
By rosieluvs1d

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~ For Brisk~ ∞ Once upon a time I was a normal... More

Chapter one
Chapter two


26 2 0
By rosieluvs1d

Usually one would skip the prologue. I often do when reading. However, if I were you, I would take the time to read these couple pages. It will help you understand the magic. Just trust me.


It was a normal day. The sun was shining, and it was spring. Except, it was not a normal day, it was my birthday. Actually compared to now, it was a very normal day. The last normal day I would ever have in this feigned life. But now I am where I’m supposed to be.

I could not wait to walk through the door and smell the burning of candles on my cake. To know I was loved, because my parents had bothered to get me a cake. Those were the little things that mattered to me now. I lugged my backpack down my street; it felt heavy with anticipation, even though it was only my binder that jostled around in my sack. The little bird in my tree sang me a song as walked up my driveway. I used to read in that tree all the time when I was little. I lost interest in fairy tales when I realized they were lost hope. I took a deep breath, and opened the door.

“Surprise!” My mother giggled as I walked through the door. She knew it was not a surprise to me. She held a vanilla cake that was ball of flame.

“Mom.” was all I could say. I broke out a smile and dropped my back pack to the floor.

“Sara.” My dad replied mockingly as I took a seat with my two parents.

“Make a wish.” My Mother whispered. As she did time froze. I watched the little flames dance delicately on the wick of the little rainbow candles. I rested the palm of my hand on my chin and thought carefully. I wished for adventure. I blew them out and looked up to my parents beaming smiles. 

That’s the last thing I remember of them now.


“Mr. and Mrs. Webb?” asked the police officer

“Yes? Is there a problem? Did Sara get into trouble at school?” asked Mr. Webb,

“Well, I am afraid that your daughter will not be coming home for a very long time. I am very sorry.”


I hardly remember watching them cry as I left into the portal with my mother. “Sara.”   I heard my mother whisper. I will never forget the guilt I have inside for causing her grief. They will never have another child. My real parents told me that they only gave us to human couples that were incapable of having children. At least they had me for 13 years. But knowing what is to come, 13 is not enough.


I always thought that Sara was a pretty name. People use to always tell me I looked very much like a Sara. I look nothing like a Sara now.  

I used to be a normal girl. Or at least I used to think I was a normal girl. My body in the human realm had the frizziest brown hair I had ever seen. I looked like Anne Hathaway from the first “the princess diaries”.  I had always wanted beautiful hair. I got my wish. However all wishes come at a price.

 I am a princess, born of royal blood that runs deeper than all of Earths oceans combined.  Every princess that lives in The Kingdom of Niota went through what I did. When we were born, we were placed into the human world to grow up thinking we were 'normal' as my mother called it. In my mind, we thought we belonged. We were horribly wrong. Our parents had decided it was the best way to teach us the ways of the human world. I wish they did not. Can you imagine? A thirteen year old girl, ripped from the only family she knows, to learn she is not a part of that family at all. She must live with the guilt that this family will morn her death for many, many lifetimes. We are what a human would call a witch. Of course, we are not witches, however we are elements. We have omnipotent powers that must be trained. When I got to this land, I thought of it as a cliché fairytale. Almost everyone is in love with their prince or princess, sworn to protect the Kingdom. I hate clichés, but on the other hand I don't think I could ask for a better life. I am from the kingdom of fire. My true name is Ebony. My mother says she has missed me for a very long time. I wish I had grown with my real mother. My human mother would not have to go through the pain of my death. There's a lot I don't think I'll ever really understand, no matter how many times I tell this story.

My father speaks of a prosthesis that tells of a bright future for me. However the light is hidden behind the darkness I must destroy. I have help from my sister elements, and time. The prosthesis claims, that the black shadow can only be defeated by the five princesses, all five led by me. Again, very cliché.

This "shadow" is a strange entity. If you speak her name, she will come and fight you to the death. That is, if you can manage to fight back. No matter what, I can't utter her name until my sisters and I are ready. She can shape into any form, usually not seen at all but in an invisible mist. But I have heard rumors she has shaped into a women with skin as white at snow, eyes as dark as night, hair the color of ash.

We have until our 17th birthdays to train. We were all born on the same day, the same hour, the same second, and only two of us had ever met. That would be Brisk and I. Brisk had been prettier than me when we were human. Now I can see her envy when she looks at my purple eyes, my black hair. Then again, what does it matter now anyways. It wouldn't have done us any good.

We are all afraid, naturally. My sisters and I were not been used to royalty. We had to learn to ride Horses and use basic magic. Each princess was said to be capable of all five elements, but it would take time. For now, we were learning to master our own elements, only then would we move on to learning the others. Ryle told me that my element was the hardest to learn, unless you were born of fire blood. He also told me a secret, he told me of the lost element. He told me of the lost element of wind. Wind was a quiet kingdom, placed among the hills and mountains of Niota. But the shadow hated wind the most. They were powerful, and I believe she feared them. One day, Ryle told me, She demolished the kingdom of Wind. No one has ever harnessed its power since. Ryle thinks that I have the power to bring them back. My father says I am destined to do great things. I fear that it is only ancient stories.

This is my story, our story, of how I realized what real normalcy is.

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