||Redemption|| Yu-Gi-Oh! x Re...

By Arieatis

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Your life is not a glamours one, being thrown out of your family home and forced to take to the streets to su... More

|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4| |Seto|
|Chapter 5| |Seto|
|Chapter 6| |Seto|
|Chapter 7| |Seto|
|Chapter 9 | |Seto|

|Chapter 8| |Seto|

85 2 0
By Arieatis

With each passing day the reality sunk in more and more. It wasn't as if you weren't told about the role you'd be expected to fill. It wasn't as if this was all new information to you however it was taking a while for it to truly sink in. Your first fight outside and not in the training grounds had been an eye opener, now your first experience of commanding a battle would be when it really mattered...

That was all if you could take down the current war advisor, the blonde woman you'd seen little of in the court and could get no idea of, on how much of a challenge she may be. Was it a fight in the normal sense? Would ka be involved? Magic? You had no answers and around a week to prepare now, a date for your showdown had been set in stone. The anxiety struck you in waves, you trained as much as you could, offered to go on as many routine trips and outings because as long as you had something to focus on it kept your mind away from the reality that was staring in your face.

You had to fight, you had to win and then the real test began. Even if you won how could you, a normal girl who had been sleeping around for money with the lowest of the low, ever hope to effectively command the armies of Egypt? There was only so much training and so many things you could distract yourself with, the warm waters of the baths didn't still your thoughts, you had turned to wines and beers but they were a temporary solution and often worsened the doubting thoughts that ate at you anytime you had a moment to think. One morning you had yourself so wound up that after dressing you sat on the floor in the corner of your room, knees drawn close to your chest and it took everything you had just to breathe properly.

You reasoned with yourself that this had been prophesised for you and could not be wrong, that you had been training for months and even the most cynical of your reviewers had confidence in your ability now. You told yourself that this woman who was never here to do her duty, whom you'd never seen fight once was clearly a low bar for you to pass, that anyone would be better than a seemingly distant advisor to the Pharaoh himself. Despite your calm and rational thinking your brain just seemed to have a part, a section you wished you could mute or cut out that sneered at you, spat insults at you and for every rational argument you had threw an irrational reason you were doomed to fail back... and part of you believed it.

Religion had escaped you for much of your life, the last time you were at any shrine for a god had been the festival of min and before that you'd been only 14 years old, still living in a house with those you could call family. You shook your head the painful memories of your past bubbling up until you shoved them back to the darkest corner of your heart. You'd cut yourself off from that life and now you were here serving the Pharaoh as some sort of ironic repentance possibly. Was this a test from the gods to see if you could be saved?

You were kneeling in front of a shrine for the goddess of war, Sekhmet, your alias reflected in it and you wondered if the goddess was dissapointed, if she'd even answer your pleas given how you took up her name to hide your own. Still you begged for advice, for guidance and support, to be able to fulfil this role given to you. You kneeled in front of a towering statue for the goddess for what felt like eternity going over in your head the pleas for help and the gratitude to the gods if it may be granted. It was funny really, how suddenly religious you felt when faced with stress. When you finally stood again and left the shrine you were spurred on, perhaps given some clarity from your time with the gods, when you returned to the palace you would seek out answers.

What exactly was the test to succeed Phut, why exactly was she stepping down and why was she so distant from the palace? The Pharaoh had expressed you could speak to him about any concern or just plainly to chat to him but you had asked about Phut before and found his response... guarded. You felt like you wouldn't get an honest answer from him, perhaps that wasn't fair, but at least not the full picture. Besides you still found it hard to freely approach someone like a Pharaoh.

Out of everyone you knew in the palace naturally you needed a figure high up and out of the high priests which served the Pharaoh you felt your best bet for answers and advice was Seto. Naturally he had taught you almost everything you knew here, he'd been on the most outings with you and you felt a closeness with him through that you just didn't have with others in the palace. Knowing his personality you also knew if he believed Phut was doing a subpar job he would certainly make that opinion clear.

Deciding that visiting him was the best plan of attack instead of studying more or returning to your room you instead went to his. Knocking on the door three times you waited a moment before the familiar deep tones ordered for whoever was knocking to enter. You did just that and he looked up from his desk, papers stacked on them, at you his features morphed into a look of puzzlement.

"Sekhmet, I assume from that grim look on your face this is hardly a social call" he said and leaned back from the desk giving you his attention.

"It's not, I don't think you'd allow me to stay on a social visit" you responded dryly and he just rolled his eyes on the comment.

"Very well, sit, what's the matter?" he asked pulling out a second chair to the desk.

"It's this... fight" you said taking a seat.

"You doubt you can do it?" He asked.

"Well... Yes and no, for starters what sort of fight is it? Hand to hand combat? Are kas involved? Magic?" You asked the clarity could help you prepare.

"Phut doesn't use magic, she never had an affinity for it, your one of the few at the palace who do even if it is basic defence and offence" he explained.

"Oh... I assumed that everyone in the palace would be able to use it to some degree" you said.

"The priests and Pharaoh can all fight competently as well as use kas that's the only certainty, as for your question the fight will be to test the entirety of your skills, feel free to use kas and magic in combination with your normal fighting, just remember that Phut will be throwing everything at you" he warned.

"That's my next question, what is she like?" You asked "I mean I've only managed to speak to her once, she doesn't strike me as a war advisor, she's hardly even here" you sighed.

Seto took a moment and ran a hand through his hair like he was debating what to say next a look of irritation on his features. Was he going to give you a half answer as well? Brush you off with some half explanation?

"In terms of fighting prowess Phut was already a member of the court when I arrived, she was unparalleled and a force to be reckoned with I spent some of my first trips outside the palace with her" he began "however recently she shirks her duty as if it is some kind of optional task, her reasonings, if we get any at all, for battle direction are weak and basic, I can't even remember the last time I saw or even heard that she fought" he sighed.

"If she fights with the same skill as when I first arrived it won't be easy I promise you that, but I'm more inclined to tell you that she'll probably throw the entire thing just to get out of her position as quickly as possible" he clearly wasn't pleased.

"But... If she's so incompetent why is she still here? What is she so desperate to leave for?" You asked confused as to how a member of the court could get away with acting like that especially one who'd proven themselves to be such an asset.

"I suppose it's the Pharaoh's loyalty to his court, he treats us more like friends than underlings, he values her opinions even if I personally find them to be lacking" his tone was laced with a familiar venom "as for what she's so obsessed with I can only guess it has to do with Ra, the sun god has had a surge in disciples and everything she owns seems to have some symbol of Ra carved into it in homage, I care very little for what she wants to waste her life on so I never bothered finding out what silly little club she wanted to run off to" he explained.

You looked away zoning out on no particular spot on his desk processing it all. You couldn't wrap your head around Phut's motivations, but it seemed if she was so desperate to leave the court then you needn't worry about the fight, it was just the responsibility that came after you needed to focus on. Sensing your anxiety and the way you had no reply to him Seto sighed and crossed his arms.

"I gather there is more that you're worried about?" He asked his voice bringing you back.

"Well, say I defeat her, then I have to step up and become war advisor... for an entire army" you sighed.

"Yes that is the job description" he said dryly "listen, if you wanted someone to hold your hand and tell you how wonderful you are and how ready for this you are you should've gone to Mahado or that idiot assistant of his, anyone but me" you had expected the venom.

"So the fact that you came to my door tells me that's not what you want, why else would you be here? You want the truth and the truth is if you think you can't do it then what use to us are you? Your insecurities and doubts will consume you and you'll be as useless as our current advisor, you need to have the confidence and the will to get through this, so after all that training are you falling now so close to the finish line?" He asked a pointed stare aimed at you.

"I... Of course not!" You snapped anger rising as you quickly defended yourself and he smirked at that crossing his arms.

"I'm sure you've spent most of your life hearing empty compliments about your beauty, your body and your talent, you certainly don't need anymore heaped on useless praise and you wont get it from me, you just need to calm yourself, you know all the training and despite the title any major war planning is down to the entire court to decide, you are just expected to be an above average fighter and somewhat of a specialist in battle plans, no one is expecting you to be Alexander the great in 4 months" he sighed.

"You really do love to contradict yourself" you sighed and smiled feeling slightly better at his backhanded advice and encouragement.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He raised a brow.

"You tell me you won't hold my hand and tell me it'll be ok but compliment me regardless" you pointed out and he snorted.

"I didn't compliment you, I stated the facts, don't get ahead of yourself" his tone was somewhere between teasing and a sneer.

"Well there's only one final thing I wanted to ask you" you said.

"Go on then, since I'm feeling generous tonight" he sighed and waited for your request.

"I'd like some practice to prepare for the fight, I haven't had much experience combining methods of fighting, she may be good but if I can take down you then I'll be fine" you said.

"Take me down? You're still 20 years too early to be talking like that, you've improved yes but you'll be lucky to even get on my level" he sneered at you "But fine if you so determined to be a masochist and get knocked back into the dirt again I'm willing" he finished.

"Don't underestimate me either, I've had more than enough training and I know your fighting style inside out" you responded rising to the challenge.

"Heh, you'll be taking no one down if you don't get some rest, I'll meet you in the training grounds after breakfast, I don't want any complaints because you asked for this" he smirked.

You rose ready to leave but paused to shake your head deciding against continuing whatever playful rivalry the conversation had headed in.

"Thank you, I appreciate having someone to talk to" you offered and he moved back to his papers.

"Thank me by doing your best and winning this fight" he replied.

With that you left his room and returned to your own. Your anxieties somewhat calmed even if you had more new questions about the current war advisor. You supposed if you could take her down in a week it wouldn't matter because she wouldn't be here, she'd be free to go off and do as she pleased outside the palace. Your work may become more difficult and your life would undoubtably be at risk in the future but you'd come to enjoy the palace life and the sense of belonging it gave to you. The priests around you had welcomed you in even the Pharaoh seemed to be pleased to have you here. It gave you a sense of family you never really had, one you felt you didn't really deserve. All you could do was your best Seto and Mahado had given their all training you these past few months you at least in part owed it to them to do well after all they had done for you.

Overthinking the situation was only going to keep you up all night, you took a deep breath and stilled your mind doing your best to tune it all out so you could be well rested for your practice with Seto tomorrow.


You sleep was fitful, periods of waking up and struggling to get back over. You weren't plagued by nightmares or anything like it to wake you, perhaps you'd been too warm in the night, perhaps your nerves had gotten the better of you. You could only chalk it down to having happened now, there was little you could do to fix it and so you made your way to breakfast. You ran into Isis when you were there and chatted with her, she often struck up conversations when you were around and had sort of taken you under her wing being one of the few females in the court that wasn't a maid.

"How are you feeling, it won't be long until the passing over of the title of war advisor" she said.

"You speak as if I've already won" you laughed and shook your head.

"You are the prophesied one to step into this role, even if that were not the case you've had two of the best men in the country training you, Mahado's sorcery is unmatched and Seto's test scores unprecedented if you have their blessing you must be good" Isis assured you.

"I'm glad I have such confidence in me, I'll try to live up to those expectations" you sighed and finished your food.

"I'll bid you farewell, Seto is probably waiting for me" you said.

"More time with Priest Seto?" She asked.

"I asked for a few practice fights to prepare me for Phut, he agreed to meet me in the training grounds this morning" you explained.

"He really has taken you under his wing as his little apprentice hasn't he?" she laughed.

"Well it's only natural if I don't do well it'll reflect badly on his ability to teach" you reasoned.

"Oh is that all?" Isis said like she knew something more.

What else could it mean? Naturally as your instructor in both fighting and using ka Seto would have to spend a lot of time with you to ensure you were properly trained, why did Isis make it seem like his attention to detail was odd? You shook your head and made your way to the training grounds Seto was naturally waiting and picked up a spear to pass to you before you waved it off.

"I'd prefer to use my blades" you responded motioning to the two golden blades currently sheathed by your upper thighs. You'd moved to using them halfway through your time at the palace finding them easier to work and manoeuvre with.

"Well you can't be too worried given the time it took you to get here" he said.

"I'm sorry did I keep you waiting long?" You mocked a sincere tone and he sneered in return.

"Don't worry I'll be sure to pay you back for it" he vowed and decided on using a single sword himself.

Taking up your fighting stances the offences began, hand to hand you kept up with him well, leaps and bounds better than when you were first introduced. He had drilled into your head to anticipate the opponents next move and strategize against it. You knew his style of fighting well but on the other hand any underhanded tactics on your part on fighting dirty he was well used to from you and countered very effectively. It was a pretty evenly matched fight until you saw your opening, excellent, quickly availing of it you managed to get a good hit in knocking him back. He lost his balance but not without taking you down with him. You landed on top of him quickly recovering to cross your two blades at his neck. The straddling position you'd landed in had him effectively pinned and you took a moment to catch your breath studying his face.

His usual royal robes were replaced with a simple tunic for training purposes and head gear gone. The plain look did two things for you, confirm your suspicions he would look good in anything and didn't need regal clothing to do it and also made him feel somewhat closer in reach to you. To you, you were an outsider amongst people from regal backgrounds you could only ever hope to impress. Seto may have been closer to you than the others but you still felt worlds apart from him, could someone like him ever see someone like you? Truly see you as an equal. His blue eyes stared back at you and you wondered what he was thinking before his words brought you from your trance of... admiring him you guessed.

"That was always your problem Sekhmet, you think you've won too early" he said and before you had time to answer back he had you pinned under him, one hand holding yours above your head so you couldn't retaliate his other hand now had a blade at your neck.

For the first time since you'd arrived you didn't want to hear him call you Sekhmet, you didn't want him to use the same name that so many others had when they were paying to be with you, leering and panting, you wanted him to call you by your real name, but how could he? It wasn't like you'd told anyone what it was and you weren't sure if letting them know something as sacred as your name was something you were prepared to do.

"If you'd stare at me less and fight more" he sighed and got up offering a hand to help you back to your feet.

"Sorry I'm just adjusting to seeing you without that ridiculous headgear" you covered easily grabbing his arm and hoisting yourself up.

You both held on a moment too long, looking at eachother and saying nothing, did Isis' words hold weight? You shook that idea off, entertaining ides of relationships wasn't something you should be worrying about right now.

"Again, this time we'll use ka as well" he said and distanced himself.

You nodded and got yourself into fight mode zoning out whatever troubling feelings you were developing in favour of not making yourself an easy victory. Your practices continued in this way until the fateful day arrived. You were up early and startled by a knock at your door.

Getting up to answer you were surprised to see Seto standing there. He had his arms crossed and usual full regal attire on.

"Are you ready?" He asked and then sighed "be careful how you answer" he narrowed his eyes and awaited your response.

"After your intensive practice sessions? I'm more than ready" you laughed, naturally still nervous but the training helped to calm you and show you that you were skilled.

"Good that's the attitude you need, let's go it's time" he said.

You followed him in silence back to the throne room that would serve as your battle ground for the day. The other priests and Pharaoh were all there eagerly watching as you descended to stand opposite the blonde girl who smiled and nodded at you, returning the nod but not the smile you assumed a relaxed stance as she stood casually like she was about to have a game of senet with you.

"As you are both aware this is a simple fight to test if Sekhmet is ready to succeed our current war advisor Phut" The Pharaoh announced "do your best today and may the gods be in your favour, begin" with his call both of you were on guard.

She was cautious and made no move to start the offensive, that was fine if you had to make the first strike and could get it in good you could put her on the defence and wear her down through repeated blows. Flicking the wings of your diadhank out pre-emptively you made your move darting forward quickly light on your feet as metal clashed against metal. She too used a smaller weapon and repelled attacks with a seeming ease. You reminded yourself to stay calm an opportunity would present itself to you in time. You got the first opening and pushed her back landing the first strike but it was far from over. She was quickly back on form and called forth a ka, a beast she called thunder dragon. You quickly countered summoning Kaiser seahorse, the monster was easily at your side repelling the ka.

You continued the hand to hand combat not letting up on your pace and she let out a hiss as she quickly moved backwards gripping her chest. The ka you summoned had taken hers out. After steadying herself she had summoned another, dark elf this time your ka couldn't stand up to it. Staggering back you shook off the pain and sudden lead weight of your body and looked up to see her ready to start her own offensive.

"To hell with this" you uttered and used up considerable strength to summon two ka, your own and Gebeb.

With two ka now at your side her dark elf should be taken out, you focused on getting back to the fight at hand, when your ka took down hers you had your opportunity and forced her to the ground she dropped her sword and waved her hand in surrender.

"That's strong ka you are using, and reckless techniques, you really are Seto's apprentice" she spoke getting back to her feet as you backed off slowly.

Your body ached and your breathing was heavy, hers matched you as she pushed herself up and steadied herself checking her ba gauge which you noticed had been depleted considerably, as had your own. A clap brought both your attention back to the Pharaoh and he smiled.

"Congratulations Sekhmet, you may officially discard the trainee portion of your title" he said.

You called off both your ka seeing as the fight was over and looked over the high priests and the Pharaoh who watched you, seemingly impressed by the display you had put on today. You felt a sense of pride well through you mixed with the butterflies that signified anxiety. Now you had won you had quite the role to fill... Though... Seto had said decisions on wars were a group effort, perhaps you were making this out worse than it was and you had your training behind you... For now you took comfort from the fact you had passed their challenge and allowed yourself to feel the joy from that on its own.   

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