my crush

By stanloona_05

20.4K 797 298

hyejoo (olivia hye)has a crush on her best friend for years but it's a bit complicated whilst the popular cha... More

new day
i'm sorry
who is she to me
making out
what should i do?
back to normal
game date
feelings are mutual
a lil gift

day out

1.2K 61 18
By stanloona_05

Hyejoo PoV

As I left Chaewon's house filled with giddiness Sooyoung called me. What did she want?



"I feel sooooo tired~"

"Where are you? And why is it so loud- wait you're in the club aren't you?


"And you drank too much but not to the point you've passed out"

"Maybee who knows!"

I sighed "don't move i'm coming" I ended the call and got to Sooyoung quite quickly.

I found her sitting on a sofa with two girls all over her and she was just over the moon in some other world

"Jeez why do I always have to be that friend that's always there for you especially when you're drunk"
I muttered under my breath
"Hey ladies could you back off her because her girlfriend wouldn't be happy if she saw this"

"Sooyoungie you had a girlfriend!" One of them gasped "you naughty girl" she said in a sultry tone

"Come on just leave her alone I know you guys are getting payed to have sex with her but look at her she looks terrible to even do that right now"

They glanced at her and laughed

"We'll leave then but if you want to get a bit dirty Hyejoo we'll be in the bedroom upstairs" they caressed my shoulder

"I'm actually good thanks" I swatted them off "let's get going Sooyoung" I picked her up and held her over my shoulder

"I'm flyinggggg!"

"I'm so mad at you right now you know"

I kicked open the club door

"Why hye??"

"I thought you liked Jiwoo?"

"She will never like me back you know"

"Because you're not putting in enough effort!"

"I'm a slut Hyejoo that's all I am. The owners of the club know me and give me prostitutes for free just because I'm some sex freak"

"Well tell me how long has it been since you had sex?"

"A few months"

"So why did you finally go to the club after a few months dumbass?"

"Because I felt the need to drinkkkk"

"Did the girls have sex with you?"

"They we're keeping me companyyyy but no sexy sexy"

"This is why you shouldn't drink because you loose brain cells which explains why you're dumb"

"Says the girl that smokesss!!"

I kicked down her house door and dumped her in her bed "okay well good night call me if you need anything and here's some pain killers for the morning" I left them by her night table

"Bye byeeee!"

I slammed her door and walked out

~time skip~

"Hyejoo it's time to go to church!" My mum yelled

"Do we seriously have to go?" I scowled

"Yes now are you ready?"

I threw on whatever I could find in my wardrobe and ended settling with some blue jeans and a black hoodie pairing them with my converse

"Yup I'm ready"

I met Chaewon at church she was always singing in the choir since we were very little and also did our holy communion together.

I spotted the blonde girl with her peers before the service started
"Hey Chae!"

"O-oh Hyejoo h-hi"
She was very awkward and I guess it was because of what happened the other day

"Good luck singing" I put my thumbs up


"Are we good?"

"What n-no of course we are!"

"Okay you just look so tense right now" I chuckled "hey if you're thinking about the other day I hope it doesn't change things between us"


"You know I just don't want us to not talk because I don't know what to do if that happens"

"Same! I-"

I put my hands on her shoulders
"Relax Chae you're being too jumpy" I laughed

"Sorry" she blushed

"If it makes you feel better I kinda get nervous around you too" I muttered

The priest rung the bell

"See you later Hye"

"Yeah and by the way you look cute in your choir clothes" I whispered the last bit in her ear making her very red before she left.

The mass was really boring. I managed to make many origami works with the leaflets behind the chairs but all I would do was stare at Chaewon. When we all sung the last hymn I bolted out of there and called Jinsoul via phone.

"Hey I'm free now church finished"

"Yeah I'll pick you up in a bit just hold on"

"Yeah okay"

"I also called Sooyoung but she seems too hangover to hangout" she laughed

"Well I guess it's us two today then"

"Yeah well a bit of laser tag would be fun right?"

"Yeah now get your ass here!"

"Calm your tits jeez" she chuckled ending the call

My mother asked me "So are you coming back with us?"

"No Jinsoul is gonna pick me up so I'll probably be at her's tonight"

"Okay that's fine. Be safe sweetie!"

"Yeah I will"

My family drove off and the whole choir walked out of the church. I saw Chaewon glowing like an angel in the crowd of singers and I couldn't take my eyes off her.

"What you lookin at" Jinsoul's voice made me jump

"Damn warn me whenever you wanna talk idiot"

"It's funny getting your reaction" she slapped my back really hard per usual

The moment I turned to look back I saw Chaewon already walking in the other direction with her choir friends including Jiwoo. I sighed and ruffled my hair

"Laser tag?" I asked


~time skip~

Laser tag became really competitive but in the end I completely thrashed Jinsoul and she now owes me 20 bucks

"Sooyoung replied back to my snap and said you bitches" she laughed

I snatched Jinsoul's phone out of her and and recorded a video "Hey Sooyoung we love you and don't miss you just make sure you keep up with the no sex streak!" Sent

"By the way I'm busy tonight so you can't stay over at mine" Jinsoul said

"Oh what's the occasion?"

"I think I'm gonna hook up with a girl"

"So a one night stand?"

"Most likely" she shrugged

"Do you want me to drive you back home?"

"Could you actually drive me to Sooyoung's?"

"Uh sure"


We got into her car

"So tell me who is this girl you're fucking?" I asked

"I don't remember her name but I do remember her smoking body"

"Ew you sound like a perv. Is she your sex mate or something?"

"One of many" she wriggled her eyebrows

"Slag" I commented

"Hey eating out whilst getting eaten out by a bunch of girls is amazing you know"

"I wouldn't want to know you sex freak" I scoffed

"Hey the ladies know I'm good in bed so the money is good"

"You're a prostitute I get it" I waved my hand

"I'm not! Just in it for the fun"

"Yeah yeah"

"Well we're here so get out" jinsoul shooed

As I got out I turned to look back at my friend "thanks for today have fun tonight" with that i shut her car door and breathed in air before stepping into Sooyoung's house. I walked up to her door hoping that there wasn't any random girls all over her once I entered and knocked. I heard shuffling behind the door until she opened it and to my surprise she looked normal and looked like she was crying?

"Hey" she croaked

"Sooyoung were you just crying?"

"Uhh is it obvious?"

"Oh Sooyoung" I looked at her with pity and enveloped her in a hug "What's up?"

"I'm fed up Hyejoo" she sighed whilst letting me in her house closing the door behind us

"Want to talk about it?"

"Well I feel like everything I've done has been a one time thing you know. I can't do relationships"

"So you're basically crying over Jiwoo I get it" I teased

"You're kinda not wrong"

"Why are you so upset what happened to your confidence?"

"She hates me"

"Well I mean you continuously flirting with many other girls might be the reason why or the fact that you have this reputation of breaking many hearts is a possibility but trust me she doesn't you're just approaching her the wrong way"

"What should I do?"

"Well for starters talk to her she's probably too scared to talk to you because she most likely thinks you're gonna bully her"


"I mean many people are scared of you so I wouldn't be surprised" I laughed "don't be so down just be true to yourself okay?"

"Since when did you get so wise?"

"I always have to take care of you and Jinsoul's mess most of the time so maturity comes with it"

"Oh well thanks I didn't even know why I was sad about things in the first place"

"I wanted to check up on you so how's the hangover?"

"It's bad but my headache wasn't as bad as it was this morning"

"That's good could I crash here tonight?"

"Yeah you don't even need to ask" she smiled

We started the night by watching a movie that I chose but Sooyoung fell asleep after the first few minutes so I woke her up by 'spilling' my water on her face which evidently woke up a mad brunette. She had the water up her nose and wouldn't stop whining but then we laughed it off and laid on her bed talking.

"I think Jiwoo hates me"

"Brother we're back to this topic again" I muttered "The last time I spoke to her was briefly in the library"

"Really? What did she say?"

"Well I mentioned you but I couldn't tell if she blushed or was mad about the fact I said your name"

"Dang it" she huffed

"Look just try making the first move not every girl will fall for your feet you know"

"I just don't know how to approach someone I like let alone confessed to someone before!"

"Calm down tiger one step at a time. Just don't flirt with other girls even if it you do it unintentionally without realising since it's a normal reflex in your everyday routine but if you want Jiwoo to like you you're gonna have to make yourself available instead of being a player"

"You're right..that was a long explanation" She laughed

"Am I wrong?"

"I guess not" she shrugged "so let's talk about you! How's you and Chaewon?"

"we kissed"

"You guys WHAT?!"


"No! NO WAY! What?!"

"Yeah we did" I laughed


"She initiated it not me" I calmly said

"Woahhhh! That took a turn of a events"

"I know I was jokingly flirting with her but I guess she actually bought it in the spur of the moment"

"Wow so are you guys dating?"

"I don't know she's unsure about her feelings so I'll give her time"

"I'm so shocked you don't understand"

"I gathered from your reaction" I chuckled

"I'm happy for you though"

"Thanks" I yawned "can we sleep now?"

"I was gonna ask the same thing"

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