The Dark §ide

By wittyelanora

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A story about revenge, accepting, scapegoat, prejudiced and lust. More



896 61 7
By wittyelanora

"Everyone has their sides, able or not to control depending on the strength of each self."

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty, we made a great breakfast!" Martin shouted in a mocking tone. "Wait for me!" shouted Diaz who was still in the room. After a few minutes of waiting, Diaz finally appeared in the eyes of a man wearing a red shirt and blue stripes. He then took a chair to sit as the situation there became silent for a moment, only the sound of food being cooked by Kaili could be heard.

"Diaz, what cost did you take again?" asked Kaili who simultaneously broke the silence in the dorm. "I took computer science," Diaz replied while bribing a spoonful of fried rice into his mouth

"Chemical engineering," replied Martin.

"Culinary and Pastry Arts," said Kaili. "Then this fried rice must be delicious," said Diaz with a cynical smile.

Kaili laughs with a small blush on his face. "Cheers, but I'm not that good you know," Kaili has started to expand on the praise thrown by Diaz just now. And with that opportunity, Martin started teasing Kaili with many more excuses. That morning is full of laughs as they eat Kaili's cooking.

"Where do you want to go after this, as I knew tomorrow we will all start first class in this session, aren't we," Martin asked while raising his left eyebrow. The dishes in the sink he washed. "I haven't bought stationaries and few more things," replied Kaili who took his place with Diaz at the dining table. "I don't have anything to do, maybe I'll explore the campus for today," said Diaz while enjoying the food served in front of him.

"Well then, I'll accompany Kaili," said Martin as he took his place on the dining table while wiping his wet hands.


With that, Diaz was left alone in the dorm, he watched the small television in front of him while playing with a pen in hand. Wondering what he going to do next, he tilts his head around, searching for something to do.

"That's it, I'm going to walk around for a bit,"

He reached for his wallet and walked out from the dorm just to find Diana standing in front of the door with a nervous face.

"Diana?" he asked while looking down to Diana who's a little shorter than himself.

"Diaz, I want to talk with you, lend me your time can you?"

He was silent for a moment, unintentionally staring right into her soul for a second. He didn't realise he make Diana gulp herself to tremble.


"Sure do, Diana. Take as much time as you want."

Recreational park

The park at that time was noisy with the sound of a group of students who were having a picnic and some were also exercising. Diaz observed every movement of the students while giving Diana time to open the conversation. The morning was a bit windy compared to yesterday, moreover, they both sat on a bench under a lush tree. After a few minutes of no sound, Diana finally uttered her first words.

"It's about my disappearance."

"Go on, I'm listening."

He could see how nervous Diana was at that time, the beautiful dress without wrinkles was now wrinkled because of Diana's strong grip, he turned towards Diana with a sweet smile. Tell Diana subtly that she doesn't need to feel scared or nervous about this. Diana who got Diaz's subtle message nodded slightly and started talking to him.

"That night, I was trapped in the boss bedroom when he suddenly woke up from his sleep. He found me in my full attire and he knew that I'm from the agency. But he didn't call for his guards or anything but he just sit there ... as nothing happened. "

"That's weird."

"Indeed, he then asked me something I can't forget until now ..." Diana sighed then she looked down, looking at her shoes that were still tied neatly on her feet. Diaz waited questioningly. "Could you be my stepdaughter?"

Diaz frowned a thousand times, he continued to look at Diana who was bowing. "Did he do anything to you?". Seriously, Diaz's calm tone changed tense immediately. Seeing Diana shake her head slightly, Diaz silently let out a sigh of relief. "He treats me like I'm his biological child, he respects my religion, what I can't or can eat and is supportive like a father should. I thought he lost his mind but one day when I ask him why he treated me nicely, hence he can just kill me because I'm trying to take him down after all, "Diana raised her face then she looked Diaz right in the eye.

"I once have a daughter, her face is just like you. Instead of killing you, I want to give you the love she didn't receive when she was alive. Even if you're another person."

Diaz was shocked, he was only able to look at Diana's serious face. He looked ahead and still no words crossed his mind that moment.

"Chief knows about this, he said the authority will always look after me while I'm being his step-daughter. But he told me to keep about this for myself and not others. A week after that I got information that the chief faked my loss. He told me to consider this as an undercover mission. I don't expect it to be years of the mission."

"I see, but where's the mafia boss now?"

Diana smiled sweetly. "In a better place." Diaz turned to look at Diana, he nodded once with a small smile. "I see."

"Well, that's it. Thanks, Diaz for listening to my explanations."

"No biggie Dayana, anyways, how do you want to give back my time?" asked Diaz. He can see Diana twitching in horror. "Y-your time?". He nodded. "You told me you want to borrow my time, right?"


He amused, making Diana goes silent. He then stands up out of sudden and as he stretches his body. "You can't return it, right?"

"I- I can't..." she watched Diaz step in horror.

"Well, you need to pay me then."

"Pay? through what?"

"A cafe date."





"You have a mental illness called schizophrenia. Through reports, you can hear and see random voices and images in the blank air. And through tests, we can confirm that you diagnose with Schizophrenia."

Diaz is shocked, is he? mental illness? impossible!

"Is there any way we can treat this...issue?"

The doctor nodded. "It is," the doctor then slides his chair to the other tables with documents and slip out a paper. He then writes something on the paper. "You don't need to worry, Diaz. WE can prevent this together. I'll set up your first appointment with your therapist and we will see the enhancement in a month." Diaz could only see every movement in front of him. Even when the doctor walks towards him, he can see someone playing with the papers behind the doctor. A little body, like a boy. Playing happily like there's nothing wrong. He shivers in horror.

"Diaz, I know these few years is hard for all of us. Plus about Diana's sudden loss. I know you have feelings towards her but trust me, your effort all this time is enough to prove your love towards her. Don't think too much and take it as easy as you can, life must go on," the doctor reaches for Diaz's shoulder, which is enough to wake him up from his delusional world. "Alright?"

"Yes, doctor."

Minutes fly away and Diaz finally walks out of the doctor's room. While he was walking through the hospital's hallway, he walked past someone that feels familiar to him. He then stopped walking out of a sudden just to see that his guilt was right after all.

"Wait, miss-"

What's that? Why did my voice and hand move out of a sudden? Is it because of curiosity?

He could see the person he was calling for also stop walking and look straight at him. Ah, the attire still didn't change. He could see a smile etched on her lips. "We meet again, sir!"

I was right.

"You're that staff from the cafe, who gave me a free drink before the closing?"

"I'm." he still can't see her true face just because of that hat of hers. But he recognises that smile very well. She's the one. "What are you doing here?"

She scratch her head, the smile didn't even fade away. "I'm visiting a friend, what about you?"

"I'm having my appointment today." unconsciously, Diaz smiled a little.

"Really? I hope you get well fast-"

A sudden call from her phone rang, stopping both of them to have a little more conversation. "Oh no, I need to go now! It's nice to see you again, sir!"

"Me too..." Diaz could only see her running in urgent. He keeps watching what doors is she coming in but things go weird when she enter the same door as his. What is she doing with a psychiatrist?

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