Children Of The Crucible

By SilverLyrebird

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Seven teenagers. One connection. Follow them as they each discover their unique power. If they use this powe... More

Copyright Notice
A Strange Occurence
Any Explanation?
Olivia Part 2
Sami Part 2
Blair Part 2
Tommy Part 2
James Part 2
Gwen Part 2
Stevie Part 2
Witches and Warlocks
Revealing of Powers
A Trip to Olivia's
The Dark Truth
The Next Monday
Making an Appearance
The Plan
Putting the Plan into Action
The Ferryman
Return to Earth
A Picnic in the Woods

The Notebook

66 13 25
By SilverLyrebird

Sami's PoV

As soon as we were all dismissed I practically sprinted down the hall to get out, what a waste of two hours. I completely forgot about what Stevie has been investigating until we had all got outside in the night air.

"Oh crap! We forgot to see what Stevie found earlier."

Olivia replied as everyone turned to face me.

"Gosh I completely forgot, I was too busy focussing on getting out of that infernal class that I forgot we even had these mysterious powers, let alone whatever Stevie discovered."

"Same here. Do you reckon we should go back in and ask her  about what she found."

I looked around the group. I could see the reluctance in everyone's faces at the prospect of spending anymore time in there, yet I could see they were intrigued by this mystery too.

It was Tommy who responded.

"As much as I want to know what she found, I kinda wanna get home. How about we make a group chat and we can quiz her on that."

Everyone firmly nodded their heads enthusiastically, glad that they could head home and wouldn't have to go back into the class.

I rolled my eyes at them. They may want to get home and just find out later, but I'm a nosy, impatient person. I want to know what Stevie found now. I sighed, defeated, and reluctantly turned and began walking home with Olivia and Blair.

Stevie's PoV

I watched as James and Gwen walked down the hallway and out of the door. I held the notebook firmly in my hand as I approached a chair at the far corner of the reception area. I sat down and immediately began skimming through the notebook, which upon opening, I realised was his own personal diary. Whoops. In that case I definitely shouldn't have took it, but I'm positive he has written things about us in here. I guess my curiosity really has got the better of me.

I flicked through the pages to the most recent entry.

Monday - second session of teaching

Second? He only came here for the first time this week. Somethings definitely not right.

It was my second session of teaching the kids today. I was going to mention about the power things, but I decided to wait until next week since I wanted to get to know their personalities a bit better first, and try to figure out what powers they got.

I don't think any of them suspected anything, I mean it would be hard to figure out I'm not this Mr Howle character, I don't even know if that was the guys name, I just made it up on the spot. I hope none of the kids noticed.

Wait, what!? He's impersonating Mr Howle. But how on earth does he look so different??

I continued reading.

Actually, one of the kids might suspect something. She looked startled when I said her name, I guess she wondered how I knew it since this was the first time 'Mr Howle' taught them.

Oh no! He noticed my surprise when he said my name.

I can't figure out any of their powers by looking at them, I'm going to have to ask them about it next week. Well actually, that boy, Blair, wasn't wearing his glasses this week so his power might be to do with his vision, but that might be because he is wearing contact lenses.

Next week is going to be very interesting. I'm just going to have to convince them not to say anything to anyone. Nothing a little bribery won't solve.

I closed the notebook as I tried to steady my breathing. What on Earth is this man playing at?! I reopened the notebook but at an older entry as my breathing returned to normal.

Wednesday - murder day

I audibly gasped at the heading. I sheepishly turned to face the lady at the desk but she hadn't even heard me. Phew.

Murder day? What on Earth is going on?

I decided to transfer to the real tutors body today, might as well get the dirty work out of the way. I can't wait to reveal to all the kids that if they murder anybody with their powers they can move into the victims body. I'll need to remember to take a camera so I can capture all their expressions when I tell them.

No!! He can't be expecting us to kill innocent people. Wait...hold on...Mr Walters is Mr Howle?? He killed the real tutor so he could impersonate him. No! It can't be. Who would do that.

I was about to read on when I heard footsteps coming down the corridor. I looked to the woman at the desk who was busy on her phone. I quickly took pictures of what I had read so far and then turned invisible, glad the woman hadn't been watching.

Sure enough, Mr Howle, or rather Mr Walters, appeared from round the corner and began walking towards the door. How was I going to get the diary back to him, I couldn't just keep it. I noticed his briefcase was half open as he stopped to talk to the woman at the reception desk, about 5 metres away from where I was sitting.

I decided I couldn't walk over and put the book back in his bag, he would hear my shoes squeaking on the highly polished floor. My only option was to slide the notebook along the floor so it looked as if it has fallen out of his bag.

I took a deep breath. I had one shot at this and I was determined to get it right. I slowly crouched down, placing my hand holding the notebook on the floor and pushed the book across the floor. I held my breath as it slid across the floor and stopped about 5 centimetres from his feet. A wave of relief washed over me. It was right where I wanted it to be and I hadn't been heard.

He stopped talking a few minutes later. As he turned to leave he noticed the notebook at his feet. He looked at his bag, noticing it was open, just as I had hoped and bent down, placed it in his bag and headed out the door.

I waited another few minutes before becoming visible once more. Thankfully the woman was once again busy on her phone and didn't notice.

I made it home about fifteen minutes later and was greeted by my dog, who was very glad to see me. I gave him a fond pat before saying hello to all my family members and going upstairs to my room.

I sat on my bed and looked at my phone, noticing a bunch of notifications from a new group chat on Snapchat. I sighed as I opened the app and looked through the conversation.

Tommy created a group

Tommy named the group Chemistry

Tommy added James to the group

Tommy added Blair to the group

Tommy added Olivia to the group

James added Gwen to the group

Olivia added Sami to the group

Gwen added you to the group

Tommy: Hey thought I might as well make a group chat of us all. So what was the mystery object Stevie?

James: It was a notebook, she showed me and Gwen after class.

Sami: A notebook? What was in the notebook Stevie?

Gwen: She said it was the same one the man had last week.

Tommy: Wait he has the same notebook as the man last week? That's strange.

Sami: Two people with the same notebook, what a phenomenon.

James: I know it's a bit of a long shot, but I do think there's something a bit weird going on.

Gwen: I agree, let's just wait and see what she finds out.

Olivia: what's she gonna find out? His LinkedIn user name and password? His to-do list for this week?

Sami: hahah :)

Blair: He did keep looking over at us as he was writing in a notebook today, is that the one Stevie took.

James: Yeah.

Sami: I'm actually quite intrigued now, I wonder what he was writing about us.

Gwen:We don't know for sure he was writing about us, but seeing as he kept looking at us all that's quite a probable option.

Sami:I hope she sees these messages soon, I want to know what she found.

Blair:I'm sure she will be online soon and send us what she found, if anything, when she can.

Olivia: Stevie is online now.

Gwen: You sound like a stalker lol

Olivia: ... maybe I am ;)

Tommy: hahaha lol, wouldn't surprise me Olivia.

Blair: Did you find anything Stevie?

Sami and Gwen are typing

I sighed. They can be so impatient sometimes.

Sami: Well???

Gwen: Give her some time to read the conversation, have a bit of patience.

Sami: Urgh, ok then lol

I opened up my camera roll and sent the photos of the pages.

Stevie:I didn't get a chance to read anymore, but I think I got the most important bits anyway.

Gwen, Tommy and Sami are typing.

Blair's PoV

Stevie sent a photo

It was the fastest I had ever clicked on a notification. I wanted to know what she had found.

I read through everything contained in the pictures and was in utter shock at her findings.

Sami sent a chat

I clicked off the photo and read the message.

Sami: Well isn't that just brilliant. We are being taught by a murderer with a presumably powerful.. well... power, and he expects us to follow in his footsteps and kill other people.

I laughed nervously at her sarcasm, even in the most shocking times she never hesitates to drop in a sarcastic comment or two.

Gwen: OMG

Tommy: Well that certainly wasn't what I was expecting.

James: He didn't catch you with his diary did he?

Stevie: No, I got it back to him without him seeing me, I don't think he even noticed it was gone in the first place. At least I hope he didn't.

You: I'm glad he didn't catch you. Did you use your invisibility power?

Stevie: Yes, thought it was safest if I couldn't be seen.

You: That was smart, good thinking!

Stevie: Thanks!

You: No problem :)

Gwen: What are we gonna do about this, we can't really go back next week if he's going to try and get us to murder people.

Tommy: I have no idea, maybe we should speak to Mrs Stanley about it?

Sami: Yea lets do that. 'Hi Mrs Stanley, don't suppose you were aware that we are currently spending two hours each Monday night with a murderer who wants to train us as his apprentices. Oh and we also have these supernatural powers. Any chance you could give us a hand with our perfectly normal situation?'

Olivia: Hahahahahaha

Tommy: Ok ok fair enough.

James: I have a plan.

Tommy: Here we go.

Olivia: I haven't got a clue what this plan is but I can already tell it's not going to end well.

James: Have a bit of faith, what's the worst that could happen?

Gwen: What's the plan?

James is typing.

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