
By Shiroitora13

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Y/n gets a new job at a veterinary hospital a year after moving from the US to Seoul. She meets Kim Namjoon... More

New characters


291 15 2
By Shiroitora13

Bold terms will be defined at the end of the chapters from this point on.

Y/n's POV

I woke up and stretch before letting myself fall back against the bed. Ugh. I don't want to go to work. I thought. It wasn't because of the orgy that happened a couple nights ago. It was because I wished that I could just be that rich person who didn't need to work and only worked when I wanted to.

I convinced myself to get up and walked sluggishly to the bathroom with my phone in my hand. I turned on my bluetooth speaker and turned on my favorite song. I began to sing loudly while the shower was getting warm.

I kept jamming while I got dressed and it definitely helped me wake up more. I grabbed my stuff and walked to work while eating my breakfast sandwich.

I walked into work and set my stuff down. "Hey Noona!" Jungkook practically shouted as he and his boyfriends walked into the locker area. "Hey guys." "Ugh why do we have to work? I just want to stay home and play video games." Jungkook whined. "Babo. All three of us have to work." Jimin said as he flicked the youngered forehead.

We all laughed as we walked into the triage area. The overnight team rounded us and it was just as they left, that the receptionist called for a triage.

"EC, I have a 5 year old great dane whose stomach is swollen." I ran up to get the pet and I was happy that the dog was still able to walk. "Ma'am is it ok if we stabilize your pet and get an x-ray of his stomach. The lady was apprehensive but eventually agreed.

I walked the dog back to the triage area. Once I was out of vision of the owner, I tapped on the belly. Fuck. This dog is a GDV. I thought. I went straight to radiology and got the x-ray technician to take one side view of the belly which confirmed my suspensions.

"Hey guys. I am walking back with the dane. He is a GDV for sure." I announced on the radio. "Ok, I have catheter stuff ready and I will let Dr. Namjoon know." Jimin said over the radio.

I walked into the triage area and we began to place two IV catheters; one in each arm. While trying to place the second one, the dog tried to buck up so I ended up getting on top of the dog and straddling him. I glance over to see Dr. Namjoon looking at me with a lustful look in his eyes.

Ugh. Not again. Creep. He reminds me of Ben. All he wants is to get in as many chicks pants as possible. I thought to myself.

"Start giving the dog a 2 liter bolus while I speak to the owner. Come and grab me if the dog starts declining." Dr. Namjoon ordered. We all nodded our heads and began to do as he said.

After about 20 minutes, he comes back into the triage room. "He is going to surgery. One of you go tell the surgery techs. I will go and round the patient to Dr. Min." Dr. Namjoon announced.

"Y/n, follow me. I will introduce you to the surgery team. The main surgeon is Dr. Min but there are some other surgeons. He is your typical surgeon. He acts unfriendly and abrasive but he really cares for the patients he treats." Jimin said.

I followed him to the surgery wing and he opened the door to the prep area. "Hey Hongjoong! I got a case we are transferring to you." Jimin announced. "Whatcha got Jimin. Oh! And who is this?" The man said as he walked over to us. "Hongjoong this is Y/n she started in EC about a week ago. Y/n, this is Hongjoong. He is the head surgery technician under Dr. Min."

"It is nice to meet you." I said as I smiled and bowed. "So whatcha got for us?" "5yr old male neutered great dane with a GDV. 2 16g IV catheters have been placed in each front leg and a 2 liter bolus has been given. Vitals fairly normal but heart rate is 180. No VPCs however so that's one plus." I said. "Wow you sure know you stuff." Hongjoong complimented. "She is pretty damn good." Jimin said.

"Alright. I will get someone and we will come and grab the dog as soon as we get drug doses from Dr. Min." Hongjoong said. Jimin and I nodded and then headed back to our area.

Mingi's POV

I watched as Hongjoong was speaking with Jimin from the EC department and a girl that was with him. "Holy fuck, that girl is hot." I said under my breath and I knew I fell in love instantly. "Hey Mingi! I need you to come with me to the EC department. They have a great dane that is transferring for surgery." Hongjoong said. Hongjoong and I walked over to the EC area and there she was. If my life were a show or movie, it would show her hair billowing in the wind with rays of light surrounding her. She was pure perfection; a pure goddess.

While Hongjoon was unhooking the patient from the IV fluids, I decided to take the time to talk with Y/n. I wanted to know everything about her and maybe, just maybe, we could go on a date. Just the thought of a possible date made my heart go crazy.

"Hey Y/n. Any changes to the patient's status?" I asked. I didn't want to sound too eager so I began with work stuff and hoped it would progress into me asking her more personal questions. "Nope still stable. The mom is a little intense but she is sweet. Just in case you have to speak to her." "Sounds good. We will take good care of him." She smiled at me and I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

We talked for about 10 minutes until Dr. Namjoon interrupted us. "Don't you have places to be instead of standing around and flirting with my tech." He spat. I was about to say something but before I could open my mouth, Y/n snapped back at him. "We are only talking. There are no patients here so why are you being rude to him? He did nothing wrong so there is no reason for you to have a stick up your ass."

I could see the fire in her eyes as she spoke and I fell even harder for her. I looked over at Dr. Namjoon who was fuming. He looked like he wanted to say something but he held his tongue and walked away. "I will talk to you later Y/n." "I'm sorry he was such a dick to you. I feel like he is so used to people blindly being obedient to him that he hates when we start to not do exactly as he says. Anyways. We should hang out sometime." She said. "Absolutely! Here is my number. Feel free to call or text anytime." I said before walking away. I was soaring. She actually wants to get together sometime. I knew that nothing could bring me down not even Dr. Namjoon being a complete asshole.

"What's got you smiling from ear to ear?" Dr. Min asked as he walked into the room. "Just met the woman of my dreams." "Ah. Well don't let it get in the way of your work." He said monotonously. Dr. Min has always been a blunt dry person but he is the best surgeon that we have and I was elated that he picked me to be on his team.

Namjoon's POV

I hate slow days. The day just drags on and on and all I want to do is go home.

I kept glancing over at Y/n interact with Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung occasionally. My mind kept wandering to what Jimin was talking about when he was telling me about his time at Y/n's apartment. She refuses to let me fuck her but she will fuck them with no problem. I don't care if she was drunk or not. She was being hypocritical.

"I will be in my office. Call in there if you need me. Don't come in!" I ordered. I wanted to sleep to help past the time. Y/n furrowed her brow at my order but didn't say anything. I began to walk away when Taehyung said. "We wouldn't dare walk in. We wouldn't want to catch you fucking some chick on your desk or you jacking off in there."

"Watch your mouth Taehyung. Don't think that I won't fire you, because I will." I growled. Jimin, Jungkook, and Y/n were holding back their laughter. I walked out of the room but I could still hear them laughing at Taehyung's comment.

I got to my office and pulled the blanket, that I always keep there, over me. I don't like people coming into my office. If they do, and see the blanket, then they ask questions and I have to BS an answer. I will never tell anyone why this blanket is so important to me. The only person who knows is Jimin.

I was asleep when I heard a knock at me door. Damn it. I told them to call if they need something. I decided to ignore it but the knocking kept happening.

I was infuriated as I got up and answered the door. "What the fuck do you want?!" I snapped before I even realized that it was Yoongi. He walked right in as if I told him he could. I could feel a vein pop in my neck as I closed the door.

"Just thought to tell you that the dane did well. Did not have to take the spleen. My team is currently transferring it to the ICU techs." He said as he plopped on the couch. He pushed the blanket aside, looked at it for a moment, but did not say anything.

"Great. Now get out." "I'm leaving geez. Oh and thought you should know that one of my techs has fallen for your new tech. He says she is the woman of his dreams. See ya later." He said as he walked out the door. I didn't even have a moment to say anything back.

Once the door closed, I stayed standing for a few minutes. I was trying to figure out my own feelings regarding what Yoongi told me. Why he felt he needed to share that information was beyond me. I realized that I was irritated and pissed at the fact that someone felt that way towards Y/n. Then I got even more irritated that I was irritated.

What the fuck is wrong with me. I thought as I threw myself back on the couch. I kept getting more and more infuriated with myself. I DO NOT LIKE HER! I only want to fuck her once and that's it. I DO NOT LIKE HER! I kept repeating to myself.

I was about to fall asleep once again when my phone rang. "Sir there is a new triage here. It is a ckd cat who is anorexic." Jimin said once I answered the phone. "Fine, I'll be right there." I hung up the phone without listening for a response.

"All right. Tell me about the cat." I said as I entered the triage area. "The cat is a..." Y/n started to say before I cut her off. "I WASN'T ASKING YOU!" I snapped. Her eyes widened at me yelling at her and she threw the clipboard on the floor before storming out.

"Real smooth there Joon. She was the one who triaged it, not me. I only called you because she knew you would snap at her. I don't know anything about the case except the admitting vitals. I guess you can read the chart while I go check on her. Kookie, Tae, help him examine the cat please. I'll be right back." Jimin said. As he began to leave the area, I grabbed his arm. "Leave her. If she can't deal with how I am, she can fucking leave. Get the cat out. " I said. The bitch needed to be put in her place.

Y/n's POV

I don't think I have ever been so humiliated and angry since I found Ben cheating on me with those 3 girls.  I did nothing wrong yet he got pissed for me doing my fucking job.

Tears began to well in my eyes but I tried hard not to let them fall. Why did I have to be the type of person who cries when they are angry?" I asked myself.

I sat down on one of the stone benches and just cried out my frustrations. I expected Jimin to check on me but he never came. Instead, the surgery tech who I spoke to earlier came outside.

"Holy fuck! Are you ok Y/n?" He asked. His voice was so calming and soothing as he spoke and it helped me breathe for a moment. "I'm fine. Just pissed off at Dr. Asshole. I really don't get why chicks want to fuck him all the time. The only thing going for him is that he is attractive. That's it. His personality is shit." I spat.

Mingi sat next to me and just listened to me rant about Dr. Namjoon for about 15 minutes. "Sorry Mingi. I have  just been venting to you and I am sure you have work to do." "Nah. Don't worry about it. You can always vent to me. I will always be willing to listen." He said with a smile. His smile ended up making me smile. He was so cute and sweet. If I decided I was going to date again, I wouldn't mind seeing if he would be a potential boyfriend but, as things are, I have no interest in dating anyone.

My phone dinged and I looked at it and saw a text from Jimin.

Hey you can
head home if you
want. I'm sorry that
he was being rude.

Hell no. I won't let
him think that I am
a pushover. He is going
to learn one way or
another that I will not
let him boss me around.
I will be in shortly.

Mingi and I stood up at the same time. "I know we just met but thank you for being so sweet. I really appreciate it." I said as I gave him a small hug. "Anytime. I mean it." He said as I waved goodbye and headed back into the triage area. Jimin had a huge smile on his face for some reason, Jungkook and Taehyung had an expressionless face, and Dr. Namjoon still looked pissed.

"Let me know when you decide you want to apologize for snapping at me when I was just doing my job." I said in a fake nice tone. "And what if I decided not to apologize. This is my hospital. I run this ER department and I can fire you instantly." "Fire me if you want but I will not leave. You do not scare me. You do not intimidate me. If you want to keep snapping at me then fine. I don't care if you like me or not. My job isn't to please you. My job is to do what I can, under your direction of course, to take care of these animals who come through these doors. If you fire me, then I will find another place but you know that I am a good technician so it will be your loss. Not mine." I said.

Dr. Namjoon looked at me as if he were trying to figure out what to say the guys, minus Jimin, watching the interaction with their mouths open in shock. Jimin had the most pleased look on his face. It was like if he was pleased that someone finally stood up to Dr. Namjoon.

I knew that whether he fired me or not, I would be fine. Mingyu always told me that he would take care of me and that I would never have to work but that isn't who I am.


Next chapter will be intos to the people in the surgery department. They will all be from Ateez. If you haven't checked them out, I highly recommend it. 


GDV: Condition in larger breed dogs where the stomach flips on itself. It is deadly if not treated by emergency surgery. Stands for Gastric dilation volvus. Gas fills the stomach and cannot go anywhere. The stomach fills till it bursts. Y/n tapped the belly because when the stomach gets like this, it sounds like a drum when tapped. 

Bolus: Administration of fluids extremely quickly. Most bags of fluids are 1 liter a piece so in this case, the patient got 2 bags.

VPCs: Stands for Ventricular Pre Contraction. It is a heart rhythm abnormality that can happen with GDV's or other problems. If this occurs with a high heart rate, it can be deadly.

CKD: Chronic Kidney Disease

Anorexic: Not eating. It does not have the same connotation that it has when talking about humans. If an animal doesn't eat for a day or two, it is still anorexic. It does not mean it is going on for a long time necessarily. 

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