Comeback *Book One*

By TheLoon

46.7K 1.7K 265

It was that one jump. That one simple jump that changed my life forever. I would have won the championships... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Tree **xMas Style**
Chapter Twenty Four **xMas Style**
Chapter Twenty Five **xMas Style**
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Authors Note

Chapter Three

1.3K 47 6
By TheLoon

Chapter Three

"Ali, wake up. We're here! At AEC." My eyes flutter open and I arise in the backseat of a pickup truck. For a minute, I forget where I was. Just two hours ago, Dee and our parents took three trucks, headed for the long drive to AEC. I must have fallen asleep on the ride because I don't remember anything! I rub my eyes and blink a few times. We had just pulled into a paved long drive, and I could already tell that the yard was packed with trailers, horses, and riders. And the show didn't even start until tomorrow!

The Evan's, Smith's, Dee, and Mom and I rented out three hotel rooms to spend this week at. One hotel room for Jill, GiGi, and me, one for the parents, and the other was for Dee. Today will be a warmup day. A day for the horses to get used to the scenery and the grounds.

I groggily step out of the truck and walk over to the trailer to unload Beau. He stamps his foot impatiently as I slowly walk into the trailer. "Impatient, are ya now boy?" I untie the slip-not and lead him out the trailer.

"Okay, girls here is how the day is going to go," Dee starts, "The parents and I will bring over your tack boxes and tack on the luggage carriers. After that, I will park the trailer while you girls check in and find your horses stalls. Meanwhile, your parents will drive over to the hotel and bring over our luggage and have a nice relaxing day. Because trust me, tomorrow won't be relaxing. Then we will meet up, tack you guys up, and ride in the schooling rings. After we are done, we will cool them out and head for the hotel for dinner. Sound good?"

"Eye eye, captain!" Jill says, saluting Dee. Everybody laughs, even GiGi.


"Here they are!" After circling and circling the yard for the horses stalls, we finally find them. I open the stall door and walk Beau into it. As I unclip his lead rope and take off his blanket and shipping boots, Beau lips pieces of hay and then takes long sips of water.


"Girls, we are putting your tack in the tack room. I will be back in a few minutes. Tack up in the mean time, okay?" Dee calls to us, but leaves, not even waiting for an answer.

I step out of the stall and walk into the tack room. The tack room was actually a stall, but didn't have shavings on the ground. Inside the tack room, we have our tack, trunks, foldable chairs, grain, and extra bales of hay. "Changing!" I shout to Jill and GiGi while closing the door. I slip into my tan jodphurs, white polo, tall boots, and slide on my spurs. I toss my non riding clothes into my trunk and step out of the stall carrying my helmet, crop, saddle, saddle pad, girth, and bridle. I got some serious balancing skills carrying all of this stuff. I think to myself.

Inside Beau's stall, I smooth his saddle pad over his back. I then gently plop his saddle on him and tighten the girth. I slip his bridle over his head and lead him out of the stall, while skillfully clipping on my IRH practice helmet. Jill and GiGi are already waiting outside in the aisle with Dee. "Mount up, girls." Dee instructs us. After slipping the stirrup down, I hoist myself over the 16 hand horse. Trust me, not an easy thing to do.

In the arena, there are dozens of other riders. But that was okay, because the arena was about double the size of the arena at Pink Blossom, and we had a pretty big arena. I was amazed at the variety of riders and horses here. People from ages of probably six to fourty ride around the ring on horses from 12 to 17 hands. They jumped over half a foot cross rails to six foot ascending oxers. Horses gaits ranged from bouncy trots, to piaffes. Wow. I had some serious skill needed to show if I wanted to prove myself.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This is so far the rising action, and it will be for a few more chapters. Then the climax will obviously be because of a.... opps! almost spoiled it. I guess you guys will just have to wait and see. EDITED comment any mistakes. Thanks(:

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