Silence:Forgotten- Adopted by...

By lovatic_chica

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What would you do, if you just.... Forgot? Demi was in a car crash, and when she wakes up she has no recolle... More

Forgotten- Adopted by Demi Lovato
A Mother's Love.
A Child.
Missing You
I'm Sorry
Thank you... Wattys 2014
With You
It Hurts
Happy New Year!!
Wait for it.


9.9K 572 38
By lovatic_chica

CHAPTER 27- Gone

Demi's POV

"I love you so much babygirl. I'll see you soon." I whispered fiercely in Mac's ear. She hugged me tightly, then I kissed her nose. "Really babygirl, I'll see you soon."

She nodded and my mom picked her up, "Alright, let's give mommy and daddy some time alone, okay?"

I kissed her one more time then turned to Nick, throwing myself into his arms.

"Take care of her Nick." I whispered, and he said nodded.

"Of course. I promise she'll be fine." I sighed, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck.

"Take care of yourself too." He chuckled, and nodded.

"I will."

I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks as my breathing grew ragged, "I love you so much Nick." I croaked, "I'm going to miss you so much, but we're going to be fine... Right?"

Nick sighed, "Yes, of course were going to be fine baby."

I pulled away slightly, and looked into his eyes, "I love you."

He smiled, "I love you too Demi, Now stop crying."

I just shook my head, crushing my lips to his, relishing in this feeling that I wouldn't have for a long time. The kiss was full of emotion, passion, And desperation, both of us not wanting to pull away until we ran out of oxygen and more gasping for breath.

"I'll see you soon." I whispered, my legs trembling against his.

"Okay. I love you baby."

I kissed him one more time, then walked out the door


A tiny voice made me turn, Mac had broken free from my mother, and was running as fast as she could towards me. I crashed down just in time for her to slam into me, burying her head into my chest and wrapping her legs around me.

"Don't go!" She wailed, and her arms tightened around my neck. "Just please don't leave me."

I shook my head, running my hand up and down her back, "Baby I'm going to see you soon-"

"No! Don't leave me momma." I sighed and held her for a moment feeling a lot form in my throat at the desperation in her words.

"Miss Lovato?" My driver stepped forward, "We do have a flight to make." I nodded and Nick took Mac from my arms gently.

"NO!" Mac was now in full-fledged hysterics, struggling wildly against next hold and sobbing.

"Demi go." Nick urged, and I helplessly nodded, turning towards the car door and getting inside. Just before I shut the door, Mac yelled something that felt as though I had been injected into my veins.

"You promised! You promised you'd never leave me! You lied!" She screamed, and I finally let out a stop, burying my face into my hands as I was driven farther and farther away from my daughter.

My team is waiting for me at the airport, once they saw my cheer streets face and puffy red eyes they mostly stayed away from me, giving me a small smiles every time I numbly made eye contact with them. About 10 minutes into the flight Holly walked over and plopped herself into the sea across from me.

"So how'd it go?"

I looked up with the groom expression, "She thinks I abandoned her."

Holly shook her head, "I don't believe that Demi. Mac loves you more than anything else in this world and she knows that you love her just as much if not more. She's just confused and scared." I nodded lamely and Holly patted my knee, "It's all going to be okay."


"WHAT'S UP BRAZIL?!" I shouted into the microphone, after my opening song and the crowd roared back at me. "ARE YOU READY TO HAVE A GOOD TIME?!" I yelled, and the cheering intensified. "LETS FUCKING GO!!"

My band started to play an exciting beat as Mike rocked on the guitar, hyping up the audience dramatically. With the signal from me they seamlessly transformed into the opening lines for together.

Remember love,

Remember you and me,

Remember everything we shared, on this planet when we cared.

Remember hearts

Remember unity

Remember loving neighbors, without expecting favors.

I smiled as the crowd sing-along and booming unison The familiar thrill went through me, and I knew this was where I belong.


"Hey baby." I smiled hugely as Nick's face appeared on my laptop screen.

"Hey! How are things going down there?"

I smiled, "Great! I love performing again."

He nodded, "That's good."

Something was off about him, but I didn't want to push it.

"Where's Mac?"

He looked around, his voice shooting up an octave, "She uhm... She's sleeping."

I sighed, "Nick don't lie to me, where is she?"

He bit his lip, "I told her we were going to Skype you and she locked yourself in her room."

I could feel the tears coming to my eyes as I nodded lamely, "Oh."

Nick sighed, "Demi it's only her adjusting. She'll be fine and back to normal soon."

I leaned my head and my hands, "I should've taken her with me. I promised I'd never leave her and yet here I am."

Nick was shaking his head before I was done speaking, "Demi we talked about this. You can't just risk her safety. Yes there are security guards, but you know from experience that people can get around them. Trust me baby, this is honestly the best thing for her. Mac will come around."

I sighed, but nodded and he smiled, "I miss you a lot."

The familiar's smirk was back on his face and I rolled my eyes, "I miss you too loser."

His voice grew huskey, "This is going to be harder than I thought."

I smirked, "Maybe I'll just find a few Brazilian guys to keep my mind off of things, they were like fish in the sea yesterday at the beach."

Nick's expression grew dark and protective, "Absolutely not. I'd rather fly to Brazil and take you right in the airport bathroom then have that happen."

I giggled, "Well I'm sure you'll be able to keep your self occupied while i'm gone, but I'll hold you to that."

Nick smiled and all of a sudden a door open behind him and Mac was silhouetted in the doorway.

"Dada? I'm hungry. Nick gestured to her, come here Mac, mommy wants to talk to you."

I smiled widely but she shook her head, "I don't want to talk to her. I'm hungry."

I could feel myself deflate as she walked out of the room and Nick turned to me, "She just needs time."

I sighed and nodded, "Well it's getting late here, and Mac's hungry so I'll talk to you tomorrow."

He smiled, "Alright, I love you baby."

I blew a kiss, "Love you to give Mac a kiss for me."

The screen went black and I sighed, rubbing my face tiredly.

"You okay?" Caroline, my assistant, sat next to me.

"My daughter is pissed at me. This hell moms with teenagers feel?"

She chuckled, "I'd assume so, but she's not a teenager babe, she's five. She's not pissed, she just misses you a lot and it's only going to get worse. But eventually she'll come around. She's Mac, she can never stay mad at you."

I smiled a bit, "I guess you're right, it just hurts that she doesn't even want to talk to me when we're going to be away from each other for a long time. I mean I want to see her every night before I go to sleep, it's so foreign to not be near her. I don't like it."

Caroline nodded, "I bet anything she doesn't like it either, but she doesn't know how to express that to you, or to Nick. So she bottles it up, and just tries to deal with it her feelings and expressions and her little five-year-old mind. Nick is a good father figure to her, so I wouldn't beat yourself up over this, or worry too much. Time is just that, time. It begins, and it ends, simple. at the end of the amount of time you'll be back with her again."

I smiled and hugged her, "Thanks Caroline... That actually helps a lot."

She giggled "Come on now, we're going to the beach."

I raised an eyebrow, "At midnight?"

Caroline nodded, "There's no fans so we're in the clear and the water is so warm. We're going to have a bonfire so bring your guitar."

I laughed happily and stood up, "Let's go!"


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Twitter: @lovatic_Chica


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