Love Always Wins

By Vettel_Babe

170K 3.9K 900

Love always wins. Love will always find a way. Set around the 2020 Formula One Season, this is the sequel to... More

Not an update but....


1.5K 34 7
By Vettel_Babe

Friday March 27th.

Seb's cinema room was a surprisingly bright and airy room; with white walls, a few abstract pieces of art, black leather sofas and chairs and a large, top of the range tv mounted on the wall facing them that was accompanied by an impressive sound system. Black out curtains and blinds kept the light out for watching a movie during the day while dimmable LED lights in the ceiling helped to create a cosy atmosphere at night. Unable to sleep, Chloe had got up early and set up Seb's phone on a tripod in readiness for him to record his answers to fan's questions that Viviana had emailed over the previous day. He'd spent most of yesterday evening going through every question she'd forwarded on as well as a vast amount of messages from fans wishing him and his family well and expressing how much they were missing Formula One and couldn't wait to see him back on the track. With the phone ready to use she sat back on the sofa, wondering what to do next. This quarantine thing had worn thin already and she was desperate to be able to go out - to go anywhere, and she'd happily give her right arm to be able to hop on a plane and head to the UK to see her parents and grandmother who she was missing like crazy after spending time with them since the shooting. Eyeing Seb's iPhone as it sat neatly on the tripod she sat up and tapped the screen before unlocking it, knowing what his passcode was. She brought up the iTunes app and started to scroll through his collection, he had a vast and varied taste although he didn't seem to favour recent music, only the odd track from the last year or so was present. Getting up, she headed over to where the tv's sound bar and speakers were and grabbed the remote. She headed back to the sofa and switched the sound bar on and then looked on Seb's phone to see if it would connect via Bluetooth, it did. With a little smile she took the phone from the tripod, sat back and started to scroll through, listening to a few seconds of track after track as if she was channel hopping on the tv. She did this for at least five minutes before one track grabbed her full attention. Angelic voices swirled around the room along with a deep, bass filled, slow, almost sexual and suggestive throbbing beat along with blatantly sexual lyrics. It was definitely the kind of track to set the mood, a prelude to sex or even to have sex to. And it was definitely a track she recognised and remembered well, for all the wrong reasons. This was the track that he'd had playing that night in Norway - the night he'd had sex with Eva. Her finger hovered over the phone's screen, she knew she should turn it off but for some reason she couldn't. She let it continue. Even though it brought back memories she wished had never returned, even though it was making her feel sick with jealousy over a part of his life that he'd left behind for her and even though his betrayal had happened a long time ago and she'd forgiven him, she kept it on. With every beat she felt hurt and betrayed and angry. Then she berated herself for getting like this over something that had happened last year. She'd forgiven him and they'd both moved on from it, what was the point of dredging it up from the darkest recesses of her mind now? As if she hadn't got enough to think about already!

Hearing the slow thump of the music as he got to the bottom of the stairs, Seb made his way to the cinema room. Yet again Chloe had been unable to sleep and had had a restless night. He wasn't surprised to find her gone from their bed again this morning but it was worrying him how little sleep she'd had over the last week or so and it was showing in her pale complexion and the shadows under her eyes. He knew she was desperately worried about both of their families in Germany and the UK and the headlines from here in Switzerland and around the world as the number of cases and deaths rose were only making her worse. Even starting up regular Skype calls with Kal did nothing to help her. He just didn't know what to do but hoped that her helping him with the Q and A this afternoon would maybe take her mind off of things for at least a little while. Feeling weary himself from another disturbed night of sleep, he pushed the door open and entered his cinema room. Already he recognised the track she was playing from his phone that she held in her hand and his heart sunk, he could see by her face that she remembered this track all too well herself and that she wasn't doing herself any favours by listening to it. Reaching over he plucked the phone from her hand and hit pause, plunging the room into silence while he closed the app and then dropped it on to the sofa. He stood still for a moment, looking down at her with a questioning look on his face while she sat there looking completely miles away and not in a good place.

"You're up then." She said breezily, seeming to snap herself out of her self induced misery. "I've got the tripod ready, all you've got to do is put your phone on it and record your answers to send to Viviana."

He kept looking at her, regarding her with suspicion. How could she flit from one mood to another so quickly and easily? She'd clearly been thinking about that night in Norway, thinking about what he'd done and now all of a sudden she was ok?

"What?" She asked defensively.

"Nothing." He replied quickly.

"Then why are you staring at me?"

"That track you were playing......" He began.

"I shouldn't have listened to it and I shouldn't have been trawling through your phone, I'm sorry." She stood up and stepped closer to him, his arms went around her like an instinctive response to her close proximity.

"It brought back bad memories, right?"

"Yeah, I won't lie, it did. My minds all over the place right now." She sighed sadly.

"Then why don't I give you something to occupy it." He slid his hands down to her behind and leant in to kiss her.

"Hang on..." She leant back from him. "What about the Q and A thing you have to record for Viviana?"

"It's this afternoon and it's a Skype call not a recording." He kept one hand on her behind while his other hand trailed up her back, slipping underneath her strappy vest top to press her lightly against him. "Let me put a smile on that beautiful face of yours."

"I'm pretty sure it's this morning you've got to do it, not this afternoon." She pressed her hands against his firm chest to try and prise herself from his hold.

"Liebe come on, its ages since we last had sex." He whined, refusing to let go of her and keeping his hand on her bare back.

"It was not ages ago, it was Wednesday."

"Exactly. Ages ago." He affirmed and proceeded to start peppering her face with little kisses. His three week beard growth tickled her skin and as he stooped a little and started to kiss his way around her neck she let out a giggle and squirmed in his arms. Hearing her laugh was one of his favourite sounds and he smiled as he continued. Finding her weak spot, just below her ear, she fell quiet and leant her head to one side while her hands slipped underneath his black sweatshirt to touch and explore. Needing more from her, Seb momentarily stopped just long enough to remove his sweatshirt and throw it on to the sofa. He wasn't surprised when her hungry eyes fell downwards to his torso, her hands, as they started to follow the path of her eyes, set every nerve ending under his skin ablaze and he stood perfectly still, allowing her to touch every inch of him that was bared to her.

Chloe marvelled at the beautiful man in front of her; his soft skin shielded the hard muscle beneath it and his strong arms that held her in bed every night made her inexplicably safe and treasured. The hair on his chest and the little trail that led down over his defined abs to his already hard cock were one of her favourite things about him with his strong back and broad shoulders being top of her list. Who was she kidding?! Every part of this Adonis of a man was her favourite, from his sometimes wild and messy hair to his extremely kissable lips, his sexy butt and even his thighs. There wasn't a single thing on this man that wasn't perfect. As she glided her hands back up his body and ran her fingers through the hair on his chest she finally looked up into his eyes and noticed the smirk on his lips.

"Enjoying yourself? Only I haven't been eye fucked so hard for a while."

"I disagree, you were thoroughly eye fucked by Viviana the second she saw you in Oz." She pointed out.

Seb grinned and then rolled his eyes before starting to lift her vest top up, exposing her round belly and then her breasts. His eyes fell down to admire them; big and round and sensitive to his every touch, they were definitely a big plus to her being pregnant. Right now he knew that she wasn't feeling as though she was particularly sexy but to him she was the sexiest woman on the planet. Sure, she'd gained a little weight but the curves it was giving her made her look more and more sexy every single day. Every time he didn't think he could get more addicted or attracted to her, he did. This woman was his everything.

"Seb, what are you doing? I can't see. If you're going to take it off, then take the damn thing off." She moaned, sounding slightly muffled from behind her vest.

"I was just admiring the view." He admitted as he lifted her vest over her head and threw it down with his sweatshirt. "And yes, I was eye fucking." He added before she could speak. Placing his hands on her waist he pulled her close once more, making her swollen belly press against him; full on body contact was now impossible, baby Vettel was making his presence felt. Seb looked down, taking in the fullness of her breasts; he darted his tongue out to wet his lips in anticipation of covering them with kisses and his mind was already thinking of what sexual position Chloe would find comfortable but would still be intimate for the both of them. She pressed kisses to his collarbone before brushing her nose lightly over his neck, the featherlight touch to his skin was already sending shivers through his body and it made him want to press himself against her even more in a bid to gain to a little friction and pressure where he needed it the most. But that wasn't all he felt, there was something else......or someone else. He froze, not because he was freaked out but because he wanted to concentrate on this feeling because he knew it could be fleeting.

Chloe gasped, this was the strongest she'd felt it so far and as she sensed that Seb was suddenly distracted, she was pretty sure he'd felt it too. "You can feel him too huh?" She smiled.

He stepped back and placed his palm flat on her stomach where he'd first felt movement, right on cue he could feel it again. For the first time he could feel his son's kicks; it was a magical moment and another milestone, one that he could have missed out on because if the season was underway as normal then he'd more than likely have been in Maranello either in the simulator, in meetings, at a fan event or just training. At least now as things were, he could be here for precious little moments like this. "Yeah, I can feel it." He smiled as his palm was lightly nudged by some energetic movement from his unborn son. "I can actually feel him kicking."

All thoughts of sex seemed to have gone out the window as he manoeuvred his wife to perch on the arm of the sofa so that he could continue to feel the baby's kicks, Chloe couldn't help but feel a little disappointed; that was until the baby stopped moving although Seb stayed still and kept his hand on her stomach for a few more minutes, just in case. "I think he's stopped." She murmured quietly, eyeing the way his sweatpants were hanging low on his hips. He'd got her in the mood, now she wanted him to carry on.

"He might move again." He replied softly, still wanting to feel his hand being kicked one more time.

She reached forward and hooked a finger over the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling on the elastic and pulling him a step closer. "Nah I think he's settled down now." She dipped her hand inside and took a commanding hold of him.

He gasped and moved so that he was standing between her knees with his hands on her shoulders and she started to stroke her hand up and down his rapidly re-hardening length, reawakening every sense while heat started to form deep down inside him.

"Are you gonna kiss me or what?" She asked with a demanding tone while she increased her pressure and pace as he got harder in her hand.

She was literally making him feel weak at the knees meaning that he had to keep his hands on her shoulders for support, he loved it when she took charge. He leant his head down just enough to make their lips meet, she teasingly kissed him with the lightest of pressure and brushed her tongue over the tip of his while continuing to pleasure him with her hand. He could feel the heat of an orgasm already building inside and as she teased the tip of his cock with a featherlight touch from her thumb he jerked his hips, impatiently thrusting into her hand while his head lulled back and his breath hissed through his teeth. "Fuck.....fuck I'm close." He groaned, but he didn't want to come like this, he had to be inside her. He knew his body wasn't going to give him long to make a move so he grabbed her wrist to stop her and yanked her hand away. At first she looked surprised and then worried; that was until he removed his sweatpants and stood there in front of her, gloriously naked. The filthy smile she gave him in return had him chomping at the bit to fuck her. She slipped off of the arm of the sofa and removed her pyjama bottoms; quick as a flash he had her bent over it with her long, auburn hair held in a ponytail in one hand, wrapped around his wrist while his other hand gripped her hip. He allowed himself a moment to look at her, beautifully displayed, positioned and ready for him. This was going to be quick and he was going to go hard for his sexual gratification and then make damn sure she got hers too. By the time he'd finished with her she'd be too exhausted to worry about this bloody Coronavirus.


They lay on the sofa together with Chloe as close to him as she could physically get. He wasn't sure how long he'd been asleep, had no idea what the time was and really needed to pee but with his wife sleeping fitfully in his arms he didn't want to wake her. Her sleep was badly needed. In the peacefulness of their surroundings he thought of his family in Germany; he hadn't spoken to his parents for a couple of days and he made a mental note to himself to call them later on after his daily conference call with Mattia. Today there was going to be yet more discussion about a possible contract for next year, though with this season not even getting started yet it felt odd to be thinking about the next season. Chloe suddenly snored and let out a sigh, distracting him for a moment and he held his breath while trying not to laugh at her snoring, it wasn't often she did it so when she did he always found it amusing. As she fell quiet again he found himself thinking of his ex and his kids, he was in daily contact with Hannah at the moment, mainly by text, just to make sure that they were all ok. Besides his parents or Chloe contracting the virus, his kids and Hannah were his next biggest concern. With his ex being pregnant too, the last thing he wanted for her was for her to get ill, as she was mother of his two daughters he still cared about her and didn't want anything bad to happen to her. His phone started to ring and he recognised the ringtone instantly, it was a Skype call.

Chloe stirred and woke and lifted her head to look at her husband as he reached an arm down to the floor to retrieve his phone from where it had fallen during their vigorous session earlier. Feeling tired and with aching muscles, she let her head rest back on his chest and closed her eyes again, whoever was calling could wait as far as she was concerned. Suddenly she felt him tense up as his phone stopped.

"Shit!" He exclaimed, making her jump. "Shit, shit, shit! Chloe get up, you have to move now!"

"What's wrong?" She asked as she scrambled off of him and got to her feet.

"I'm late!" He sat up and ruffled his hair. "I can't believe I slept for that long."

"Late for what?"

"The Q and A, that was Viviana." He stood up and glanced around looking for his clothes while his phone started to ring again. Spotting his sweatshirt, he stooped to pick it up from the floor and quickly put it on. From behind him, he heard her snort and then snigger childishly. "It's not really funny Chloe, I was supposed to call her nearly half an hour ago."

"Erm.....your hair!" She snickered, pointing at his head. "It's kind of sticking up on your right side." She bit her tongue to try and stop herself from breaking into laughter.

"Really? I haven't got time to sort it now." He licked his palm and tried to smooth it down while simultaneously scanning the floor for his sweatpants.

Feeling mischievous and sensing an opportunity as he looked for his them, Chloe saw them first and grabbed them before he could. She grinned like an idiot as she waved them at him while his phone stopped and then started again.

"Don't even think about stealing my pants." He arched a brow at her in warning while her silly grin got bigger;
it was impossible for him not to smile too, he loved this giggly mischievous side to her and didn't get to see it nearly half as often as he'd like. "Liebe please, you can't make me do this without my sweatpants on." Breaking out into laughter she dashed from the room, still naked herself, clutching his sweatpants in her hand while his phone was still ringing. Viviana was certainly persistent, he'd have to have a word with her about that. For now, he placed his phone back on the tripod and very carefully made sure that only his top half would be visible. He then picked up the card with the questions written on it that he'd chosen to answer and finally accepted Viviana's call.....

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