Sweet Love [Book Two]

Autorstwa team-chrisbrown

145K 5.1K 339

Chris returns home from his 'Fortune' tour but things weren't the same as when he left. Chris along with his... Więcej

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
I'll update but quick note
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
The answer is YES
Just poste the first chapter of Lost in Ya Love

Chapter Five

3.7K 141 2
Autorstwa team-chrisbrown

Chapter Five

Mariah's POV
I woke up the next morning and saw I was the only one in the bed. I sat up and looked around the room and there was no sign of Chris. I got up from the bed and headed downstairs and saw him knocked out on the couch. I kissed my teeth and headed back upstairs to the bathroom.
I brushed my teeth and began undressing myself. I stared in front of the mirror and looked at my bulging stomach. I smiled and placed my hands on my belly. My second child will be here with us in about 5 weeks. My breasts had grown almost a full size bigger and they were incredibly tender. My ass had stayed the same but my face....I look like a damn chipmunk. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body.
I didn't hear the door opening because I turned and saw Chris standing in the doorway. He walked in and shut the door behind him and headed over to the sink to brush his teeth. He crept up behind me and wrapped his arms around me then put his face in the crook of my neck. I stared at our reflection and even though it was nice I turned around to face him and crossed my arms.
He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his sweats then looked at me and shrugged. Unbelievable! I twisted my mouth and looked him up and down in disgust.
"Yo why you lookin at me like that Mariah?".he asked.
"How do you want me to look at you Chris?"I snapped.
He remained silent and avoided eye contact.
I rolled my eyes and muttered,"You're unbelievable." and I walked wobbled over to the shower. I turned on the hot water and stepped inside. I let the warm water run through my hair and onto my body. I sighed and let my mind roam on possible solutions.
Things HAVE to change. But how? Mariah you gotta lay down the laws! You run the house. You're doing everything right and now it's Chris' turn to do the same got dammit! You make the demands and it's his job to obey them! Yeah. Things are going to be different around here from now on.
I stepped out of the shower with my towel wrapped around my body. I walked out of the bathroom and just saw Chris lying on the bed with his phone in his hands. He looked up and said,"Mariah can we tal-"
"We'll talk when I finish dressing up Chris."I said directly.
I walked over to the walk-in closet and walked inside. I riffled through my clothes and finally settled on a simple outfit. I pulled my hair up into a bun and walked over to the bed to where Chris was sitting.
"So I was sa-"he started to say.
"No, hear me out Chris." I interrupted, "I'm gonna be real with you. I don't like the way you have been acting lately. It's reckless, you behave like a child and you need to grow up."
He furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his jaws but I ignored his angered look and continued.
"First off, we need to move. This is a house for a bachelor not a family. It needs to be soon too because I don't want this baby to be born while we're still living in this house."
"What's wrong with the hou-"
"Secondly" I cut him off "All the partying, drinking, smoking.....yeah all that needs to stop. I don't have a problem with you going out but you just need to communicate and have your limits."
"You need to check your boy and give him limits.",he muttered under his breath.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I said, you need to be the one with limits and check your boy August so he doesn't try to step to me next time."
"What's that supposed to mean?"I crossed my arms.
"He approached me last night and was tryna tell me how to run my family. You need to be the one with limits Mariah, not me! You can't just run your mouth to people about our problems, tryna make me look like I ain't a man and I can't control my family."
I stood up and shook my head, my eyes burning as tears ran down my face,"That's because you aren't." I turned around and walked out of the room.
"Mariah!", he called out.
I ignored him and wobbled down the stairs and made my way out to the backyard. I sat on a patio chair and cried in silence. Is this my fault? I mean, did we rush into this whole marriage thing too soon? I think it's time I go have a visit with my mom and Mama J, they'll know what to do.

Chris' POV
A Week Later
Mariah hasn't spoken to me in a week no matter how hard I try to make things right. I still can't let it out of my head that she thinks I'm not a man. She doesn't know the shit I've been through to get to where I am today. I am a man. The more I think about it, the more angrier I get.
My mom called me the other day yelling at me and shit. Apparently Mariah told her that I've been acting like a child and she's fed up with it all. Ma didn't even gimme the chance to say anything. She just said that I'm lucky I ended up with a good woman like Mariah and I shouldn't mess it up.
After the things Mariah said last week I decided to take action and get her to realize that I am the man she wants me to be. I spent a fortune on big fancy ass house downtown. It's fairly close to Mike and Chyna's crib actually and while Mariah is out with her friends, I had movers come over and pack all our shit and take it to the new house.
Around 4:30, I made my way over to the spa Mariah was at and picked her up. She was still mad at me and refused to look in my direction. On top of that, she slammed the car door as hard as she could just to get me angry. I clenched my jaw tightly and sighed in frustration. I'm trying SO hard right now and all she's doing is being difficult. "So how was your day at the spa?"
"Fine.", she muttered.
"You still not talking to me huh?"
"Just take me home please."
I shrugged,"Alright. I'll take you home. "
"What. Where are you going you just missed your turn. Don't you know where we live?"
"Don't worry about that, I know where I'm going. Don't you trust me?"
She crossed her arms and said, "I just wanna go home and lay down Chris."
"And you will. Trust me. "
She remained silent up until we pulled up to the new house. "Where the hell are we? And where is Tyson? "
"He's inside with my mom."
"But whose house is this? "
"Ours." I smiled at her.
She swung her head over to me and asked, "Ours?"
I nodded.
"B-but h-how? When? W-why?", she stuttered
"Because I love you and I want you to be happy. If you're not happy then neither am I. You said we needed a new spot so here it is. Mike and Chyna's house is in the neighborhood behind us."
"When did yo-"
"You can ask me anything when we get inside just go check out the house."I nodded towards the house.
She gave me an unsure look then finally stepped out of the car and stood in the driveway of our new house. Tyson ran out of the house dragging my mom with him and yelled,"Mama look! Gramma said this is our new house. It's really big!"
Mariah giggled and I helped her inside. She gasped when she saw the inside. "Chris! This house is so...."
"Big?",I smirked.
She turned around and nodded. "So, I guess you really were listening to me the other day huh?"
"Yes, and baby I'll do whatever it takes for us to be on good terms again. I mean it."
"I just want you to know that I meant what I said when I told you that we BOTH need to be mature when it comes to this family." and she smirked, "So don't you gimme that bullshit."
I laughed and kissed her forehead," You still on that? Gosh, after ALL the songs I wrote for you and about you, that's the one you like to bring up in conversation?"
"I like it." she wrinkled her face and placed a hand on her stomach"Oh fuck."
"You aight?"
"Just take me to our room please."
I nodded and held her cautiously as I walked her upstairs to our room. She gasped and said,"This is so ni-" she tightly squeezed my hand and groaned,"Ah!"
I knew she wasn't going into labor but I was still freaking out a bit. "W-what you want me to do?"
"Bed. Take me over to the bed."
I led her over there and helped her on top of it. She sat right in the middle of the bed in Indian style. She rubbed her belly in circles with her eyes closed. I tried to sneak out but she caught me and hissed,"Get your ass back over here! This all your fault anyways."
"What'd I do?",I asked slightly offended.
"You just had to fuck EVERY single got damn day in Hawaii."
I let out a small chuckle,"You mad now cuz your ass is in pain while you carrying my baby but you was just fine while I was laying the pipe."
She shot a glare towards me and groaned,"Just rub my back."
"Say the magic word."
"Now!"she screamed.
Her loud voice actually made me jump. I slumped my shoulders as I walked over to the bed and began to rub her back. I guess 'please' would be a stretch huh?
Tyson ran into the room and sat on our bed and smiled. He had a chocolate ice cream cone in his hand and it was all over his face. "Hey mom, hi Chris."
"What's up Little Man?",I smiled at him.
"Hi baby."Mariah muttered to him.
"Mom, are you crying?"
"No, she's just in pain from the baby."
"Tyson lemme me get a bite of your ice cream."Mariah said.
He handed her the cone and she tore apart the entire thing and swallowed it all. She was licking her fingers clean from the ice cream without a second thought.
"Hey! That was MY ice cream! Gramma bought that for me!",he crossed his arms and frowned.
"i'm sorry Ty."she said.
"Where's your grandma anyways?"I asked.
"She left."Tyson answered.
"I'll buy you some more ice cream buddy. Don't be mad at your mom."
"Buy me a pint of mint chocolate chip please.",Mariah said.
"You just eatin up ALL the food ain't you?",I said to her. "Stealing little boy's ice cream cones and shit." I shook my head. This baby needs to get here ASAP because I'm not tryna deal with all this extra shit.

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