Loki and I

By Amazing_Burrito_Mare

9.7K 728 711

Loki has been banished to live the next 1000 years in the magical land of Equestria, where a very odd pegasus... More

Author's Note
Try the Tacos!(S1 E1)
Bad Impressions (S1 E2)
Chocolate Pudding (S1 E3)
Guess What?(S1 E4)
'Quality' Time With Luna (S1 E5)
Autocorrected (S1 E6)
The Amazing Burrito Mare Pt. 1 (S1 E7) *SPECIAL*
The Amazing Burrito Mare Pt. 2 (S1 E8) *SPECIAL*
The Amazing Burrito Mare Pt. 3 (S1 E9) *SPECIAL*
Breakfast with the Princesses (S1 E10)
We Are Not Friends (S1 E11)
What? (S1 E12)
Nightmare Night at Canterlot Castle Part 1 (S1 E13)
Nightmare Night at Canterlot Castle - Part 2 (S1 E14)
Nightmare Night at Canterlot Castle Part 3 (S1 E15)
Hangin' with Joe (S1 E16)
The Problem with Dating (S1 E17)
Flufflepuff's Visit (S1 E18)
The Ol' Switcheroo (S1 E19)
The Twenty First Chapter (S1 E21)
Wonderbolts Race - Part 1 (S1 E22)
Wonderbolts Race - Part 2 (S1 E23)
Wonderbolts Race - Part 3 (S1 E24)
Hearth's Warming Eve (S1 E25) [Part 1]
Hearth's Warming Eve - (S1 E26) [Part 2]
Ask Rosie (S1 E27)
Too Tired To Care (S1 E28)
Loki'd (S1 E29)
Kids These Days (Part 1) - S1 E30
Kids These Days (Part 2) - S1 E31
Kids These Days (Part 3) - S1 E32
Kids These Days - Part 4 (S1 E33)
A Hearts and Hooves Day (Short)
The Amulet - S1 E34
Déjà Vu - (S1 E35)
Hangin' With Loki - (S1 E36)
How I Met Your Unicorn - (S1 E37)
I Just Know - S1 E38
Down A Blank Flank - S1 E39
Crappy Birthday - S1 E40
Switched - (S1 E41)
The Real Monsters - (S1 E42)
Chicken Wings - (S1 E43)
Donuts On Me - (S1 E44)
Make Me Human (Part 1) - (S1 E45)
Make Me Human (Part 2) - (S1 E46)
Make Me Human (Part 3) - (S1 E47)
Bang Bang [Into The Room] (S1 E48) **LAI SPECIAL**
[Epilogue] A Promise - (S1 E49)
Author's Note
Final Update

Sabotage (S1 E20)

174 15 6
By Amazing_Burrito_Mare

"Loki? Loki, what are you doing?" I ask warily, backing away slowly as he steps forward, the tube of foundation in his mouth. "C'mon, don't do this."

Suddenly, Loki jumps at me, tackling me playfully to the ground. I laugh loudly. "Come on, Rose!" Loki cries, chuckling lightly with me through his teeth as he holds the foundation over my head.

"Never!" I guffaw, trying to push him away. "Gah!" I scream as a streamline of makeup comes out of the tube and wavers menacingly over my face. I suck in a breath and close my eyes slowly, then flick my eyes open. "You have left me no choice," I grin.

Loki furrows his brow. "What?" He mumbles.

Without a second thought, I kick him in the gut with my hind leg. As expected, he gasps in shock, rolls over and groans, clutching his stomach. I seize this opportunity to get up and run, but Loki swings a hoof out abruptly, making me trip over and flop face first on the ground.

I grunt in frustration, then flap my wings, rising into a ceiling corner and refusing to move. Flufflepuff gasps loudly, jumps up from her box and leaps up to me, trying to grab my tail. I ignore her.

Loki slowly gets up, holding his side with one hoof at glancing up at me. "For heaven's sake, Rose!" He giggles. I blow a raspberry at him, folding my arms. "Come down from there."

"Nup," I reply quickly.

"There's a pudding in it for you," he says smoothly, raising an eyebrow.

I bite my hoof, beads of sweat dripping unattractively down my forehead. "What flavour?" I ask shakily.

"Chocolate," he smirks.

Argh! My eyes dart around as I try to make a decision. I shake my head. "Tempting, Lerki, but I have one right here!" I pull one out of my hair.

Loki stares at me wide eyed. "H-How did you do that?"

"I told you before," I roll my eyes, "I control everything in this fanfiction."

"You're not controlling me- APPLETARTS!" He screams out loudly. "... What?"

"Forget it," I wave him off.

Loki sighs. "Look... you don't have to wear any makeup... I won't force you to. You look... beautiful without it."

My eyes well up comically with tears. "Awwww!" I squeal, diving at him and crashing into him with a hug. "That's so sweet!"

Loki stands there stiff, looking around awkwardly. "Uh..." He mumbles, blushing profusely.

I pull away. "Come on, we'd better get ready." I jump up and head towards my wardrobe. "What to wear?" My eyes skim past the junk at the bottom and land on a nice dress.

It's really pretty, Zoe made it for me for my last birthday. It's pink, with a small train at the back and part of it shaped like a love heart on the chest. It goes really well with these pretty green shoes with dark purple, raindrop like gems on each shoe. But... why would I wear something from Zoe? I'm supposed to hate her, she ruined my chances of getting Joe.

I almost don't wear it, until Loki comes up behind me and looks to where I'm looking. He smiles. "That one looks perfect," he says.

I put it on and trot over to the mirror to see my reflection. "Huh," I grin, posing. Then I go over to my dresser to brush my mane, which is extremely difficult when you don't have magic. Loki must have seen me struggling with brushing the back of my head and comes over, picking up a spare brush in his mouth and helps me. I pause.

At first I'm sort of shocked, honestly. I mean, Loki, of all people, helping me out? Maybe he's up to something...

He clears his throat. "So... what's the plan?" Loki asks, putting the brush down when he's finished.

I shake the blueprints out of my tail and roll them out. I point to a small, scribbled drawing of Zoe. "We need her to be standing exactly there before we can do anything."

"You know, this would be a lot easier to understand if you actually... say... wrote it down," Loki smirks.

"Shut up, popsicle!" I point to him. "We'll need to get there a few minutes before anypony- especially Zoe- arrives to set up."

I explain the rest of the plan to him as he helps me plait my mane and tail, and a little lock of hair resting on the side of my face with no fringe. We also put a small, pink rose in the small plait to go with the dress.

Then I help him get ready. I help with the brushing hair thing, and with slicking his black hair back with hair gel. I had to take off my front shoes when I did this, and I kept on messing up, but finally, we got it looking like Loki's hair again.

The only clothes I had that would actually suit Loki (and fit him) was a black jacket with white cuffs and collar, a red tie and a pair of black shoes, which he put on his back hooves. "So..." Loki starts, "How do I look?"

"With your eyes," I remark. We both let out a chuckle. "We'd better get going," I say, glancing at my alarm clock.

"Yes, yes, most definitely," Loki nods.


I lead Loki out of the coach and up to the large building the opening is supposed to be at, dragging behind me a bag full of stuff with my tail tied to the handle, Loki carrying another on his back.

I show the guards our tickets and they let us in. "A little early, don't you think?" One of them sneers at me. I give him a look and continue on. I'm sort of glad to be going inside... it's getting cloudy outside and there's supposed to be rain tonight.

The room is huge!

It has light purple walls and an enormous checked black and white carpet on the ground. On either side of the room is a long table for the buffet, and at the other end of the room is a giant, almost wall sized window. I look up to see ceiling beams and fans, and little platforms around the sides of the room to get up to the roof.

I grin and turn to Loki. "It's perfect. Okay, you set up the target near the buffet."

"Which side?" Loki inquires, opening his bag and pulling out a can of red paint, the handle dangling in his mouth.

"Um..." I tap my chin, "The left side. I'll set up the rope," I say, flapping my wings up to the ceiling beams.
We manage to finish just before the band arrives. I slide our empty bags up on one of the high platforms and flap down to try and look like I'm enjoying the party as I land beside Loki. "Tell me exactly when she gets here," I whisper to him as more guests come in.

"Roger that," Loki nods.

"No, not Roger, Zoe!" I hiss. Loki merely rolls his eyes. Then they widen and he gasps, tapping me on the shoulder. "What?"

Loki points off into the crowd. I purse my lips and cock my head, trying to work what he's pointing at. He sighs and points more urgently to a purple unicorn. I squint at Loki's hoof pointing to her and rub my hoof against my chin in thought. Loki grunts and points directly at her. "Zoe!" He growls through his teeth.

"Oh!" I say, "You could have just said so."

Loki takes a deep breath and face hoofs. "Aren't we going to carry out with... the plan?"

"Oh, right," I nod, "I'll take her up to the target. You get up to the beams."

Loki nods once firmly, then trots off into the crowd. I breath out, puffing my cheeks, then straighten my posture and walk over to Zoe. Damn, she sure does look pretty in that dress, even if it is simple.

It's dark green, short at the flank, coming to fasten itself together around the neck. With it is a dark blue chain necklace with a purple opal in the centre and a small black rose tucked behind her ear. She turns around and half smiles at me. "Oh... hey, Rosie... wasn't expecting you here," she says soft-spoken.

I raise an eyebrow. "Really? I'm the ultimate Wonderbolts fangirl!" I exclaim, throwing my hooves in the air, before calming myself. If I'm going to have my vengeance, I need to be focused right now. I clear my throat and wrap a wing around her, leading her towards the buffet table on the right side of the room. "So... You and Joe together now, or what?"

Zoe gulps. "Uh... haha, yeah... sorry, you just looked so upset that night when he and I-"

"Would you like some punch?" I offer, grabbing the punchbowl from a dark pink pony who was also trying to get it.

"Oh... um... no thank you," Zoe smiles politely as I place the bowl back on the table and turn to her. "What I really wanted to talk to you was about..."

I zone out of the conversation she's trying to start, my blue eyes flicking up to the ceiling beams to give Loki the O.K... until I realise he's not up there! Oh, no, he hasn't escaped, has he? If he has, I'm so dead!

Then I feel a droplet of paint flick onto my front leg. I wipe it off and glance up to the direction it came from, to see Loki balancing on the beam with his hoof dipped in neon green paint. He glares at me. And then I realise. Loki's on the other side of the ceiling. I took Zoe to the opposite side of the room!

I facehoof myself and look at Zoe, who's now staring at me, an eyebrow raised. "Hehehe..." I giggle nervously, stepping back a bit.

"... You okay?"

"Sure, sure!" I reply quickly, placing my hooves on her shoulders. "Why don't we go to the buffet over there?" With that, I push Zoe towards the target Loki painted and let her continue talking. I look up to see we are directly underneath Loki... and the buckets. I put my hoof up to him and wink. He gives me a confused look. "You can't see it, but I'm giving you the thumbs up!" I whisper loudly to him.

He facehoofs. "What are you looking at?" Zoe inquires, turning her head up.

"Nothing!" I reply with abruptly, pulling her head down to look at me. "N-nothing at all!"

"Okay, if you say so... but could you let go of my head, first?" Zoe asks.

"Yeah... um, sure!" I smile widely, letting her go. She adjusts her mane and looks at me.

"So, uh, as I was saying... I guess... I'm so-"

Just then, I leap out of the way, a huge can of bright green paint toppling down onto Zoe. She screams in shock, not noticing me zooming up to Loki on the beams and giving him a hoof bump. "Me next!" I giggle to him, dumping the box of feathers as Loki squirts a tube of glue onto my ex best friend.

Now, all eyes are on Zoe... and not for a very good reason. She can't move because it's quick drying glue and she's stuck to the floor. She stands there in surprise as everypony gasps at her. "And now... to wash all that muck off," Loki grins, running to the edge of the beam and pulling a lever connected to a large bucket of icy cold water above her.

Suddenly, at the last second, I spot somepony I didn't expect... Joe.

He runs up to Zoe in fancy attire. "Zoe!" he cries, "What happened?"

My eyes dart back to the slowly turning bucket. Oh, no! The water will not only be splashed all over Zoe, it'll be splashed all over Joe, too!

"My love!" I scream from the ceiling, leaping off the beam as everypony's attention is turned to me. Loki tries to grab my tail to stop me, but it's too late.

"Rosie!" He calls, reaching out hopelessly for me as I dive towards Zoe and Joe, pushing them out the way just in time.

However, the big bucket of icy water is now dumped on me instead. I squeal at the sudden shock of ice, gasping when all of it's poured onto me. My mane is drenched, my dress is drenched, too.

Zoe squints at me. "Did... did you do this?" She half whispers.

"Yes, yes I did," I hiss at her.

"Why?" She asks unbelievably. "I... I thought we were..."

"What? Friends?" I mock, "Since when do friends stab each other in the back?"

"I dunno, you tell me!"

"You stole my soon to be boyfriend!"


"Joe!" I screech, pointing a hoof accusingly at him.

Everypony in the room just watches the drama and shouting unfold. Joe's eyes widen. "Me?" He exclaims.

"You knew I liked him, but that didn't stop you from making out with him on my date!" I scream at Zoe.

"I had not idea you liked him! You never even told me about him... And what do you mean, your date? We were on a date! Joe and me. That's Joe and Zoe. Zoe and Joe. Not Zoe and Joe and Rosie!" Zoe shouts back. "You should be happy for me, no need to be so... so... jealous!"

"I am not jealous!" I roar, my blood boiling. "But you are... a... such a... bitch!"

Zoe looks at me, hurt. Her eyes well up with tears, and I don't notice it, but mine do, too. She breathes in shaking and looks at me with sad eyes. "And you know... here I was thinking we'd be best friends forever. But because of you and your stupid jealousy over some... some guy!"

My bottom lip trembles. The whole room is sickeningly quiet, everypony looking from me to Zoe. All you can hear are Zoe and I's shaky breathing as we try to keep ourselves collected. Loki hops down from the ceiling and trots up next to me, putting a hoof on my shoulder. I flinch away from him. I can't even look at him, I'm so ashamed. His face darkens and he puts his hoof on the ground. Zoe hesitantly turns and gallops out the door. Joe just stands there.

"Zoe... Zoe, wait!" I call, making chase after her, Loki behind me. I dash out into the rain. "Zoe!" I holler, chasing after her on the grass. Suddenly, a large rock gets under my front hoof, making me trip and fall with a loud noise. "Zoe, please!" I cry, now on my stomach. I reach out for her to come to me, but she disappears into the night. The soaking rain hides my tears.
"Oh, yeah? Well, you know what?" I grunt, standing up, ripping my dress from myself and stomping on it, screaming in anger and agony. I kicking and tear the beautiful fabric in the mud, having my own tantrum.

I thought it'd make me feel better, ripping up Zoe's dress that she made for me to shreds in an attempt to show her that I don't give a shit. But I really do. It's at that moment that I collapse on the ground in quiet sobs and tears, burying my face into my hooves. I am such a... a horrible friend! How could I have not seen it? Joe never liked me. He's never shown any interest in me... and now, because I was so obsessed with him, it broke up the only friendship I had. A really, really great friendship.

I am the worst friend alive.

I cry as the shower like rain pelts my back. It's a horrible, chilly, wet feeling. "This is what I deserve... this is the only way everyone else is gonna be happy," I whimper to myself, "If I'm just... alone... so I can't hurt anyone."

Suddenly, the rain stops. Well, it doesn't... really. At least, it stops raining on me. I stop crying and wipe my muzzle with the back of my hoof, looking up with sad eyes. Have the clouds gone away?

Then I realise.

It's Loki. With one of his large wings spread out, sheltering me from the icy, pelting rain while he cops it, drenching him instead of me. He looks down, away from me like he's trying to ignore the bitter cold.

My lip wobbles. "Loki..." I hiccup.

Loki just bites his lip and looks at me with big, blueish green eyes.

I close my eyes and reach out to him, hugging him tightly, inhaling his scent, even though most of it is being washed off by the rain. Loki rests his chin on my wet head, wrapping a wing around me to protect me from the rain and let's me hug him. I cry into his shoulder, keeping my eyes closed as he keeps me warm.

"It's okay, Rose," he says with his smooth voice, somewhat comforting me. That nickname... it always pissed me off when others called me by it, but when Loki calls me it... he makes me feel safe. I like it.

"It's... it's okay," he whispers.


😥 Too... much... feels to handle...


You got some cute moments with Loki, vengeance and drama... hope you enjoyed.

On a brighter note, a Christmas chapter is coming up, soon! Woohoo! Just after the next one, so, yeah. So sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was busy working on this. That and procrastinating.

I'm on school break now for the next six weeks, so I'll have lots if time to update! Woohooooooo!

Just don't expect me to spend every living, breathing second writing.

Oh, speaking of which, I'm going on a trip on Jan 9th, won't be back for a week, so I can't update then, but I'll try to get some writing in.



Stay happy.


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