By dacrazyloco

36 0 0

Loren is a very smart girl that just graduated college with two masters degree in Atlanta. However things wen... More

Dos: La fiesta
Tress: leo!
Four: the velazquez

Uno: the plane flight

16 0 0
By dacrazyloco

Loren POV

When life sucks it sucks! There not really much you can do to stop it from messing up. It's just gods pan, the only game changer is that he has something bigger and better right after all the crying you did, all the pain you felt, all the chocolate you ate and all the pillows you got nose snaut on.

I'm saying all of this because my life is an example of that and currently is right now but I'm holding up because I know I'm strong and I'll get by. Currently I'm on my way to Acapulco Mexico where I'll be staying with my family there, when I say family I actually mean my grandma, grandpa and my cousins and aunties.

See my life should be great right now and I shouldn't be so depressed when I just graduated Clark Atlanta university with culinary and computer sciences master degrees. I worked my but off for my success so I should be happy, but I'm not. My mother passed away by heart failure my freshman year of highschool; it still hurts so much that sometimes I feel like ending my self just to be with her, I mean you see your family again when you're dead right?

My mother was the sweetest most caring person ever, she was my everything and I was her everything. She left me a neckless before she died, its made out of diamond with a dahlia charm. I love it so much because it feels as if she around me when I have it on, and when I feel depressed it always feels as if someone slightly brushed the neckless around my neck and I remember it's there and I feel better immediately.

Not only did my mothers passing hit me hard but it drove my father insane. I remember going home and my dad would just be home holding my mothers favorite yellow top and crying. It broked be to see him like that, he always told me to be strong but he wasn't strong him self. My father passed away a few months before my graduation, what can I say? It's like everyone I love slips out of my hand.

Before my dad passed away he had a very serious conversation about me going to Acapulco to go live with mi abuela and abuelo, he said he wanted me to get to know them since I grew up without them in my life.

I think it's too late but it's what he would of wanted. After my graduation the land lord made me stay in the apartment for another month out of simpathy, I worked at papa Johns Pizza Hut long enough to save up some money to buy a plane ticket and have some money for my self for when I get to Acapulco. I can't say all that I've been going through these past few days have been easy, loosing my parents just like that isn't okay, but I know I'll find my happiness.

"Loren Martinez" boarding lady called, I jumped out of my day dreaming trans finding my self playing with my neckless and staring at a weird guy with a very long beard infront of me. I almost gagged when he winked at me, awkwardly I got out of my my chair and grabbed my suitcase and bags that was sitting infront of me. Finally I got to the boarding desk after saying so many excuses me's

"Hi! Your boarding pass please" the lady said as she held her gloved hands out to me. I gave her a polite smile before removing the back of my iPhone seven case and pulling out the folded up piece of paper that had my ful name on it and my number that said C36.  Her long blonde hair hung low in her face as she scanned over my paper, I wondered if that color would look good on me too.

"Here you go, have a nice flight ms Martinez" she said. I grabbed the paper from her and walked toward the entrance of the apron. "Please don't let me get a window" I whispered to my self, I hate windows because they scare me! I most of all hate airplanes but so great I have to be on one. I walked though the passage looking for my seat number only to find guy with long beard sitting by the window. He grinned at me.

"This has to be some type of joke" i mumbled. Angrily i started to place my suitcase in the thing above us but stopped when people started coming pass me. "Hey you need alittle help there" the guy asked me. I wondered if he was insane, since he was already tucked and strapped up and wouldn't possibly get out of his seat just to help me; instead of saying something rude I politely declined.

I sat in my seat as the flight attendant lead at old man and his wife to his seat. The guy beside me made me terribly uncomfortable; like I could literally feel his eyes boring a while in my face. Impatiently I waited for the plain to start taking off, "the quicker they start moving is the quicker this ends" I said to my self.

"Sir this is your seat" the flight attendant lady said. She was looking up at the seat number with a confused look on her face. "This had to be some type of mistake" she said as her eyebrows frowned.

"Ma'am my seat number is c36" the old man said in a confused tone

"I know that sir, I'll figure something out" the lady said.

"Miss what is your seat number? The lady asked me, I pulled out my boarding pass and saw that it said c36, I showed it to her without saying anything. She smiled at me, "this has to be some type of mistake, miss do you mind sitting on the end while he sit in the middle where you are? She asked.

"No miss it's okay I have no problem sitting on t-

"THATS NO PROBLEM SIR! ILL GLADLY SIT ON THE END" I said excitedly with a small cackles. I immediately got out of my seat and let him sit in the middle between me and the creepy guy.

"Muchas gracias señorita!" The flight attendant said to me while smiling showing her beautiful white teeth in between those two pair's of Matt red lips.

"Señoría! Te hables español? The old guy asked he while tanning on my hand that sat on the divider between us.

"Si" I said while smiling. He gave me a very surprised look as if he wasn't sure I spoke Spanish or not.

"¿Qué eres?" He asked. I can't lie, I was alittle annoyed by his question mostly because when I first meet people they always question my race mostly because I do not look Mexican.

"Señor, I'm Mexican but my mother his black and Mexican and my father is Mexican, so I get my abuelo's looks more than my actual parents" I said. He smiled while shaking his head.

"My daughter looks just like you, she's mexican just like me and her mother but she's dark skin with long black curly hair just like you, she thinks she's so different! But I tell her all the time that people come in different form and it makes us unique" he said.

The biggest smile came on my face when he said that. I've always felt different while growing up, I don't look like a normal Mexican. I have very dark chocolate skin, with big puffy black hair" I'm not saying I hate how I look, I get complements on my skin all the time and I love it! And my hair is amazing, but I just feel like I don't look like my parents and it's weird, I look exactly like my abuelo and my abuela not my parents.

But it happened, sometimes we look more like our grandparents and great grandparents more than our actual parents because of genetics.


I woke up to the loud sound of the flight attendant voice saying " please remove your seat belts" and the old man beside me trying to get out of his seat and so was everyone else. I got up out of my seat while slowly peaking out the window and saw that it was already night. I knew a look of surprise was on my face.

"Señorita! You slept the whole time, how does it feel?" The old man asked me as he reached for his bags that was sitting on top of mine. I smiled at his humor, "it feels good! Yeah it actually feels amazing" I said patiently waiting for him to grab his bags so I could get mines.

After what felt like three minutes of him struggling to grab his bags weird guy from earlier grabbed them for him. The old guy smiled then said " you know I had it right? With a small chuckle.

"I wouldn't have to get it for you if you had it sir" says the guy, his grin afterwards is what creeps me out the most. I immediately grab my bags and my one and only pink channel purse that I will ever own then make my way out of the plain.

As soon as I get into the airport and turn on my phone there are already miss calls; three from my roommate lily and five from my cousin lena. I knew lena when I was smaller her mother my tia Malory used to take her to Atlanta to come see me, they are the only other ones out of the family who are American citizens and could come stay and spend some time with me and my family.

Lena was my everything when we were smaller, she'd give me candy everytime she'd come to Atlanta and I'd give her dolls and neckless's and other gifts. We haven't seen each other in years but I'll be seeing her a lot now since I'll be living in the same yard with her.

"Look where you're going! I head a loud voice infront of me causing me to immediately look away from my phone and infront of me, almost all eyes where on me now, embarrassed I threw my hood over my head to hide my face and kept on walking. I didn't even see who the hell shouted at me but they were right anyways, I'll give them that.

I went to the rest room and fixed my hair in the mirror. It surprised me that there was barely anyone in this Airport, almost as if everyone was already gone and the few passengers that came off with me were the only ones here.
Before I would even walk away from where I was standing there was an incoming call from lena. I took a deep breath removing all my nervousness before sliding over the green button.

"Hola Loren! Chica, te extrañe mucho! No puedo esperar a verte" she screamed into the phone excitedly. I giggled listening to her laughs and shouts into the phone.

"Lena! No puedo esperar para verte también y todos las demas. I'm in heading to baggage claim right now as we speak then after that I'll check out and wait on you outside" I said

"No need to wait on me chica I'm already outside, you'll see me as soon as you get out here! Iv been prepared since last week when I heard you're moving here" she said. I laughed.

"Ok, I'll call you back when I get out there, see you soon chica" I said before hanging up. The feeling I was getting as of now was not what I expected, I expected to be excited to me going to Acapulco not nervous and scared of how my family will treat me; but I can't get my self to stop thinking about it.

Finally I got to baggage claim. I threw my bag on the scanner then took off my belt and neckless and put them in the bin. The security guard smiled at me before pointing to the scanning door that I had to walk though. I politely smiled back at him before making my way though the door then grabbing the pan that had my things in it.

I immediately thew my neckless on, that was the first thing I made sure was on me then I tucked my belt in the maleta and threw my jacket around my waist. Would you believe me if I say all I wanted to do was sleep? Even though I slept the whole time here? All I can think about is where I'll be laying my head and how I'll design it.

I made my way to the immigration area where they'd look at my passport and my visa but u couldn't help but stare at the Chick-fil-A food court that was right across from the check immigration area, my stomach rubbled and my mouth watered at the thought of me biting into a Chick-fil-A sandwich but before u could change my mind to get out the line it was my turn next.

"Hola señor. Como va tu día" I asked the immigration officer that aggressively grabbed my papers and scanned over them.

"Eres de aquí? The officer asked. I frowned at the fact that he completely ignored my question.

"No, soy un ciudadana americana" I said with confidence. He shook his head.

"Ok, since you're not a citizen yet; you'll have to wait until you are a citizen to leave of Mexico any other time" he said in English, his strong accent trying to speak Anglish was actually funny.

"Okay señor" I said. He grabbed my hand roughly and pressed my thumb down on a round black thing that looked as if it was a finger printer. After many ties of scanning my thumb he finally lets my hand go and put a stamp on my passport and visa then lets me go.

I grabbed my suitcase and my purse happily then pulled out my phone to call lena. By the first ring she picked up, sounding as if she was eating something.

"Hey Loren! Are you outside yet or close to being outside? If you are I'm the blue car in the back of the line" she said.

"I just stepped outside and there's too many blue cars outhere for me to know which one is yours chica! Blow your horn or stick your hand out" I said while laughing.

Immediately I saw a tanned brownish hand sticking out and waving and I knew it was her. She I grabbed my bag with the biggest grin on my face and headed full speed towards the car.

"Omg Loren! Long time no soo linda! I missed you sooo much" lena said almost screaming on top of her lungs. I laughed as I threw my bags in the back seat and pulled her into a huge hug.

"You got me some food? Tell me you got me some because I'm starving" I shouted.

"Nahh! Lo siento, Mi novio got me this before I left if I knew you we're hungry I'd get You something" she said.

"Abuelita is cooking en casa, you'll be eating in no time" she said before handing me one of her tacos. I smiled.

"Your english is so good!" I said surprised. She laughed.

"I know! Iv been studying. Iv always felt left out because growing up everyone in our family I mean every single soul knew English except for me even my younger cousins, I had to learn" she said.

"You felt left out? Girl look at me, I look more like a Afro Latina more than a Mexican" I said.

"You're still beautiful! You're like the eye candy in the whole family. You better watch out for them boys here because they'll try to get with you I promise" she said. I laughed.

"You know we all got it in this family! Even abuelita still has it! You should see abuelo looking at her and smiling sometimes"  she said.

"Ewww! They are something else" i mumbled.

"When did you get this baby? It's nice as hell" I said while turning to her seeing that she was turning up the radio. Otro trago was playing and we immediately started dancing.

"This is not mine this is my mans car, yeah him and some of his friends are back at the house right now so he told me I could just take his car to come get you"

"Chica the whole area know you're coming!"she laughed. I covered my face in embarrassment while trying to breath and calm my anxiety down.

"It's fine! Once you kick it with me Yo! No putas can even look at you, I'm the baddest bitch around here" she said.

The rest of the car ride we danced and talked about our favorite songs and our favorite food.

"We are home chica" lena shouted. There were loud music playing, so loud we couldnt hear the little that was playing in the car. There were like three cars outside and a lot of people sitting on the side walk.

"Who are all these people? I asked her.

"These are my friends, some of them live across from us in those houses or some lives beside us, but we play music like this on the weekends" she said.

She got out the car and grabbed a little girl and two little boys that ran over to the car immediately covering them in kisses. I look a deep breath before getting out the car and grabbing my things from the back seat.

"Lena! Lena! Carlos hit me" the little girl shouted pointing at a little boy with highlights in his hair.  She gave the little boy a disappointed look and him and his other friend both started running.

"Loren come on let me show you your room so you can put your things down and come hang with me" she said. When I came from behind the car it's like the whole place went quiet and eveyone was looking at me.

Then I started to hear the witless and the mami! And the Linda's. A alittle smile crawled its way up on my face. Lena threw her hands around as we walked further up to the gate to get inside the house.

" dónde is gorge? She asked one of the guys that was sitting outside, he shrugged and went back to what ever he was doing. Her face went from a smile to a frown, I could tell her mood was killed.

She took me inside and upstairs to a room painted in white, it was big enough for me bigger than my room at my old house in Atlanta, I could even visualize how I would have it immediately.

"Put your things down so I can take you to them old people" she said. I did as she said then tucked my phone in my back pocket. My phone is important because it had as my cards and stuff so I always keep them.

When we got to there rooms she cracked the door open only to find them sleeping. I laughed at how cute they look sleeping together. Some day I want love like that, when I think about growing old with someone it's almost impossible to really think someone going to love me that much, but I hope so.

"Hey I think I'm just going to take shower and go to sleep, I'm kinda tired and hungry so I'll just hang out with you and the Chico's tomorrow" I said to her. She shook her head before pulling me into another hug.

"Hey I'm so happy you're here! You mean the world to me and you are like my sister since we were kids. I know what happened with your parents and I want you to know I have your back if it even cause the death of me" she said.

A tear slipped out of my eye when she said that, I couldn't hold them back. " I care about you too lena, I'd cross the ocean for you and I promise you that! I really appreciate how you make me feel so welcome" I said to her.

She smiled before making her way down the stairs where we here'd little kids shouting from. I could tell there's a lot of kids here and it's going to be one hell of a live when they start messing with me.

I'm going to have to find a way to lock them out of my room. When I got inside my room I took another look around and realized there was a window that I didn't see before. I walked over to it and saw that outside was showing clearly and that I was really high up.

"Good luck with me trying to get out of the house if there's ever a Fire" I mumbled to my self.

I didn't edit this! There's probably a lot of mistakes I'm so sorry.

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