now." he huffed, trying to keep the little dignity he had left.

Everyone at school knew that Percy Jackson was 'dangerous'. They had all seen all the schools he had been kicked off from and the accidents that seemed to follow him everywhere.

They had all attracted quite the crowd. Percy's fans swooned as they saw him defend someone like this.

"I was fine Perseus." Annabeth hissed, hating the fact she had just gotten saved by someone.

"I was trying to help." He said in an equally annoying voice. Why was she always mad when he did anything to help her?

They continued to scream at one another, letting insults which had nothing to do flow out. The two of them were used to it, and although they were upset for a little while, the fight was soon forgotten.

The rest of the school, however, was not used to it and assumed that the two hated each other.

That gave them a good laugh when they got home after school.

It was PE, class all the girls waited impatiently, except for Annabeth, as it was one of the class where they could watch Percy. They all changed quickly, and Annabeth, put some shorts on as well as a T-shirt.

They were supposed to run. The coach decided to make two groups, one of the girls and boys and we would race. Annabeth loved this sport at Camp Half-Blood and was very good at it since she had been training since she was seven.

Percy was the best of school and had never been beaten. Usually, when he and Annabeth raced, when would win, the other would the next race. When they had won the two races, the Coach decided to make them run together. Neither was out of breath, while the rest of the class was soaking in sweat.

"3. 2. 1. GO!" the coach screamed, as the two ran. Annabeth was first, but Percy soon passed her. Annabeth hated losing so she put all the strength she had in her to pass the final line first. Percy did two, and they arrived at the exact same time, under the applause of the whole class, who had never seen anyone run that fast.

The coach kept staring at his timer, checking with the others. Both had performed 10 s 59, for 100m. That was the world's record. The two just shared a knowing look, high fiving.

"Annabeth! You just ran with Percy! Like, at the same time! Percy! Do you see what that means? He high fived you! I think I'm going to faint." Sarah talked a hundred miles a minute. Annabeth, nodded, still out of breath.

The rumor about them hating each other changed to one where they both had a crush on one another. They were seen talking to each other and the stares they threw each other that were considered before as hate glares, were now thought to be lover's longing looks.

Popular guys, now that Percy started talking to another, came flowing towards Annabeth and she too became a very popular girl.

Their play had been going on for a few months and Percy was getting sick and tired of their play and to say the truth, Annabeth was too. Anyway, their secret was revealed one day.

Annabeth was in English class, with Mr. Blofis. They had started that unit about Greek Mythology, and he asked people about what they knew.

All students usually knew about the main Olympians and Annabeth always laughed at their description, as she knew what they were like exactly.

Soon, the subject drifted to a less pleasant subject, that Paul hadn't wanted to talk about.

Someone raised his hand. "What about Hell? I forgot its name." Paul still eyed Annabeth.

"Tartarus," she murmured. She was drifted back to the memory. All she could feel was falling and falling.

"Mr. Blofis!" Sarah cried out, but the teacher was already at Annabeth's side. He had seen this happen a few times before, usually at night, but it had been a while since this had happened.

"Go fetch Percy Jackson. Now," he screamed. It was the first time they had seen the teacher scream, ever. He was not one to shout.

Sarah looked confused but ran to the end of the corridor, where she knew Percy was. Yes, she knew his planning by hard. She opened the door in the middle of the math class and looked for Percy.

She caught his eyes. "It's Annabeth." she panted, trying to catch her breath. He got up in an instant and ran faster than he ever did and stormed in Mr. Blofis' Classroom. He looked at his stepdad, who nodded.

He gently crouched down, taking Annabeth in his strong arms, whispering comforting words for only her to hear.

Annabeth slowly opened her eyes and spotted her boyfriend. "I was alone," she sobbed. "All alone. And it was dark. So dark." She hid her head in his hard chest, soaking his t-shirt, while all the class looked at them.

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