Interracial stories (under ed...

By coochiecouture

80.7K 1.6K 355

A place where the fantasies of a horny melaninated female come to life. More

Text me your love • 1/2
Text me your love • 2/2
Human medicine • 1
Human medicine • 2
Mi Gringo • 1
Baby devil • 1
Sugar • 1
My flower • 1/4
My flower • 2/4
My flower • 3/4
Crybaby • 1
Project 9 • 1
Project 9 • 2
The beatiful man in my nightmares • 1
The beautiful man in my nightmares • 2
Better shadow • 1
Better shadow • 2
Vlad • 1

My flower • 4/4

1.5K 58 1
By coochiecouture

Sunny and Jaebum


Happily, months has passed  and Sunny had never heard from Jaebum again. She did see him , once, in the college newspapers about him being a 'sexy bachelor' but after that , nothing. The only people she really told about the incident was Mrs. Mayflower and Mark. After that they made sure that, that man didn't come anywhere closer around her.

The limits they went up to, to protect her make her feel like a baby. But she knew it came from a good place their big hearts.

Sunny was humming her tune again while Mrs. Mayflower was closing up shop. Sunny was finally a little bit more comfortable with closing shop by herself.

"I think I can close shop today Mrs. Mayflower. Your back problems have been getting worse. I wouldn't want you to fall and have an accident with no one to ." Sunny said helping Mrs. Mayflower pick up a pot

"Are you sure your ready to be alone in the shop?"

"yes, now go." She scurried Mrs.Mayflower off into the exit. Sunny in her own lonesome with the responsibility to properly close up shop.

She felt her phone vibrate and she saw it was 'mark'. She answered it and made a funny face as the FaceTime call connected. Mark did the same making them both laugh.

"Hey, do you want me to pick you up just in case something happens?" Mark asked

"No, you guys can finally stop treating me like a baby." She scoffed

"Your not being treated like a baby." Mark scoffed, "I stopped feeding you baby food a week ago." He joked

"Mark, shut up." She rolled her eyes giggling

"Sunny, don't forget to water the sprouts like last time. Mrs. Mayflower was up your agapanthus's." He reminded her

"You know what? kiss my Ageratum houstonianum." She said back, "bye mark."

"Bye Sunny Be home soon." Mark said before the call ended

Sunny looked around the empty flower shop. She went to water the sprouts in the back. She lowkey would have forgotten if it weren't for Mark. She began humming again making her feel more comfortable being she thought.


After an hour passed, she suddenly stopped watering the sprouts hearing a noise in the back room. She went into the light room where plants grow under a special light. She looked down seeing a plant knocked over.

She looked forward seeing something that made her skin crawl. It was a yellow daisy with a missing petal. She looked around , and again, no one there but she heard the door squeak as if it was being opened.

She turned around seeing it was just swinging. She picked up the daisy and went back to the front desk again. There she saw a another daisy but it looked shriveled up and crushed. She felt her breathing become harsher as she looked under the daisy and saw a picture under it.

She looked at the picture making her scream. She dropped the picture and scooted back. She felt fearful tears come to her eyes.

It was a picture if her smelling the flowers. Not the flowers that she had at the store but the her house.

"Please, leave me alone. What do you want?" she shouted out loud just feeling another presence

She slowly backed up trying to head for the exit. She heard a whistle and footsteps, the whistle made her even more scared. The whistle was the same exact tune as when she hummed to herself.

"LEAVE ME ALONE." She screamed

The figure came to light making her run for it. But when she tried to open the door ,it was locked from the inside. She jiggled the knob and stopped when there was no hope. She slowly turned around seeing the black figure stare back at her. His hoodie masked his features from coming to light. He slowly step closer to sunny making her tears get thicker. She closed her eyes waiting for their next move.

"Please don't hurt me." She whispered out moving as far say from him as he could

"Like a flower......beautifully scent and brings a smile to my face. Yet so delicate and fragile and easy to break. Like a flower I will protect you" a hand went on her cheek wiping away the tear making her flinch, "or I can break you." She felt the hand swiftly clench her jaw. Her whimpers got heavier as if she was frozen in place.

Her eyes popped open realizing who it was. She turned her head further to the front. She looked closer under the hoodie and gasped in realization.

"Jae-....Jaebum ?"

"Yes, my flower." He smiled down at her

He pulled the hoodie off of his head making his smirk appear. Sunny was frozen in spot not looking at the signs from before. The yellow flowers left in random places. The constant comparisons to flowers. The obsession with yellow flowers.

" I should have known." She said with a menacing look

"You were going to find out sooner or later. You will bloom and soon find out that you are my flower." Jaebum said as if reminiscing on a memory that never happened

"I am no ones. Stop comparing me to a goddamn flower , what the hell is wrong with you?" She shouted out losing all patience for this man

"Ever since that day when you gave me that flower, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I was like a dead leaf and you were the one that gave me a yellow daisy."

"Your delusional.....I wouldn't have gave it to you if I had known you would get obsessed like this."

"What do you mean, my flower?"

"Stop calling me that."

"But you are my flower." He tried to lean into her lips but sunny went under his shoulder. She ran to the front of the store jumping over the counter and grabbing her satchel.

Jaebum ran towards the sprout room where it was dimly lit because of the sun lights. He walked slowly waiting to hear a peep from Sunny. He walked past a cart covered by a plastic sheet, he smirked and looked under but nothing.

"Come on, my little flower. Don't make me angry you wouldn't want that would you?"

He began squatting back down just as he did. A flower pot hit his head making him fall to the ground, he hissed rubbing  his head. He looked on his hand  and seeing  blood making him chuckle darkly. He got up as he heard sunny calling someone. He followed her voice he found her crawling up into a corner.

"There you are. Come here, flower." Sunny spike her last words in the phone before Jaebum snatched her arm. "Who are you calling flower?" He looked down and saw that it said 'Mark'. "Bad choice, he isn't going to help much. I locked the doors inside out, sweetheart." He grabbed her arm roughly guiding her to the front of the store. He set her on the stools on the outside of the front counter.

He groaned running his hand through his hair frustration. He hissed forgetting about his wound. Sunny tried to keep her cool and not look scared bying herself time before mark would make it.

"What are you going to do? Next. Kidnap me? Mark will be on your ass and won't hesitate to call the cops." She said calmly, "you didn't think this thoroughly through did you, Jaebum?" Sunny couldn't help but glare and smirk devilishly at him, "I might be a delicate fucking flower in your mind but I have thorns, Jaebum. Don't get pricked, again." She said hoping to get to him.

"SHUT UP, SUNNY. I'm thinking....." he said turning his back towards her. He poked his head back up and turned smirking at her. "As long as No one else can have you I am fine with that. So it's over your dead body before I let you go into another mans arm. So what do you have to say now. My smart flower."

She looked at him squinting her eyes in a daring way. "Your going to jail, are you sure you checked all the exits? Because according to me you didn't ."

Jb walked closer to her making sunny back up. He smirked tilting his head to the side. Sunny clenched the sand and dirt harder in her hand.

"Your bluffing aren't you?I have watched you from afar for a year now. I think I would have noticed an extra exit." He walked closer to her smiling wickedly, "now tell me are you lying to me?" He grabbed her jaw bringing there faces closer together, "so is there really a another exit?" 

"Yes, dipshit." Mark said from behind him

"Mark, now!!" Sunny pushed Jb away and threw sand and dirt in his eyes. He hissed covering his eyes followed by Mark punching him in the face.

Jaebum grabbed something from his pocket making everyone stop. Jaebum chuckled at the stillness and silence, he held the gun up, to marks face. Jaebum stood up breathing heavily while squinting his mineral filled eyes.

" You're not the only one with surprises up their sleeve, can u believe that?" He smirked inching the gun closer to Mark. He smirked, "Your not so smart now , are you Mark?" He chuckled looking back at both of them as best as he could.

"Actually," Marks stuttered, "Jb I am. The difference between us is that I have the brains and you have the.......bucks?" Mark said putting his hands up as Jb held the gun close to him. "Judging by that blood loss from your head, your going to get light headed."

"I'm fine." Jb said struggling to keep his eyes open

"Your having a concussion. Sit down before you kill yourself trying to kill me." Mark looked him directly in the eyes avoiding the gun in his face, " Please, do the right thing."

"My flo-flowe-....." He felt his vision become blurry as his knees slowly bucked to the floor. Mark took the opportunity to maneuver the gun out of his hand. Just as he did Jaebum collapsed to the floor.

"Sunny oh god, are you okay?" Mark turned going over to sunny. He trapped her shaking body in his arm trying to calm her down.

"Y-yes, I'm fine." She said.

Sunny looked down at the unconscious Jaebum. She gave him a sympathetic look as her face was nestled in Marks chest.

In the distance they heard sirens, police sirens. Mark let go of Sunny squatting down towards Jb's body.

"As much as I wish this psycho would go to hell we have to take him to the hospital." Mark said looking at Jaebum's bloody head. He looked up at sunny who was deep in thought, "So, what are you going to do now?"

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Now that he is finally gone."

"Well", she bent down next to him, " I'm going to live my life and have you as my bodyguard." She smiled hugging into his arm making him smile

"No, but really we need to make sure this never happens again. For the safety of both of us." He said hearing police sirens outside


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